Shuraba Player

Chapter 115


"That sentence before... So she shouldn't think that the reason why she left in a hurry without taking a few bites was because her cooking skills were not good enough, right?"

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi's expression suddenly became extremely strange.

Such a strange way of thinking…

In other words, is this considered naturally dull, naturally dark, or is it naturally dark after staying deep enough... Don't I have a little bit of self-consciousness about it? You should learn to put yourself in other people's perspective and think more, really...

Pouting his lips, Bai Zhi handed the whole chicken he had prepared to Tong Gu.

"sorry to bother you."

"… good."

Cyborg decided to wait until after this large-scale battle mission was over, and then give the iron-blooded guy a set of military punches when he returned.

… … … … … … … … … … …

This barbecue meal took about two hours to eat.

As for Cyborg, who originally said he had no appetite, in the end he still couldn't escape the law of true fragrance in human nature.

However, it has to be said that the memory of Wuji Girl on barbecue is really nothing to say. Bai Zhi feels that the other party has definitely added a lot of skill points in barbecue cooking.

"Okay, let me talk about our next plan."

Bai Zhi clapped his hands and spoke.

—Two hours of rest is enough for them to recover to their best condition.

Hearing his voice, the other two people focused their attention on him. However, it was supposed to be a serious and tense atmosphere because everyone was still eating barbecue and holding mineral water or mineral water in their hands. Because of the drinks, I had the inexplicable illusion of listening to gossip after a dinner party.


After silently finishing the barbecue in his hands, Cyborg sat up straight.

"To the castle?"

Looking at his boyfriend in front of him, the deceased Ling tilted his head slightly.

"It's too dangerous to travel at night. You don't know what weird things you might encounter on the road. This is a highly difficult S-level dungeon after all. We'd better be careful."

Bai Zhi shook his head.


(You also know that this is an S-level high-difficulty dungeon... By the way, do you know that the way you are happily eating barbecue around the fire while saying such words in your mouth very seriously is really very... Inconclusive?)

Sitting aside with a serious look on his face and pretending to be an expert, Cyborg complained crazily in his heart.

"The difficulty of this dungeon is still there. Whether it is the prompts given by the system or the intricate and huge mirror maze we encountered at the beginning, we can already explain the difficulty."

Bai Zhi drew a circle on the dirt next to him with the stick he had left after finishing the barbecue. Bai Zhi pointed at the circle and spoke.

"This is Rose Manor. It can be divided into two parts. One is the mirror maze that wraps up the entire Rose Manor, and the other is the castle in the center of the manor... Assume that there is still the previous one in this Rose Manor. In terms of survivors, where do you think those survivors will be?”

"The name of the mission is [Anna's Gift], and our mission has two optional objectives. One of them is to explore the killing rules and death patterns in Rose Manor, and the other is to directly kill "Anna"."

While thinking in his mind, Cyborg frowned and spoke slowly.

"The latter mission is extremely dangerous, even for top players like us, so if there are still lucky people in this Rose Manor, their main goal should be the first one, so where they are now It should be... over there at the castle?"

"Wrong, everything is wrong."

Bai Zhi shook his head.

"If you put it on other occasions, your reasoning is correct, but you overlooked one thing. In the first copy we encountered when we first entered the other world, the system gave us A necessary task?"

"...No, so what you mean is..."

Cyborg suddenly froze slightly.

"Yes, at that time our mission was just to escape, escape from the amusement park, escape from the ghost school, escape from Rose Manor..."

Raising his head, Bai Zhi looked at the castle in the distance.

"This dungeon is rated S-level, which means that basically not many people escaped, or that everyone was collectively wiped out here... If there are really lucky people, they should be as far away from the center of everything as possible , that is, over there at the castle.”

"So if there are survivors, their hiding place should be among the trees and grass near the exit of the mirror maze..."

Turning his head sharply to look at the dark grass around him, Cyborg murmured to himself.

"Even if they are afraid of this mirror maze that hinders their escape, the hiding place should be near these exits... So why do you deliberately light a fire and barbecue here?"

"Yes, but we have been sitting here for two hours and still no one has shown up. This means that there are no lucky ones here."

Bai Zhi snapped his fingers.

"The difficulty of this dungeon is quite high. You'd better be mentally prepared. People may die."


Tilting his head slightly, the deceased Zero raised his head and looked at his boyfriend in front of him.

Volume 1: The Gap between Imagination and Reality: Chapter 245 Chapter 241 I, the ADC, just want to survive, am I wrong?

He Zhiqiu found that she couldn't understand her boyfriend.

She used to be the other party's assessor, so she naturally had some understanding of the other party's situation.

However, judging from what she learned and the results of the assessment, the other party's qualifications were at best above average. Compared with the option of becoming a player and facing the monsters head-on, the other party was more suitable to be an ordinary person.

If the other party is really involved in the strange incident, judging from their previous performance in the assessment, they will definitely be the ones who die the fastest.

But there is nothing she can do about this kind of thing. After all, since the world began to change, there is no absolutely safe place in the world, only relatively safe places.

As a player, she cannot have too much contact with each other. After all, players and monsters are attracted to each other, and this attraction will bring disaster to the ordinary people around them.

Originally, she was planning to leave the school, but it was just delayed for a while because of Bai Zhi's incident. It was not until the assessment could no longer continue due to the other party's injury and hospitalization that she chose to take over elsewhere.

Because the incident happened suddenly, she originally planned to call her cheap boyfriend on the way to explain it, but the phone suddenly stopped getting through...

