Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 108: leech


"Boom!" A loud noise rang out. When the smoke cleared, Charles was surprised to find that the entire door did not move at all. The strength of the chain was beyond his imagination.

"Whether it explodes or not, we don't have time to waste. Let's put all the explosives on it, light the fuse and leave." Charles' tone was a little anxious.

On the cold floor, a deliberately stretched fuse was ignited. Without waiting for the explosion, Charles led everyone to rush outside.

The crowd advanced quickly in the laboratory. With the disturbance of various monsters, their retreat speed was much faster, but the closer they got to the exit, more and more Mihers poured in from the exit. Even if they were just pretending to be ordinary Mihers, they were still difficult to deal with.

At this time, Charles and others were like a small wooden boat, sailing dangerously in the stormy waves, and there was a danger of capsizing if they were not careful.

The sound of gunfire, roars, screams, and Mih's noisy voice all came together at this moment.

At this moment, the abrupt sound of water waves joined the chaotic melody.

Charles killed Mih with a knife. He turned around and looked behind him. It was leeches. Ink-black water mixed with endless black leeches rushed towards him.

Whether it is Mih or a living relic, any living thing covered by them will no longer be able to live.

Watching the black waves rushing towards this side rapidly, Charles was suddenly horrified, as if he had released something extraordinary from the red door.

"Chief Engineer! Don't bother with them! Just charge forward!" Charles yelled at the giant James.

The honest giant roared, and his body grew even bigger. He rushed towards the Mihes in front of him like a tank.

Charles and others followed closely behind. Mih, who was pushed away, wanted to attack Charles and others from behind, but they were soon submerged by the wave of leeches.

The Mihs in front seemed to be blind to the dangers and rushed forward blindly. At this time, Charles and others were like ships going upstream, struggling to move forward.

Some of the weaker members of the crowd were quickly left behind, either dragged away by Mih or covered by the sea of black leeches, and the crowd around Charles began to dwindle.

Just as the black wave behind them was about to drown them, the familiar steps appeared in front of them. That was the exit.

At the most critical moment, Charles no longer calculated the losses and quickly raised the Thunder Staff.

In this crowded environment, the usefulness of this group attack relic was maximized. Electric arcs jumped between Mihe, and the Mihes at the front fell to the ground one after another.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the crew carried the immobile Charles and rushed up the stairs. There was a glass hall above the stairs, and dense crowds of Mih were rushing towards this side.

Charles used his shaking hands to hold back Dipper who was about to rush forward. He pointed to the clock tower outside the glass on the left and said, "Don't fight them! Go to the side!"

Just as Charles and others left the exit, the next second, the exit instantly turned black, and black water continued to gushed out like a fountain.

As soon as the leeches in the black water came into contact with Mih, they immediately opened their ferocious mouths, bit open holes and drilled into their bodies. The parasites fell to the ground one after another, and their bodies quickly turned black and liquefied.

"Ah!!" The giant James slammed hard against the glass wall. With a "bang", the entire wall of glass shattered instantly and they came out.

There was a road outside the hall. Charles, who had barely regained consciousness, quickly identified the direction and ran towards his ship.

At this moment, Charles happened to see a man in a white robe, Mih, leading a group of men in black robes towards this side.

Even though they looked the same, Charles could tell at a glance that this guy was the Mich who had tortured him before. When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other. Charles gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a large army.

Seeing the crowd rushing towards this side, Heimihe raised the relics in his hands, but Charles was no longer alone this time. Nearly a hundred people held their weapons and pulled the trigger in an instant.

Although the ground suddenly arched up to form a slope that blocked most of the bullets, several Heimihe were still shot and fell to the ground instantly.

The crowd swarmed forward, and in the face of the advantage of the crowd, the Mihs were quickly defeated.

While Mih in white robe raised the sharp tooth relic in his hand to tear a strong man in half, Charles picked up the black blade and threw it quickly. The blade left an afterimage and instantly got stuck in his arm.

Charles glared at his feet, rushed to him, pulled out the black blade and stabbed him hard in the chest! With a slightly ferocious expression, he shouted: "This is to pay you back for Saleen!!"

Looking at Charles' face so close to him, Mih in the white robe said something with trembling lips, and finally his head tilted and he died completely.

Charles exhaled slowly, and the anger in his heart finally came out.

"Bang!" The sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded behind Charles.

When Charles looked back, he was shocked to see that the glass hall, which was half the size of a football field, was already full of wriggling leeches. They began to break through the glass and spread around.

This number is obviously abnormal, the number of leeches is growing exponentially.

Richard said with a tremor in his voice: "Oh my God... What on earth is this?"

"Don't worry about it, just run!" Charles and his crew members ran for their lives as fast as they could.

Soon Charles and others rushed into the city. It was very deserted and seemed to be safe, but at this time, everyone knew the importance of the matter and no one dared to stop running.

Charles and his companions passed by the majestic bank, the barber shop with red, white and blue hair curlers, and the jewelry store with bright colors, and they once again came to the supermarket they had been to before.

"Hold on! We're almost there." Charles shouted to his crew members. The physical strength value that he had asked Kede to improve on the crew members appeared. While the others slowed down breathlessly, the crew members of the Narwhal still had the strength to catch their breath.

"Puff~!" A strange sound rang out in the sky. Richard looked back in confusion, his mouth opening as wide as it could.

Behind them, a black mountain was wriggling and rising. It was leeches, endless black leeches.

With a loud bang, the entire black mountain exploded like an active volcano. The already dark sky was shrouded in another layer of deadly darkness, and deadly leeches began to rain from the sky.

(End of this chapter)