Shuangwen Female Main Character Doesn’t Want To Be a Sensation

Chapter 59


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

In this era, there is only one genius in her, and she is worthy of being your stepmother Shizhi.

Ning Jiachi didn't give up and wanted to rescue him, he yelled at Shi Zhi upstairs, "Genius is lonely, Miss Shi, you can't just cut me off like this, who will chat with you if you cut me down?" What about boredom?"

Xiaozhi moves with emotion and reason.

Shi Zhi looked at Ning Jiachi quietly, and then said, "No need, just enjoy this kind of loneliness."

"Also, call me Queen Empress." When Sister Shi is not Sister Shi, who is she called

At this time, Ning Jiachi's expression was extraordinarily soulful, and the cameraman also recorded this moment. Very well, it can be used as the cover of the latest video.

Empress Shi Zhi waved her hand to greet the rest of the guests.

"Why is he still here? It's too noisy. Drag it out quickly."

Behead your head, hurry up.

The guests also responded and cooperated with Shi Zhi. Lu Dajun covered Ning Jiachi's mouth, shut him down, and dragged him aside together with Tian Hong.

Looking at Ning Jiachi's sad appearance, they laughed mercilessly like a barbell, and at the same time rejoiced that they were slow in speaking, otherwise, if they saw the quadrant with the symbol, Ning Jiachi's end would be theirs. end.

The program crew did not expect Zhi to contribute a joke when it first came up, and the vicious stepmother went online again.

After laughing and laughing, the atmosphere was heated up. Everyone hadn't seen each other for a while, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity. The director came out and said a few words, cutting to the point.

The theme remains the same, but it is still to promote traditional culture, introduce local specialties, and promote tourism development by the way. Everyone still needs to pass the customs in groups.

The program team of the winning group will use their names to build a road in the local mountainous area.

Still makes sense.

But this time, the first reaction of many guests was yes.

"Can we not be divided into groups?"

Everyone remembers how bleak the grouping was before, Shi Zhi was an absolute capable person, directly making Annie's team no longer able to resist, and finally gave up treatment.

According to Shi Zhi's clearance speed, basically playing with her is a sure win, right

Tian Hong also started planning, "I don't think it's PK, and it doesn't affect our sharing and experience."

"Just a group of six, everyone doing tasks together, how lively." Why do you have to do so many things, fight and kill, intrigue, it's not good.

Even the words of how crowded and lively were forced out.

Annie nodded all the time, she was really playing silly that time, but fortunately she was more clever, and she kept moving closer to Shi Zhi's side, and only then did she get a little bit of a shot.

Shi Zhi folded her hands.

It doesn't matter, she can do it.

Director: That makes sense.

Just as Tian Hong and the others saw some signs, the director shook his head, but, "Impossible."

How could it be possible not to be divided into groups? It is absolutely impossible not to be divided into groups. I just like to watch comparisons. Anyway, at this time, I can only wish everyone good luck. A little bit of Ou Qi and the ability user Shi Zhi will be drawn into a team.

According to Ning Jiachi's thinking, the best arrangement must be for him, sister Shi, and Bai Wu to continue on the same team.

However, this time he was not favored by the god of luck, he was drawn with Lu Dajun and Tian Hong.


Annie joined Shi Zhi's team. Her hands were shaking when she watched the draw, and when she learned of the grouping, there was a burst of cheers, almost crying.

Thanks to Mom and Dad, thanks to the program team, thanks to Sister Shi, and thanks to Ning Jiachi.

Annie first showed an innocent expression to Ning Jiachi.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't deliberately grab your position, it was drawn by lottery."

Then Annie smiled.

"But don't worry, I will make my sister very happy."

The green tea girl went to the tea ceremony again.

Ning Jiachi, "..." I was a little sad not to be in a group with Sister Shi, but now it's even worse.

Bai Wu made a gesture of taking care of her ex-teammates, there is nothing she can do to help her, let's live a good life, she is so lucky, she is still with her favorite Zhi Zhi.

