Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 24: The spoils of war


Charles was very surprised to see the white mouse looking like he was about to praise me. "Can you operate the deck gun?"

He originally thought that it was Chief Engineer James operating the turret, but it turned out to be Lily the Mouse.

"My friends and I did it. What do you think? Aren't we awesome?" Lily squeaked twice, and a large group of brown rats swarmed onto Charles' bed.

Charles felt very uncomfortable looking at the bed full of rats. "Let them all go down, and you go back alone. Why do you take all these rats with you?"

"I promised them that I would invite them to my home and eat the sweet fish soup made by my mother. I can't go back on my promise." Lily said confidently.

Charles comforted Lily with a few words and looked at the second mate Krona next to him.

The red-haired young man seemed to know what Charles was asking, and said, "Don't worry, Captain, we have compared them, and there is no more or less."

"That's good, that's good..."

When the danger was over, he was enveloped by a strong sense of sleepiness. The wounds on his body and the exhaustion after running wildly sent out warnings from Charles' body.

"Don't let your guard down, get back to the safe route as soon as possible. Everyone, get out. I'm a little tired."

Before anyone else walked out of the room, Charles closed his eyes and immediately knew nothing.

When he woke up, he didn't know how much time had passed.

“It’s time to buy a pocket watch.”

Charles, who had recovered his spirit, did not get out of bed. He leaned against the pillow with a long-lost smile on his face.

He had been worried about one thing before: whether he was no longer on Earth, and whether he could not go back even if he ran to the surface.

But the words of the Flesh and Blood Gate 1068 confirmed one thing, there is the sun in the outside world, and if there is a sun, it must be the earth, and there is a high probability that his home is still there.

Charles, who was determined to achieve his goal once again, was about to get out of bed when he saw the relics taken out of the third laboratory piled on the cabinet.

Seeing these things, Charles' heart moved slightly.

Although he had done everything in that place by himself, Charles now felt extremely unfamiliar with his former self.

At that time, the thought of so many relics in his mind was like a cat scratching his heart. He subconsciously went to steal them, not realizing how dangerous this action was.

But looking at those relics, Charles was glad that he was lucky. He managed to snatch so many relics with only a lot of injuries. This deal was undoubtedly worth it.

Charles began to carefully examine the few things he had snatched back.

A rusty knife covered with rust.

A feather pen as thick as your forearm.

Amethyst in the shape of a pyramid.

Including the ring on his hand that was made of interwoven silver-white tentacles, there were four types of relics in total.

Everything looked extraordinary, but Charles didn't dare to try them easily, because some of the notebooks were lost when he was fighting with leeches, and some were soaked by sea water when he jumped into the sea.

Now there are only two relics left, the information booklet, one of which is the ring on his hand.

"Item Number: 168"

"Project Name: Tentacle Ring"

"Description: 168 is a ring made of 925 silver. It looks like three curved octopus tentacles. It was found by Dr. Tina in the jewelry store [DATA EXPUNGED] in New Territories during her vacation."

“Appendix 2:

"Dr. Tina, can you tell me how you found 168?"

"My husband took me to pick out a wedding ring. I put it on the first time I saw it, and when I got back to my apartment I realized something was wrong. I started to have some special powers."

"What kind of special ability?"

"Um... My hand can turn into three tentacles that no one else can see. It feels very strange, as if the tentacles grew on my hand. It's very natural."

"I know what you're going to ask next. The tentacle has a strong grip, about the strength of two adult men, and it's also very elastic. It can reach 5 meters when fully extended. If there is a negative anomaly, this ring will tempt humans to wear it subconsciously, and it will get tighter and tighter, so you have to take it off from time to time to relax."

"It's that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple. It's really a very simple little thing. It would be great if other projects were as obedient as this one. Sophie, 1068, which I'm in charge of, is OK. As long as there's enough food, it won't cause any trouble. But 641 is really a headache."

"Oh, Tina, I've heard of that thing. It's really hard to deal with. If its containment fails, I'm afraid all the humans on the island will be assimilated by it. But in terms of danger, it's not as dangerous as 134, which I'm in charge of—"

"Ahem! Ladies, it's working hours now. Let's chat after get off work. Please be mindful of the occasion."

"Sorry. Sorry."

The interview ended at 22:41.

"Turning into tentacles?" Charles thought about it and raised his hand. A magical thing happened. He could feel his fingers growing longer and thicker rapidly, but to the naked eye, his hand was still his hand, without any change.

Suddenly, the drawer on the table in the distance opened, and a bottle of wine floated out of it and hovered in the air. The scene looked very strange.

Charles began to experiment with this new relic in the room. Various small objects flew up and down in the air.

After becoming familiar with this relic, Charles kept it for his own use. In terms of frontal attack, not to mention the clown mask, even the black knife cannot compare to it. However, if this kind of thing is used well, it can have unexpected uses.

What made Charles even more excited was that this little thing had the least side effects among all the relics he had ever seen.

Touching the ring with his hand, Charles looked at another piece of paper, which was the record of the purple pyramid.

"Item Number: 434"

“Project Name: Purple Pyramid”

"Description: 434 is a crystal pyramid 10 cm long, 10 cm high and 10 cm wide. It was reported to the Foundation by the Yeongdo Police Station due to the disturbance it caused."

Experiment 1: "Let Subject 13 hold 434 and order him to repeat "I am powerful" twice in his mind."

"Results: The subject's body mutated, and his physique grew at a similar rate to his normal size, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. However, his narrative ability was significantly weakened, and his intelligence dropped to 80 after testing."

Experiment 2: "Let Subject 13 hold 434 and tell him to repeat "I am powerful" three times in his mind."

"Experimental results: The test subject's height increased by three meters, and his intelligence decreased to 60."

Experiment 3: "Let Subject 13 hold 434 and order him to silently say "I am powerful" four times in his mind."

"Results: Height increased to 4 meters, intelligence decreased to 40. Because the subject's intelligence was too low to understand the instructions, the experiment was forced to terminate. The subject returned to normal 30 minutes after leaving 434."

(End of this chapter)