Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 102: imitate


Charles was thinking a lot while listening to Mih's words. How could he suddenly understand what Mih said? What did the whispering in his ear have to do with them? And what did he mean by 134

Richard didn't think too much and quickly defended himself, "Wait, I didn't mean to resist. The previous misunderstanding was just because we couldn't communicate. And what do you mean by riot? We haven't met before."

Richard thought he could finally communicate with these things, but Mih in white robe remained indifferent and just stood there talking to himself.

"You don't have to pretend to be a pitiful little girl. Your disguises are completely useless now. Do you know how many people died in the project riot caused by you? It is also because of you that the third laboratory was completely out of control and was forced to be abandoned."

"Dude, what the hell is this guy talking about? We're not crying, we're such a pitiful little girl, is he blind to let such a big thing of ours hang out there?"

"Shh, be quiet, he doesn't seem to be communicating with us, he seems to be stating something." Charles caught some clues from these words and he felt something was wrong.

"134, your singing has a catalytic effect on plants and animals. It is very useful in genetic modification of plants and animals."

"As long as you are willing to help us, not only will you not suffer the pain you just experienced, but the Foundation will also provide you with anything you need, including allowing you to meet your parents again, as well as enough toys and desserts."

"Don't worry. My authority is D3 in the entire foundation. As long as you can assist us, I will definitely do what I promised. There are many projects that cooperate with the foundation. You are not the first one. Please think about it carefully. I will come in later."

Having said that, Mihe in white robe slowly turned and left, leaving the surprised human standing there.

"Dude, why do I feel like this 134 these guys are talking about looks familiar to us? A little girl who can sing, and whose singing has a catalytic effect on plants and animals. Isn't this the black-bellied loli from Sodom?! After all this time, it turns out that she is a relic of the foundation. How old is this little girl now?"

"No, that's not right. Now is not the time to think about this. These Mihs are not reacting right."

"Something is wrong, doesn't this make sense? You said they were Foundation staff members, so aren't they doing the Foundation's work?"

"No, we guessed wrong."

Charles, with a frown on his face, looked at Mih behind the glass. His frown grew tighter and tighter as he watched them skillfully operate the mechanical equipment.

"Look, the guy on the left looks like he's operating, but his operations are all repetitive."

Richard controlled his eyes and observed carefully. Soon he also found something wrong. "Hey! You're right! Look, those things don't even have wires connected!"

Thinking of the various fake things in the fake city outside, and then thinking of Mih who was fleeing around in the square before, Charles had an inspiration in his mind, and he suddenly figured it out. He understood what kind of existence needed a fake city.

"They are not alienated employees of the Foundation. They are simply imitating, imitating tools, imitating houses, and even imitating behaviors!"

"That means..."

"That means everything we thought was wrong. They weren't communicating with us before! They weren't using us for experiments. They were just imitating the conversations between the Foundation members and the relics in the last era. As for us, they were just props for playing house games."

When Charles thought that this was the truth of the matter, he felt a chill down his spine.

Thousands of monsters in a fake city are conscientiously imitating humans from hundreds of years ago. Why do they do this? Are these things toys of gods

Just when Charles' mind was in a mess, Mih, the man in the white robe, walked in again.

"134, your resistance is really disappointing. I don't want the bugs from 704 to eat your flesh and blood, but you still refuse blindly. I'm sorry."

Mih in the white robe turned to Mih who was recording something and said, "Take it to Experiment Point 42 to conduct a cross-execution experiment of 134 and 704."

Under the suppression of nearly ten black-robed Mihs, Charles was dragged into a room and thrown in.

Charles, who was lying on the ground, ignored the pain in his body and quickly drew on the ground with his blood.

"What are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense and help me recall the information on the map. I need to know our current location."

With the help of another personality, a rough map of the second laboratory appeared on the ground. "We are here now. This is where we were imprisoned before."

With the help of the map, Charles quickly confirmed his current location.

"Outside the exit here is their plaza, with a lot of Mih outside, no matter what they're doing. If you want to escape you have to exit from somewhere else."

Just as Charles was thinking about the escape route, another door in the room opened, and a figure was faintly visible inside.

It was a naked bald man with a white triangle on his forehead. He was a Kede.

Considering the previous information, Charles knew that it should now pretend to be the relic numbered 704.

The bald man was surprised when he saw Charles and rushed over quickly. "Captain Charles, why are you here?"

The next second, the expression on his face changed from joy to worry, "Were you caught by them too?"

Seeing the bald man's expression, Charles actually showed a hint of joy on his face. He didn't expect that the previous batch of exploration crew members were not all dead yet, and he had more power to use in his escape plan.

"How many of your people are left?" Charles asked quickly.

"Not many. The others have been taken away by those people. They will take my crew members away, scald them with boiling water, burn them with fire, and torture them. Now there are only three of us left."

The bald man suddenly thought of something, covered his throat with his hands, and started vomiting.

Charles quickly supported him. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

The bald man continued to dry heave, and finally, a piece of flesh with several holes in it was vomited out.

The bald man pointed at the holes solemnly, "Captain Charles, please be sure to bring this thing to the Saints. We have found the map. Look, this is the supply island, and this is where the Land of Light is!!"

(End of this chapter)