Shuangwen Female Main Character Doesn’t Want To Be a Sensation

Chapter 76


Intersex: ... not allies.

What a data freak!

Too rigorous, intersex people have gone through the process of hope and disappointment, which can be called the ups and downs of life.

He was poisoned.

"Weeds in the Far Mountains" was a hit at the box office and attracted a lot of attention. Shi Zhi not only received a bunch of rainbow farts, but also a bunch of gifts.

It is better to pay a huge sum of money to ask for warmth, and it is better to give some special products to express celebration. (?)

Basically, friends in the circle who are acquainted with Shi Zhi know that Shi Zhi loves local specialties. In the past two days, Shi Zhi's hands have been softened just by opening the express delivery.

Although the people in the team don't understand why Sister Shi Zhi is a big hit at the box office, why is it someone else who sends things to her, not her.

I didn't dare to say, I didn't dare to ask, and I even wanted to make the local specialties come more violently, so that they could eat and drink with them.

Among them, the most suitable gift was from Cheng Yu.

Chu Batian also brought over something, and the packaging was pretty good. Shi Zhi was looking forward to it, but after opening it and looking at the glass ball, Shi Zhi was speechless.

"A certain treasure bought it?"

"Give it to friends that make them cry?" This boss, he can't do it.

The secretary still knew the goods, and told Shi Zhi, "This one is quite expensive, it's a high-end brand."

Shi Zhi took his hand back, and the secretary felt that if he read it correctly... Shi Zong seemed to be planning to throw it into the sundry place.


Shi Zhi made such an evaluation.

She doesn't like this thing at all, and the decorations feel that they are piled up with dust and lower her aesthetic level. If she was still in elementary school and received this thing, she might look at it more.

She still likes Cheng Yusong.

This time, Cheng Yu didn't give gold cakes, but gave some snacks, which were all delicious when you opened them up. There was also a banner on it that said "Congratulations to Ms. Shi Zhi for starring in the movie "Weeds in the Far Mountains" breaking the 200 million mark. "

And fishing rods.

Shi Zhi told the secretary, "This can be hung up."

Brother Quan didn't know, but Shi Zhi asked the housekeeper to invest in this movie, which meant that she also invested in it. It didn't cost much, but the return rate was very high.

Shi Zhi was happy to act, and she was also happy to earn money, double the happiness.

Shi Zhi asked the secretary to call Lu Zeming up.

Lu Zeming looked at the packages all over the floor, and showed a clear expression, "Mr. Shi, are you asking me for souvenirs?"

"I've bought it and it's on the way."

Want specialty products, don't want specialty products. The guy, he always arranged for Shi this time, and he was so skilled and sensible that it made people feel distressed.

Shi Zhi told Lu Zeming, "...that's not true."

Lu Zeming:

Shi Zhi, "But since you've bought everything, it would be troublesome to quit, and I'm not a leader who is willing to dampen the enthusiasm of the employees... I can just hand it over to Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi is the company secretary, originally Mr. Xu's secretary, but after Mr. Xu stepped down, he became Shi Zhi's.

Shi Zhi felt that Xiao Yi was okay, except for sometimes looking at her with strange eyes, wondering what she was thinking about, her work ability was quite strong, so Shi Zhi didn't change her.

Xiao Yi nodded and left it to her.

Lu Zeming, "..." Why does he just think that Shi Zhi is for special products? ! What you say is what you say.

Shi Zhi asked Lu Zeming to sit down and chat, "Did you know that Yuzu TV wants to host a talent show?"

Lu Zeming had already heard the wind, and nodded his head to show that he knew, "The men's team draft is very interesting."

"If our studio also wants to participate, Ye Ziwen, Tang You...these people are very suitable."

As Lu Zeming talked, he thought of something, "Mr. Shi, you don't want me to participate, do you?"

Shi Zhi didn't answer clearly, but instead asked Lu Zeming, "You can't?"

Lu Zeming, "I can."

He is still very confident in his own strength, he has no problem in dancing, he can't compare to those pure vocals in singing, but he won't pull his hips.

He shook his head again.

"It's just... I always feel that it's not appropriate..."

Lu Zeming tried his best to speak euphemistically.

