Shuraba Player

Chapter 25


- Take Bai Zhi himself for example. He still hasn't figured out what his sanity value is.

"But if it says this, it means that this place is very dangerous. It's so dangerous that he thinks that I, a novice player who has just become a player, can't get out of here alive... Of course, it may also be because of words."

Raising his head thoughtfully, Bai Zhi glanced across the car again. Since he was sitting in the last row of the bus, he had a clear view of the entire bus.

The old woman sitting in the second row behind the driver's seat had her head slightly lowered and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. The bulging sack containing unknown contents was placed next to her.

The young mother and daughter were sitting in the middle of the carriage. The mother lowered her head and held her mobile phone, seemingly scrolling through Douyin, because there was a faint sound of music coming from far away, and The daughter seemed to be about seven or eight years old. She was wearing a white dress and was sitting next to her mother quite obediently.

As for the two social youths with tattoos on their arms, it was obvious that they were in the same group. They were chewing gum in their mouths boredly while turning their heads to look out the window.

As for the college student who was listening to music with headphones, he was sitting in the row in front of him. The young man looked obviously full of thoughts. At first glance, he was a user of the old network Yuyun. At this moment, he was looking out with one hand on his chin in a rather melancholy manner. In the distance, it was obviously a hot day but he was wearing long sleeves.

—Everything in the car looked normal, if nothing had happened before.

[trade? Verbal restraint seems to be of no use, right? So for your kind of existence, I trust you, but you also don't trust me, and it is absolutely impossible for me to agree to this transaction.]

As the bus moved slowly, amidst the slight bumps, Bai Zhi replied to the other party with a message calmly.

Of course, it is impossible to trade. After all, the [Permanent Land Deed of the Kingdom of Shadows] on his body is clearly marked and cannot be traded, discarded, or transferred. Even if he wants to trade, there is no way.

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Bai Zhi edited another message and sent it to the other party.

[By the way, I guess you should also know that the land deed has an attribute that will be dropped upon death, right? If I died on this bus, you would probably never find it, which is why you reminded me so anxiously to get off the bus. So you should be able to make a clear judgment on what to do now... That's right, I'm not begging you now, you're begging me! ! Please beg me to let you save me! !]

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"This shameless bastard!!"

In a corner of the bus station, looking at the new messages that appeared on her mobile phone, a certain little loli suddenly turned red with anger.

After all, I had kindly reminded the other person before, and then enthusiastically made suggestions, but the other party responded with such a sarcastic message. No matter who it was, this kind of thing could not be tolerated.

What annoyed her even more was that what was said in this message was indeed a fact. In fact, it didn't matter where the other party died, screw him, but if the other party really died on that bus, then There is really no way to get Zhang's important land deed back.

As a strange being who smuggled away with the previous Shadow Demon, after the other party became cold, she relied on her cautious character and her own uniqueness to still be active in this world.

It's no pity that his companion is dead. After all, with the arrogant character of the other party, it would be strange if he is not cold. However, after being cold, the things left by his companion are the most critical items.

It was impossible for humans to use that item, so she felt relieved. While searching for her prey in the dark, she secretly monitored the other person who had obtained the item, waiting for the other person to fish in troubled waters one day and steal the item. Once she got it, it wouldn't matter if the other party encountered other types of weird stories today. She could happily sit aside and watch the show and wait for the final harvest, but that bus...

Gritting her teeth secretly, the little loli replied viciously with a murderous message.

[I beg you! ! !]

Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 56 Chapter 55 The Bus to Hell

On the road, a bus was driving smoothly.

Sitting in the last row of the bus by the window, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly as he looked at the obviously resentful message sent by the other party.

…Can you tolerate this? And the guy on the other side of the phone doesn't seem to be very smart...

Now that he has tested the other party's bottom line, the next thing will be much easier to handle. Taking out the evil-killing knife from his backpack, Bai Zhi replied to the other party with a message in the normal format, saying that it was his to accept it. Code of conduct.

[Okay, since you begged me so... What's going on with this bus? Why can't I get out of the car?]

[… That’s a bus to hell.]

A few seconds later, the other party replied with a message that surprised Bai Zhi slightly.

