Shuraba Player

Chapter 27


The solid ground does not give people a sense of down-to-earth security. Instead, it has the texture of stepping on a sticky gel. The whole surface shows an ominous red color. A little force on the feet will cause the ground to swell. I felt a slight sway... as if I were stepping on a large piece of bloody flesh.

"What's the use of asking me a question like this? It must be asking the driver. After all, he was the one who drove us here."

Pouring his lips, Bai Zhi walked toward the front of the bus like a normal person. Because the lights inside the bus were still on, when he walked toward the front of the bus, Bai Zhi could still see a person inside the car. The bulging sack soaked in blood was doing sit-ups up and looked strange.

"It's a pity. She obviously has such long legs and those white silk..."

Shaking his head, Bai Zhi came to the car door and turned his head to look inside the car. As a result, he happened to meet the eyes of the Mediterranean driver sitting in the driver's seat.

He took out a pack of Yellow Crane Tower from his backpack and threw it towards the other party, with a look of enthusiasm on his face.

"Hello, driver, may I ask where this is?"

Although he does not smoke, he has all kinds of things in his backpack, such as electric saws, basketballs, electric fans, etc., etc., he bought them all.

After all, Bai Zhi's philosophy is that when everything comes in handy, even a small screw can be used as a hidden weapon to hit someone, right

With a snap, the pack of cigarettes landed on the Mediterranean driver's lap.

"This is the entrance to hell."

He glanced at the cigarette on his lap and raised his head. After staring at Bai Zhi for a while, the Mediterranean driver slowly curved his mouth upwards and spoke solemnly.

"Welcome to hell, lucky tourist."

Volume 1: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 60 Chapter 59 Attack in the Dark

"Lucky… "

From the words of the Mediterranean driver in front of him, Bai Zhi quickly captured a very important piece of information.

Temporarily suppressing a certain guess that emerged in his mind, he raised his eyebrows and asked the driver in front of him.

"There must have been others here before me, right?"

"Of course, anyone can board this car, but very few can get back from here."

Taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case and holding it in his mouth, the Mediterranean driver's head stretched out like a noodle and flew in front of Bai Zhi, startling Xu Feng who had just walked over with Deng Yaowen on his back.

"Can I borrow a fire, please?"

"If I had your ability, I would be the top brother in the examination room if I cheated."

While sighing in his mouth, Bai Zhi took out a Zippo lighter from his backpack and lit it for the enthusiastic driver, and finally threw the lighter away.

"Brother driver, please give me some directions. You see we are so familiar with each other. Can you tell me how to get back here?"

"You are very similar to that guy named Chu. Maybe you can really go back from here."

After glancing at Bai Zhi and taking a deep breath from the cigarette in his mouth, the Mediterranean driver retracted his neck.

"In the chaotic world of the five turbidities, hell is empty. This is the entrance to hell. If you want to go back from hell, please save enough money here to buy a ticket back, right?"

"Then what?"

Bai Zhi glanced thoughtfully at a winding path behind him that led to the depths of darkness, and nodded.

"Then? Then it depends on whether you have the opportunity to come back here and get on the bus. I will leave here in three hours. If you miss this time, you will have to wait here for another seven days."

After laughing a few times, the Mediterranean driver leaned back on the seat, then smoothly removed the butt of the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, and threw it toward the back without looking back.


A large ball of fire burst out in the rear compartment. Bai Zhi's eyesight was pretty good. With the burst of fire, he could clearly see the man who had eaten up all the [wall fruits] and was heading towards the door. The sack that rushed towards him, and the old woman who had melted into a puddle of mud and was flowing rapidly towards him from under the seat, were swept into the flames.

"This is considered a thank you gift."

Shaking the pack of cigarettes and lighter in his hand, the driver waved his hand. The door that had been opened quickly closed, and all the lights in the car dimmed in an instant.

"Wish you good luck~"

Such words came from the darkness, and then the entire bus fell into absolute darkness and silence, like a large, cold coffin.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

"What, do you want to go in there?"

Just as Bai Zhi lowered his head and thought about what the driver said in his heart, Lin He stepped forward.