At the beginning, the six people were still separated, and the reason for not separating was still the same.

I can't tell the difference between southeast and northwest.

Ning Jiachi took out the compass at the beginning.

The director team was also shocked, why did Ning Jiachi still have a compass

Shi Zhi asked beside Ning Jiachi.

Ning Jiachi, "Didn't I make preparations earlier and be self-reliant?"

Drawing on his previous experience, he specially asked his agent to prepare a compass for him, in case he really wasn't in the same group as Sister Shi, he could still tell the direction. He didn't expect that to happen.

The director team also confiscated Ning Jiachi's compass, and it was forbidden to bring cheating props.

Ning Jiachi, "..." If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought it with me.

Now he began to feel that he failed to be in the same group as Shi Zhi, maybe it had something to do with the compass, and that thing was strangely heavy.

I have no choice but to follow Shi Zhi first.

There are ancient buildings next to them, Shi Zhi discussed with Bai Wu and Annie, and decided to stick to the principle of proximity, the two of them don't have any opinions, they can do whatever they want.

The six arrived at the nearest place, which was a house with couplets posted on the door, and they all stopped to look at it.

There are already NPCs waiting at the door, and I began to introduce them, "Couple is also one of the traditional cultures, and there are other names, such as couplets and couplets, which have a long history..."

Ning Jiachi became interested, and he volunteered to read.

"Hong is a bird by the river, and a silkworm is a worm in the world."

Ning Jiachi felt that his voice was not bad, and the NPC girl kept looking at him after he finished speaking, which made Ning Jiachi a little bit miserable, so he just read a couplet, can he gain fans

"I can sign, but it will be later." Mainly recorded programs.

Shi Zhi shattered Ning Jiachi's dream and told him ruthlessly.

Why is the NPC girl looking at Ning Jiachi all the time.

"You read it backwards!"

Ning Jiachi read it backwards, it should be from right to left, "Silkworms are insects in the world, and Hong is a bird by the river."

But here is also a good place to popularize science for the audience. Ning Jiachi has only become a negative teaching material.

Shi Zhi had already speculated through the couplet, "Is this related to silkworms?"

The local textiles are well developed, and there are silkworms in the couplets, so Shi Zhi started.

Shi Zhi guessed right, it is indeed related to silkworms. There are many silkworm babies raised here to spin silk, and later the silk spun out by silkworm babies can be used to make silk or silk quilts. When the amount is the same, see who collects more silk in the two groups.

"Is there any method and technique for this?"

Bai Wu looked at these silkworms and started to have a headache.

It wasn't just Bai Wu who had a headache, everyone was confused.

After all, although diabolo candy paintings are not easy, they can be manipulated by themselves anyway, and they can directly present food or not, but silkworm silk spinning is not something they can control!

Faced with such a request for help, the NPC added a very literary statement after describing the temperature and the environment suitable for their silk spinning.

"Give them love."

Guest:? ?

Don't bluff us just because we are laymen.

Shi Zhi took out his mobile phone, and the cameraman also moved over. Seeing that Shi Zhi was searching the web, he didn't see the specifics clearly, but saw a few words vaguely.

silkworm baby... eat...

Shi Zhi followed the idea of taking the photo, did Shi Zhi want to see if he could increase the silk spinning rate of silkworms by inquiring what they eat

Annie was similar to Shi Zhi. She had already taken out the mulberry leaves next to her and fed them there. In fact, they were already silkworms that were about to spin silk, and they didn't know how to eat much.

There is no way, everyone decided to give them love after looking at silkworms with big eyes and small eyes.

Annie compared her heart to the silkworm, radiated love, and pulled Bai Wu together.

The sweet girl's comparison is still very good, the whole picture is pleasing to the eye, and the combination of two beauties with different styles is double happiness.

Tian Hong, Ning Jiachi, and Lu Dajun did the same, crazily comparing their hearts, but Lu Dajun's way was even wilder.

Facing the silkworm baby, I thought about it.

"Baby, grow up quickly, spin silk quickly, mother loves you."

