Shuraba Player

Chapter 1157


"I can't guarantee that someone has sneaked into the Mechanical City, nor can I guarantee that among those wandering players or practitioners, there are actually people from the Mechanical Empire. Although I have asked the Immortal in the Huzhong to observe strictly before in the Huzhong Realm. Those people's behavior, but no suspicious persons were found among them... Those guys hiding in the gutter are quite deep."

"So at that time, you would go to all the trouble to bring all those people to the pot world... Wait, you had already thought of this step at that time?"

Suddenly he understood something and turned around to look at someone beside him. Wu Lingmeng had a look of shock on his face.

"Well... I guess. I was just a little suspicious at that time. I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go."

Bai Zhi shrugged slightly.

"It would be best if you can find them. It's not a loss if you can't find them... In fact, I have some doubts that some of those inhuman things are members of the Machinery Empire."

"...So you just package them together and sell them to the system."

Suddenly turning his head to look at Bai Zhi, a fat blue man had a strange look on his face.

"Otherwise? Otherwise, why should I keep that thing? Use it as firewood?"

Bai Zhi curled his lips.

"Those people in the Mechanical Empire have been operating in the Shanhai Realm for who knows how many years, and no matter how careful they are, they can't be too careful. In the upper echelons of large gathering places similar to those of the Millennium Dao Sect, there will be who knows how many machines there are. People from the empire exist.”

"… I see."

Exhaling in his mouth, Wu Lingmeng nodded.

"In this situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are clear, it is really not suitable for you to continue to stay in the Mechanical City. Instead of continuing to stay there, it is better to jump out and see more clearly."

"Yes, this is exactly one of my purposes."

Bai Zhi smiled and snapped his fingers.

"In addition, I have left many traps in the city. If those people can't keep calm, it may not take long before I can catch them."

"… You're horrible."

After some silence, a certain fat blue man spoke in a muffled voice.

"Guys like you should never be treated as enemies."

"What do you mean by scary? I'm obviously reliable, right?"

Looking at Fatty Lan who turned his head in front of him, Bai Zhi was speechless and rolled his eyes.

"You guy, do you know what..."

"It's almost here, everyone, get ready."

Before Bai Zhi finished speaking, the serious voice of a fat blue man rang out from in front.

"Judging from the environment here, [Guixu] must have been transformed by those from the Mechanical Empire. We may face a very difficult battle next... Take it."

As he spoke, the fat man in front of him took out a cannon barrel and a gun from his treasure bag and threw them over.

"My incarnation is a technological creation, so these props are also classified into the category of technological creations. The power and effect of the props have been greatly improved under the influence of environmental factors, and they should be barely able to cope with the next. scene."

"Well… "

After looking at the two things in his hands, Bai Zhi turned to look at Huiling Meng beside him.

"[Air Cannon] and [Shock Gun], which one do you want?"

Misfortune Dream: "..."

Please give me a monthly ticket at the end of the month (ノ○ Д ○)ノq skirt one &'⑥82 clothes 7 seven one⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Micro-Probability: Chapter 1704 Chapter 774 Mythical Battlefield (5k)

Logically speaking, [Guixu] is a bottomless abyss.

But in the world of mountains and seas, the people of the Machinery Empire have tortured it to its present state, and the so-called Guixu is just a legendary name that existed in the past.

As the soles of several people's feet touched the ground, the bamboo dragonflies above their heads automatically stopped moving.

"To be honest, I think this hat is useless."

Bai Zhi took the bamboo dragonfly off his head, pointed at the stone hat he was wearing, and spoke seriously.

"If it doesn't work, let's talk about it later. Anyway, there is a mythical player like me here. Isn't it easy to protect you?"

While talking, he put the bamboo dragonfly back into the treasure bag, and then a certain fat blue man took out a compass that looked like a child's toy from the treasure bag.

After being taken out, the compass swung around in place for a while, then finally locked in one direction and stopped moving.

"Okay, follow me next, and remember not to get separated."

Glancing at the compass in his hand, a certain fat blue man nodded, then turned around and walked in front.

There is actually nothing much to say here at the bottom of Guixu. The ground is dry black mud, which gives people a rather uncomfortable texture when you step on it. Although the surrounding area is still dark, compared with the previous time above Guixu, the brightness is obviously brighter. It has been improved a lot.

Perhaps influenced by Fatty Lan, whose tone became serious, during the rest of the trip, Bai Zhi and Hui Lingmeng did not continue chatting, but followed each other honestly.

In such a ghost place, any power other than technology will be suppressed to a great extent. Although Bai Zhi tried to open his God's perspective and warn his surroundings, he had to face the terrifying energy consumption in the end. Choose to give up.

-This kind of suppression is all-encompassing.

The deeper you go, the greater the suppression will be. For example, Bai Zhi's [Prayer for Light] entry had to be specially lit by a fat man to cover it up at first, but now, it is completely gone. This is necessary.

In an atmosphere of oppressive silence, time slowly passed backwards.

After walking in the direction indicated by the compass for about half an hour, Fatty Blue, who was walking in front, stopped.

… There is no need for a compass anymore.

Dense metal pipes extended from their feet toward the front, forming a metal thorn in front of their eyes.

When they got here, the dry dirt floor began to be replaced by machinery and metal pipes that could be seen everywhere. Moving robots that looked like spiders and were as big as a small car lined up in a long queue in front of them.

