Shuangwen Female Main Character Doesn’t Want To Be a Sensation

Chapter 47


Quite a few people were holding masks in their hands, which should be needed for a performance later, although sporadic people are wearing them even though it hasn't started yet, so Shi Zhi is not too abrupt.

The leader also praised Shi Zhi, and praised her for speaking with great vigor.

Young people should be like this, have enthusiasm for life, and then they can cooperate with the program team to complete the task after a while.

That is, "Why don't you change into the costumes? People will start recording the show as soon as they say it will start, and then it will be troublesome."

Shi Zhi: Change and change.

The leader enthusiastically picked out a set of clothes and handed them to Shi Zhi, Shi Zhi thanked her, the clothes are too big, just put them on.

She was wearing a mask and a costume, blending in perfectly among the NPCs, even if Bai Wu was here, she might not be able to recognize Shi Zhiren.

Shi Zhi was standing by the side, listening to the NPCs discussing the task in an open and fair manner, and how to embarrass them, Shi Zhi also nodded in agreement from time to time.

There was a little accident when queuing up.

There are more people out.

The extra one is Shi Zhi.

They have rehearsed several times before, and the formation has been settled.

The lead dancer, "Huh?" Her eyes fell on Shi Zhi, and she felt that something was wrong, why there was an extra piece there.

After Shi Zhi found out about this situation, she didn't panic. She moved and tried to squeeze in. She was also thin, so everyone gathered together a little and found a place for her.

Now Shi Zhi is not the protruding one, the lead dancer nodded, without thinking too much, and continued to lead their choreography.

Shi Zhi followed the gourd drawing and jumped, but nothing went wrong.

"what is your name?"

Shi Zhi didn't take the initiative to talk to anyone. After all, her identity was not suitable. She was a player and directly joined the NPC team, which seemed a bit arrogant, but just because she didn't talk to people, it didn't mean that others wouldn't look for her.

When he finished the dance and started chatting, Shi Zhi was approached by the people around him.

She stared at Shi Zhi curiously and said, "At first, there was no one around me."

The lead dancer couldn't remember, and neither could the leader, but the people next to Shi Zhi must remember, they just didn't say it just now.

Faced with doubts, Shi Zhi remained silent for a second, and then replied, "My name is Hu Youyou."

"I came with my cousin." He also made up a cousin.

The people next to him understood, "You're here to make money, right?"

"The TV guy is really generous. If you follow suit, you'll get two hundred yuan."

Shi Zhi:? ?

She doesn't know this, but since she has automatically completed this experience for her, then she would be more respectful than obedient.

Yes yes yes yes.

As for why she didn't take off the mask, she also had a reasonable explanation. She was very happy wearing it and liked it more.

Others can at most say that he is indeed a young man and still loves to play.

Although Shi Zhi didn't take off his mask, no matter his voice or figure, he didn't look too old.

According to Shi Zhi's thinking, after the inquiry is over, she can go home.

Don't be too arrogant as a human being, save a little face for the program team.

However, the reality does not allow it, the people around are overly enthusiastic, one mouthful of "cousin", shouting "Yo Yo", and even took Shi Zhi to collect two hundred yuan.

Shi Zhi couldn't leave even if she wanted to, and when she took two steps away, someone stopped her.

"Hey, don't run around, the stars will be here soon!"

Shi Zhi paused, "...Okay." She returned again.

She has already seen the familiar cameraman, the staff of the program crew have woken up after taking a nap, and the rest of the guests will come here soon.

Standing next to Shi Zhi, the eldest sister who asked her name before was very enthusiastic, and she even chattered to Shi Zhi, "Are there any celebrities you like in the few coming soon?"

"I went to watch it this morning. The celebrities are really different from us. They are all handsome men and beautiful women..."

Shi Zhi, "I'm fine."

She asked the eldest sister, "Is there anything you like?"

Eldest sister, "Ning Jiachi, you know, I think he's pretty good. I liked him when I watched TV dramas before, and I don't know if I can get him an autographed photo."

Shi Zhi knew that Ning Jiachi was very popular, but probably because she understood his true attributes, she couldn't even nod her head in the face of such praise for Ning Jiachi.

