Shuangwen Female Main Character Doesn’t Want To Be a Sensation

Chapter 100


Shi Zhi: Since you can't live for too long, let's leave this beautiful world early.

Inspired by Cheng Yu, Shi Zhi arranged a new place for the turtle.

Use one thing for two purposes.

If you have the mind, you can still eat it, which is definitely enough to make up for it.

Cheng Yu originally tried to keep Shi Zhi away when he was dealing with the soft-shelled turtle. After all, the picture might be a bit cruel to ordinary people. He prepared a lot of nutritious and healthy snacks for Shi Zhi, the key being low sugar.

Cheng Yu already knew that Shi Zhi had done root canal treatment before, so he should eat less sugar.

Then, not long after Cheng Yu arrived in the kitchen, when Shi Zhi was supposed to be in the living room, she squeezed over with her hands.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Cheng Yu was a little distracted, Shi Zhi was still asking.

"I don't know how to start."

"It doesn't matter, why don't you come here instead?" With pampering, he picked up a big knife and was eager to try.

Cheng Yu shook his head, "No need." He took the big knife back from her hand.

Shi Zhi is not an ordinary person.

Both male and female fight together for the soft-shelled turtle won from the program director.

Before handling the turtle, Cheng Yu made sure that Shi Zhi would stay in the kitchen, brought her the snacks from the living room, and prepared a bench for Shi Zhi.

Take care of people clearly.

Cheng Yu's cooking skills are good, and he handles the soft-shelled turtle neatly and neatly, which is pleasing to the eye. In the past, when Shi Zhi was with the others, everyone surrounded Shi Zhi and waited. Dressing plate for snacks.

This was a relatively novel experience for Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi glanced at her eyes, and she made a new discovery——

Cheng Yusheng's male model with upturned buttocks.

The secretary asked Shi Zhi for work matters, but he couldn't find anyone for a long time. Generally speaking, this kind of situation does not exist. Shi Zhi's attitude towards work has always been okay, and Shi Zhi replied to the secretary late.

Secretary: Mr. Shi, where are you now, and when will you return to the studio

It is more convenient to communicate back to the studio.

Shi Zhi: No more.

secretary? ?

Is there other work arrangements, is it inconvenient

Shi Zhi told the secretary: I can't think of leaving anymore.

Shi. I don't want to miss Shu. Zhi feels that she can no longer be at ease now. Cheng Yu made her something to eat. She said it was stewed turtle soup for Cheng Yu. She also drank a lot. After eating and drinking, Cheng Yu even said to her Invited to fish.

She can fish in the sun, and Cheng Yu hangs the bait for her by the side.

He eats, drinks and plays with him, looks handsome and speaks nicely.

Just ask, who would want to go back to work with such a heavenly day? !

Shi Zhi finally returned to the studio, and the shit-shoveling officer still had to worry about a few cats when he was out.

Once "Extreme Speed" was broadcast, Shi Zhi's title of mother-in-law blew up again. In the show, Shi Zhi took the initiative to agree to the star chasing girl, and even talked to her about who her fans were. In the end, the other party said that they were all her fans, Shi Zhi Backhand a "bigamy".

The combination is a variety of jokes.

"Sister, it's too real, all of them are husbands, aren't they just me?"

"Is this our fault? It's my mother-in-law's fault. Who made my mother-in-law sign so many handsome guys! (dog head)"

"I've brought the chicken coop over."

"Shizhi: Bigamy warning!"

"I give up resistance and ask my mother-in-law to come and arrest me in person, so I can go to work in the studio."

"Heh, are you going to work in the studio? You're clearly going there for the girls and brothers."

"Wrong, I went for Shi Zhi!"

Cheng Yu would follow each episode of Shi Zhi's variety show. After seeing the whole process of Shi Zhi winning the turtle for him, the corners of his mouth began to rise uncontrollably.

He also saw the remarks of Shi Zhi's artist fans called Shi Zhi's mother-in-law.

Cheng Yu started thinking, since Shi Zhi is her mother-in-law, if he has something to do with Shi Zhi, then... what is he



Brother Quan floated in with the bgm of "Good Days". Once this bgm appears, it must be good news.

Brother Quan told Shi Zhi in an excited tone, "Director Zong Gong said in public that he wanted to invite you to act in his new play!"

Compared with before, Shi Zhi has changed a little bit, but at least she is not ignorant, and she still knows Director Zong Gong.

A famous director with a high standard, usually the movies he makes are both good at the box office.

Brother Quan was in a state of excitement and couldn't stand at all, "Not only Director Zong Gong, but also the guide, Director Jiang..."

The latter few directors are slightly inferior to the former, but each has masterpieces, and so many directors have all expressed their interest in Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi also corrected his expression slightly, "What's the situation?"

To be precise, it is a film festival. The organizer invited many well-known domestic directors, including Zong Gong and director Wang.

During the interview, the host asked Director Zong Gong if there was any actor he wanted to cooperate with. Director Zong Gong said directly, "I saw Shi Zhi's "Weeds in the Far Mountain" and felt that Shi Zhi was very spiritual and wanted to cooperate with her. Let her play the heroine of my new play."

