Shuraba Player

Chapter 1161


"Don't worry, [Millennium Dao Sect] can be regarded as a famous power in the world of mountains and seas, and I am a direct disciple of [The Immortal of the World], unless those people are willing to risk offending [Millennium Dao Sect] Risk, otherwise I would be fine.”

Interrupting Phalaenopsis's words, Floating Ray shook his head.

"Besides, I can also help you by returning to [Millennium Dao Sect] now."

"… Oh well."

After a little hesitation, Phalaenopsis nodded.

"If that's the case, then I'll take you out. It's been quite chaotic at the city gate recently, and all the messy things have escaped..."

As he spoke, Phalaenopsis walked at the front.

With the full opening of Mechanical City to the outside world, I don't know how many things have poured in. The situation inside the city is actually not bad, but outside the city it is really a chaos of demons.

All in all, it's just one sentence, it's very confusing.

At the same time, just as Phalaenopsis and the floating ray were heading towards the city gate, Pluto received a mysterious message on the other side.


Standing up and looking towards the city gate, Hades narrowed his eyes slightly.

The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

-And she is the oriole.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"What the hell is this order? Is it necessary to do this?"

Somewhere at the bottom of the Ruins, a man wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses on his face frowned slightly as he looked at the communication that was hung up in front of him.

They had obviously compromised before, but suddenly they went crazy... Or did the other party really know the price they would pay for making such an order

What they want to discard is not just the four myth-level experiments, but also most of the results they have obtained from so many years of hard work in this place.

Giving up so many things at once was an extremely serious dereliction of duty for them.

Despite what the other party said, she heard that everything was borne by her, but as one of the research directors, he was bound to be implicated. How could he get away with it

"Ah, maybe this is the legendary first-level officer crushing people to death. If there hadn't been a sudden accident on the [Lord God]'s side, we would have had at least one or two mythical escorts here. How could we have fallen into such an embarrassing situation... After this time, the authority will definitely be reduced again. If I had known this, I should have joined the research project of [Lord God]... "

While he was murmuring in his mouth with resentment, the man kept moving his hands. In just a few seconds, he sent tens of thousands of messages to thousands of research institutes all over the world. .

After working in this world for so many years, they have achieved extremely rich research results. It is not an easy task to transfer these research results as quickly as possible.

Even the three days he promised before could only be achieved after abandoning most of the research results except [God of the Four Directions]. Now the time has been compressed to one hour, and the manpower is even more stretched.

Actually, their preparations are quite thorough.

Ever since they discovered that their blockade of this world had been forcibly opened by hundreds of holes with nails by wandering players who had somehow entered, they had been intensively planning their retreat.

For this reason, the [Lord God] specially sent an original sinner here just to assist them.

There is no way, the main god is being watched very closely by the system. Once the main god rashly attracts the system's attention, the situation will be very serious, and the original sinner can only be here to guide.

If everything goes well, they won't need to go through as much trouble as they are now. Relying on the help provided by [Lord God], they will be able to quickly evacuate all research results from this world in just a short period of time.

…But it happened that something went wrong on the [Lord God]’s side.

That's right, the original sinner who was sent has disappeared.

When he first learned the news, he almost broke the communication line and cursed.

… What is the disappearance of the original sinner

As the most successful and proudest product of the empire so far, although he did not participate in the research project of [Main God], he had more or less learned some information.

Based on the design concept of [Lord God], it is simply a fantasy that there are only seven original sinners missing.

Instead of using this lame excuse, you might as well just say that the original sinner fell in love with someone else and ran away with someone else...

"What a pity, the results of so many years of research..."

Looking at the responses transmitted from various research institutes on the light screen in front of him, the man sighed helplessly.

As if it was a sign that a certain signal was activated, as the man sighed, extremely terrifying changes began to occur throughout the mountain and sea world.

The earth trembled and cracked, countless experimental bodies transformed into alien shapes were released from the laboratory, a hole was torn in the sky, and dirty and unknown black mud poured down. What's more, the shells of some gathering places were completely mutated. , the skeleton that should have been dead and silent is now showing its former ferocity...

But these are just foreplay.

In a dilapidated ancient mountain range that stretched for tens of thousands of miles and was regarded as a forbidden area by those gathering places, a huge ancient figure slowly opened his eyes.

And with the release of this precious experimental product second only to the [God of the Four Directions], in an instant, the world was overturned, and the original night turned to day in an instant.

[The Classic of Mountains and Seas]: The god of Zhongshan, whose name is Zhuyin, is regarded as day, silent as night, blowing as winter, breathing as summer, does not drink, does not eat, does not rest, and breathes as wind. Thousands of miles long, in the east of nowhere.]

The sky moves and everything changes, and mountains and seas take shape.

At this moment, as the order was issued, all the test subjects were released, and countless huge and ferocious phantoms of mountain and sea beasts began to appear in the sky one by one.

Zhu Yin, Xiang Liu, Xiu Snake, Zhan Yin, Fat Yi, Gu Diao, Kui Niu, Misfortune...

—There are many that are recognizable, and there are also many that are unrecognizable.

Looking up at the ferocious shadows emerging in the sky, Ouroboros twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

"... Is this the possible little scene that guy said?"

"Uh... It seems so."

Beside him, the Master of the West Pavilion, who was also looking up at the scene in the sky, had a wry smile on his face.

