Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 71: Margaret's Morning


"Yes, don't think about those unhappy things. Come, continue eating, I will eat with you."

Margaret smiled sweetly and continued to enjoy the food. After taking a few bites, she stopped and asked, "Mother, where is father?"

"He and your brother are dealing with some matters on the island and will be here soon."

"Do we have to deal with things so early? I'll go call them." Margaret wiped her mouth with the napkin and rushed towards the office of Governor Hefang Island despite her mother's persuasion.

Margaret walked through the corridor lined with crystal lamps and came to her own garden. Her father's workshop was on the other side of the garden.

There are very few flowers that can adapt to underground, but here, all kinds of valuable flowers of various colors compete for beauty.

Smelling the refreshing fragrance of flowers, Margaret's mood couldn't help but improve a lot. When she walked to the edge of a garden, she was attracted by the lights outside the fence.

Governor He Fang's residence was built on the highest mountain in the center of the island. Looking down from above, one could see the lights of the islanders' homes.

As the third largest island in the Earth Sea, Hefang covers a very large area, almost equal to half of the continent. Margaret looked far away and could barely see the vague fire in the port area.

"There is also a port area on my father's island. Perhaps I can telegraph Mr. Charles to come here, and then I'll have a chance to meet him."

Margaret recalled the young man with black eyes in her mind, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

I didn't get along well with him during that period. He would rather discuss various ship and artillery knowledge with the talking mouse than pay attention to me.

Sometimes he would call her just to help him apply medicine. Whenever she thought of that scene, she became very angry. She was obviously the governor's daughter, but he treated her like a maid.

But I don’t know why, I keep thinking of him during this period of time.

Margaret, who was lying on the railing, sighed. She looked into the distance in a daze for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking about. Her expression was sometimes happy and sometimes sad.

Ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in his forties in a suit and tie walked behind the girl, bowed slightly and asked, "Miss, it's a little dangerous here, please be careful."

Margaret was startled by the voice and turned around in panic, only to find that it was the housekeeper of the mansion.

She stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly. "Sorry, Mr. York, I was a little distracted."

"Miss, are you here to enjoy the flowers? Don't stay too long. You still have etiquette lessons in the morning."

Margaret suddenly remembered something, and ran out of the garden in panic, holding her skirt. "Oh no, I came to call my father for breakfast."

Wait until Margaret arrives at the door of Governor He Fang's office.

A row of guards with guns stood neatly on both sides.

She calmed her somewhat panicked breath, raised her hand and was about to knock on the door when suddenly a loud noise came from behind the door.

"Useless! Useless! Useless!! How can you do this!!! If you can't do it, get out of here!!!"

Hearing her father's roar, Margaret withdrew her hand with a puzzled look on her face, "Father sounds so angry, what's going on?"

After cautiously hesitating for a moment, she put her ear close to it.

The guard standing guard at the door stood there motionless, as if he saw nothing.

"You are the chief of the police station of the entire Hefang Island! Now you tell me that a living person can't be found! I tell you! He is the grandson of Hefang Finance Minister Pete! Not those rubbish in the port area!!!"

"Governor, I have tried everything. I even asked those crazy people in the Futan Church to help. But I just can't find him. It's as if he disappeared."

"I don't want to explain!! My family lives on this island, I can't put them in danger! Three days, three days to deal with this trouble for me. If anything happens to my daughter again, I will crush your head! Get out of here now!!"

The thick wooden door opened, and a bald middle-aged man with sweat all over his forehead fled out in panic.

When he saw Margaret standing outside the door, he bowed respectfully and left quickly.

Margaret walked in carefully and asked Daniel who was behind the huge table, "Father, what happened?"

Seeing his daughter come in, the anger on Daniel's face immediately dissipated, "It's okay, just a small problem. What is our Mingzhu doing here?"

"Mother said that she wanted you to come over for breakfast." Margaret said as she moved towards the huge table.

The next second, the girl saw several photos on the messy table, and one of the sexy beauties caught her attention, not because of anything else, but because of the pair of black pupils that were the same as Mr. Charles'.

"Father, who is this lady? She is so beautiful." She picked up the photo.

"She was the new wife of the dead guy. What a pity that such a beautiful wife died just after marrying her. I don't know if they spent the night together."

A young man whose face was somewhat similar to Daniel came from behind and snatched the photo from the girl's hand.

Daniel glared at his son. "Is that appropriate to say in front of your sister?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders, not showing any fear for his father. "When that boy dies, his property will be divided into half for this widow."

"It's not that simple. Pete is a miser. He won't let a woman from an outlying island take away his family property so easily."

"Father, the marriage law was signed by the founder of our family himself."

"That's for civilians! It's not hard for Pete to make someone disappear."

"Haha, this is not something a person in power on an island would say."

"Should I say it? This is the truth."

Margaret looked at her father and brother with blank eyes, somewhat confused about what they were talking about.

Seeing his daughter's confused look, Daniel touched her head and said, "You go back first. I'll talk to Jack and then I'll be there."

"Well, hurry up then." Margaret nodded obediently and turned to walk towards the door.

Watching his daughter leave, Daniel looked at his son with a gloomy expression. "How is it? Did you find it?"

"We found them. They are a group of pirates who hang around the Heaven's Vortex. They usually rob fishing boats and cargo ships. Margaret was kidnapped by them."

"Very good, send a Royal Giant over there, and leave no one behind. Whoever has offended us must pay the price!"

(End of this chapter)