Shuraba Player

Chapter 105


"The first group of tourists appeared in the morning of the next day. These tourists could communicate, but it was only on the surface. They would not know anything about the amusement park itself or their own origins. To answer...or don't know how to answer."

"I don't know how to answer...what does it mean?"

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"[Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.], [This amusement park is so fun, who is still in the mood to think about such things?], [Origin? Who cares about such things, just have fun and have fun .]… Probably answers similar to these.”

Lian Qing, who had been sitting next to him, suddenly spoke.

Regardless of the strange looks her companions gave her, her expression remained unchanged.

"After that, as time goes by, a new group of tourists will arrive every once in a while. This interval is getting shorter and shorter...especially on the third day."

"From morning to now, there have been five groups of tourists."

Volume 1: The gap between fiction and reality: Chapter 223 Chapter 220 [City that never sleeps? Amusement park] The secret, peeling off the cocoon

"There were no tourists at first. As time went by, the number of tourists gradually increased..."

Bai Zhi unconsciously knocked on the table with his hand, and Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"That's right. Even at night, these tourists are still tourists at their core."

Lian Qing nodded.

"Some tourists will go to rest. There are special rest places in this amusement park. Some tourists will continue to play. They will turn a blind eye to all the changes in the amusement park at night."

"Is that so..."

I don't know what he thought of, but Bai Zhi's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Speaking of which, you should have actually found a way to leave this amusement park, right? What is the current dungeon strategy level of [Sleepless City? Amusement Park]? How many points are you given for each staff member you kill?"

"Well~ it feels like I can't hide anything from you?"

Looking at Lian Qing thoughtfully, Yue Yueshi smiled and spoke.

"Of course you can leave. As long as you have enough gray coins with you, you can resist the erosion of the fog and leave this amusement park. At present, the strategy level of this dungeon is still very low, only reaching about 2.4%. Every time The number of points obtained by killing a staff member varies, depending on the staff's strength and their own contribution... What, are there any questions?"

"As time goes by, the number of tourists gathering in the amusement park increases, and the strength of the staff also increases, right?"

Bai Zhi knocked on the table with his hand.

"The number of tourists that can be accommodated in the amusement park is limited. In the end, the strength of the staff will be constant at a certain level. However, because every night new players will come and be killed to become new staff, so this copy It’s actually very difficult to conquer... Don’t you plan to stay here and waste your time?”

"That was the original plan, but the fog is gradually eroding the real world. Even if you want to leave, you can't leave, right?"

The master of the West Pavilion smiled.

"I don't want to wait until I return to the real world and find that it has become a living hell."

"Hmm... do you have any ideas for solving the problem?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi decided to listen to the other party's opinion first.

"Not yet, but I will try to kill all the staff tonight. Maybe it will have a certain effect."

The West Pavilion Master nodded frankly.

"When necessary, maybe you can try to kill tourists to reduce those..."

"Let me ask you a question. Where do you think those tourists may come from?"

Waving his hand slightly speechlessly, Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words.

"In other words, what do you think the nature of those tourists is?"

"What? Isn't it a strange story?"

Spreading his hands, Yuyueshi smiled and spoke.

"You should have seen before, how the skeletons who got off the bus turned into harmless tourists step by step, and these tourists also had a lot of gray coins on them. I think we can get more from these tourists. The difficulty of gray coins may be lower... As you can see, this is just an amusement park built for ghost stories."

"Why, do you all feel the same way?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows and looked at the others.

"Do you also think that the nature of those tourists is just weird stories?"

"What are your thoughts?"

His eyes flickered slightly, and the West Pavilion Master looked at the young man in front of him.

"I can tell you with certainty that all the tourists who came to this amusement park initially looked like that. Skeletons got off a bus in groups, and then walked towards the amusement park. Blood and flesh growing on white bones... Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Problem? Of course there is a problem."

Bai Zhi sighed helplessly and started to speak.

"You think the essence of these tourists is weird talk, but I think the essence of these tourists is actually ordinary people in the real world. The interaction between the other world and the real world has already begun. Who says ordinary people will not be affected? So The white mist that diffuses in the real world serves as a medium to continuously transport ordinary people in the real world as tourists to this amusement park... These ordinary people should be in a state of sleep in the real world."

"The reason for this inference?"

After listening to Bai Zhi's words, the West Pavilion Court Master couldn't help but move his brows slightly.

"Is it just speculation? Or do you have any conclusive evidence? How do you explain those gray coins that are only taken out by tourists?"

"These copies that exist in the other world are essentially an erosion of the real world. Since the [fog of erosion] has eroded the real world, why do you think the fog in the real world is just a decoration? "

Bai Zhi spread his hands and looked innocent.

"What if the fog that has eroded into the real world is used to select suitable tourists for this amusement park to accelerate the erosion of the real world by this amusement park? I think this is very strange."


The Master of the West Pavilion frowned.

"And before, you also mentioned the time for these tourists to enter the park. At the beginning, the [Fog of Corrosion] had not invaded the real world, so naturally there were no tourists in this amusement park. But later, as As time goes by, the frequency of each group of tourists entering the park is increasing, isn't it? Because the fog is beginning to fill the real world, the frequency of tourists selected to enter this amusement park will naturally increase."

Shrugging, Bai Zhi looked noncommittal.

"As for the gray coins used by tourists to buy things, although I don't know what their essence is, they must be very important... maybe it is to promote tourists' consumption in the amusement park, in order to accelerate the amusement park's transformation into the real world. What about erosion? This can also explain why when we players go to grab business, we encounter hostility and pursuit by the staff... "

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi nodded.