Shi Zhi hit the nail on the head, "Will you feel shameless, bullying others, downgrading and suppressing?"

Lu Zeming smiled wryly, "... yes." Shi Zong was still as sharp as ever.

It's really bullying. Lu Zeming won the championship in "Youth My Type", and later participated in many shows. This kind of talent show is actually a platform for trainees. Lu Zeming also gave Ye Ziwen and the others a dance in front of them. Teacher, I will share the stage with them immediately.

Does it fit

Lu Zeming also knows that many companies do this. If Shi Zhi also asks him to go, he feels it is inappropriate, but he will not refuse.

After all, it represents the interests of the company.

Shi Zhi applauded Lu Zeming and smiled at him.

"Relax, I didn't say that I must let you be a player."

"I guess you don't want to. Our studio also participated in the investment of this show. I gave you a back door to become a dance instructor on the show, okay?"

Lu Zeming:! ! !

He was completely dumbfounded.

"Go through the back door?" Did you just say it carelessly through the back door

Lu Zeming felt that he couldn't bear this stimulation. In his eyes, Teacher Shi Zhi was a symbol of fairness and justice. When he was most helpless in the competition and when his life was the darkest, Shi Zhi was like a ray of light cast in, letting him know There is not only darkness in this world.

Although this beam of light didn't seem to have the smell of Rourou in the end, it didn't matter.

Still light, laser is also light.

But now Shi Zhi is going through the back door.

Shi Zhi, "Don't get me wrong."

"Actually, it was me who was approached by the mentor at first, and I recommended you there, and the director said yes." It was such a back door.

Lu Zeming: That's right.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still frightened, "Mr. Shi, you should speak up."

Shi Zhi, "I haven't had time yet?"

"You don't seem to be very happy either." With a tut, it was different from what she expected.

Shi Zhi is still waiting for Lu Zeming to bounce happily, it is best to do a few 360 rotations, she has seen Lu Zeming's movements, they are quite beautiful and powerful.

Lu Zeming was mainly vigilant, he was scared by Shi Zhikeng, he had been a dance teacher for a while, Shi always wanted him to be a dance teacher in the show again.

Shi Zhi, "It's a mentor!"

A serious tutor, a tutor with many shots.

Lu Zeming beeped softly in his heart, wasn't he scared by Shi Zhi

But this is indeed a piece of cake, it is like a big cake from heaven, and it will become a popular show. He has jumped from the player he thought he was to a mentor.

"Why don't you go up?"

Lu Zeming asked his soul.

He hurriedly explained later, "I don't doubt you." I was afraid it was a trap before, but not now.

"It's just that I think this is a great opportunity..."

Shi Zhi raised his eyebrows, earnestly said, "I'm doing this for your better development."

"The development of studio artists is more important than my own development."

"Although this opportunity is very good, but if I miss it, I miss it. I can still pick up the rest, and I can also make movies and TV series, but you are different..."

"You can shine in the field you are good at, and comment on the dancers' dance... You need this opportunity more than I do, and it is more suitable."

The righteousness is awe-inspiring, and the understanding is moved by emotion and reason.

Needless to say, tears were already rolling in Lu Zeming's eyes, even Brother Quan next to him wanted to cry.

If you don't know Shi Zhi's true thoughts.

Brother Quan decided to be a good person and let Lu Zeming know the truth.

"Actually, it's because she doesn't want to sit in the tutor's seat for too long, and she's afraid that their singing will be too bad, and their dancing eyes will be hot..."

Boy, this is the truth!

The last time Shi Zhi served as a judge for "Youth Is My Type", she was really going to die. Unlike the handsome men and beautiful women she imagined to perform on stage, she occupied the best position to watch the singing and dancing. There were some good ones, but few.

As for the mental attack brought by a soul singer, ten Tian Lai singers can't make up for the pain caused by the former.

Lu Zeming, "..." Is that so

Shi Zhi said to Brother Quan, "Can you be kind!" He was talking nonsense.

Brother Quan felt that Shi Zhi was not kind, but he didn't expect him to be beaten up.

Lu Zeming opened his mouth, and he called Shi Zhi's manager, "Brother Quan."

Brother Quan: You don't have to thank him.

