Shuraba Player

Chapter 1165


...Hug your thighs? You are the thickest thigh! !

Ah Lu is quite satisfied with this.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"...Among the mythical players on the front line, are there people from the Machinery Empire?"

Listening to Ah Lu's story in front of him, Bai Zhi's face couldn't help but become serious.

"That's right, the people who ambushed us at that time not only knew a lot about our abilities, but they even knew where the hidden wounds we had not healed were. Obviously, only people who are familiar with us can know this. intelligence."

Looking towards Bai Zhi, Ah Lu nodded seriously.

"Otherwise, even if we were defeated at the beginning, we would not have been defeated so quickly."

"...Is there anyone suspected?"

His eyes flickered for a few times before Bai Zhi asked.

"Not just anyone can know something private like that, right?"

"Of course there are objects of suspicion. After all, there are only a few candidates to choose from, but they are just suspicions..."

When he said this, Ah Lu sighed in his mouth.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this meaningless thing, let's move on to other things... It was also from that time that a few of us learned that there was such a powerful force hidden in the dark. Or maybe some of the other party joined us openly and fought side by side with us. At the beginning, a few of us were still actively thinking of ways to escape from the predicament. Unfortunately, with the reappearance of [Tide] in the world of mountains and seas, Everything is in vain. Even most of the time, we who are affected by the [wave] pollution can only be forced to fall into a deep sleep and become experimental materials."

When he said this, Ah Lu looked back at the towering tree behind him.

"I don't know the situation of other people, but when I finally adapted to the influence of [The Wave] and woke up, the situation became more and more out of control. Not to mention the extremely bad transformation of my body, I even I can no longer contact other people, and I can only sink in endless pain day after day."

"Your true body... your true body is a tree?"

Looking at Ah Lu in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, I once belonged to [Ten Thousand Demons], a powerful world that was as famous as the [Mechanical Empire] at its peak."

Turning his head, Ah Lu glanced at him.

"After [Ten Thousand Monsters] was eroded by the waves and turned into a gloomy ghost realm, as the "Spirit of Ten Thousand Trees", I escaped from it and wandered all the way... In fact, most of the strange beasts that exist in the mountain and sea realm are Comes from the [Ten Thousand Demons] of the past.”

"Well... I understand, you continue."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi nodded.

"There is nothing to say after that. Although I have thought about escaping since I woke up, at that time, not only in the entire mountain and sea world, but also in this laboratory base where I was imprisoned, there was a mythical existence. Sitting there, any little move I make can’t escape the opponent’s eyes, so there’s nothing I can do.”

Turning back to look at the giant tree behind him, Ah Lu curled his lips.

"I can't remember how many years passed after that. When I recall it, it's always hazy. Sometimes I'm awake, sometimes I'm silent. Anyway, it's just like the walking dead... As for the real turning point, it happened about a few decades ago. Before, at that time, I didn’t know what major events had happened within the Mechanical Empire. Many high-end combat forces in the Shanhai Realm had been taken away, so we were given a little opportunity to take advantage of it.”

"Decades did you know this information when you were imprisoned here?"

After a moment of pondering, Bai Zhi looked at Ah Lu in front of him.

"At that time, you probably didn't have the ability to observe the outside world."

"Others told me. I got information like this from [Liao Shu]."

Taking his eyes away from the tree, Ah Lu curled his lips.

"[God of the West? Liao Shu] is the one with the calmest and most reliable personality among the four of us. Perhaps it is for this reason that after the [World Contract] of the Mountain and Sea Realm manifested, he went straight to When I went to his side, I also relied on the [World Contract], so he was able to get in touch with me and monitor the movements of the mountains and seas."

"Lingshou...I understand, you continue."

After a moment of pondering, Bai Zhi nodded.

... If his guess is correct, then the person who dragged Mumu and the others into the world of mountains and seas should be the so-called God of the West.

"What else can I say? It's gone."

Shrugging slightly, Ah Lu spread his hands in front of him.

"Taking advantage of the perfect opportunity when most of the high-end combat forces have left the world of mountains and seas, he used the power of [World Contract] to send me out of the world to seek rescue. But those people seemed to have expected it. When it came to this situation, I took appropriate precautions in advance. Although I managed to escape with a little bit of my true spirit in the end, I lost all my memory and most of my strength... As for what happens next, you also know ”

"Okay, I roughly understand."

After exhaling a little breath, Bai Zhi looked down at the [World Contract] that Mumu handed him in his hand, and Bai Zhi nodded in a serious manner.

"Listening to your story, it seems that the God of the West who randomly pulls people around can still hold on for a while, so let's save the others first, and then save that guy last."

Ah Lu: "???"

"Okay, you will understand in the future... Compared with these, I think it is better for you to focus on how to deal with this first."

Reaching out and tugging at Ah Lu's sleeve, a certain pink-haired creature pointed at the towering tree behind him.

"Although this thing has been seriously contaminated, it is still a mythical body and cannot be left alone here."

"... Let's blend it into the world of mountains and seas."

After staring at his former body in front of him for a moment, and pressing his temples with his hands as if he was afraid that he would regret it, Ah Lu answered.

"Thousands of trees strive for spring, and the world will live forever. The body of the Wood God originally represents boundless vitality. This world has been so severely eroded and destroyed by the [wave]. As the former God of the Four Directions, I have to be responsible for this world."

"you sure?"

Looking at his old friend in front of him, a certain pink-haired man raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You should think clearly first. If you really want to do that, don't think about restoring your previous strength. You can only start from scratch with the weak attitude you have now. But if you keep it, you will Perhaps a full recovery is possible.”

"I'm sure and sure, that's all right, right?"

Turning around to glare at Fenmao, Ah Lu looked a little annoyed.