"Well, if you think about it from this aspect, the essence of gray coins may be things like souls or lifespans, which can be used to increase the strength of those staff... Anyway, you are not saying that with the increase in the number of tourists, Are the staff’s capabilities being improved? From the looks of it, tourists seem to be a consumable... "

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

"Tsk, maybe when all the gray coins on the tourist are spent, he will be officially declared dead in the real world. If you think about it from this aspect, it is impossible for this amusement park to be full because of the constant Tourists who have spent all their money will die, and new tourists will continue to join. Once this amusement park is allowed to develop and grow, it will evolve into a very terrifying ghost story... A growth type ghost story? If other copies are all Is that so... hmm? Why didn't you say anything? Why are you all looking at me like that? "


At this moment, everything is quiet inside this pavilion.

Well, very energetic! ! ! q

Volume 1: The gap between virtuality and reality: Chapter 224 Chapter 221: Squinting eyes are monsters

As Bai Zhi said this reasoning, the entire pavilion suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

In less than two minutes, everything about this amusement park has been thoroughly analyzed. There may be some mysteries in it, but the main part has been solved.

—And less than two hours have passed since the other party arrived at this amusement park.

"You just... deduce everything?"

Looking blankly at the young man beside him, Xu Lian looked dumbfounded.

She is not stupid, otherwise she would not have been able to get an A-level rating or above in the novice mission and raise her level to level three. But with so many fragmentary clues just now... how did she piece together a complete conclusion

"This is really..."

With a wry smile, the West Pavilion Master shook his head.

He felt that the three days he had stayed here were in vain. Although the other party was able to deduce what he had discovered, it was also due to the discoveries in the real world and the clues provided by all the discoveries on his side in the past three days. On their side, what's different is that they can also learn this from the new players

The gap between the two parties is actually quite obvious.

"Uh... Actually it's not a big deal. As long as you have enough information, you can deduce it quickly. It's like putting together a puzzle. It's very simple."

After unscrewing the cap of the mineral water bottle and taking a sip of water, Bai Zhi shrugged.

"Without the information you provided, I wouldn't be able to deduce it so quickly. In the same way, as long as you obtain the information from the real world, it will only be a matter of time before you deduce these. After all, this is It’s not that difficult…”

"Although I say that, being able to deduce these so far in advance will be of great help in conquering this dungeon... We all went the wrong way before."

Shaking his head slightly, the West Pavilion Master sighed in his mouth.

"[Sleepless City? Amusement Park] This ghost story is a very rare growth type ghost story. It was quite weak at the beginning, and the staff were not difficult to kill, but as it continued to swallow up those who were involved in the [Corrosion Fog] of tourists, this ghost story will grow rapidly and eventually grow into a large-scale unsolvable type of ghost story... "

"Well, that's the general situation anyway. The reason why I say this can be regarded as repayment for your generous sharing of information before."

Stretching slightly, Bai Zhi stood up from the stone chair.

"It's still early. I want to go to other places in the amusement park. Maybe I can make some other unexpected discoveries... I'll contact you later."

"Thank you very much... These 100 gray coins are a thank you gift."

After pondering for a moment, the Master of the West Pavilion took out a few gray coins and pushed them over on the table. He also handed over a business card.

"When night falls, if you encounter danger, go to those entertainment facilities to take shelter... I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Blood Cross Society... don't worry, I am a very principled person."

After picking up the business card and taking a look at it, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly. He simply put this business card together with the one Chu Ci gave him before, and then put them away indifferently. Wave your hands.

"As long as you have money."

"Well… "

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"...the knife is broken?"

At the entrance of the pavilion, listening to the words of the woman in front of him, Bai Zhi's expression couldn't help but look a little strange.

"It's just an ordinary piece of equipment. Its durability is too low. It exploded due to excessive use during a mission."

Lian Qing's attitude was still the same as before. He was cold and cold, giving people a very difficult to get along with him.

Although there were related explanations and apologetic words in his mouth, there was no apology in his tone, and he spoke calmly.

"How much did you spend on that piece of equipment? I'll pay you double the price."

"... [Evil-Breaking Knife]? There is no need to double the compensation, just pay the original price. After all, it is just an excessive equipment in the early stage."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi nodded happily.

"At that time, I spent 200 game coins to buy that piece of equipment in the game mall. In addition, it has been almost a month since I lent you this knife. The rent is 10 game coins per day. If you do the math... I'll give you a zero, and you just pay me 500 game points!!"

Lian Qing: "..."

She did not choose to reply, but the expression on her face seemed to become slightly colder. After silently turning 500 game coins to Bai Zhi, she turned around and walked towards the pavilion again. passed.

"By the way, since you are so honest, I will give you a tip personally."

He accepted the 500 game coins without any burden at all. After taking a look inside the pavilion, he suddenly called out to the other party. Bai Zhi had a mysterious look on his face.

"I'm telling you, this is an exclusive secret. If you don't listen, you will regret it for the rest of your life!! I wouldn't tell anyone else."

"What hint?"

Stopping, Lian Qing turned her head and looked at him.

"It's very simple. It's best to be careful about the March Clan in your team."

Bai Zhi held out a finger in front of him with a serious look on his face.

"I don't care how you met each other and how you formed this temporary team, but there is a big hidden danger in your temporary team."

"Is the March clan a fallen player?"

Lian Qing frowned slightly.

"Who said that only fallen players can harm others? Don't underestimate players. Can you stop blaming fallen players for whatever happens?"

Bai Zhi shook his head, with a look of disgust on his face.

"For the sake of competing for various interests, do you think there will be fewer conflicts between players than between fallen players?"

"...Where's the evidence?"