When someone left before, the other party gave them a thick plan, but although it was said to be one copy, the content they each saw was different.

In that thick planning document, the other party said in an understatement that as he left, those rats that had been hiding in the gutter might make other small moves, and what they had to do was to show off their tactics and find ways to deal with them. Unchanged in the face of change.

Although there may be some small scenes at that time, with the protection of this mechanical city, there will still be no problem.

… But that guy calls this a small scene

"Namita Buddha, everyone, please be ready."

He put his palms together and whispered the exclusive name of Cyber Buddhism that he had rewritten in his mouth. Li, the man on the mountainside, looked solemn.

"No matter what the big or small scene is, there is only one thing we have to do now, and we must work hard for this next thing."


Turning their heads, everyone looked at him.

"It's very simple. Survive is considered a success."

- Facing everyone's gaze, Li Zhengse, a man from the mountainside, spoke.

Everyone: "..."

I originally planned to get up at three o'clock in the morning to code, but I couldn't get up. In the dream, I was forced to take another college entrance examination. I remember that the test was Chinese, and I failed a few questions... @q@q@qunyi :/;⑥bar②①7⑦①⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Improbable Probability: Chapter 1708 Chapter 778 The Body of the Wood God and the Reincarnated True Spirit (4k)

The sky is connected with the clouds and waves, and the dawn fog is connected, and the stars are about to turn and a thousand sails are dancing.

"This is really where all the monsters and monsters have come out..."

In the square deep inside the ruins, Bai Zhi opened his eyes with a somewhat obscure expression.

Because he left a shadow puppet in the Mechanical City, he could naturally feel the changes in the outside world. The only people who could do these things were those in the Mechanical Empire.

Originally, he was thinking of using tricks to deal with the changes, but unexpectedly those guys turned the table over.

"...To be destroyed together? Or do you want to take advantage of this chaotic period to retreat... huh?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked forward.

In the midst of a wave of water-like ripples, the slightly tired figure of a certain pink-haired animal gradually turned from empty to solid.

"How's it going? Is there any result?"

Standing up from the ground, Bai Zhi looked at the other party.

"It can't be said that there is none, it can only be said that there is a little gain... "

Looking back at the giant silver tree standing in the center of the square behind her, the tone of this pink-haired loli seemed very strange.

"The real Jumang is no longer here. What remains here now is just the body of a wood god without its true spirit."

"Not here...what do you mean?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you're not here, you're not here. What's the point?"

Crossing his arms across his chest, a certain pink-haired creature snorted softly in his mouth.

"That cunning guy abandoned his body and most of his strength, and then used it as a springboard to escape from here... Maybe with the help of some external force? What's left here now is just a It’s just a mythical body that has been severely modified and has no sanity at all.”


He didn't expect to get such an answer at all, and Bai Zhi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"Yes, that guy ran away quite simply, leaving no escape route for himself. Now even if the reincarnated true spirit comes back, it will be impossible for him to return to his original level."

When he said this, a certain pink fur looked very unhappy for some reason.

"You have paid such a high price but still haven't succeeded. What an idiot."

"Didn't succeed? Didn't he escape successfully?"

At this time, a certain Xiaoqi who had been listening on the side couldn't help but ask.

"What's the use of escaping? The most important thing is to go outside and bring in reinforcements. Just escaping by yourself is useless."

After glancing at the fat blue man next to him, the pink-haired man snorted coldly in his mouth.

"Judging from the current situation, that guy has probably lost all his memories. Otherwise, Shanhaijie wouldn't have asked us to deal with the endgame. It's simply..."

"This kind of thing is not important. What I care about is whether Qingyi is inside or not."

Frowning slightly, Bai Zhi interrupted Fenmao's words.

"If not, then where is she, and if so, why is she trapped in there."

"Isn't it important? If the reincarnation of the true spirit is not here, do you think we can open the blockade?"

Glancing at Bai Zhi, a certain pink-haired boy was a little annoyed.

"Don't worry, your sweetheart is inside, or all the missing people are inside. Nothing is wrong with them. Some of them even haven't figured out the situation yet... Are you relieved now?"

"Everyone is here...what's the specific situation inside?"

The expression on his face softened slightly, and Bai Zhi asked.

"How should I put it? The space is quite large, but the environment inside is very bad. Except for those few little ones, the others fell into a long sleep as soon as they entered. At present, they are all taken over by Hitomi. That book is kept inside..."

When he said this, a certain pink-haired bird raised his head and looked towards Bai Zhi.

"Do you know what those little ones are doing in there now?"


"Play Ludo."


"In short, you don't need to worry about them. What you need to worry about most now is how to find the reincarnation of the true spirit, so that you can appease this rampaging mythical body. Otherwise, we can only force a breakthrough. "

Turning to look at the giant silver-white tree over there, a certain pink-haired bird narrowed its eyes slightly.

"You also know my situation, so don't count on me. As for the fat blue guy next to you, you can count on her, but I don't have much confidence in her."

"Hey, hey, don't underestimate people. I am a myth after all. Why can't I deal with such a corpse?"

Hearing this, a certain girl sitting behind the screen suddenly became a little unhappy.

"There must be a limit to looking down on people, right? It's just a person..."

"Oh, come on then, come on."


Looking at a certain pink-haired lolita who was calmly retreating to someone on the screen, Xiao Qi suddenly felt as if she had been plotted against.