Shuraba Player

Chapter 1154


Looking at the unhappy look on the lolita's face in front of him, Bai Zhi smiled slightly, took out a jade pendant from his backpack and handed it over.

"This is the advance deposit."

"Deposit? What... wait, are you sure you want to use this as a deposit!?"

After picking up the jade pendant and taking a look at it, the unhappiness on Ah Lu's face was immediately wiped away.

"Yes, if you are not satisfied with that epic main material, you can replace it with something else from me."

Facing the other party's gaze, Bai Zhi nodded calmly.

"That letter is very important, so I hope you can deliver it."

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will deliver this letter before I die!!"

He slapped his chest loudly, Ah Lu's face was windy and Yi Shuihan was decisive.

"Climb the mountain of knives, descend into the sea of fire...I will not give up even if I die!!!"

… … … … … … … … … … … …

After explaining this matter to Ah Lu, Bai Zhi specially approved a large amount of mechanical coins in units of one hundred thousand to a certain tour guide 230 who was charging. After doing this, he Then he returned to his room.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and the only thing he needs to wait for next is a certain SpongeBob SquarePants.

However, not long after he returned to his room and lay down, there was a knock on the door of his room.

After yawning and looking at the clock hanging on the wall, Bai Zhi got out of bed and walked to the door and opened it.

——What caught his eyes was the figure of Meng Meng.

"How's it going? Has your body recovered?"

After looking up and down at the white-haired girl in front of him, Bai Zhi turned sideways and moved out of the way while asking.

As a non-qualified person with mechanical powers, Wu Lingmeng's body was also severely mechanically transformed before, but with the special medicine he obtained using his authority, these were not a problem.

"Well, everything has basically recovered."

For some reason, Huo Lingmeng seemed very unhappy.

"The effect of the special medicine is very good. Not only has the body fully recovered, but the basic attributes have even improved by a few points."

"Huh? Isn't that a good thing? Why are you so depressed?"

Bai Zhi came to sit down on the sofa and yawned.

"What I picked for you is the best special medicine. In addition to inhibiting the erosion of mechanical power, strengthening the body is one of the unique properties of this medicine."

"...I think you did it on purpose."

Glancing in Bai Zhi's direction, he turned his head, and Wu Lingmeng's face turned red and he snorted softly.

"Do you know it will hurt if you do it again?"

"What would hurt?"

Looking up at the beautiful white-haired girl in front of him, Bai Zhi looked confused.

"you… "

Seeing the confused look on someone's face in front of her, Wu Lingmeng immediately became angry and grabbed the other person's cheeks with both hands. She straddled the other person's lap without even thinking about it.

"It's been so long and you haven't recovered yet!?"

"Yinxiu, Chuchupu, 炂卍?峮阘... Okay, stop pinching, I'm very sleepy now."

Reaching out to grab the opponent's hands that were making trouble on his face, Bai Zhi couldn't help but look helpless.

"You should be glad that I have recovered a little, otherwise based on your actions just now, you would probably be tied up again."

"Hmph, who told you to ignore me?"

With a soft hum in his mouth and resting his chin on the opponent's shoulder, Wu Lingmeng fell on the opponent's body.

"Not only did you neglect me, but you also played with me in a bondage situation... Tell me honestly, have you ever played like this with other people before?"

"Stop making trouble and let me get some sleep."

Holding the other party in his arms, Bai Zhi half-closed his eyes, and then he hugged the girl's soft body and lay down on the sofa amidst the other party's exclamations.

"You have been doing research before. It just so happens that we can sleep together now."


Looking up at someone who had closed his eyes and fallen asleep in a daze, Wu Lingmeng curled his lips. He first chose a more comfortable position in the other person's arms, and then put the other person's hands on his waist. on, and finally closed his eyes with satisfaction.

—The little happiness she asked for was actually very simple.

In the quiet room, time slowly passed backwards.

At a certain moment, as a lid-like thing in the void was lifted, a square yellow sponge jumped out from the lid.

"Huh... I'm finally back. I didn't expect the location time to be so far away..."

In the game room where she was alone, the girl sitting in front of the computer wiped the sweat from her forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

I don’t know if the system discovered that she was collecting wool from the system. Originally, after she completed the finishing task, the system was supposed to take her back, but unexpectedly, the system suddenly stopped working in the middle of the process, and instead she was killed. Sweating all over.

"Okay, after completing the last finishing task, it's time to go back home. Next time I'll force it out... huh?"

Without finishing the sentence he was talking to himself, Xiao Qi switched his perspective to a corner of the computer screen in front of him, as if he had discovered some new continent.

"Okay, beautiful boy is also known as Cao Youzhu. Isn't Spongebob cute?"

Looking at the scene displayed on the computer screen in front of him, Xiao Qi curled his lips in displeasure.

"Forget it, if you don't pinch it, it will only make you stronger. I will pinch the big mushroom later..."

While muttering in his mouth, without intending to wake the two of them up, Xiao Qi clicked on a new interface on the computer.

