Shuraba Player

Chapter 1155


Out of curiosity, Xiao Qi secretly took a peek into the bathroom, and then just such a look made her blush and her heart beat fast, and her two long snow-white legs under the table couldn't help but lean against each other.

"...Forget it, forget it, keep pinching my big mushroom..."

While muttering in his mouth, Xiaoqi reached out and patted his cheek. Xiaoqi lowered the volume of the system to the lowest level, and then continued his unfinished business.

Just pinching it, her mind would always wander involuntarily, and she completely lost the concentration mentality she had before.

As a severe sociopath who has always only dared to appear as an avatar, ever since she was promoted to the epic level, during the long period of time between the epic level and the mythical level, she has never left this room again. The characters you made up by yourself support the scene.

On the Internet, the dirty jokes she makes come out one after another, just like a serious veteran, but in reality, she is quite innocent...

For her, the scene she saw before was a bit too exciting.

After absent-mindedly squeezing the big mushroom for more than an hour, Xiao Qi guessed that it was over and turned the volume back on... Then she realized that she was thinking too much.

"...Tsk, this doesn't allow people to work anymore?"

Looking at the picture of the bathroom displayed on the screen in front of her, Xiao Qi seemed to be gritting her teeth inexplicably.

In her opinion, the other party was completely maliciously disturbing the people.

After a little hesitation, she turned around and looked around in this private room where she was alone. Xiaoqi finally failed to suppress the strong curiosity in her heart. With a critical attitude, she used The mouse click opened the bathroom door.

"Yes, I am looking at it critically... Well, criticizing..."

While muttering in his mouth, Xiao Qi focused his eyes on the screen in front of him.

Compared with the short movies she secretly downloaded before, this live broadcast was undoubtedly more exciting.

It didn't take long for her eyes to become blurred. She pulled a biscuit box from the side and while eating the biscuits, she watched the video in front of her very seriously... very seriously.

"Uh... uh uh..."

The room was full of spring.

… … … … … … … … … …

The battle between Bai Zhi and Wu Lingmeng lasted for almost five or six hours, and finally ended with Wu Lingmeng taking the lead in surrendering.

... How else can we say that the player has good physical strength

By the time Bai Zhi had packed everything up, time had quietly arrived at night.

"No... Are you so slow over there?"

Looking at the yellow square sponge that suddenly appeared from the green water pipe in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his question with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for you?"

(…Wait for me, you’re a guy who takes a few hours just to take a shower…)

- In front of the computer screen, the girl who had already changed into pajamas rolled her eyes.

"Really? I'm really sorry, I had a little accident over there."

After adjusting the tie on his chest, Spongebob looked apologetic.

"To express my apology... Well, would you like a delicious Krabby Patty? I'll treat you."

Originally, this was just a polite tone that she asked her to ask for at the foot of the stairs. The meaning was basically the same as whether she wanted to stay for lunch, and everyone could just casually agree.

But she didn't expect that after her polite tone fell, the guy in front of her sat back down quite naturally.

"Oh, thanks, let's take five first."

Spongebob: "..."

"...When did you meet Spongebob?"

Seeing a boiler kitchen utensil conjured out of thin air in front of them, he put on a hat and started to seriously make a delicious Krabby Patty yellow sponge in front of them, Wu Lingmeng looked at someone next to him with a very strange expression and asked.

Although a certain yellow sponge had gained a reputation in the Huzhong Realm before, it was during the time when she was in a bad mood, and the other party only moved in another area with many people. , she naturally was not in the mood to pay attention to these gossips.

"Uh... things like this are difficult to explain clearly in a short while..."

Holding the other person's hand, after thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi pointed at the yellow sponge in front of him with a concise expression on his face.

"Don't think this is just a square yellow sponge, but in fact, this is actually a mythical player. She and I have reached a certain deal. As for the specific content of the deal, I'll wait for you. Just know it.”

"Hmm...Does the Mythical Player actually look like this?"

After staring at the yellow sponge in front of him for a moment, which looked familiar no matter how he looked at it, Wu Lingmeng nodded thoughtfully.

"This is such a big world, full of wonders, everything can happen... uh..."

"Incarnation, incarnation, everyone said it was incarnation, who looks like this?"

But after hearing Wu Lingmeng's whisper, he turned his head and rolled his eyes in her direction in a very humane manner. A certain yellow sponge threw five plates in the air, and placed them on the table in front of them. The top is neatly arranged.

The plate had just been placed, and in a way that didn't pay attention to the rules of physics at all, five delicious crab patties were placed on the plate in a layered manner in front of them.

Never compete with funny characters, this is the rule.

… … … … … … … … … …

"Okay, have you seen the panel that appears in front of you? Just fill in the task content and related task rewards in the panel."

After patiently waiting for the two people in front of them to finish the delicious Krabby Patty, a certain Sponge had an old-fashioned look on his face with his hands folded across his chest.

"Remember, don't blame me for not reminding you. You'd better fill in the description of the task in more detail. Because only in this way can I accurately find the person you are looking for, instead of simply Find information about people with similar names."

"Are you issuing a mission...I understand."

Looking at the panel that appeared in front of him, Bai Zhi nodded after a moment of pondering.

Although he has not been able to see the other party's true appearance even until now, he has already made a rough guess in his mind about the other party's abilities.

If a certain pink-haired creature's ability is based on dreams, then the core of the opponent's ability is undoubtedly related to game data.

- In short, it is to create various characters for yourself to cheat on.

Because Bai Zhi already had a draft in mind, he didn't spend too long. So in just a minute or two, he had already completed filling in the task description and related task rewards.