"There will be a chance." She told the npc elder sister.

Shi Zhi's eyes fell on the things held by the lead dancer.

If I'm not mistaken... that seems to be a clearance card

Originally, Shi Zhi wanted to find an opportunity to slip away, but now her heart calmed down instantly, and she held the two hundred yuan in her hand.

Well, it doesn't matter if you pass the checkpoint or not, she mainly thinks that the atmosphere here is good, and since the labor fee has been paid, she must do a good job in this work and live up to the two hundred yuan of the program team!

The lead dancer complained with a pass card.

"There's no place to put this thing, my clothes don't fit."

Shi Zhi walked to the lead dancer and volunteered.

"Perhaps I can help?"

"My costume has big pockets, and I stand in the back row." She picked up a corner of the dress, showing off her big pockets, which were really big.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the program recording started again.

Everyone took a short break and regained their energy, but there are only five of the six guests.

"Zhizhi said she has something to do, so we don't have to wait for her, she can go there by herself."

Bai Wu received Shi Zhi's message and explained it to the rest of the guests.

The director of the program group also received the same message from Ji Zhizhi, telling them to go to the mission location first and not to wait for her.

In just one morning, the director had already seen Shi Zhi's navigation ability. She had a first-class sense of direction. Basically, Shi Zhi led everyone around, so the director didn't say much.

The director was just wondering, Shi Zhi still had the habit of taking a walk at noon, how far did he have to walk before he couldn't come back for a while

The director consciously led them in the direction of the group dance. In fact, even if he didn't take care of it, it was still lively there.

When everyone came to the mission site, they all expressed their emotions.

"This scene is a bit big."

The budget of the program group is burning, this is the biggest scene since they came to the program.

And when the five guests appeared over there, dozens of people began to sing and dance. Everyone wore unique costumes, and it was quite shocking to dance together.

Ning Jiachi couldn't calm down, looked left and right, "Where is Sister Shi?"

Didn't you say she came by herself? Ning Jiachi thought that Shi Zhi would arrive one step ahead of them and wait for them here, but now he didn't even see Shi Zhi's figure.

Bai Wu was also a little anxious, and negotiated with the program crew in a low voice, "Is this going to be recorded?"

"What about Shi Zhi?"

"Will she be in danger?"

Leaving aside that Shi Zhi didn't arrive in time, there was no camera for this party, and Bai Wu hadn't seen Shi Zhi until this time, mainly because she was worried about her personal safety.

The program team was also puzzled, but it had already started, and the process had to continue, so we couldn't wait for Shi Zhi alone.

They really felt that something was wrong. Shi Zhi didn't seem like someone who would be late and unreliable. The staff comforted Bai Wu and let her calm down to shoot. They had already sent someone to look for Shi Zhi, and the phone hadn't contacted her yet. .

The program group at this time was completely unaware of the "seriousness" of the matter.

Shi Zhi was dancing over there, she didn't have time to pick up her mobile phone, she could only feel the buzzing and vibrating of the phone in her pocket.

Knowing that the program team had gone to find Shi Zhi, Ning Jiachi and Bai Wu cheered up and enjoyed the group dance in front of them.

The dance is still very beautiful, with subtle changes in the neatness. In the later stage, the guests found that many people's movements began to be different.

After the NPCs performed this dance, Tian Hong concluded, "Everyone really put their heart into it." He also noticed the subtle changes in the movements.

The director did not enter the small black room to monitor this time either, he also came to the scene and smiled mysteriously when he heard Tian Hong's words.

Didn't you put your heart into it, increase the difficulty with your heart.

The lead dancer got a cue from the director, came out, and explained the rules to the two groups.

They will dance again. The guests need to learn quickly, not only to jump out, but also to point out the difference and jump out.

That is to say, they danced twice in total, and the first time was performed without everyone's knowledge and purely watching the excitement. The guests had to learn to dance, and they had to observe and identify the difference behind the dance.

The smiles on the faces of the five people completely disappeared.


Are you serious

Everyone started protesting immediately.

Tian Hong smiled wryly, "Is this realistic? I want us to learn how to dance twice. If I give me two days, I may not be able to learn it."

