Shuraba Player

Chapter 1166


Under the premise that Anna was a negative teaching material, although Mumu and Hitomi on the side wanted to stay, in the end they followed a certain white-haired loli honestly.

I have to say that having Qingyi around saved Bai Zhi a lot of trouble.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Taking his eyes away from Loli, Bai Zhi turned to look at a certain pink-haired and green one.

"I'm sure, it must be her... but how did she escape?"

Looking away from the figure shrouded in heavy flames displayed on the light screen in front of him, Ah Lu seemed a little tangled.

"Nan Shen Yan's name is Zhu Rong, and she commands Heavenly Fire to follow her. Only she can use this method of burning a city with Heavenly Fire."

"So? No matter how she escaped, can you help me wake up this crazy woman?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi pointed at the top of his head.

"This guy's brain is definitely stimulated. When he came over, he didn't even say hello and went straight to it. I wanted to send a machine to communicate, but she killed him before he even got close. It's like... Do you know that this is my property? ah!?"

"Uh... this must be a misunderstanding?"

Feeling a little guilty for no reason, Ah Lu coughed slightly in his mouth.

"After all, this mechanical city is a product of the mechanical empire at first glance, and we have been studied as experimental subjects for so many years and suffered endless torture. After finally escaping, she wanted to destroy this city. It is also a matter of course...after all, she is a person with a hot temper."

After a slight pause, Ah Lu added a few more words.

"But it's a misunderstanding. Just let it go. There's actually something wrong with her current situation. Although she has a hot temper, she won't be as crazy as she is now."

"Hmm... that makes sense."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi nodded.

"In that case, I'll send you to communicate with her."

"That's right, after all... wait, shall I go?"

Before he finished his sentence, Ahlu, who reacted belatedly, was dumbfounded.

"No, please be clear. My current strength is so weak. What if that guy really has a mental problem and I die directly in her hands? I think this kind of thing should be left to the future... "

"Oh, I'm afraid of heights."

Before Ah Lu could finish her words, a certain pink-haired creature on the side calmly interrupted her.

"Not to mention that she might not recognize me now, and besides, you still have an earpick in your hand, what are you afraid of?"

"But, but..."

"There are no buts, it's just settled."

Pouting his lips, a certain pink-haired creature turned to look at a certain sponge next to him who was trying his best to compress his presence.

"Can you please help me and send her to the other party?"

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this little thing!!”

After saluting her, the sponge first took out a cannon from somewhere and placed it on the ground, and then introduced it to Ah Lu, whose face began to turn green.

"The mission-defining cannon is a legendary prop that can be transported across space and even across the world. It is absolutely safe during the transport process. Not only can you enjoy the scenery along the way, but you will also feel great experience and comfort!!"

Ah Lu: "..."

… … … … … … … … … … …

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

After watching Ah Lu's figure being sent high into the sky by the cannon with a mournful cry, Bai Zhi turned around and looked at the pink-haired loli next to him.

At this time, everything around him was still. It was obvious that he was pulled into a dream by the other party.

- The other party did not hesitate to use this kind of driving posture. It was obvious that he wanted to tell him something that could not be known to outsiders.

"There is a traitor in the [God of the Four Directions]."

Turning to look at him, a certain pink-haired man spoke bluntly.

"...Why do you think so?"

Looking at the pink hair in front of him, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

Although he had suspected that there might be a traitor within the God of the Four Directions after Ah Lu talked about the things they had been ambushed in the past, this was nothing more than a suspicion.

And looking at the opponent's posture, it is clear that it has been determined.

"Did you hear her talk about what happened to me before?"

Looking up at the sky, the pink-haired man half-squinted his eyes.

"After that war, although most of the priesthoods in the Underworld are vacant, it is not a problem to maintain the basic operation of the Underworld. But you know why now, there is only a living dead like me left in the Underworld. ?"

"I remember she said something before that your home in the underworld was robbed... In that sudden battle, everyone died?"

Looking at the pink-haired loli next to him, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

...In fact, compared with [Mountain and Sea Realm], [Underworld] is the most miserable.

Although the world of mountains and seas is said to have been eroded by [waves], at least there are still so many people alive in this world, but in the underworld, there is really only this pink hair left in front of me.

"… Roughly the same."

After a moment of silence, a certain pink-haired creature nodded.

"At that time, the Underworld suffered heavy losses from an unknown force. The war was originally a tragic victory, and most of the priesthoods in the Underworld were already vacant. Under that sudden attack, the Underworld was on the verge of collapse. .”

"… reason?"

"In the underworld, the greatest inheritance is preserved."

Turning his head, a certain pink-haired creature looked at him.

"Because of the importance of "inheritance," the location of the Underworld is an absolutely confidential matter. In fact, the Underworld, together with me, also secretly went to the front line to serve as a hidden line."

"The world coordinates were leaked?"

Listening to Fenmao's words, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

"And the world coordinates of [Underworld] are originally an extremely confidential matter. Only those high-level officials will know..."

"It's not surprising that there are moles on the front line, but that's not what I'm talking about now."