Program staff: ? ?

Tian Hong and Ning Jiachi also lowered their faces and joined the "mother's group" one after another, looking at Silkworm Baby with a loving motherly look.


No male mothers! No male mothers!

From the appearance of the male mother, it has already been shown that the guests are really going crazy.

They didn't expect the program group to be so damaged. Although they themselves thought it was quite stupid, what else could they do besides doing this

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

This is what the director wanted, and it was carefully thought out by them. Look, how fun it is now, and the audience will surely die of laughter when it is broadcast.

It's "... What is Shi Zhi doing?"

The director had already returned to the monitoring room, and Shi Zhi was nowhere to be seen.

Why didn't she join Bai Wu and Annie's pen refill team

The camera turned to Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi was talking to Silkworm Baby, and the director and director pricked up their ears. Is she also engaging in a warm route

It has to be said that Tian Hong's male mother has sharp eyes, and Shi Zhi's here is seductive.

The premise is that you didn't hear the chat between Shi Zhi and Silkworm Baby.

"You have to spin the silk obediently, if you don't spin the silk seriously, you will be fried..."

Shi Zhi spoke the scariest words with a pretty face and a gentle voice, and the warm scene turned into a horror movie in seconds.

The director couldn't help but feel grass in his heart.

After hearing Shi Zhi's remarks, Shi Zhi finally knew what she was searching for on the Internet.

silkworm baby... eat...

It doesn't have to be what silkworms eat, but can silkworms eat

Shi Zhi's painting style is the weirdest, and the director shouted at her.

"Don't scare Silkworm Baby!"

Be yourself, Shi Zhi, you are really a purebred devil.

Shi Zhi: Okay.

But it's also metaphysics, Shi Zhi's silkworm baby actually started spinning silk explosively, as if he could understand, with a small body and extra effort.

Male mothers, "..." So, is this the kind of love silkworms like


Sometimes Zhizai's group of tasks is still done quickly, and Shizhi once again exerted her previous advantages, and she can easily get started with a little learning.

Because Shi Zhi contributed the famous scene of mixing with an NPC and directly getting the pass, the program team learned how to behave. They thought that someone would take advantage of the loopholes. In fact, it was the same. Not long after the program started, Lu Dajun tried to enter the ranks of NPCs and wanted to learn. Shi Zhi, clear the customs directly.

But was ruthlessly picked out by NPC.

Ning Jiachi also tried it later, but he was more flexible than Lu Dajun. After all, he was taught by Shi Zhizhi. He tried to sneak into the NPC while going to the bathroom, but he was still discovered by the director.

"Zhizhi, both Lu Dajun and Ning Jiachi want to mix with NPCs..."

When doing the task, Bai Wu told Shi Zhi about this situation.

Shi Zhi was not surprised after knowing that they all failed.

It's normal, last time the director of the program group shouted to distribute her photos to all local NPCs, this time there must be precautions.

The director tried to capture some emotion from Shi Zhi's face, but Shi Zhi acted very naturally throughout the whole process.

During the rest period, following Shi Zhi's video camera, Shi Zhi disappeared.

"Where's Teacher Shi Zhi?"

Annie, "Maybe go to the bathroom."

I still vaguely feel that there is something wrong with the shooting. After all, Lu Dajun and Ning Jiachi were the first, Shi Zhi, who created this "genre", don't do it again, so after searching for Shi Zhi but failed, he decided to be more cautious , reported the news to the director.

The director is only good at drinking water, and when he learned that Shi Zhi had also disappeared, he didn't panic this time, and he looked like he had the chance to win.

"We are not the same as before this time, we are prepared."

Say to the staff next to you.

"Hurry up and ask all parties at the mission point to look around, see if there is any strange person, and find out Shi Zhi." They want to wipe away their shame.

Staff, "OK."

Unlike the director who imagined that Shi Zhi could be found out directly and quickly, the staff at each mission point checked and did not see Shi Zhi.

The director was shocked, "How is it possible?"