Lu Dajun, "If I can learn to dance twice, what kind of comedian should I be, I'll just go to be a dancer!"

Annie muttered, "It's really difficult. I have a little dancing skills. I have learned it for ten years. I don't know if it will be useful."

She has already started to jump up, and some of the movements are already a little bit.

Lu Dajun, "Sure, Annie, I will leave this task to you!"

Bai Wu said to Ning Jiachi, "Don't look at me, I can't dance, and I haven't had that kind of talent since I was a child..." If dancing scenes are needed for filming TV dramas and movies, Bai Wu has to give them to the dancers as much as possible. The movements also need to be practiced for a long time.

Ning Jiachi comforted Bai Wu, "It's okay, I'm the king of dancing in Asia."

Bai Wu, "Are you good at dancing?" At first, Annie thought that after ten years of dancing, she was already very good at dancing, but she didn't expect Ning Jiachi to be the king of Asian dancing.

The cameraman became a little curious.

Ning Jiachi was generous, "I didn't skip it."

Bai Wu:


Did not skip, say fart Asian dance king!

Ning Jiachi, "But, what if?"

In case he dances really well, he is very talented.

Bai Wu didn't want to talk to Ning Jiachi anymore, and the second dance over there officially started.

The first time everyone watched it appreciatively, but the second time they were nervous, they kept memorizing the movements, and they had to distinguish who was different from whom.

Looking at it this way, my mind is about to go into a mess, and they almost ascended to heaven one by one.

Ning Jiachi said to Bai Wu, "Look at me, I have already learned, I should be really talented." He was confident.

The director just heard Ning Jiachi's words, "Ning Jiachi, you start first." Please start your performance.

Ning Jiachi confidently walked to the open space under everyone's gaze, and was about to start dancing. The expression on his face was in place, and he looked very classy. Those who didn't know really thought it was a dance teacher.


His movements continued to pull his hips.

Bai Wu felt that she was already the type of person with uncoordinated limbs, thanks to the Asian dance king, Ning Jiachi, for giving her a little bit of confidence.

Ning Jiachi jumped a few times confidently, but was called down by the director.

Is there any similarity between the dance he danced and the dance the locals danced just now

Even though Ning Jiachi stepped down, he was still full of confidence, because now all he had left was confidence.

He has really learned it, his eyes have learned it, but his hands, feet and arms are not in control.

Everyone couldn't escape, so they went up to dance one by one.

But it was Ning Jiachi who encouraged them at the beginning, at least they weren't the worst, so their mentality didn't collapse.

Bai Wu's dancing is very average, she has revealed it before, Tian Hong is not young, the main job is the host, dancing can be regarded as embarrassing him, of course, anyone who compares with Ning Jiachi will win.

Annie said that she has dancing skills, and she danced well before. At first, everyone thought she must be the top one, but she remembered that her movements were not fast and she made frequent mistakes, so she was slightly better than Baiwu Tianhong.

On the other hand, Lu Dajun was the same as Kai Hang, the dance could not be said to be very beautiful, but the degree of completion was the highest.

Bai Wu and Ning Jiachi communicated on the side.

"It looks like Lu Dajun got the pass this time."

Bai Wu missed Shi Zhi again, "I don't know how Zhi Zhi dances, and if she is here, can I get this pass."

Ning Jiachi, "It's not necessarily that Lu Dajun will win."

Both Bai Wu and the cameraman looked at Ning Jiachi: Didn't Lu Dajun win, could it be Ning Jiachi

What the hell are you doing, a rookie

Lu Dajun jumped more and more confidently, he felt that he was stable, the first pass, his heart was excited, and his hands were trembling.

Then an npc wearing a performance costume suddenly walked out of the dance group, and quickly handed something to Ning Jiachi.

Ning Jiachi took it subconsciously. He lowered his head and glanced, his eyes widened.

Fuck, clearance card? !

The npc gave the pass to him who is the worst dancer

Ning Jiachi was almost dumbfounded, he said cautiously to the npc wearing a mask in front of him, "Did you discover my talent for dancing?"