And just after he finished filling out the task form in front of him, a golden exclamation point suddenly appeared above his head.

"...Is it really this type?"

Looking up at the big exclamation point above his head, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

If a certain pink-haired creature regarded reality as a dream, then this Xiao Qi, whom he had never met before, undoubtedly regarded reality as a game.

"Okay, I have completed the task, you can..."


Before Bai Zhi finished speaking, a clear and loud voice sounded directly in his ears.


… … … …

On the other side of the computer, looking at the big golden exclamation mark that appeared on the screen, Xiao Qi almost fell from her chair to the ground, and the strong sense of shit in her heart was really overwhelming.

She knows her own family's affairs, and her ability is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

She originally thought it was just the simplest daily side mission of finding someone, but unexpectedly the other party directly gave her a main storyline golden plot mission.

Main plot mission, what is this concept

You know, even the last mission she received that was the key to getting promoted to Mythology was just a mainline silver plot mission.

Could it be that finding someone for the other party is more important than promoting yourself to Shinhwa

... What kind of luck is this!

"Hmm... The main golden plot mission, it seems that the mission will be very heavy this time. This is the first time I have received such a mission... "

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Qi raised the chair and sat back at the computer desk again.

"I will take on this task."

"The next thing is next, what happened to you just now? The sudden "Fuck" sound shocked me."

Bai Zhi couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly as he heard the words that came directly to his mind instead of being spoken by the yellow sponge in front of him.

"Sorry, sorry, it was unexpected. I didn't expect that I would receive such a..."

Before he finished his sentence, Xiao Qi couldn't help but stay there as he looked at the relevant introduction to this main line golden plot mission and the mission rewards that appeared after clicking the mouse in front of him.

Since it was a golden plot mission that she had never received before, logically speaking, the mission reward should be very generous... But what did she see

[Task description: Help the handsome and handsome boy in the world find his missing companion. The relevant information about the missing companion is as follows... ]

[Task reward: 0.1 source coins, a lot of favor with the task target]

...Surely this shabby mission reward is a golden plot mission that is more important than his promotion to the myth

Suddenly, Xiao Qi was very doubtful about life.

If you really want to talk about it, her abilities are actually quite complicated, so I will only pick the simplest aspects here.

For example, in terms of accepting tasks, in addition to the other party actively writing tasks and issuing them, there is also a task mode that no one else can see.

For example, right now, in addition to the golden exclamation mark on the head of the guy in front of me, there is actually a gray mission mark on the head of the beautiful white-haired girl next to him that can only be seen on her computer screen. .

According to the degree of help she received from the rewards obtained after completing these tasks, these tasks are divided into different levels according to the degree of cherishment.

The main missions are greater than the side missions, and the golden plot missions are greater than the silver plot missions. The key to her promotion to the Myth is because she received a main silver plot mission.

On that occasion, not only did she almost die in the main silver plot mission, but the game cabin where she lived was also severely damaged, and she barely recovered after a long period of rest.

But the so-called risks often coexist with opportunities.

It was precisely because of that main Silver story mission that she laid the foundation for her promotion to Myth, otherwise she would still be at the Legend level now.

It is precisely because of the lessons learned from the past that after encountering a more advanced main line golden plot mission, she can be said to be full of energy and plan to go all out.

… But what are these mission rewards

"Don't blame me. You said it yourself before. As a reward for the mission, you just need to take some source coins to show your interest."

Seeing that the other party didn't say a word for a long time, Bai Zhi started to speak after coughing a few times.

"If you are not satisfied with the mission reward, I can increase it ten times more than the original reward. What do you think?"

"No, I think you are a tough guy."

After rolling his eyes at him, Spongebob turned around and jumped into the green water pipe behind him.

Just when Bai Zhi and Hui Lingmeng were wondering what the other party was going to do, a familiar-looking desk suddenly appeared in front of them.

Then the drawer opened, and a chubby blue fat man came out of the drawer...

Bai Zhi: "..."

Misfortune Dream: "..."

"Don't look at me. The mission this time is expected to be very difficult. Compared with the yellow sponge that basically has no combat effectiveness, this incarnation can adapt to a variety of environments better."

While putting the desk in front of him into the treasure bag, Doraemon in front of him opened his mouth to explain to them.

"You should also be prepared. The last time I received a mission of this type, I almost died during the mission. Although my strength has been greatly improved this time, the difficulty of the mission will probably be higher. It’s unimaginable. But don’t worry, I will do my best to ensure your safety.”

"Uh... I'm just looking for someone. It's not that exaggerated, right?"

Looking down at Fatty Lan, who had a serious look on his face and raised his hand to warn him, Bai Zhi's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

It's true that Qingyi and the others disappeared in the Shanhai Realm, but the strength of those lolita is no joke.

Qingyi, Anna, Hitomi, Mumu, and one pie.

No matter which one you take out of these five lolita, they can stand alone, let alone a book spirit with a mysterious origin.

Logically speaking, as long as the precise location of these lolita's current location is found, in theory this is a fairly simple and easy task.

... But why does the other party sound like he is going to go up a mountain of swords and get down from a frying pan

"Don't believe it. I've been here before. I've eaten more snacks than you have walked. Just listen to me."

Looking up at him, Fatty Lan had a serious look on his face.

"Let me talk about the ugly things first. Although I will try my best to ensure your safety in order to successfully complete the mission, if you disobey my advice and cause trouble for me in the middle, I will not show any mercy. I am a human being. The most annoying thing is the so-called pig teammates."

"Okay, okay, everything you said is right. We will be obedient. Is that okay?"