Lu Zeming hesitated for a moment, but he still said it out, "Brother Quan, it's better not to destroy the relationship between our boss and subordinates."

"I believe in Miss Shi."

Sister Shi was doing it for his own good, after all, the tutor had given up to him.

The fans are not saved, the filter is thicker than the wall.

Brother Quan, "..." In fact, from a practical point of view, the mentor of this program is an improvement of Lu Zeming's resources.

Shi Zhi nodded reassuringly, "You don't need to listen to Brother Quan, just go get ready and work hard."

Lu Zeming left the CEO's office with joy.

Shi Zhi evaluated the trainees' learning situation based on several teachers in the studio, and made a comprehensive consideration through everyone's registration. After determining the initial number of people, everyone took a fierce and cruel fight——

Rock paper scissors.

The final candidate for the talent show "The Strongest Idol" will be decided.

Trainees from various companies gathered on Yuzu TV. Shi Zhi invested in this program. Yuzi TV was also the TV station where Shi Zhi asked for money from debt-collecting relatives on the spot. At that time, the TV station and Shi Zhi reached a win-win situation.

Everything went smoothly. First, Reuters photos appeared on the Internet one after another. Various types, such as handsome and fresh, cool guys, or cute trainees have already left an impression on netizens.

The program took advantage of the trend and played the leading film, which is the introduction of the contestants and highlights.

Shi Zhi felt that the people in the studio were quite confident, thinking that there was nothing to do with her, but she didn't expect someone to play tricks again.

The program group called all the companies involved in the investment to hold an emergency meeting.

The staff of the program team told Shi Zhi while walking, "Mr. Shi Zhi, it's Huo Xing. His fans made a fuss on Weibo, saying that we gave too few shots..."

Shi Zhi and Lu Zeming didn't want to downgrade and suppress young rookies, but that didn't mean the rest of them wouldn't suppress.

Shi Zhi thought for a moment: I don't know.

But she can check.

Huo Xing has debuted for many years and has overseas debut experience. He has never been a big hit, but he has also gathered a group of fans.

Shi Zhi: After all these years, selling ramen can accumulate a group of loyal diners!

Now there is a lot of commotion on Weibo, aiming at this pilot film.

Huo Xing fans---

"Garbage show, why are there so few shots, bullying my star is easy to talk about?"

"Ah, I feel sorry for Xing Xing. Xing Xing obviously brought topics and traffic to the show, so he turned his face and didn't recognize anyone?"

"Program crew, come out and give an explanation. First, solve the camera problem. Second, I heard that Xing Xing still lives in the dormitory. He trains too hard and doesn't sleep well. Let's ask for a private room. It's not too much..."

Shi Zhi, "I see."

She understood, it wasn't Huo Xing's fans who were making trouble, it was Huo Xingfang who was making trouble, could she really believe that Huo Xing's fans were even in charge of the accommodation, right

When Shi Zhi entered, there were already many people there, and everyone was worried, like a middle-aged man from Huo Xing's manager putting pressure on there.

"We don't want to make such a situation, but fans feel wronged..."

When the program director was in a dilemma, he saw Shi Zhi, "Mr. Shi, what do you think?"

In fact, he didn't expect to get a clear explanation from Shi Zhi. After all, everyone is an old fox, and they are playing football one by one. This matter is for their TV station to take care of.

Shi Zhi pondered, "I also feel that Huo Xing has been wronged."

Rest of the companies: ? ?

In terms of feelings, Shi Zhi is still Huo Xing's fan

Huo Xing felt wronged! It's not that they didn't watch the shots, Huo Xing really had a lot of shots, several times more than the other trainees, it's just that he wasn't satisfied.

Huo Xing, who originally lowered his head like an outsider and let everyone quarrel, but had nothing to do with him, also looked at Shi Zhi.

Shi Zhi, "He shouldn't live in a dormitory. As a top player, he has made such a big contribution to the ratings. He should live in a five-star hotel!"

What kind of top class is Huo Xing

Five-star hotels are even more ridiculous, and some people have already heard the taste.

Shi Zhi, "Ah, there are no five-star hotels?"

"Trash show."

"A program without a five-star hotel is rubbish. It's really not suitable for Huo Xing to stay, or... quit?"