This time he couldn't laugh anymore, could it be that Shi Zhi also knew the earth-escaping and invisibility skills

Of course Shi Zhi doesn't know how to hide from the ground, she is actually sitting in the hut dedicated to the director's team.

Taking advantage of the rest time, no one noticed her, so she quietly changed into the clothes of the program staff and touched the side of the cabin.

You don't even need to do a lot of disguise, the more you do it, the weirder it is, just wear the hats that many staff members wear.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Shi Zhi watched as the director asked people from the program team to find her, and she followed suit to contact the NPC at the mission point.

"Hi, hello, did you spot Shi Zhi's figure?"

Shi Zhi still heard some of the director's arrangements in the hut. She is mainly interested in the screen in front of the director. There are many camera seats there, but now almost all of them are at the mission point where the guests are. Shi Zhi wants to wait and see Move somewhere else.

It was because of greed that Shi Zhi was discovered.

"Are you Teacher Shi Zhi?"

Still anxiously negotiating with the director, in order to find Shi Zhi's troubled director, he saw a beautiful side face at a casual glance. The owner with a familiar and beautiful side face raised his head and stared at the machine, his eyes sparkling.

Is it not Shizhi they are looking for, or who


Accompanied by the director's words, all the staff in the hut stopped their work, and all their eyes were focused on Shi Zhi.

When Shi Zhi was discovered, she immediately lowered her hat, and then also looked angry.

Where are people

Director, "...stop pretending."

Wicked! How did she slip in so quietly? !

When they thought that Shi Zhi's mixing with NPCs was already against the sky, and they were secretly happy that they had figured out Shi Zhi's routines, and when they would definitely not turn around this time, Shi Zhi actually did not pretend to be an NPC, but instead worked as a program team personnel.

Shi Zhi knew that the situation was over, she said "Oh", and took off her hat.

It's a pity, I would have kept a low profile if I knew about it.

The director couldn't laugh or cry, "Have you upgraded Hu Yoyo?" Is it you, Hu Yoyo.

Shi Zhi shook his head, and pointed to the work card hanging around his neck, on which was written "Shi Lettuce."

It's not Hu Yoyo today, it's an undercover agent.

Director: She actually has a new little vest!

Arrogant, too arrogant.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

Shi Zhi was "invited" out of the hut by the staff, and this time the hut also began to be strictly guarded. In addition to being vigilant that Shi Zhi would mix with NPCs, we must also pay attention not to mix with the staff.

Shi Zhi's follow-up image told Shi Zhi, "I won't leave you for half a step."

Even if he had to leave for a special reason, there was someone who would hand over his work.

"...Don't be so nervous." Shi Zhi still tried to persuade the staff.

She's not that much of a threat.

Of course no one believed Shi Zhi's words.

Shi Zhi felt that it was a pity that she didn't see the situation of the other mission points, and the things she inquired about were probably changed by the program group. Annie and Bai Wu felt that Shi Zhi was already very good. do not go in.

To be precise, such an idea would not appear at all.

The trio of Tian Hong, Ning Jiachi, and Lu Dajun didn't get a pass.

Tian Hong told them.

"We can't go on like this, it won't work like this." Shameful.

"You have to use some tricks and use your brain."

Whoever is quicker than Shi Zhi, there is almost no possibility of winning, so you need to use your brain.

The three men were quietly discussing behind the backs of the three female guests.

Tian Hong's follow-up photo: How did he remember that when Teacher Tian Hong shouted not to group in front of him, he also said that he hated intrigue and wanted peace.

The director is happy to see it happen.

Pk, just need a little surprise to be interesting, guests should fight internally, like Shi Zhi who always wants to engage in a program group is completely unacceptable.

The director felt that there was already an internal taste.

Tian Hong's trio formulated a strategy.

First of all, make a lot of noise.

Tian Hong shook his head in front of Bai Wu, trying to casually reveal information, "We're going to the mission point in the west."

But in fact, their goal is the mission point to the east.

Second, the beauty trap.

