Shuangwen Female Main Character Doesn’t Want To Be a Sensation

Chapter 105


Cheng Yu: ...

He didn't expect such a development, Shi Zhi's taste changed.

Cheng Yu was as good as he was, and nodded to show his understanding.

And asked, "Would you like fried shrimp with peas tonight?"

Pancake fruit must be made, but in Cheng Yu's view, Zhiguang still ate less pancake fruit, so he had to make a la carte.

Shi Zhi didn't hesitate: Yes!

Because Shi Zhi changed the topic too quickly, it washed away some of Cheng Yu's emotions.

Where Shi Zhi couldn't notice, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After revealing his identity, Cheng Yu was actually a little nervous. Although he didn't point it out, everyone knew Sima Zhao's heart.

Cheng Yu didn't know what Shi Zhi was thinking, he was good at reading people's hearts, and knew Shi Zhi even more, but at this moment he suddenly became not good at it.

dare not.

Although the crew had a kitchen for cooking, they still needed to buy the ingredients and special props for making pancakes, so Cheng Yu handed over this task to the assistant.

When Assistant Cheng Yu received the call, he felt incredible: What kind of ecstasy soup did Shi Zhi pour into President Cheng!

Assistant Cheng Yu complained in his heart, but he was good at handling things. It didn't take long for him to buy a complete set of pancake and fruit props, and he also brought the ingredients. After all, he was hired by Mr. Cheng.

When Cheng Yu was spreading pancakes and fruits to Shi Zhi, Shi Zhi was watching with his hands behind his back.

Cheng Yu's technique is very skillful, it looks like a lot of pancakes and fruits have been spread out, Shi Zhi can imagine that scene.

Putting on the wrong body and suddenly turning into an old man selling pancakes and fruits, no matter how many skills you have and how good your mental quality is, you should not be able to adapt.

Shi Zhi also thought of one more thing, she turned her head to look at the man's side face.

"... I once ordered hundreds of sets of pancakes for the program crew?"

When Shi Zhi went to work as an assistant for Bai Wu, the old man insisted on adding eggs and sausages to her, and didn't accept any money. Shi Zhi asked her assistant to watch a lot of pancakes. The old man increases economic income.

Now that it's confirmed, the old man is Cheng Yu. Doesn't that mean that Cheng Yu made hundreds of pancakes with just one order that day

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu told the truth, with a gentle voice, "My hands were shaking that day."


Shi Zhi:! ! ! It turned out that I was one of the creators of Cheng Yu's ups and downs.

Cheng Yu saw the apology on Shi Zhi's face for the first time, and immediately speeded up to divert Shi Zhi's attention with the pancake fruit, rolled it up for Shi Zhi, and added thick kraft paper for easy grasping.

Shi Zhi: It seems to have discovered some new way of urging meals.

But it's probably only useful in Cheng Yu's kitchen.

Cheng Yu said to Shi Zhi like coaxing a child, "The old man created wealth with his hands, and he is very happy when he makes money." Although he changed hands and used it for chasing stars.

Shi Zhi looked at the pancakes in his hands and sighed, "The old man uses such solid materials, I'm afraid he won't be able to make money."

Is this pancake fruit, or is the pancake barely covering the dish

Before Cheng Yu gave Shi Zhi eggs and guts, he had to restrain himself, but now that he has confessed, Cheng Yu can be regarded as letting himself go in this regard.

The pancake in Shi Zhi's hand was stuffed full of ingredients, and there was a sense of sight that the "stuffing" would be "exposed" in the next second.

But delicious is really delicious, arrogant is also really arrogant, the super invincible deluxe version, Shi Zhi, the richest man, has never eaten such arrogant pancakes.

Still talking nonsense while eating, Shi Zhi told Cheng Yu that she didn't listen to the system's nonsense at all, and she went straight to Huanglong and directly inherited the richest man's inheritance.

When Cheng Yu chatted with Shi Zhi about her life experience, Shi Zhi said in an understatement tone that she was doing well now, and Cheng Yu knew that the process must not be as simple as Shi Zhi's performance.

