Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 97: Interstellar pirates with mechs (11)


After Wen Ying came back from Randall Star, she sorted the herbs she picked into categories, put away the most precious ones first, and took them one by one when needed. In fact, in the original trajectory, many years later, someone conducted research in the direction of eliminating pheromones, but he stopped at the most critical place, and he encountered a hurdle, which he could not overcome in his entire life.

But since Wen Ying said such a thing, it is not aimless. With the experience of her predecessors, she is standing on the shoulders of giants to see the world. At least she will not encounter too many difficulties in the road ahead. The other party's key, she still has "spiritual light" to borrow, although there is no guarantee that it will be possible, but at least there is a chance to implement it.

Seeing her devoting herself to scientific research, Chris couldn't help but stare at her. If at first he just thought she was serious about studying, then after knowing her purpose of doing these things, he couldn't help but feel a subtle emotion. Before that, whether it was the halo that the Ackerman family gave him, his long-term experience, or his Alpha status, he felt like loving a small animal when facing her.

This is not a derogatory term, but he is willing to tolerate her, care about her, and pamper her. Although he appreciates her talent, he will still be in the role of an adult, treating her every move, word and deed with a very rational state.

Therefore, she hopes that he will teach mecha skills, and he will teach her. She judges his behavior as "betrayal", then he is a betrayal, and his thinking follows her, but it does not mean that he is moved and persuaded by her. It is a kind of politeness and connivance to someone who is not so familiar but whom he admires.

But now, he looked at her in a different way.

He understood that she was different from every Omega he had ever met. Even a talented person like Alan, perhaps because of the harsh environment in which he grew up, couldn't compare to her mastery. And her talent in mecha is outstanding, and she is not inferior in medicine. The time and energy spent on it on weekdays, let alone Omega, many hardworking Betas would be ashamed.

Such a person is enough for him to be three points shorter, and to look at him with slight admiration.

But obviously, his overly hot gaze didn't impress Wen Ying, but hindered her research, so she said: "If you have nothing to do, why don't you do me a favor."

"my pleasure!"

" connect to the star network, and help me take a look at the situation on Cyril's side." There was a little hesitation on her always resolute expression, "He said he would truthfully report Alan's situation, but I haven't done it in the past two days. Seeing any related reports appear, if Omega appears in the military department of the Free Federal Academy, it should cause waves in the society. However, it may also be treated coldly by the academy... "

Chris didn't expect to accept such a task, and he couldn't help asking: "... Are you paying so much attention to this matter to maintain order?"

"No, I'm not an order policeman. I'm based on the principle of maintaining order and justice." She was amused, and put down the medicine in her hand, "Relax, don't just because I said such a big truth, you will He took me as a well-known public figure. I wanted to see if Cyril would go back on his word, and he agreed to me."

The last sentence she emphasized made Chris's heart sink suddenly.

When she was doing experiments, she didn't like to be disturbed by others. In her words, it was to affect the appearance of her "flash of inspiration". But right now, she clearly deserted in the middle of concentrating on the experiment, and the reason for diverting her emotions was actually because of Cyril.

He couldn't help but think of the question she distracted last time.

But his greatest strength is also his biggest weakness, that is, when he has doubts in his heart, he must try to understand clearly.

So he asked: "Do you like Cyril?"

This time, she took it for granted, and answered very quickly, "Otherwise? Can I still like you?"

"Of course, he's no better than me."

"Huh?" She was obviously taken aback, then her eyes curved, and she couldn't help laughing, "Don't be joking. Ah, although you said that you are human, but in my eyes, you are just a foggy mess , or do you prefer the state of the small metal bracelet?"

These two are not human, and they don't have the feeling to make people feel excited.

It has to be said that her overly blunt words immediately woke up Chris, who was having a big dream, and when he remembered that he was still hiding in the soul movie, he felt that he was shot with an arrow and blood flowed.

He immediately jumped up, "Go and search! Chris Ackerman! You can definitely see a lot of photos of me, well, I also won the honorary medal of the Federation College, and that time I played against Cyril in the end, he Still failed to win me." He said without complacency.

If he hadn't heard her, he would have almost forgotten that he hadn't been able to tell her his true identity so far. At first, it was out of consideration for his own safety. Later, he got used to getting along with her in a completely strange state, so he didn't want to. Willing to deliberately remind her, even if it will delay his return.

But now, he has to stand up and say it!

"Chris Ackerman?" she repeated.

"That's right!"

The name he had always hated was so sweet in her mouth, he wished he could input this name into her mind, replace Cyril's frequency of occurrence, and immediately erect the image of a glorious, great and reliable man!

"Ah, I know..." She said slowly amidst his joy, "That ten thousand year repeater."

Chris: "???"