And further away, not only metal spiders, but also metal centipedes, metal scorpions, and more strange and unnamed mechanical structures were busy, forming a lively scene at the bottom of the ruins.

From time to time, large numbers of mechanical structures emerge from the darkness, and then from time to time, large numbers of mechanical structures disappear into the darkness.

The three of them seemed to be on a busy construction site.

"How to say?"

Looking at the busy construction site over there from a distance, he turned around and a certain fat blue man asked in a very serious tone.

"According to the instructions of the pointing needle, we must go through this construction site next. Attack by force or take it ourselves?"

"Then what...can't we fly over from the sky?"

Raising his hand, Wu Lingmeng gave his opinion.

"It won't work. This is a one-way space channel."

After throwing a piece of potato chips into his mouth, Xiao Qi, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, patiently explained.

"In fact, the entire Guixu has been covered layer by layer by this large one-way space passage. If you want to go to the target point, you must follow the correct path, otherwise you will get lost in this place until you die. .”

"... just force your way through."

Standing at the busy construction site in front of him, Bai Zhi answered after a moment of pondering.

"As long as we're fast enough, we can... wait, what is that?"

Suddenly, looking at the construction site over there, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

"What what?"

He also followed Bai Zhi's gaze and saw a fat blue man with a baffled look on his face.

"Isn't that a construction site under construction?"

"Construction site? It would be great if it really was a construction site."

Bai Zhi stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead, letting out a small breath in his mouth.

"I changed my mind. Let's attack directly. The target point is the center of the construction site."

"Are you sure? This is very dangerous."

After looking back at the center of the construction site again but still finding nothing, Xiao Qi looked confused.

"With the technology of the Mechanical Empire, they can make as many mechanical constructs as they want. These things don't shed any materials and can only be sold for scrap. There is absolutely no point in fighting these things."

"I just saw someone being sent into that shed. Judging from the situation, it seems that they are people from the Machinery City."

Still looking at the construction site over there, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If the situation is really as I predict, those guys hiding in the gutter have already started to take action."

"...Is that so? Hmm... Let's do it like this. I have a more interesting thing here."

After thinking for a while, Fatty Blue lowered his head and reached out to fumble around in the treasure bag. After a moment, accompanied by a classic sound effect of Fatty Blue taking out props, a small button appeared in Fatty Blue's hand. .

"this is… "

"The time stop button was originally just a small magic prop, but due to the special environment here, this thing is barely effective."

As he spoke, Fatty Lan reached out and grabbed the corner of Bai Zhi's clothes, and then pressed the button in his hand.

In an instant, all the mechanical structures in the construction site, including Hu Lingmeng, stopped moving.

—Time, paused by the button.

Bai Zhiyou tried to touch Wu Ling Meng, and then the other party immediately recovered from the suspended state.

"Okay, let's go in, remember not to touch some mechanical structure iron, otherwise the other party will also recover from the state of time suspension."

As he spoke, Fatty Lan let go of his hand.

"Hurry up, the time pause button only lasts for five minutes. After all, it is just a magic prop... Let's go, Xiao Qi's special mobile adventure team, let's go!!!"

When he said this, Fatty Lan waved his hands very excitedly.

Bai Zhi: "..."

Misfortune Dream: "..."

… … … … … … … … … … …

With as much caution as possible, Bai Zhi and his party stepped into the construction site.

Judging from the layout of the construction site, it is obvious that this construction site has just been built, and many of the buildings are not complete. It is not clear what the purpose of these mechanical structures is to build such a construction site here.

After carefully avoiding those mechanical structures along the way, Bai Zhi and the others successfully arrived at the shed in the center of the construction site.

When they saw the scene in the shed, except for Bai Zhi, who had already been mentally prepared, the expressions of the other two people changed slightly.

Inside this carefully built shed, hundreds of people were tightly bound to iron beds by metal tubes. On the operating table nearby, an unlucky guy had been dissected and dismembered, and his brain and heart were dug out and stuffed. It was placed in a mold on the side, and I don’t know what it was used for.

—The scene in front of me is no less than a bloody slaughterhouse of a murderer.

"A place like this...where do these people come from?"

Subconsciously, he reached out to cover his nose, and Wu Lingmeng frowned slightly.

Everyone has empathy, and no one can bear it when they see their own kind being torn into pieces on the operating table, with so many people waiting to come on stage.

"It's very simple. Send it over from Machinery City."

While responding casually, after looking around, Bai Zhi walked to an iron bed.

On this iron bed, a figure was firmly bound there.

"This... Queen Baixin? Wait, why is she here?"

He also followed Bai Zhi and walked to Bai Zhi. Looking at the figure lying on the bed in front of him, Wu Lingmeng couldn't help but look a little confused.

Not long after returning to the Shanhai Realm, Adam and a group of players mysteriously disappeared from the Mechanical City. Among those players who disappeared, they also included Queen Bai Xin, a space witch who had sworn filial piety to Bai Zhi. .

She originally thought that the other party had returned to Adam's side, but she didn't expect to see him here.

"Is the person you saw just now her?"

Suddenly understanding something, Hui Lingmeng turned around and looked at Bai Zhi, who was also frowning.

"That's right... forget it, let's put all these people into the demon refining pot first."

Bai Zhi reached out and pressed his eyebrows, and Bai Zhi answered.

"Sure enough, the worst thing happened. Adam actually got together with those people..."

Bai Zhi shook his head and stopped talking.