Shuraba Player

Chapter 11


Script tasks are different from other tasks. According to the system instructions, during the execution of the script task, the system will put the player into an independent time and space. The player needs to play a certain role until the task issued by the system is completed.

When Bai Zhi opened his eyes again, he found that he had appeared in a dim hall, which seemed to be similar to the interior of a dilapidated villa.

It was raining heavily outside the villa, and a corner of the window on the first floor was broken. The strong wind mixed with rain poured into the house from the window, and the candlelight on the coffee table was shaking precariously with the strong wind.

After his body was able to move, there wasn't much movement. The first thing Bai Zhi did was to look around.

Under the illumination of the shaky candlelight on the table, coupled with the lightning that lights up between the sky and the earth from time to time, the general situation of the first floor of this villa can still be seen clearly.

This place has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There are some tattered and broken items everywhere on the ground. In the center of the hall, several shabby sofas are piled together to resist the strong wind. Next to the sofas, they are piled up randomly. He was carrying four hiking backpacks, and the coffee table in front of him was filled with snacks and snacks.

Apart from him, there were three other people in the hall, two young girls who were leaning against each other and dressed fashionably, and an older boy who was sitting alone on the sofa like him.

(A college student who agreed to go hiking together, but ended up being trapped here by a heavy rain? Survive in this abandoned villa in the mountains until dawn... So what is the source of the danger...)

Bai Zhi squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the photo on the screen saver of his mobile phone that clearly did not belong to him. Combining the current environment and the information he saw, Bai Zhi thought quickly in his mind.

But what he didn't expect was that while he was still thinking, the man sitting on the sofa besides him took the initiative to stand up and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention to him.

"Everyone, it is fate that we are matched together in the novice mission. How about we be honest and work together to complete this novice mission?"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to reveal his player ID.

[Beard guy: LV 1]

—I don’t know what kind of mentality he had when he came up with this ID.

"I agree, this is clearly a teamwork mission, and you have to work together if you want to survive."

Pushing up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, a slightly gentle-looking girl nodded and showed her personal information.

[Smiling softly: LV 1]

With the first two demonstrating first, Bai Zhi and the remaining girl also showed their IDs.

[Black and white: LV 1]

[Night Owl: LV 1]

Different from the smiling Xinrou who wears glasses and has a scholarly air, the night owl looks obviously much more lively, giving people a weird illusion.

However, since what they are wearing now is not their original appearance, it is difficult to tell their true appearance.

"Since everyone is willing to cooperate, then let me analyze the current situation for you first."

It was obvious that someone wanted to get a higher rating, and the bearded guy took the dominant position without hesitation.

"The identities the four of us played should be mountaineers who came to climb mountains during the holidays. However, due to a sudden heavy rain in the mountains, we had to temporarily take shelter in this dilapidated mountain villa. For a night out, those hiking bags are the ticket.”

As he spoke, he pointed at the four hiking bags placed haphazardly next to the sofa.

"The requirement for the novice mission is to survive until dawn, and there are still six hours until dawn before the rain stops. There is no doubt that there must be some risks hidden in this dilapidated mountain villa. These risks are likely to lead to We're going to die within the next six hours... So as things stand, I have two personal suggestions."

The bearded man held out two fingers in front of him with a serious look.

"The first suggestion is, of course, to continue to stay in this dilapidated villa and think of a way to spend the next six hours. Note that during these six hours, anything can happen. After all, we have absolutely no idea. Knowing what kind of risks are hidden in this villa, it is extremely dangerous. The second suggestion is... "

"Leave this dilapidated villa far away and go down the mountain in the rain on such a rainy night, right?"

Turning his head and looking at the dark scenery outside the window, Bai Zhi answered smoothly.

"If the source of risk mainly comes from this villa, then leaving the villa can avoid the risk to the greatest extent. But when going down the mountain in the rain on such a dark rainstorm night, the risks encountered on the road may even be It will be bigger, after all, we are all just ordinary people now, and leaving the shelter and going down the mountain is a rather unwise behavior."

"Of course, this is just a suggestion."

The expression on his face was inexplicably stiff, and the bearded man clapped his hands and laughed.

"My next suggestion is that everyone try to find as many additional clues as possible on their hiking bags or mobile phones. Now that we have decided to station ourselves in this villa, we may have to split up our manpower to deal with it. This villa was explored, but we need to be careful in this dark environment... "

Before he could finish his sentence, Bai Zhi silently took out four military high-power flashlights from his backpack and placed them on the coffee table. Then, he was under the strange looks of the three people around him. A few barrels of gasoline and a few camping tents were moved out.

"Rather than risk exploring the entire villa, I have a better suggestion."

Bai Zhi raised his head and looked at the other three people with a serious look on his face.

"Why don't we just burn this villa with gasoline?"

"...How did you even think of putting these things in your backpack?"

Smelling the pungent smell of gasoline, the corners of Qianxiao Xinrou's mouth twitched.

"Each player's initial backpack only has thirty slots, and they can carry items no more than ten times the player's own weight. You put these in the backpack..."

"Times have changed. This is no longer the era before. Naturally, more efficient methods must be used to remove spirits. Under nuclear bombs, all living beings are equal."

Bai Zhi looked matter-of-fact.

"If there is no way to get Italian artillery, why would there be so much trouble if we just bombard it with one cannon? It's hypocritical."

Smiling softly: "..."

Night Owl: "..."

Bearded man: "..."

Volume 1: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Night Owl

Lightning pierces the sky from time to time, the sky and the earth are pale, the roar of thunder is endless, and the rain falls crazily as if the Milky Way has vented a hole.

Rainy night.

"I think it's better not to be like this..."

Raising his hand, the petite night owl spoke weakly.

