Shuraba Player

Chapter 1160


When she said the last sentence, the woman's voice became colder.


Faced with the woman's tough attitude, after a while, the people on the other side made a compromise.

Immediately afterwards, a deep male voice sounded in the room.

"Okay, since you are willing to take responsibility for this matter, then I will immediately issue an evacuation order, but under the premise that your request is so urgent, there are some things that we are destined to not be able to take away."


"Our most precious experimental subject, the [God of the Four Directions] was successfully captured at great cost. Over the years, we have achieved countless results on them, and until now, they are still our best materials Source, if we want to evacuate this world as quickly as possible, there is no way we can take away these four precious experimental objects under any circumstances."

When he said this, as if leaving time for the other party to think, the deep male voice paused slightly.

"You know, mythical test subjects are hard to find, especially four such outstanding test subjects. Are you sure you want to abandon them in this useless world?"


"If we can not be so anxious to retreat, give me half a month... no, five days, and I will be confident enough to evacuate these four experiments safely."

Seeing that the woman fell silent, the male voice immediately began to persuade her while the iron was hot.

"Really, it doesn't need to be too long, it only takes five days. If I discard some unimportant results, I can shorten this time to less than three days... That's right, it only takes three days, I promise you."

As if he was giving a military order to the woman, there was a decisive tone in the man's voice.

"Three days is too long."

Listening to the man's assurance, the woman frowned.

"You won't understand. The opponent we encountered this time is extraordinary. If you are not careful, you may..."

"I can understand your feelings. No one can bear it if all these years of planning come to nothing. But we don't need to be too anxious, right? Although the disciples' reconstruction plan failed due to unknown factors, we There’s no need to be disrespectful.”

After the woman finished speaking, the man interrupted her again and patiently persuaded her.

"One failure is nothing. The guy who failed is just at the bottom of the sequence. There are many better beings in front of him, so he is nothing at all. Just because of the failure of a useless person is nothing. Do you think it’s reasonable for us to be so scared that we abandon our most successful experimental product and flee in panic?”

"...What's going on with those things now?"

After a long silence, the woman suddenly changed the topic.

"The subsidence of [the wave] will lead to the loss of balance, and those things are likely to run wild, if..."

"Don't worry, we have already made corresponding plans for this kind of thing from the very beginning. Those experimental products can't make any trouble."

Seeing that the woman seemed to be willing to compromise, the male voice was obviously relieved.

"Although there are varying degrees of riots in the four experimental areas, the situation is still under our control. Even if there are one or two unexpected factors, it is impossible to interfere with us."

"What are the unexpected factors...?"

Hearing this, the woman's brows that had relaxed just now wrinkled again.

"Uh... there are currently three unexpected factors. How about I start from the beginning?"

On the other side, the male voice seemed to cough a few times in embarrassment.

"Don't be too quick to get angry. I can assure you that these unexpected factors occurred due to force majeure and were not due to the negligence of our maintenance personnel."

"… explain."

Holding back her anger, the woman spoke coldly.

"The first unexpected factor comes from the passage that the world was torn apart by some external force. When we didn't know it, some wandering players came to the world forcefully carrying some small things. When we found these people, Hundreds of nails forcefully nailed this world to our target world. It is precisely because of this that we worked so hard to arrange it... "

"Tell the important point."

Frowning, the woman interrupted the other person's words.

"The key point... [Xishen Shengshou] knows, right? It is precisely because of this guy's obstruction that we have not been able to truly control this world. The right to [World Contract] is in its hands. In the past , it even helps…”

"It helped [Dongshen Jumang] escape a little bit of the true spirit, and then what? I don't need to repeat this kind of thing that I know!!"

Forcibly suppressing the anger rising in her heart, the woman interrupted the other party's words again.

"So what if [Dongshen Jumang] barely escapes a little bit of the true spirit? Not only does it have no memory when it escapes in that form, but its power is also weak, so it's not something to be afraid of at all!!"