This is an explosive news. A big director does not hide his appreciation for Shi Zhi at all, and even wants to give her the heroine. Let alone whether it is true or not, it can be seen that Shi Zhi is on Zong Gong's side psychological status.

Director Jiang, the guide at the back, also spoke up one after another, wanting to cooperate with Shi Zhi.

It is enough for others to brag about a director who expresses their appreciation in public for a year, but Shi Zhi directly came here with three.

It hasn't been on the hot search yet, but it's enough to make everyone envy and hate.

After watching the entire video, Shi Zhi commented, "This is probably the fun brought about by fighting."

"Just like the children in kindergarten, one child chooses a balloon, and the rest of the children also want that balloon."

It doesn't necessarily mean that she is so great or irreplaceable, but just because director Zong Gong wanted her to play the heroine by name, the other directors also began to compete and not to be outdone.

Brother Quan: You describe a few famous directors as brats grabbing balloons, is that really appropriate

But Brother Quan thought about it carefully, but unexpectedly felt that it made some sense.

It seems to be quite suitable...

For a while, the image of the director turning into a bear child is lingering!

Shi Zhi asked Brother Quan, "Director Zhang, Director Chen, are you also interested in joining this scuffle?"

Director Zhang and Director Chen are on the same level as Director Zong Gong, a big director with various heavyweight works.

Shi Zhi: Come and play together.

Brother Quan doesn't think so. These three directors alone are already heavyweight enough. Is it okay to add Director Zhang and Director Chen? Shi Zhi really dared to think.

But after Brother Quan denied it, he felt that many unbelievable things seemed to be possible with Shi Zhi.

It also has a certain chance of happening.

Brother Quan wanted to know how Shi Zhi would deal with this situation, and he wanted to go to his old rival's side to play Q again.

It's so distressing, our family Zhizhi has to face three olive branches directly, maybe a few more will be added.

Brother Quan has already started to dream wildly, Shi Zhi doesn't think there is any entanglement in it.


"Fair competition."

Even the director is the same, it depends on the script.

For the rest of the actors, the relationship with the director is that the actor is Party B, and the director is Party A. Now, according to Shi Zhi, the relationship is reversed, she becomes Party A, and the director becomes Party B.

Brother Quan: This balloon really inflated.

It has already spread throughout the circle. After all, the directors spoke in public. Just after Shi Zhi and Brother Quan had communicated, the secretary told Shi Zhi that Dong De was coming to see her.

Shi Zhi asked Dong De to come in, and Dong De was not empty-handed, but brought Shi Zhi a souvenir.

Shi Zhi showed a disapproving expression, "Why are you being so polite?"

"I'm not the kind of leader who needs to give gifts."

As he said so, he had already brought Dong De's local products over, and unpacked and researched on the spot to find out what kind of novelty it was.

Dong De, "..."

Dong De hesitated for a while, and then said, "Mr. Shi, I heard that several directors want to invite you to film."

Shi Zhi stopped looking through the souvenirs.

Although Dong De didn't say it clearly, his expression said it all.

He knows it all.

Shi always said that he was so vague that he picked his feet in the studio, which was a fake, which was clearly very popular.

Brother Quan didn't mean to help Shi Zhi, look, let Shi Zhi talk nonsense, now the car has overturned.

Shi Zhi didn't panic, "Actually, he's a retired worker, and he's rehired after retirement."

Looking at Dong De with sincere eyes.

God damn rehiring after retirement.

Dong De: Do you think I still believe it now

Why is Shi always reacting so fast!

But Dong De actually had nothing to complain about, after all, if it wasn't for Shi Zhi's encouragement at that time, he would never have won the championship.

Originally, Brother Quan wanted to watch Shi Zhi overturn his car in front of the artists under his banner, and see how Shi Zhi fooled him, but he didn't expect Dong De to skip this matter directly.

He is going to retire and go to earn money for Mr. Shi.

After Dong De left, Shi Zhi continued to search for local specialties, which were for food, and she had already eaten them, and they tasted pretty good.

Brother Quan just felt that it was hard to explain, there was no normal person around, Shi Zhi saw that Brother Quan hadn't left, and thought that Brother Quan was also greedy for local specialties.

She threw a bag to Brother Quan, "If you want to eat, tell me, I'm not that stingy."


Brother Quan didn't eat, he just thought of something suddenly.

"When do you plan to disclose it to Mr. Cheng?"

"Now you also open your own studio, the studio is running very well, and you are not a female traffic star..." It is the traffic master.

"If you want to make it public, you can make it public. You don't need to hide it. Tell the team in advance so that I can study the method of making it public, write a copy or something."

Brother Quan is actually very emotional. Shi Zhi's journey has not been easy. From being popular to not being popular, to becoming popular now, her career is even better than when she was popular before. She can also have someone by her side to accompany and support her.

Thinking of this, Brother Quan's eyes had already started to shed tears.

Shi Zhi almost choked on the souvenir, "Why open?"

Brother Quan, "...tell Cheng Yu about your relationship."

Shi Zhi was even more puzzled, "But Cheng Yu and I haven't fallen in love yet."

Brother Quan's tears went back straight away, and he suddenly felt that he had misjudged the wrong person.

"It's all like this, you still don't give Mr. Cheng a title?!"

Scum girl!