"After all, we don't know what the situation is now. If the ignition triggers a certain flag that will die..."

Unlike the other three players, this female player named Night Owl obviously has a natural fear of this dark environment.

"Well~ this gasoline is originally used as a last resort. When the crisis comes, just burn it with fire and jade. For those weird things that may be hidden, the flame should be regarded as a magic attack..."

Shrugging, Bai Zhi picked up a strong flashlight from the table.

"Anyway, let's explore according to the original plan. This villa has three floors in total. In order to ensure safety, the four of us are currently exploring on the first floor. It will be much better with a strong flashlight... What do you think? "

"I have no opinion."

Shaking her head, Xinrou smiled and picked up the flashlight on the table.

"There is a kitchen, two toilets, a master bedroom, a guest bedroom, a hall, a storage room, and a stairwell on the first floor. Each of the eight places can explore two places. If you find anything unusual, just call us all. Let’s go together, any questions?”

"I, let's go into groups, right?"

Looking at the dark environment around him that seemed to choose people to eat, and thinking of the classic horror movies he had watched before, the night owl found that his body was trembling slightly.

"Isn't that what happens in those horror movies? It's the stupidest way to act separately. On the other hand, it's not that big here on the first floor..."

"I agree with the night owls."

Probably because his dominant position was diluted, the bearded man's complexion looked slightly unsightly.

"If there are four people, just divide them into two groups, one male and one female."

"Okay, I don't care."

While lifting the barrels of gasoline to a dry place by the wall, Bai Zhi replied nonchalantly.

"I'm going to the kitchen first. If you want to team up with me, just come over by yourself."

After saying this, Bai Zhi turned on the flashlight in his hand and walked straight towards the kitchen.

"Wait, wait for me."

Watching someone leave, he quickly picked up a flashlight from the table, and the night owl hurriedly followed him.

"Then let's check the master bedroom first, shall we?"

Seeing that the groups were quickly sorted out, Smiling Xinrouhao turned his head and spoke to the bearded man next to him indifferently.

Compared to the unexpected black and white incident, she prefers to team up with the calmer bearded guy... By the way, would normal people really stuff so many large barrels of gasoline in their backpacks

… … … … … … … … …

On the other side, Bai Zhi had already stepped into the kitchen.

Compared with the messy hall before, the situation in the kitchen seems to be much better. The blinds are tightly closed to block the storm from the outside world. It seems quieter here than the outside world.

The trash can has long been filled, and there is even a lot of garbage overflowing from the trash can and rolling to the ground. The garbage is all covered with a thick layer of flies. When the strong light of the flashlight shines over, Suddenly it took off like a dark cloud.

And at this moment, a slightly panting figure followed behind, and when he saw the soaring black cloud, he screamed in fright.

"That's a fly."

Bai Zhi's calm words came from the side.

"I know, but suddenly... what are we going to do next?"

Unconsciously, he reached out and grabbed the other party's clothes. The calmness shown by the player with the ID Black and White gave the night owl considerable comfort.

"Have you ever played an RPG game?"

Turning his head and looking at the other party, Bai Zhi ignored him and looked towards the kitchen in front of him while asking questions.

"Uh... I've played a little bit..."

"Then you can think of this as a real RPG game. The game characters we control swagger into other people's homes and rummage through boxes and cabinets, taking away all the valuable things, gold coins, herbs, etc., including all the earthen jars and so on. Crush it to see if there is anything hidden, and then the villagers will stupidly call us brave men... "

As he spoke, Bai Zhi walked to the coal stove and shined the light of his flashlight on the big pot.

The gas has long been cut off, but the pot is filled with a large pot of red and black unknown substances. The liquid in the pot has already caked, and a layer of white maggots are climbing on it, which looks abnormal. Disgusting.

"Would you like a taste?"

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked at the girl who was still holding on to the corner of his clothes and nervously looking at the dark environment around her.

"Wha, what?"

Night Owl turned his head nervously.

"I asked you to try it. It has a high protein content. You seem to be quite nervous now."

Bai Zhi patiently repeated his words.

"protein… "

Somewhat confused, she followed someone's guidance and looked into the pot. The poor night owl's face suddenly changed wildly. She was so disgusted that she hurriedly looked away.

Ever since she entered this kitchen, everything she saw was challenging her physical limits.

—She suddenly regretted being in the black and white group.

"How's it going? You're not scared now, are you?"

Looking at the night owl who bent over and covered his mouth, Bai Zhi curled his lips.

"Fear is a stress response that everyone will have, but too much fear will not let you go too far in this game, so you have to try to overcome fear and replace it with other emotions."

"...I'm not scared anymore, but now I have a strong desire to beat you up..."

The night owl, who looked pale and straightened up again, answered feebly.

"Please, can you do it differently next time?"

"Good medicine is bitter to the mouth and good to the sick, and good advice is bad to the ears but good to the deeds. If you can't overcome even the most basic fear, with all due respect, you won't be able to go very far before you die in a certain mission or be killed by some strange story."

After shrugging his shoulders indifferently, seeing that there was basically nothing to explore on the stove, Bai Zhi walked straight to the refrigerator placed in the corner of the kitchen.

As soon as he got close to the refrigerator, an extremely strong odor came towards him. He waved his hand to blow away the odor in front of him indifferently, while Bai Zhi stretched his hand towards the refrigerator door.

"Hmm... this smells a bit like rotten..."

"Wait, wait a minute!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was stopped by the panicked night owl.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I, let me close my eyes first..."

Bai Zhi couldn't help but seemed speechless when he saw the girl beside him who at some point changed from holding his clothes to holding his arm and shivering.

"Ah... a new era of deception has appeared..."

While muttering these words in his mouth, Bai Zhi reached out and opened the refrigerator door.