[hell? That's quite high-end. In the past, people with bull heads and horse faces, black and white, and Wu Chang came to collect people with chains, but now they all just drive into the car? Do you think it would be better if I pretended to be Sun Wukong?]

[... I have learned about the mythology and history of your world, but I can tell you clearly that when they come to your world, there will no longer be any immortals or Buddhas in the world, but only monsters and demons. The hell I am referring to here is not the hell you know.]

After a moment of silence, the other party responded with a large message. After this message, before Bai Zhi could respond, the other party sent another message.

[If you want to survive and not die worthless in such a horrible place, you'd better keep what I'm going to say next in mind.]

[If it's not the Eastern Hell, it's the Western Hell... Wait, are there succubi in hell? The kind that wears very little and is very beautiful at the same time? It would be better if it was a loli. I want to kidnap a succubus loli back.]

[... We are talking about a major event that is closely related to your life and death. Please recognize this clearly.]

[So hurry up and tell me if there are any little succubus lolita in hell! ! !]

[...Don't trust anyone, don't touch any strange things, don't eat anything, don't drink any liquids, if you are lucky enough to come back from there, I will find you.]

—After this message, the other party never sent any messages again.

I sent ten more messages in succession, such as Are you here? That's it? Are you teaching me how to do things? After receiving no reply to this type of text message, Bai Zhi put down his phone in disinterest, and turned his head to look out the window.

The time he boarded the bus before was around ten o'clock in the morning, and the weather today was already quite good, so the sun was shining brightly outside, and the dazzling sunlight shone directly on him through the glass, bringing about A little bit hot.

Unlike other passengers who closed the curtain at the back of the bus to block the sun's rays, he did not close it before to test whether the Shadow Country Pass could still be used inside the bus. Of course, the result was disappointing.

"The bus to hell..."

After trying to open the window to see if he could jump out of the car, Bai Zhi raised his head and glanced at the front of the car, which still showed nothing strange, and opened the browser on his phone.

[My girlfriend logged into the "Bronze Husband" account by mistake, and the whole server went crazy... ]

[The God of War came home and found that his wife had been insulted and his daughter was living in a doghouse at home. With an order, one hundred thousand retired soldiers came running... ]

As soon as the browser is opened, two book promotion ads that come with the web page pop up, which is quite down-to-earth.

"It seems like there are a lot of advertisements for this stuff recently..."

Pouting his lips, Bai Zhi boredly filled in the sequels to these two book promotion advertisements.

"My girlfriend logged into the "Bronze Husband" account by mistake, and the whole server went crazy. She has been stuck in Bronze since the server was launched. She has no face to see anyone, and now she dares to come back... The God of War came home and found that his wife had been insulted and his daughter was living in a doghouse at home. , with an order, one hundred thousand retired soldiers rushed over, and one of them punched him: You are the only one with too much trouble! And he also built a doghouse for him... Huh?"

The corner of his eye suddenly caught a shadow outside the window. Bai Zhi turned his head and looked out the window strangely. When he saw the huge figure in the sky outside, he almost subconsciously raised his head. The phone turned on the video recording mode.

- It was a big white snake that stretched across the sky and covered the sky. It was so big that it could swallow the bus and even the entire road into its mouth in one bite.

The phantom of the big white snake faded away after a few seconds, but the shadow cast on the bus clearly proved that it had a physical existence.

"Speaking of which, this thing... should belong to a wild monster, right?"

He lowered his head and glanced at the video he had just taken on his phone. Bai Zhi, who had vaguely recognized the identity of the big white snake, looked a little strange.

"... Or is it a sign of a large-scale game that is about to start?"

It's a pity that not only can he not get out of the bus, but the windows cannot be opened, and any other method of leaving is ineffective. For example, he specifically tried it when chatting with the other party via text message before. There was no reaction at all about the Kingdom of Shadows Pass Scroll.

But at this moment, a figure sat next to him. When he turned his head a little strangely, Bai Zhi saw that the college student who was sitting in front of him and listening to music with headphones had suddenly stopped. Sitting next to him, the headphone cables originally attached to his ears had been removed, and his eyes were staring straight ahead.