After looking up at him complexly, a certain pink-haired creature sighed.

"There is another reason why the Underworld was attacked in the first place."

"There is another... uh, to kill all of you and then seek to dominate the world?"

Bai Zhi was confused by the other party's look, and began to make some guesses.

"No, it's [Six Paths of Reincarnation]."

Looking up to the sky, a certain pink-haired creature spoke softly.

"[Six Paths of Reincarnation] is the most precious treasure of the Underworld. It has surpassed the level of myth. It is also the biggest secret within the Underworld. Only the Yin Emperor of each generation is qualified to take charge of it. If [Six Paths of Reincarnation] did not exist in the first place, , the tragedy of that war will be even higher..."

When he said this, a certain pink-haired animal turned to look at him.

"But one day, [Six Paths of Reincarnation] mysteriously disappeared from the underworld."

"Well… "

Immediately, cold sweat broke out on Bai Zhi's forehead.

"I remember clearly the time when [Six Paths of Reincarnation] disappeared, right after Jue Tian Di Tong. Because the involvement of this matter was too important, I concealed it and planned to investigate the truth behind his disappearance secretly. , but in the end, I always got nothing. But at that time, I didn’t feel panic, but happy.”

Looking directly into his eyes, a certain pink-haired creature spoke calmly.

"There was only one person I could think of at that time who could take away the most important treasure in the underworld under the eyes of Yin Tianzi. If that person actually needs [Six Paths of Reincarnation], it means he is still alive."


"But I want you to come back, but some people don't want you to come back."

Bai Zhi didn't give him a chance to speak. He lowered his eyes and spoke calmly.

"One of the main purposes of the inexplicable force that originally attacked [Underworld] was the [Six Paths of Reincarnation]."

"... Before that, I only told four people about things related to [Six Paths of Reincarnation]."

Make up for yesterday’s (づ●─● )づq

Volume 2 The Miracle of Micro-Probability: Chapter 1713 Chapter 783 The God of the Four Directions (4K)

Most of the time, some things don't actually need to be said so straightforwardly.

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the returning Ah Lu and the figure wrapped in firelight.

The attitude of a certain pink-haired person is obvious. There is a traitor among the gods of the four directions, so these people cannot be trusted until they can determine who the traitor is.

Although Ah Lu seems to be innocent, who can be sure if this is a self-directed and self-acted ploy

It was precisely because of this concern that she hid a lot from Ah Lu.

"Well, don't say I lied to you, that guy is right here."

Still holding the ear pick and maintaining the motion of picking out ears, Ah Lu pointed at a certain pink fur.

"Hmm...I can understand your shrinkage, but why has hers also shrunk?"

After glancing at a certain pink-haired creature who was rolling his eyes in her direction, the humanoid figure covered in flames turned to look at Ah Lu next to him, with a strong questioning tone in the unfamiliar voice.

"Also, based on my understanding of that guy, if that guy was really here, she would have gone up to beat me just now. How could it be like this... That guy is actually her daughter, right?"

"Ah, yes, that's right, she is her daughter, is that okay?"

While moving a little distance to the side angrily, Ah Lu rolled his eyes.

"Also, before you speak, can you remove the flames from your body? Do you know that that thing bothers me a lot?"

"Tch, little weakling..."

He seemed to be a little resentful, and while muttering dissatisfiedly in his mouth, the flames wrapped around the figure gradually dissipated.

But when he saw the other party's true appearance, Bai Zhi's expression changed slightly.

Except for the long hair that was as bright as a burning flame, the other party's current appearance... was almost exactly the same as the deceased Zero.

Recalling the deceased Ling who had lost contact with them before, Bai Zhi's face suddenly darkened.

"Is this all right? Really..."

Completely ignoring Bai Zhi, after the flames covering her body dissipated, the girl who was completely naked except for some key parts covered by burning flame clouds walked straight towards a certain pink-haired lolita. Came over here.

"Speaking of which, you really are not that guy... Hey, mortal, be careful of your transgression."

Looking at the figure standing in front of her, with her hands on her waist, the girl looked unhappy.

"Don't forget who is standing in front of you now. He is an ancient god. Even if you are a servant of Jumang and Houtu, you cannot do the same thing, Lord Qi..."

"What, a god who was used as an experiment?"

Frowning as she looked at the other person, Bai Zhi interrupted her.

"Don't forget, you just launched a merciless bombing of my city. Now, even if you don't apologize, you still have the nerve to show such a superior posture in front of me?"

"you… "

"Okay, nothing is yours, you just need to answer my questions now."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead, Bai Zhi interrupted the other person's words without politeness again.

"Let me ask you, how did you escape from the laboratory before? Also, the body you are using now should not be your own, right?"

—If he wasn't 100% sure before, now after observing a mole under the other person's neck, he was able to confirm one thing 100%.

"Body...what, do you know her?"

Suddenly all her anger disappeared, and the girl pointed back at herself.

"What do you think?"

Bai Zhi frowned as he looked at the girl in front of him who suddenly had an inexplicable interest on his face.

"You should have escaped from the laboratory with her help and her body, otherwise..."