If the suicidal system knew Cheng Yu's state of mind here, it would tell him that this poisonous woman had a great time, and that there was indeed something that was working hard, and that was itself.

Cheng Yu smiled at Shi Zhi, "You have a lot of fans who love you."

The career of an actor is actually suitable for Shi Zhi. When he was still the old man selling pancakes and fruits, he said that Shi Zhi would have many, many fans, and now he has realized it.

She is not alone anymore.

Shi Zhi stopped eating, narrowed her eyes, "Do you think I'm lonely and lack love?"

Cheng Yu panicked, ""

Shi Zhi: No need to quibble, she has already felt it.

Shi Zhi looked at Cheng Yu with complicated eyes, "I'm not lonely, and I'm not lacking in love." She was very happy, she could live a good life alone, a group of people was also happy, she could be quiet and adapt to the excitement.

Orphan status did not make her lack anything, and she lived happily under the complete mechanism of the state.

"Especially there is no lack of fatherly love, so don't even think about being my father!" There is no lack of fatherly love, no lack of old fathers.

Cheng Yu himself didn't know why his father's love was involved, he should... there is no such trend, right

The consequence of Shi Zhi eating the deluxe pancake fruit was that she was full before she had time to eat.


Brother Quan was going out to eat, but after seeing that Cheng Yu had already fried the dishes and Shi Zhi ate a large pancake, he planned to stay, "Don't waste it either."

"It happened that there were a few steamed buns left during lunch..."

"Hey, Shizhi, why did you take the food away?" Isn't it full and stuffed

Brother Quan didn't touch the plate of fried shrimp with peas at all, so Shi Zhi held it with both hands and moved it aside, confidently.

"I protect the food."

Facing such an upright person who protects the food, Brother Quan can't help it. After all, Shi Zhi said that she is protecting the food, and the next sentence may be followed by her stinginess.

Cheng Yu's stir-fried peas and shrimps would not be wasted by Shi Zhi either for Brother Quan, anyway, she would eat slowly, and eat some after she was full, there would always be a time when she finished eating.

Shi Zhi was thinking about it with his mobile phone, and felt that he had to make persistent efforts and continue to do something, as if there was still some time left.

It’s not too sudden to reveal the answer to the mystery. A handsome guy who suits you is walking around in front of you all day. Although he is a little cautious, it’s also very interesting to be cautious. It’s all based on the premise that you are good, and his heart and eyes are all about you. live

Anyway, Shi Zhi didn't hold back.

Shi Zhi didn't think it was a mistake, women are not lustful, so what, how are you.

Shi Zhi decided to take further action, she felt that Cheng Yu's status as a fan was a bit strange.

So Shi Zhi edited a message and sent it.

Cheng Yu was in a good mood, and everyone in the meeting could feel it. Cheng Yu was still very serious when he was working, but now there were more smiles on his face.

The good mood came to an abrupt end when Cheng Yu received Shi Zhi's message.

Shi Zhi asked Cheng Yu in a tentative tone, do you want to change to another star fan

Shi Zhi also tried to introduce to Cheng Yu that there are high-quality stars in the entertainment industry who can't overturn with Yide.

Cheng Yu, "..."

The surrounding air pressure instantly dropped, and Cheng Yu's mood also fell to the bottom. He held his mobile phone and stared at Shi Zhi's dialog box, studying it word by word back and forth, the more he looked at it, the colder his heart became.

After the showdown with Shi Zhi, he thought that Shi Zhi's attitude would not change, so he was relieved.

It seems that it is too early to relax.

On the premise of revealing his identity and showing his hole cards, Cheng Yu only read out the meaning of Shi Zhi's pushing out when he received this text message.

Shi Zhi's thoughts——

Let Cheng Yu change to a personal fan, the two of them will get rid of the identity of fans √ and start another identity √

Why introducing other celebrities to Cheng Yu was also a manifestation of her caring.

Since Cheng Yu likes chasing stars, he shouldn't be able to let go of this hobby for a while and can continue to develop this hobby.

The artists that Shi Zhi introduced to Cheng Yu were all high-quality.

But from Cheng Yu's point of view——

Shi Zhi was pushing me out.

