Shuraba Player

Chapter 28


"Just from the name of the store, I can see a deep Buddhist Zen philosophy contained in it. I think the store owner must be an extremely devout Buddhist believer."

"...This is a pawn shop, you read it wrong."

The corners of Lin He's mouth twitched slightly.

"You read it backwards. This is obviously Pangpian. Do you always read novels from left to right?"

Bai Zhi glanced at Lin He with a look of disdain on his face.

"You deliberately pronounced the name of the store backward. Do you think you are being humorous?"

"I… "

Hao Xuan was almost choked by the other party's words. Lin He choked on his words for a long time.

—Walking the path of others and leaving others with nowhere to go is the winning code that Bai Zhi has always believed in.

He is a professional when it comes to insulting people.

Okay, here’s an update today.

Volume 1 The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 62 Chapter 61 Escape Game

The decoration inside the pawn shop reveals an architectural style from the Republic of China era, giving it an ancient feel.

Behind the counter, there is a paper man sitting, with a white base and bright red paint. The smiling face outlined by the brush looks at the front of the counter with a half-smile.

"Welcome to my store, may I ask what your needs are?"

As soon as Bai Zhi sat down on the chair in front of the counter, the paper man raised his head tremblingly, and weird syllables came out of the paper man's mouth, like a puppet controlled by invisible thin threads.

“Do you have thick fish ball noodles here?”

After pondering for a moment, he tapped the counter with his fingers, and Bai Zhi asked the paper man sitting on the counter in front of him.

"Of course, you can pawn anything you want with me, as long as you can pay enough..."

While smiling strangely, the white paper man sent a piece of white paper in front of Bai Zhi.

"The price of a bowl of thick fish ball noodles is one Ming coin. What does the guest want to pawn?"

On the white paper handed over by the paper man, a large row of pawn matters was densely written.

[Head: 30 Hades Coins]

[Heart: 20 Hades Coins]

[Hands: 10 Hades Coins]

[Body: 50 Hades Coins]

[Eyes: 10 Hades Coins]

… … …

Among the pawn items arranged in a row on the white paper, almost all the organs of the human body are listed.

“How much does a ticket to board the bus cost?”

After reading the pawn details on the white paper with a slightly ugly expression, Lin He started to ask.

"300 Hades Coins."

The paper man answered slowly, then turned his attention to Bai Zhi, and spoke with a strange smile.

"Judging from the quality of the guest's soul, if the guest is willing to pawn his soul, I can purchase it for 1,000 Hades coins."

"Can I only pawn my own body? Can I find another corpse and bring it to you?"

Bai Zhi directly ignored the other party's malicious words and asked the other party.

"The customers are joking, but what I do here is serious business."

Sitting back on the chair behind the counter, the paper man spoke slowly.

"In this town, there are many shops that can make money, but there are very few shops that can make money easily. As long as the customer is willing to pawn his soul to me, I can buy it for 2,000 ghost coins."

"How much is his soul worth?"

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi gestured to Xu Feng.

"Him? His soul is worthless. The most I can offer is 100, no more."

Looking away from Xu Feng, the paper man shook his head.

"Guests should make their decision as early as possible. This town is not very peaceful. Once the sky gets dark, those things will appear again."

"How about it, do you want to pawn something?"

Turning his head, Shi Bai asked Lin He and Xu Feng behind him.

"Forget it, this thing looks super weird at first glance. I don't want to become disabled."

Lin He immediately shook his head.

Xu Feng gritted his teeth and asked the paper man inside the counter.

"You said before that you can pawn anything here, right? So can you resurrect the dead here?"

This time the paper man's eyes stayed on Xu Feng for about half a minute, and then he turned his head.

"Sure, but you can't afford that price...poor little guy."

As the owner of this pawn shop in the village, Paperman obviously knows a lot about the secrets of this town, but it refuses to answer all questions other than pawn shops.

So after general discussions to no avail, Bai Zhi and his party walked out of the pawn shop.

"There are still one hour and 40 minutes left. There are still nine shops on this street. In order to seize the time, let's split up."

As soon as he walked out of the store, Lin He took the initiative to speak.

"There should be many opportunities to earn ghost coins in this town. If the three of them explore one by one, the speed and efficiency will be too slow. What do you think?"

" I'm OK."

Bai Zhi stepped on the slowly squirming ground under his feet, with an indifferent look on his face.