"Yeah, I know. The first unexpected factor I talked about also happened to [Xishen Lingshou]. During the time when the two worlds were forcibly nailed together, it happened again. Used the power of [World Contract]."

Without any intention of being annoyed, the deep male voice continued talking.


Listening to the other party's story, there was a trace of doubt in the woman's voice.

"It was already at the end of its tether. Since that incident, it has been supported by the power of [World Contract] all these years. This time it is even willing to risk its life and squander it again... Wait, it uses [World Contract] again. What has the power of [World Contract] done? The power of [World Contract] should already be very weak, right?"

"Well, that's right, the power within the [World Contract] is indeed extremely weak, so I don't know what the point of doing such a thing is. It's simply stupid. Without the [World Contract]]The power of protection, it can now be said to be... "

“Let’s get to the point!!!”

Forcibly interrupting the man's words, the woman's words already had a hint of gritted teeth.

"What on earth did that guy do with the last remaining power of [World Contract]!!??"

"Oh, it seems that it used the [World Contract] to bring a few people from another world."

As if aware of the anger in the woman's words, the man on the other end answered honestly this time.

"It's just that because the power of [World Contract] is too weak, there was an error in the pick-up location, and the people who were picked up were hilariously trapped in [East God Jumang] The body that remains after a bit of the true spirit escaped has probably been torn to pieces by the wood god's body that fell into madness."

"... Is it possible that it could bring the reincarnation of the true spirit of [Dongshen Jumang] here?"

After thinking for a moment, the woman asked cautiously.

It can be said that the escape of some real spirits from [Dongshen Jumang] was a huge mistake in their work. If it hadn't had a big impact on the research of experimental subjects, they would have done this for Carrying extremely severe punishment.

Now that she hears [西神蓐shou] repeating her old tricks, it's hard for her not to connect the two things.

"No, don't worry. We conducted a detailed inspection of the Wood God's body later and found no traces. That's why I said that this unexpected factor is not something to be afraid of at all. And besides, even with that little bit of true spirit Even if we really get our memories back, we won't be any threat to us... unless the other party comes with several myths."

At the right time, the male voice made a cold joke.

"This is best, but what about the next one?"

Nodding, the woman felt relieved.

"What is the second element of surprise?"

"Is there a second unexpected factor? Let me take a look... Oh, I found it. It seems that the experimental area where [Dongshen Jumang] is imprisoned has been invaded. The other party's invasion method is quite clever. I am currently busy looking for their There are traces.”


Almost subconsciously, the woman thought of someone who quietly left the Mechanical City not long ago.

"That's right, don't worry. [The Body of the Wood God] is going on a rampage. No one dares to enter it until the rampage is over. It's best if they enter the high-risk experimental area. If they don't, they won't be able to hide. too… "

"Idiot!! Hurry up and abandon that experimental site!!!"

Cursing secretly in her mind, the woman hurried back to the bed and spoke quickly.

"Notify everyone to give up all experimental items including the [God of the Four Directions], and bring everything we can within one hour. We will withdraw from this world!!"

"Wait, how did you..."

"Shut up!! Take my orders!!!"

Before the other party could finish his words, the woman interrupted him with a cold tone.

"Also, now release all the experimental products that are not enough, and before leaving, open the [Destruction Device] for me!!!"

“… What we give up, no one else can get!!!!”

I have been completely burned out, please vote for the new January... Skirt~

Volume 2 The Miracle of Improbable Probability: Chapter 1707 Chapter 777 Survival is considered a success (4k)

After hanging up the call, it took the woman a while to finally calm down her emotions.

Some things can only be understood by those who have experienced them personally.

...Only when you penetrate the other party can you know firsthand how terrifying the other party is.

Facing this kind of guy, they can't take any chances. Stopping losses in time is the best way. If they continue to delay, they will suffer even more heavy losses.

If you think about it carefully, how long has passed since then, the other party has already found the research place where the God of the Four Directions is imprisoned. If they continue to delay, not to mention taking away some possible research results, they will be completely overturned.