"Weak chickens will be weak chickens. Anyway, it's a road we've already walked, so what if we walk it again? I don't believe it..."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Before the other party had finished speaking, a certain pink-haired creature concluded the other party's words extremely quickly.

"Go ahead, we'll wait for you."

"...Don't you want to persuade me?"

Looking at a certain pink-haired creature in front of him who made a gesture of invitation toward him, Ah Lu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

—If she really wanted to do this, she would really have to start over as a wandering player.

"No, as an old friend for so many years, I understand you."

He reached out and patted Ah Lu's shoulder. The pink-haired one looked solemn.

"I know that in the face of such a big deal, you will never make a choice that disappoints others."

Ah Lu: "..."

Volume 2 The Miracle of Improbable Probability: Chapter 1712 Chapter 782 "Traitor" (4k)

Thousands of trees strive for spring, and the world will live forever.

In a sense, the level of myth has completely surpassed the world itself. Especially myths like Dongshen Jumang that focus on vitality are of extraordinary significance to the world.

Although the wave has faded now, in terms of the current situation where the mountains and seas have been eroded by the [wave], let alone want to return to the way it was before, if we want to return to the point where ordinary people can barely survive, at least Hundreds of years of time.

After all, there is nothing in the mountain and sea world now, no mountains, no trees, no rivers, just yellow sand and dust. But if this mythical body is completely integrated into the mountain and sea world, in a short time, the earth will be reborn. Radiate vitality.

"Okay, let's think about this kind of thing later. The main problem hasn't been solved yet, so it's useless to do this kind of thing."

Seeing the struggle and hesitation on Ah Lu's face, Bai Zhi couldn't help but intervene in the conversation in a funny way.

"Let's finish what needs to be done first. We still have..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Bai Zhi suddenly froze there as if he had seen something strange.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing something strange about him, a certain pink-haired creature turned to look at him.

"...It's okay, it's just that there are new enemies in the Mechanical City."

Bai Zhi pressed his head with his hand and let out a breath.

"It can be said that there are a lot of demons dancing outside right now. Many strange and weird things have been... Damn it, where did this crazy woman come from?"

Suddenly, Bai Zhi cursed in his mouth.

"Crazy woman?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"Just now, a furious guy ran over the Mechanical City, and then wanted to destroy the city... That guy is very powerful, and it seems that the city defense can't stop him."

After explaining a few words, Bai Zhi turned to look at Ah Lu.

"Let's put down the things here first, let's go back to the Machinery City first."

Although the outside world was already in chaos at this time, Bai Zhi still believed in the defense capabilities of Mechanical City. However, he did not expect that just now, a strange guy with a burning body appeared directly in the sky above Mechanical City.

The opponent had an irritable character and was extremely powerful at the same time. Those robots used for city defense were burned to ashes before they could even hold up for a few seconds in the opponent's hands.

In fact, if that's all, that's it. Anyway, there are not a few city defense robots destroyed by the modified mountain and sea beasts. But the problem is, this guy's target is not the mass-produced robots at all, but Plan to destroy the entire city directly.

… And the other party really has this strength.

Currently, according to the warning from the center of the city defense agency, under the premise that the entire Mechanical City's internal defense is fully activated regardless of cost, it can only block the opponent for about ten minutes at most... That is his property! !

"Go back? But here..."

"It doesn't matter, I inserted the anchor point. You can come anytime you want."

Before Ah Lu could finish her sentence, a yellow sponge on the side interrupted her by patting her chest.

“We’ll do the work, don’t worry!!”

Those who can be promoted to Shinhwa are not stupid people. I have just been promoted, but there are two veteran Shinhwas with strong backgrounds in front of me. If I don't hug them at this time, when will I hug them

- She listened to every word of the conversation just now.

Ah Lu: "..."

… … … … … … … … … … … …

With the help of the transfer in the demon refining pot, it didn't take too long for Bai Zhi and his party to return to the Mechanical City.

But before the others who had just come out of the demon refining pot could figure out the situation, a violent sound like thunder came from above their heads, startling them.

When Wu Lingmeng, who was shaken to the point of tinnitus, subconsciously raised her head and looked upward, what came into her eyes was a terrifying scene that seemed like the end of the world.

It was as if there were thousands of thunders roaring above the head. Directly above the Mechanical City, countless huge waves emitting white-hot light surged layer by layer, roaring and roaring, setting off boundless tsunamis rolling down at the astonishing speed of hurricanes.

In an instant, while the surrounding temperature increased extremely, blazing waves of air hit her head-on.

... A layer of light blue light pillars emerged quietly, blocking those air waves.

"No... what is this?"

It was obvious that he had not recovered from the scene just now, and Wu Lingmeng couldn't help but look a little stunned.

"I don't know, I don't know which laboratory it was as an experiment."

Bai Zhi curled his lips and handed the demon refining pot to the other party.

"Those shameless guys just overturned the table... You take this and Qingyi and the others to rescue people first, and I will handle the problem here."

Just as he was speaking, red and thick black clouds gathered above the Machinery City again, as if a hole had been opened in the sky, and there were numerous clouds, mountains, and seas of snow pouring out of the burned-red sky.

-The opponent's posture clearly means that he wants to destroy the entire Mechanical City with absolute violence.

"I see."

Looking at the sky through the skylight, Wu Lingmeng nodded briefly and took the demon refining pot he handed over.

Although she has many questions in her mind now, she still understands when to do something.

"Your Highness, Anna can stay and help..."

"Let's go, don't cause trouble here."

Anna had just raised her hand, and before she could finish her sentence, she was forcefully dragged away by Qingyi beside her.

… Ruthless and sloppy.

In terms of personality, Qingyi is actually somewhat similar to Hu Lingmeng.

Anna: "..."