That’s right, if you want to pinch, just pinch the big mushroom! !

—One day, everyone will control the giant mushroom! ! !

While selecting suitable materials in the material library, Xiao Qi was very motivated.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"...haven't you recovered yet?"

Listening to his master's narration, Huanyan couldn't help but frown.

"No, no, I still have the same personality. I don't know what trump card that guy used to keep that state for so long."

While eating potato chips and following the show, a certain pink-haired bird lying half in the air bit off a piece of potato chip with great displeasure.

"Don't think too much. You should just listen to my peace of mind and practice. After you have a physical body, you can do whatever you want. I can even help you knock him out with a sap. I'll tie you back and let you, the tyrant, take the bow, what's the use of thinking so much now?"

"but… "

"It's nothing but no, not only can't you do anything now, but the help you can do is also very limited. If you don't practice, what's the use of wandering around in your mind all day long?"

Lowering his eyes, a certain pink-haired man glanced at his cheap apprentice.

"You have a good vision, and his future is destined to be limitless. But if you can't work hard to catch up with him...

"Believe me, sooner or later, you will be left behind."

Please give me a monthly ticket on the last day of the month (ノ○ Д ○)ノq group::一⑥⑧谰伊7⑦ Yiliu

Volume 2 The Miracle of Micro-Probability: Chapter 1702 Chapter 772 Main Line Golden Plot Mission (6k)

As if waking up from a big dream, Bai Zhi opened his eyes with an inexplicable soreness.

The memories of the past few days are still vivid in his mind, but looking back they feel extremely strange. He can clearly know that he was himself at that time, but he is completely unable to connect that self with his current self.

"Tsk... are the sequelae this time so serious..."

Recalling what happened in the past few days, Bai Zhi couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although at that time, he had a hunch that the sequelae might last for a while, he never expected that it would last so long.

"If we continue at this pace, I estimate that the next time I use Tiandao mode, the duration will probably start at half a month... Sure enough, I still have to use it sparingly."

After exhaling a little breath, Bai Zhi tried to sit up from the sofa, but belatedly discovered that there was a beautiful white-haired girl lying on his body.

The other person was holding his neck with both hands at this time, looking like he was sleeping soundly, but his hand slipped into the other person's chest at some point, and he subconsciously held something...

"Well… "

Feeling the softness of the other person's body, Bai Zhi suddenly understood where the pain in his body came from.

At this time, it seemed that the movement he made had woken up the other party, and the beautiful white-haired girl opened her eyes in a daze.

"Uh... what... how about you sleep again?"

Seeing the evil spirit dream that caught him in front of him, Bai Zhi felt inexplicably embarrassed.

...Especially after he pinched it subconsciously.


Blinking her eyes, Wu Lingmeng looked a little confused at first, but she quickly came back to her senses.

"Wait, you've recovered!?"

"Ahem... almost..."

Seeing Wu Lingmeng lying down in front of him excitedly, Bai Zhi let go of his hand calmly, and Bai Zhi coughed a few times.

"Please get up first. I'll go to the toilet and take a shower first, and then we'll talk about... uh, what are you doing?"


Taking his hand and pulling him up from the sofa, Wu Lingmeng blinked, and it was natural on his face.

"I haven't taken a shower for several days, so we can save time now."

Bai Zhi: "..."

…Does it really save time? He always felt like he wasted more time like this...

"Why, can't it?"

Seeing the hesitant expression on the face of the person in front of him, Wu Lingmeng curled his lips slightly unhappily as he knelt down on him.

"Why not? Come on, let's take a shower!!"

Bai Zhi made his decision within three and one-half seconds. Amidst the other's exclamations, Bai Zhi decisively hugged him and stood up from the sofa.

… What is the saying

I will never let reason defeat my desires! !

Soon, not long after Bai Zhi entered the bathroom with Hu Lingmeng in his arms, the sound of sparse water came from inside.

Occasionally, some strange conversations came from inside.

"Uh... this is..."

"Wait... You can't blame me for this..."


… … … … …

As for the specific process... How else can we say that Chinese culture is profound and profound

As the saying goes, gently gathering, slowly twisting and wiping, then picking again, at first it was six pieces after Yun Shang, the grooves of the big strings were like the pouring rain, and the small strings were like whispers.

Then Guan Ying's words slipped on the bottom of the flowers, Youyanquan flowed under the ice, the silver bottle suddenly broke, water slurry burst out, and the cavalry suddenly screamed with swords and guns.

I will never regret taking off my clothes and belt, but I will make people haggard because of Yi.

-What a poem, what a poem.

"What... didn't these two people check the situation in the room before? You can't see such a big yellow sponge on the bedside table..."

Listening to the indescribable sound coming from the earphones, Xiao Qi, who was sitting in front of the computer in the room and concentrating on holding his big mushroom, suddenly turned slightly red.

At the beginning, she was still a little confused about the origin of those strange sounds, but when she opened the screen again, she understood everything instantly.

"...What? It's broad daylight, and I'm so energetic..."