Isn’t it written in martial arts novels, many protagonists are mediocre, but the boss finds that he has a strange skeleton, is a martial arts wizard, and finally starts to dominate the martial arts, is it the same reason for him

Although Ning Jiachi said he was very confident, he actually knew how well he could dance.

Or, the other party is his fan, so open the back door for him.


Shi Zhi's voice sounded from under the mask, "Can I count 13?" Is it okay if I have a clear understanding of myself.

Ning Jiachi, Baiwu:! ! Shizhi!

Bai Wu also wanted to chat with Shi Zhi, and ask her why she was in the NPC team, but Shi Zhi felt that there was no longer any delay, and she would explain it later.

She yelled at Ning Jiachi, "Run!"

Take the clearance card and run quickly.

Ning Jiachi reacted quite quickly, he had long hands and long feet, and after Shi Zhi gave this command, he quickly rushed out of the encirclement like an arrow after drawing a bow.

Swear to protect the pass card!

Shi Zhi and Bai Wu also ran behind, the mask on her face blocked Shi Zhi a bit, so she pulled it off directly.

This mutation happened so quickly that people couldn't react at all. Annie and her party saw Shizhi, who had no idea where he was going, suddenly flashed from the npc team, and then gave the pass to Ning Jiachi. The three of them Are you running away

The director didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he jumped his feet angrily, the sky was so blue, how did Shi Zhi get into the npc team, and he was not discovered all the way.

Is she really a game bug? !

The director said to the cameraman in a daze, "Watch what I do, chase after me!"

Princess Lu: Woohoo, hugging my big and thick self, he almost touched the edge of the clearance card for the first time, and now the clearance card flew away with long legs.

So in the small town, in the field of hope, a scene of chasing each other started.

Shi Zhi and the others ran in front, and the cameras chased after them desperately, yelling, "Slow down!"

In the end, the cameras didn't catch up with Shi Zhi. The machine they were holding was too heavy and they lost it. It was Shi Zhi who led the two team members back and "surrendered himself".

Because Shi Zhi suddenly realized, "Why are we running?"

Ning Jiachi, "Sister Shi, didn't you let us run away?"

Shi Zhi sighed, "Perhaps the psychological quality is still not up to standard." So the first thing he thought about was running away.

"We are right this time, let's go, go back and find the director!"

Find a director openly.

The director of the program team heard from the camera that Shi Zhi and the others had lost track of them, and then saw Shi Zhi's trio come to the door on their own initiative.

Shi Zhi also greeted the director nonchalantly, "Hi." Hi.

Director, "..." She came back by herself.

Just now the director has already understood the ins and outs, when Zhi changed his name to Hu Youyou.

Very good, this name has exposed her, right

The npc who danced with Shi Zhi was also very confused after Shi Zhi ran away.

——Isn’t this my cousin

――Whose cousin is it, isn't it yours

No, everyone thought that Shi Zhi was the other party's cousin, like holding a banquet, and it would not be easy to be discovered if you go in and eat and drink alone, they all thought it was the other party's relatives.

"You really are a talent."

The director's mood has calmed down, he called out good guy, he never dreamed that this game bug would transform into an NPC directly.

Oh, and got a clearance card.

"Can you explain?"

Shi Zhi: There is nothing to explain.

"We have passed this level, right?"

Director, "…"

It wasn't the imaginary Shi Zhi who obediently admitted her mistake, she even asked if they had done the math.

Too arrogant, too arrogant!

Shi Zhi, "It's what you guys said, you can snatch the pass, but I haven't snatched it yet." She outwitted.

Before Annie's team wanted to snatch the level from Shi Zhi, Shi Zhi checked through the camera to see if it was really feasible, and the director gave an affirmative answer.

The director continued to collapse, "But let you grab the other group, you didn't let you grab us!" Why did Shi Zhi always play their ideas.

The last time I went to the Hou Zhai to find the clearance card, this time I directly mixed into the npc and got the clearance card.

Shi Zhi, "But they don't have any of them." What is she grabbing for, the air, the loneliness

Refers to Annie's group.

She meant no offense, fully stating the facts.

Princess Lu Dajun: Aww, he is crying so loudly.