As the highest-level player Bai Zhi has ever seen, Lin He was undoubtedly very well prepared. He had already picked up a flashlight at some point, and Xu Feng also picked up a flashlight. However, as for Zheng Yaowen, it seems that he needs to sleep for at least ten minutes. After all, with the courage and character shown by the other party before, perhaps making the other party faint temporarily is the best choice.

Using the light from the flashlight, they quickly discovered the winding path leading to nowhere.

"No need, I have my own belt."

Bai Zhi declined the flashlight that the other party handed him, and raised the flashlight he had just taken out.

"It's a three-hour time-limited mission. If we delay it any longer, it will be too late. No matter what we have to face inside, we must enter it."

Bai Zhi had a serious look on his face.

"If this continues, I'm sure something very, very serious will happen."

"whats the matter?"

Trying his best to turn his attention away from the soft meat-like ground he was stepping on, Xu Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I had a bad stomach this morning. If I don't go back quickly and find a public toilet for convenience, I might defecate in my pants by then. Do you think it's serious?"

Taking the lead to walk along the dark path in front of him, Bai Zhi answered calmly.

Lin He: "???"

Xu Feng: "???"

Zheng Yaowen: "..."

Even after being knocked unconscious and still not waking up, Zheng Yaowen still expressed his speechlessness in his own way.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

There was darkness all around, with only a few flashlights emitting some faint light. However, in this environment, even the intensity of the light emitted by the strong flashlight was greatly reduced, and it could only be It just illuminates the small area in front of me.

On both sides are bare trees that show a crazy twisting posture. The thing that forms the road under the feet is a kind of pale stone slab, which can be regarded as the only hardness on the soft ground, so in this dark place Under the circumstances, I am not afraid of taking the wrong path.

In this situation, no one spoke, and they just immersed themselves in rushing. Because they were carrying their brothers on their backs, Xu Feng quickly fell to the back.

But I don’t know when it started. Xu Feng, who was at the back, vaguely heard some weird noises coming from behind him. They were subtle and light, as if there was some inexplicable existence quietly following him. behind him.

What could be following him in this hellish place

—No matter what existence it is, it will definitely not be human.

Regardless of his rapid decline in physical strength, Xu Feng tried to speed up his progress, but the thing following him was chasing after him. In his panic, before he could ask for help, an inexplicable force came from him. A sudden attack from behind pushed him and Deng Yaowen on his back to the soft ground. The flashlight he held tightly in his hand also rolled several meters away.

The movement behind him also caused the two players in front to react quickly. As a level LV 9 player, Lin He's attributes were obviously much stronger than Bai Zhi's, so his reaction speed was also the fastest.

As the flashlight shone behind him, the silver-white pistol also appeared in his hand, and he fired six shots into the darkness in one go.

Following a low roar, a slender black shadow that seemed to be the size of a basketball quickly disappeared into the surrounding twisted forest.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He quickly came to Xu Feng's side, changing the magazine with one hand and staring warily at the side where the black figure was escaping. Lin He asked Xu Feng who fell to the ground.

"I, I'm fine..."

Xu Feng sat up from the soft ground with a shocked look on his face. For a moment, Xu Feng was in a situation where he had gone back and forth between life and death. If Lin He hadn't reacted quickly, he wouldn't have known what his end would have been.

"Yes, you are indeed fine."

Bai Zhi's voice came from the side, and the light of the flashlight in his hand also shone on Xu Feng. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked in the direction where the black figure was escaping, and he spoke calmly.

"But the same cannot be said for your friends."

"Yao Wen? He..."

After being stunned for a moment, Xu Feng realized belatedly that his back and neck were covered with viscous liquid. He turned around slightly tremblingly and saw Zheng Yaowen who was originally being carried on his back. The head was gone, it was just a headless corpse.

-Obviously, when he was carrying his friend on his back and walking towards the road ahead, his friend's head had been completely eaten by the monster before he knew it.

Volume 1 The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 61 Chapter 60 A Strange Town

—Less than ten minutes after leaving the bus, they suffered an inexplicable attack and Zheng Yaowen died.

Not paying attention to Xu Feng, who was sitting on the ground sluggishly, Bai Zhi carefully used the light of a flashlight to make a preliminary estimate of the circumstances surrounding Zheng Yaowen's death.