... So, which bastard guy sent those stray players in

Recalling the turning point that caused their arrangement in this world to be seriously damaged, the woman looked uncertain.

Originally, according to their original plan, the arrival of [Disciples] would have been later, but due to the arrival of those wandering players, as well as those players who came to the world of mountains and seas through the [Black Domain] formed by the contact between the two worlds, Unexpected factors forced them to wake up the [disciples] in advance.

But who would have thought that the plan they had been planning in this world for countless years would suffer a disastrous failure, and even the most important supreme authority was suspected to have been forcibly taken away by some means.

The former didn't matter. After all, they knew very well how bad the prince's character was, so they didn't have high expectations for whether he could transform into a [disciple].

But the latter point is simply life-threatening for them.

…even if it’s just 0.45%.

That is the highest authority, the greatest guarantee that the empire can continue to this day. In the past countless years, there has never been such a thing that the authority was robbed by outsiders, but it happened now... Just like their emperor once It is as incredible as the death of the immortal Taoist ancestor.

Looking at the overall situation, the woman vaguely felt as if there was a big hand behind her back controlling everything.

The entry of wandering players, the nail that forcibly nails the two worlds together, and the players that swarm in...

"... Tsk, it was obvious that the world had only recovered not long ago. It took less than two years after the blockade was lifted, but a monster of this level was actually born... "

Biting her thumb hard, the woman's face clearly showed some unwillingness.

The main reason why they chose Shanhai Realm, a place where the old, weak, sick and disabled gathered, was for revenge. For this reason, they waited patiently for a long time, and then finally seized the opportunity and spent a lot of money to conquer the four directions. God will catch them all in one fell swoop.

But the Mountain and Sea Realm is not their target. The [Ancestral Realm] left behind by the Dao Ancestor is their target of revenge...or rather, the target of covetation.

How amazing was that Immortal Dao Master back then? It would not be an exaggeration to say that the other party single-handedly turned the overall battlefield situation around.

—A world that can make the other party hide it at great cost, definitely contains quite extraordinary secrets.

It's just a pity that in the past, the ancestral world was completely isolated by the means left by the Tao Ancestor. It was completely connected to the world, and even the all-pervasive weird stories could not invade it, let alone them.

All they can do is wait.

After finally waiting for that world to recover, they wanted to take this opportunity to push the Shanhai Realm back to that world, but who would have thought that something like this would happen again.

If you count carefully, it took less than two years for the world to wake up from silence, and as a result, legendary level players were born. This speed is astonishing.

… There are so many worlds, how many worlds can’t even create an epic level

As it turned out, this world was pretty good. Not to mention a lot of legendary-level players, there were even a lot of mythical-level items... Should it be said that it was the [Ancestral Realm] that the Taoist Ancestor spent a lot of money to hide

"And those inheritors..."

She didn't know what she was thinking of. Sitting on the bed, the woman frowned even more tightly.

"I didn't expect that the inheritance of Yin Tianzi would be passed on. With the state of the Yincao Underworld at that time, should he be... the central god?"

While the woman was deep in thought, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by a somewhat uneasy voice.

"How's it going? How are you doing over there? The potions should have been delivered, right?"

"It's okay, don't worry, everything has been delivered."

While responding to the door, the woman reached out and patted her cheek, and with the movements of her hands, the gloom that had accumulated in her eyes disappeared instantly.

… … …

"Eh? Are you going back to the Millennium Dao Sect?"

Looking at the flying ray opening the door in front of him, Phalaenopsis was slightly surprised.

"Well, now that I know what's going on with the changes in the sect, and now that we have a special medicine, it's natural for me to go back."

Holding a long sword in one hand and wearing a light blue robe, Piao Ya nodded apologetically.

"After all, finding out the truth and finding a solution is what I came here for."

"But there is a lot of chaos outside now, so let's wait until he comes back. After all, you are not strong."

After looking up and down at the other party, Phalaenopsis shook his head.

"So I think the best way is..."