Xu Feng nodded silently.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

This dilapidated town is not big. Standing at the intersection of the town and looking forward, you can see the end. Among the houses on both sides of the street, there are ten shops of different sizes located in sequence.

—The pawn shop Bai Zhi and the others visited before was the one at the front.

"It feels a bit like a wicked level-breaking game..."

Watching Lin He and Xu Feng walking towards a shop respectively, Bai Zhi followed him into the second shop after muttering something in his mouth.

The decoration style of this shop is completely different from the first shop, and the area is more than ten times that of the pawn shop. The owner of this shop is a funny-looking clown in costume.

"Escape game?"

Looking at the two black and white doors behind the clown, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, that's right. You have to play a game with me. After the game is over, I will give you what you want."

Two fingers pressed the corners of his mouth and slid upwards in an exaggerated arc, and the clown laughed.

"Behind the door, there is a big maze. The black door is the entrance and the white door is the exit. You have to enter through the black door and then come out from the white door. In the process, you have to hide in the maze. In my pursuit, I will follow you into the maze one minute after you enter it. How about it, the rules of the game are very simple, right?"

"Are you sure these are the only rules?"

Bai Zhi took out his phone and looked at the time. He was obviously interested.

"How much money will I get for completing this game?"

"As long as you can walk out of the white door intact, I will give you 100 nether coins."

Holding out a finger in front of him, the smile on the clown's face became more ferocious.

"By the way, you are the 304th guest in my play house. 102 guests have chosen to participate in this game. Among these 102 guests, only the ones who can walk out of the black door are Two.”

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Bai Zhi put the phone back in his backpack and urged the other party.

"I'm in a hurry. I'm still a little confident about things like mazes."

"This guest, I hope you can maintain such a calm attitude after a while."

Seeing that the other party had already made his choice, the clown laughed again.

"Then, please invite the guests to enter the maze and start escaping. I will come in and catch you soon. Remember to hide yourself and be sure not to be discovered by me?"

Long sharp iron claws began to extend from his hands, and the expression on the clown's face became more and more fanatical.

"Otherwise, when the time comes, I will cut off all the flesh on your body bit by bit, screaming, blood, and..."

"What about your mother? Should she start it?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi interrupted the clown's words without politeness.

"Hmph... Of course, this guest, please come in..."

"The game... starts now."


Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 63, Chapter 62, That’s it

- From exiting the maze to completing the escape game, Bai Zhi only spent a minute in total.

When the clown, who was forced to delay for a few seconds by [Wall Fruit]'s taunt, rushed out of the black door angrily, he happened to see Bai Zhi open the white door and walk in, and then walked out of it calmly.

"Okay, the game is over, give me the money."

Walking in front of the clown, Bai Zhi lazily stretched out his hand towards the clown.

"Well, you said it yourself, enter through the black door, and then come out through the white door. I have fulfilled this condition, and it is time for you to fulfill your promise and give me the money."

"You are cheating!!!"

Staring fiercely at Bai Zhi in front of him, the clown let out a violent roar.

"No, I call this reasonable use of the rules of the game."

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi rubbed his thumb and middle finger together a few times, making a gesture that most ordinary people would understand.

"I don't have the leisure to spend half an hour walking through a dangerous maze and playing hide-and-seek with you in the maze. Hurry up and give me the money. I have to go to the next store. Or do you have no idea? Can’t afford it?”


His chest rose and fell violently. Just when Bai Zhi thought that the clown who was staring at him was going to be mad at him, the clown viciously threw a stack of light yellow jade-like cards into his hand. An angry, incompetent roar came from his mouth.

"Get out of here! I don't welcome guests like you here!!"

"Tch, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. You can't get angry, loser."

Bai Zhi curled his lips, put the light yellow jade cards in his hand into his pocket, and after leaving such a sarcastic remark, Bai Zhi turned around and walked out of the store.

- When he walked to the door, he clearly heard the sound of a table being thrown from inside.

[Item name: Hell Coin]

[Type: Special Items]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Introduction: Equivalent trading items in certain special locations can be unilaterally exchanged for game currency, with an exchange ratio of 1:10]

[Quantity: 100]

[Remarks: The lights in the bookstore in front of the door are dry because there are no books from Mr. Wang.]

"This thing seems to be quite valuable? 100 ghost coins are worth 1,000 game coins..."

Seeing this introduction popping up in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help but become a little interested.

But unfortunately, this kind of exchange can only be exchanged unilaterally. The ghost coins can only be exchanged for game coins, but the game coins cannot be exchanged for ghost coins.