The beauties sent Lu Dajun, to be precise, they didn't send them, but Lu Dajun himself invited him.

The staff of the program team almost screamed like a pig, Lu Dajun, what's the matter with you, beauty trick, two of these three words are no different from you.

It would be fine if Ning Jiachi was here to do this task, but what are you doing, you idiot.

Lu Dajun also had his own ideas.

"Jia Chi and Shi Zhi are already very familiar, Shi Zhi will not be confused by him at all, but I am different, I have a sense of novelty."

"Who said that a beauty trick must have a good face, can I do it if I have special talents?" In a narrow sense, the beauties who seduce the king not only have a beautiful face, but also have other talents.

Lu Dajun's special talent was that he blocked Shi Zhi's road, and then at the corner, he stretched out his feet enchantingly.

He's working hard on the concave shape.

Have you been charmed

Shi Zhi was unprepared and stepped on Lu Dajun's enchanting foot.

Lu Dajun let out a scream.

When Shi Zhi stepped on her foot, she realized something was wrong, and quickly took two steps back, and she also saw Lu Dajun.

"How are you?"

Lu Dajun only had a little pain in his feet, but it didn't hinder him, so he quickly adjusted his state, "It's okay..."

He still remembered his mission, and winked at Shi Zhi again.

Shi Zhi was silent for two seconds, "Princess, are your eyes cramping?"

This frequency is a bit abnormal.

Lu Dajun, "..."

The cameraman who knew what Lu Dajun was doing said, "Hahaha." They are professionals and can't laugh easily unless they can't help it, but just now Lu Dajun's winking performance really seemed to have cramped eyes.

Lu Dajun was a little desperate, he didn't know what to do, Shi Zhi combined with Lu Dajun's movements, and made a guess.

"You were using a beauty trick on me just now?"

Lu Dajun: I don't know whether to be relieved or shocked when I was discovered.

"Queen, shall we talk about fifty cents?"

Anyway, let's hold Shi Zhi first.

Shi Zhi readily agreed, "Okay."

"Do you have fifty cents?"

If she could come up with fifty cents now, she would talk to him, but of course Lu Dajun couldn't come up with it, not even a penny.

Shi Zhi ran away.

She has basically confirmed that Lu Dajun's team may have gone to the east mission point. According to this time, the mission card is estimated to have been obtained, and there is no need to go to the east again. Shi Zhi has already seen Bai Wu and Annie, and plans to invite them to go to other missions point.

While the rest of his teammates were busy using tricks, Ning Jiachi did get the pass smoothly.

Lu Dajun and Tian Hong were so happy that they almost jumped up.

Sure enough, the trick worked.

No matter how powerful Shi Zhi is, he is not afraid, as long as they unite and use all thirty-six tricks, they can win!

After getting a clearance card, their group is already going to float.

Crush Shizhi and become a capable person, the dawn of victory is just around the corner!

Ning Jiachi just came from the task point of clearing the level, and saw Shi Zhi, and his eyes met.

Shi Zhi called out to Ning Jiachi in a natural manner, did you get the pass

Ning Jiachi: Got it, got it.

He briskly ran towards Shi Zhi, and stuffed the clearance card into Shi Zhi's hand.

"Sister Shi Zhi, you keep it safe, don't lose it, let's run quickly." He subconsciously remembered who he wanted to hide from.

Shi Zhi looked at the clearance card in his hand, nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I won't lose it."

The two started running together, but Shi Zhi ran in the opposite direction of Ning Jiachi.

Tian Hong used a trick to attack the west, Lu Dajun used a beauty trick, and Shi Zhi's current trick is to take advantage of the sheep (card).

Ning Jiachi ran for a few steps but didn't find anyone following him. He turned around and saw Shi Zhi's back getting farther and farther away. He shouted at her, "Sister Shi, you ran the wrong way..."

No, Shi Zhi didn't run backwards, Ning Jiachi reacted belatedly.

He and Shi Zhi are not in the same group, it is clearly Miss Shi that he subconsciously wants to hide from!