She hates me

I don't even have the right to follow her

Shi Zhi: Excited jpg.

Cheng Yu: lost jpg.

From Cheng Yu's point of view, as long as Shi Zhi is happy every day and glows brightly, he typed a lot of words at that time, and thought about deleting and deleting, but in the end he still didn't post anything.

Evasion is shameful, but useful.

Cheng Yu never ignored every message from Shi Zhi, just pretended not to see it this time, is it okay

Even though he said that, Cheng Yu still didn't really let Shi Zhi hang out, but just skipped the sentence and talked to Shi Zhi about something else.

Fans will still be fans, but since Shi Zhi minds, then he... secretly fans.

From above ground to underground.

The humblest gardenia ever.

Shi Zhi felt that she sent this message very well, subtle but understandable, especially Cheng Yu should know her thoughts better.

She had already sat and waited for Cheng Yu to take the bait.

But things turned out a little differently than she had imagined.

Not only did Cheng Yu not take the bait, he even seemed more polite and reserved.

"What's wrong with this?"

Fortunately, Shi Zhi's thinking is still very fast, she doesn't have to think about what is wrong, she can go from reserved to simple and rude.

It was more direct to communicate face to face. Shi Zhi caught Cheng Yu who came to the studio to deliver drinks to everyone, and called Shi Zhi to come to her office.

Before Cheng Yu and Shi Zhi got along very naturally, maybe because of the text messages and the hint: she wants to stay away from me, Cheng Yu also became tense.

He was afraid that Shi Zhi would talk to him face to face and make him stay away from her.

It's just that this tension disintegrated quickly, all it took was for Shi Zhi to tell Cheng Yu, "I'm a little sad."

Cheng Yu:!

Shi Zhi's style has always been to be laid back most of the time, and occasionally to stand up and blow everyone up (?), this is the first time Cheng Yu has seen such a decadent look.

She was sitting on the sofa, looking listless.

Cheng Yu's heart tightened, and he was already searching in his mind if someone was troubling Shi Zhi Shizhi again, and by the way, he was ready to retaliate at any time... No, tit for tat, his face is still gentle.

He squatted down in front of Shi Zhi, so that he could see Shi Zhi's eyes and expression, and vice versa.

"What's wrong?"

He asked Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi sighed, "I'm afraid I've let you down, I'm not a perfect idol."

Cheng Yu: It seems that it has nothing to do with colleagues in the entertainment industry.

"You are a powerful faction."

"But why do you think you're not perfect?"

Cheng Yu praised Shi Zhi without hesitation, and insisted that Shi Zhi was perfect.

"You are excellent in business ability, and the behind-the-scenes is the most powerful proof; you are also instructive to fans, Gardenia prefers to learn under your leadership..."

Cheng Yu finally concluded, "Gardenia will not be disappointed, and I will never be disappointed either."

He said that when Shi Zhi is perfect, he must be perfect. If this is not enough, he will buy the draft [Shi Zhi's Perfect Idol].

Shi Zhi, "..."

Shi Zhi felt that Cheng Yu was simply praising the school's outstanding graduates. Everyone said that she was a good rainbow fart.

Although Cheng Yu praised her, she was quite useful, but she didn't do it for the praise, so Shi Zhi saw a needle.

"My morals are corrupt and my thoughts are dirty!"

Cheng Yu:

This way, Cheng Yu almost didn't pick it up, how could he scold himself.

Cheng Yu showed a disapproving expression, but his tone was still calm and persuasive.

"In fact, everyone has dark thoughts, it's normal, and I do too."

"Do you need a tree hole? I will never tell others."

Sincerity is written on Jun's face, and his eyes are clear. If you meet his eyes, you can be firm. He will be a good tree hole.

Shi Zhi nodded to the man in front of him, needing it.

Cheng Yu waited earnestly, with an infinitely tolerant attitude, waiting for Shi Zhi who suddenly lost himself (?) to confide in him. He was glad that Shi Zhi thought of him when he was sad.

Shi Zhi stared at this overly beautiful tree hole, and opened his mouth, and his voice rang out in the extremely quiet room.

The characters are straight and round.

"I want grass powder."