In addition, there was no news for a long time after that. She actually thought that the other party was accidentally involved in the ghost talk incident and died. After all, it had been so long and the call could not be reached at all. Not to mention, the other party He didn't give himself any news. What else could he be if he wasn't dead

—Before leaving school, she left her new address with him.

For this reason, after coming to this conclusion, she also specially helped him build a grave... a tomb.

As a result, he is back now. Not only did he encounter such a large-scale battle mission, he also learned information about his boyfriend.

And it was quite a coincidence that she had just listened to someone else talking about her boyfriend, and the next step she met him in the same dungeon mission...

Of course, the point of the problem was not this, but that the other party didn't seem to recognize her. Not only that, the other party's performance was far more outstanding than she imagined... quite outstanding.

Cyborg is actually not alone, because when he doubted himself, a certain girl on the side also doubted himself a little in her heart, wondering if there was something wrong with her original assessment...

Originally, after learning that the other party had become a player, she planned to let him live in the Sword Gym. After all, the dormitory was no longer suitable for him to live.

Before, I considered that I might harm the other party, but now that both parties are players, there is no problem. Living together can not only protect the other party, but also exercise the other party's combat skills and combat experience.

She had read on the Internet that it was normal for male and female friends to live together. The Sword Dojo Hall was big enough, so there was no need to worry about not being able to accommodate them.

But the problem is, the other party doesn't seem to recognize me at all... Does he really not recognize him, or does he not want to recognize him

... Could it be that you have changed your mind

The girl's eyes scanned the ring on Bai Zhi's hand.

… … … … … … … … … … … … …

Naturally, Bai Zhi would not know what a certain girl was thinking. At this moment, he was talking to Cyborg.

"It can be seen from the tasks and task names assigned by the system that the main subject of the core ghost story of this sub-sect is Anna. Our goal is to kill her, or find the murder rules or death rules in this Rose Manor. … I personally recommend choosing the second mission.”

"To avoid the possible risk of death, the second mission is indeed the best option."

After pondering for a moment, Cyborg nodded.

"Even if all nine of us players form a team, the evaluation given by the system to kill Anna is extremely dangerous, not to mention that we are now divided into three teams..."

"It's actually a good thing to spread out. After all, if you choose to focus on the second mission, naturally the fewer people there are, the smaller the target will be. But some people don't think so."

Bai Zhi added a piece of firewood to the fire in front of him and shook his head.

"The five-person team's goal is to kill Anna. Otherwise, they wouldn't have invited us to join their team at the beginning. Instead, they would have proposed grouping... and act according to circumstances."

When he said this, Bai Zhi sighed slightly in his mouth.

"I just hope that some of them are not too stupid, and it is best not to underestimate any weird rumors, otherwise they are very likely to suffer huge casualties... It is a good thing to have confidence in yourself, but overconfidence will turn into You’re conceited, I guess you’ve noticed this, right?”

"... That's right."

The whole person's expression froze slightly at first, and then Cyborg nodded as if nothing had happened.

"Their ideas are bold and crazy, but there is really no need to gamble your life on that kind of thing. The first priority is to ensure your own safety."

"That's right, after all, you only have output when you're alive. I'm a shooter ADC, why can't I use six life-saving items!?"

Bai Zhi nodded in agreement, his face filled with indignation.

"As an ADC, I just want to survive. Is this wrong? As for scolding me as an actor in the game!?"

Cyborg: "..."

...So how on earth can you say such extremely unworthy words with such a righteous look

"By the way, considering your safety, I will lend this to you for the time being."

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Cyborg took out a handbag from his backpack and handed it over, acknowledging the other party's status as a crucial wise man in the team.

"Uh... props?"

He reached out to take the handbag, and after taking a look inside Chao's bag, Bai Zhi's expression suddenly became very strange.

[Item name: Suspect Suit]

[Type: props]

[Quality: Rare]

[Special effects: After wearing it, it will be covered by the "black shadow effect" of the classic image of a criminal suspect in a certain comic or animation. By distorting the light, the dark figure is completely hidden. If you don't take the initiative to show your head, no one will notice it. And after wearing it, if there are people around you, you can blend into the group naturally and unnoticed, becoming an unobtrusive member.]

[Consumption: 50 psychic energy/hour]

[Note: If there are elementary school students wearing glasses nearby, the equipment special effects will be invalid.]

py recommends the book "I heard you are going to betray the second dimension"

In the past, others advised me to play less games.

Don’t charge so hard when playing games.

He also asked me not to watch the two-dimensional girl giggle and scream at her wife.

People say that sooner or later I will suffer retribution for what I have done.

I was very stubborn at that time and would not listen to anyone. He didn't take the retribution seriously either.

And now, the words of the people have come true.

Retribution has really come.

Not only did the two-dimensional girl come to my door, but she also kept asking my husband to fulfill my promise to get married.

What to do. I am a grown man now... I used to like Illya.

Since Illya has not changed, I can only take responsibility and be a good father while saving the world. Skirt one⑥8twoone7⑦onesix

Volume One: The Gap between Imagination and Reality: Chapter 246 Chapter 242: The So-called Theory of Player Strength

"Suspect suit... do you think it's appropriate for me to wear this?"

After three seconds of wordless silence, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked at Cyborg in front of him.

"Also, why don't you wear this suit?"

"I think you fit in well... Ahem, I'm a soldier. It's easy for soldiers to be misunderstood if they wear this."

He almost said what was in his heart, turned his head, and Cyborg coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Although the appearance is a bit poor, it is actually a very good piece of equipment when used for escaping. It can effectively reduce one's presence... I think you may need this, after all, in terms of strength..."

"Thanks, but I have better protective equipment."