"It is said that he has not been able to pass the college assessment, so he has not graduated from the lower grades for a long time."

Chris: "…"

"When you were young, you still danced the bear dance to me, and you called me like a bear, maybe you have forgotten."

Chris: "…"

Mom, I choose death.

Because Wen Ying was obsessed with the study of potions, even the training of mechas was thrown aside. Cyril, who was so eager to find out, went to the Internet to find someone, but he couldn't wait for "Cindy Rilla with a submachine gun" to go online.

He couldn't believe that these two people would be the same person. Cindy Rilla was absolutely strong in his heart, and most people guessed her as Alpha. And Beatrice is a childhood playmate, a weak and pitiful Omega. If he hadn't just experienced a battle with her and seen her terrified after seeing the blood, he would never believe that they are the same. personal. The huge contrast gives people an unprecedented feeling.

Even if Beatrice was very powerful when blocking the beast tide, he couldn't help but think that it was because of Beta's help, or that the S-class mecha she piloted was very good, and she didn't last long against the enemy. wait. The long-standing thoughts were impacted, and there would always be various reasons to convince himself that it was false, and then repeatedly reminded by the facts. At this stage, he learned that she was probably Cindy Rui pull the facts...

The "truths" hit him one after another until he couldn't breathe.

Because he fell into too much shock, he forgot even the report for a while.

But—besides the emotion of surprise, he also felt uncomfortable. If she didn't tell herself that they were the same person, then what is his position in her heart? So he hesitated to talk to her, preferring to go to Cindy Rella for verification, and did not send her a text message.

When he couldn't find Cindy Rilla, he thought of the training gym owned by the Sweet family. He connected to the communication and said to the person in charge: "Send me a copy of all Cindy Rilla's information, Especially her login port."

This is what it means to check the real person.

The person in charge felt surprised, and said after a while: "... yes."

"That's right." He paused slightly, his voice lowered unconsciously, with an unconscious softness, "If she goes online, tell me right away."

"… yes."

After the other party hung up the communication, the person in charge suddenly felt worried. Although Master Cyril seemed to appreciate Cindy Rilla very much before, he didn't say that he wanted to see her. Remember last time, didn't he say that the other party was very likely to be someone The illegitimate child of this family will involve a lot of trouble, don't you want to get involved? If it is useless to the Sweet family, why should he know the other party's true identity

Suddenly, the person in charge thought of a horrific fact—Master Cyril, this could not be... online dating, right? !

Cyril didn't know the person in charge's slander after seeing his abnormality. After obtaining her star network information, the Sweet family has enough authority to check the situation of family members below the super star. While waiting for information verification, he received an anonymous message.

After opening it, there is a piece of audio.

"What did you take away Allen's inhibitor for?"

"You want to make an inhibitor that surpasses the previous ones... Then for Alan who wants to break the stereotype like you..."

"What I want to make is not an inhibitor... If his identity is exposed... Who will sympathize with the poorer Omega than him? The appearance of pheromones, the classification of ABO, is the real root of the problem... We must get rid of this beast-like Coitus instinct…”

He knew Beatrice's voice as soon as he heard it, but the content in it greatly refreshed his cognition.

He couldn't imagine how she would feel when he thought she was jealous and selfish, and even threatened her to keep Alan a secret.

Alpha has always been arrogant, in addition to the social environment, pheromones also accounted for part of the reason, but as arrogant as Cyril, he also realized that he was not as good as Omega on this issue.

Cyril suddenly couldn't sit still and wanted to find her.

He got into the maglev car and happened to hear the end of the audio, not from Beatrice, but from a man who seemed to be the one who sent it to him.

"Hey, rival in love, I'm also very reluctant to let you listen to this treasured words. But I'm not very happy to see that you, the stupid, misunderstood her as much as the stupid me. Are you surprised after listening to it? Do you think As an Alpha, is it not as good as an Omega in terms of the overall situation? If you have this idea, then congratulations, you have not jumped out of the shackles of ABO, give up, you are not worthy of her, oh, of course, this is not to say I'll be worthy of her... In short, don't come to see her until what you promised to do is dealt with, thank you."

The tone and habits of this nonsense were vaguely familiar.

In the laboratory, Wen Ying looked at the blue Yingying injection in her hand and remained silent.

"What's wrong?"

"There are no test subjects..." She frowned. She felt that the potion was not perfect, but if there was no one to describe the feeling after injection, it was obvious that the potion could not be perfected.

Chris suggests: "Why don't you find a guinea pig... Beatrice!"

He was shocked to see that she gave him a shot, and the action was more decisive than when she stabbed the giant-toothed tiger to death with her canine teeth.

She said: "It happens that my estrus is coming soon, let's try first."