The other party's death was extremely miserable. Judging from the wounds on his neck, the other party's head was forcibly pulled out from his neck, and it seemed that even his spine was pulled out.

Zheng Yaowen's death did not cause any disturbance to the temporarily formed team, but it did have a big blow to Xu Feng as a whole.

After all, judging from the situation when his friend died, it was clear that while he was carrying the other person on his back, the guy following him had been secretly eating his friend as food...

Perhaps the only thing that could comfort him was that the other party died painlessly in his sleep.

"Let's be careful on the next journey."

Holding the silver-white pistol tightly in his right hand, Lin He's expression looked very serious.

"My basic attributes are the highest, so I should be the last to be vigilant. The most important thing is to leave this dangerous road as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll explore the way ahead."

He stood up from Zheng Yaowen's body, glanced at Lin He, and Bai Zhi nodded noncommittally.

Xu Feng said nothing.

No matter how reluctant Xu Feng was, Zheng Yaowen's headless body could only stay here. After all, they didn't have much time, only three hours, and there wasn't that much free time for him to deal with it. A corpse, not to mention that he didn’t have any tools around him

The rest of the journey was silent.

During this process, Lin He took two more shots, but the slender monster was quite fast. He took two shots and fired eight shots in succession. In the end, he only got one shot, but this time The gun was not fatal enough, so he still let the other party run away without even being able to see his true appearance.

But the good news is that after walking along this winding road made of pale stone slabs for about five minutes, the surrounding vision became brighter and the road became wider and neater. Finally, I no longer need to use a flashlight, and I can already see the scenery in the distance clearly.

When they finally walked out of the jungle full of wailing and twisted trees, what appeared in front of them was a dilapidated town. A strange dark red appeared in the sky, and more than a dozen shadowy figures could be vaguely seen in the town. The shadow is moving.

"It took us twenty-five minutes to get here. If we include the time and distance to get back, we only have less than two hours."

Reaching out to stop the second hand of the watch on his left hand, Lin He couldn't help but frown slightly as he looked at the time it took him to walk through the woods.

"Two hours..."

Turning back, Bai Zhi glanced at the way he came, and when he saw something clearly, he couldn't help but froze slightly.

The road they took when they came here was made up of pale stone slabs, but now it was clear that it was made up of layers of accumulated bones... They had been walking on the piles of bones.

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. It has reached this point. Let's take a look inside the town first."

Shrugging, Bai Zhi took the lead and walked towards the town ahead.

Putting the pistol that had never left his hand back into his backpack, Lin He also followed behind Bai Zhi. When he passed by Xu Feng, who was silent the whole time, he reached out to pat him in a comforting way. He patted the other person on the shoulder.

Just as Bai Zhi said, they have all come here, how can there be any possibility of retreat? The dead are gone, but the living still have to move on.

… … … … … … … …

This dilapidated town didn't seem to have anything unusual from the outside, but once they entered the town, the three of them, including Xu Feng, felt an inexplicable sense of depression.

The sky is dark red, the soft ground is as red as flesh, and the strange and inexplicable murals carved on the surrounding walls make people feel even more depressed.

There was a notice board at the entrance of the town, but when Bai Zhi came closer to check, he found that all the things posted on the notice board had been maliciously torn up, and they were all marked one by one with fingernails. The fine marks of the incisions have reached a level where a phobia of secrets can almost drive you crazy at a glance.

Because the posted notices were cut too thin, Bai Zhi could not read any useful content from them. However, in the lower right corner of the notice board, some were blurry and vaguely identifiable. two handwritings.

—Ci of Chu.

"Has that guy really been here before?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing this name, he instantly remembered the information about Chu Ci that he had learned from the profiteer at the Exchange Square. Thinking about it, the identity of the guy named Chu mentioned by the driver before was also Ready to come out.

Shaking his head slightly, Bai Zhi continued walking along the street towards the town. After him, Lin He and Xu Feng, who seemed to have readjusted his mentality, also followed.

The street was empty, and all the vague figures seen outside the town had disappeared. However, the doors of the shops on both sides of the street were wide open.

"Pawn shop, the name of this shop is interesting."

Stopping in front of the first shop, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked at the plaque hanging above the shop. Bai Zhi nodded in appreciation.