Because his vision was blocked by the other party, Bai Zhi couldn't see clearly what happened in front of him for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he took out a pack of sugar-free chewing gum from his pocket and handed it over.

"Brother, do you want to smoke a piece of Huazi?"

"I'm going to tell you something, so don't be afraid."

He turned his head to look at him, reached out and pulled out a piece of chewing gum, and the other person whispered to him.

"There's something wrong with this bus."

"Um, so what?"

Bai Zhi put the remaining chewing gum back into his pocket and nodded seriously.

"Did you find anything unusual in the car?"

"In a bus with fixed and closed personnel, what do you think would be more terrifying?"

Without any intention of answering his question, the other party put the piece of chewing gum into his pocket and spoke in a low voice with a solemn expression.

“The number of passengers is increasing or decreasing?”

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows and was happy to cooperate with the other party.

"No, actually there is something more terrifying than these two."

The other party turned his head and glanced at him.

"There are half fewer passengers in the car or... half more passengers."


"The Endless Famous Day of Redemption in the East" @q@q@群 ① Liuba ② One 7 ⑦ One 6

Volume 1 The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 57 Chapter 56 The Approaching Danger

When eating an apple, how many worms are the most terrifying

Others might say one, two, or half, but if Bai Zhi were to answer this question...

His answer is that if you bite it all, it will be full of bugs, which is the most terrifying thing.

—Full of visual appeal.

"My name is Lin He."

The other party did not respond to him, but still stared at the other side with extremely vigilant eyes. Lin He opened his mouth and introduced himself.

"I remember you were the last one to get on the bus? Do you remember how many people were in the bus when you got on the bus?"

"Including the driver and me, there are eight people in total."

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi replied.

"By the way, can you step out of the way a little? You're blocking my view. According to you, is there half an extra person in the car at this moment or half a person missing?"

"I hope you can be mentally prepared. It's best not to attract that thing's attention... That old woman sitting behind the driver, look carefully."

Turning his head and looking at him, Lin He wisely sat on the other side near the car window and gave up his seat.

The sound of the bus moving forward also covered up the small conversations between them very well.

Bai Zhi remembered clearly that when he got in the car, there were six passengers in the car besides him. The most eye-catching one was naturally the old woman sitting in the second row of the driver's back seat. On the seat next to the old woman, there was a bulging sack that almost occupied the entire seat.

The features are so impressive that you can’t forget them even if you want to.

But when Bai Zhi looked over now, he saw a pair of feet wearing white stockings and leather shoes in the gap between the chairs underneath the sack.

Judging from the situation, the owner of the feet is obviously sitting on the sack, but the bulging sack is still placed on the chair. According to the previous memory, the chair is not sitting at all. No one is left behind.

Although it is impossible to see the frontal situation due to the angle, the feet can already explain the problem.

"How about it?"

Seeing him withdraw his gaze, Lin He signaled to him with his eyes.

Facing the other person's gaze, Bai Zhi held out his thumb to the other person with a serious face.

"Not bad, my legs are playing in the new year."

Lin He: "???"

Because of Bai Zhi's answer, Lin He was stunned for a while.

Sitting over again, Lin He asked him in a low voice.

"Brother, you are also a player, right?"

Although the sentence is a question, his words are clearly full of affirmation.

"The person who can remain calm under such a weird situation is either a veteran or a player who has seen this kind of thing too many times. Am I right?"

"Why are you so sure I'm not with them?"

As he spoke, Bai Zhi looked diagonally forward. His extra feet were still hanging quietly under the chair, showing no intention of moving.

Since the mother and daughter and the young man from society were sitting on the chairs on the left, they didn't notice anything unusual.

"One of my passive skills - spiritual intuition."

Seemingly realizing the importance of having an extra companion in this situation, Lin He happily announced his ID, and at the same time also announced all the information about his passive skills. .

[A salted fish: LV 9]

[Skill Name: Spiritual Intuition]

[Type: Passive Skill]

[Level: Rare]

[Effect: Perception is permanently increased by 2 points, potential dangers can be detected to a certain extent, and falsehoods and illusions can be discerned]

[Consumption: None]