It's so heartbreaking! It really is a vicious stepmother.

Shi Zhi, "So, we're reasonable, right?" If it's unreasonable, it's because the show crew can't afford it.

Faced with Shi Zhi's expression of "Can't you afford it", the director said, "..."

What Shi Zhi said was right, he was convinced by Shi Zhi's powerful logic, Lu Dajun's group had absolutely nothing to rob, Shi Zhi didn't rob them, he robbed anyone.

Blame him for underestimating Shi Zhi.

"It's over."

The director waved his hand weakly at Shi Zhi.

Let's go quickly, he wants to calm down, he doesn't want to see Shi Zhi for the time being.

However, the director actually thinks that the effect of this section is really good. After editing, the audience will definitely like this reversal.

Shi Zhi clapped hands with his two friends in celebration.


Shi Zhi heard that the director had urgently issued a notice to the director.

Give the photo of the local group performer Quanquan Shizhi who was found later, as well as her height and body shape. Don't let her mix into the npc team anymore, or you don't have to do it.

The effect is good, one time is okay, two or three times, what else do they play

When a game bug appeared in Shizhi, the director urgently repaired the bug.

Shi Zhi, "..."

Why does she look like a wanted criminal.

Shi Zhi is not alone in thinking this way, Ning Jiachi thinks so too.

Ning Jiachi said to Shi Zhi, "It's okay, I can join the NPC camp next time."

Next time it can be white.

Live together!

If the director heard Ning Jiachi's words, he might want to die with him.

Ning Jiachi and Bai Wu expressed their admiration for Shi Zhi one after another, it was too strong and wonderful, was this premeditated

Shi Zhi: No, she saw it while walking.

Shi Zhi has been thinking about one thing, she said to Ning Jiachi, "Give me an autograph."

Ning Jiachi will definitely not bring his own signature, but he can ask for it from the program group. Signatures are also very simple for Ning Jiachi. Zhi, do you want to say something more

Shi Zhi announced a name, followed by, "Safe and happy, smooth and worry-free."

Then Shi Zhi took the freshly released signature and blessing quotes, stayed in the wind for a while, killed them completely, and went to look for the eldest sister who was dancing beside her at that time.

The eldest sister said that she likes Ning Jiachi and wants to get Ning Jiachi's autograph.

Before the eldest sister left, Shi Zhi also found her smoothly. Shi Zhi first told her that her real name was not Hu Youyou, but Shi Zhi. At that time, because of the special situation, the eldest sister had already known the situation from the program group. Yes, I understand.

When Shi Zhi told her she was sorry, it made her feel embarrassed instead, and it wasn't a big deal.

Immediately, she received the gift from Shi Zhi, the autograph she was thinking of, and covered her mouth happily.

Ning Jiachi not only signed the autograph, but also took a photo with the elder sister after learning about the situation, because he completed the task too quickly, now he can rest for a while.

Shi Zhi said to Ning Jiachi and Bai Wu, "Do you want to spend?"

Bai Wu replied very simply, "No money." The program crew took all the money away.

Shi Zhi, "I have." She took out two hundred yuan.

Then Shi Zhi took the two of them to the canteen in the town for consumption, and treated the guests arrogantly, "I'll buy what you want to eat." It didn't look like standing in a canteen, but like in a certain luxury store.

The director was also puzzled.

Where did Shi Zhi get the money from? Could it be a private stash

The staff around him were very transparent, "No... it seems to be a labor fee for the locals." Pretending to be an NPC, Shi Zhi also received two hundred.

The wool came from the program group.

Director, "…"

Shi Zhi held a huge sum of two hundred yuan, and Bai Wu and Ning Jiachi were indeed rude.

I want to eat potato chips, and I want to drink AD calcium.

Ning Jiachi also asked, "Sister Shi, can I buy two packs of spicy strips?"

Shi Zhi extended a slap towards him.

Ning Jiachi:? ? ? Is Miss Shi trying to slap him? However, it's not really healthy...

Ning Jiachi reluctantly wanted to put down the spicy strips, but heard Shi Zhi speak.


"Buy five packs." Two packs are not enough.

She also wants to eat.