Shuraba Player

Chapter 29


"If you don't consider the danger here, this is a good place to earn money and make gold..."

While muttering in his heart, Bai Zhi walked into the third shop.

Different from the eerie paper man in the first shop [Pawn Shop] and the grumpy clown in the second shop [Playhouse]?, the name of the third shop is [Riddle Room]. The owner of this shop It is an extremely ugly-looking doll. The low-quality needle horns look like the product of carelessness. The bald hair is randomly braided and dragged behind the head. It is more suitable to appear in a garbage dump than in a store. product.


Just from the name of this store, Bai Zhi could already deduce the contents of this store.

"That's right! Each person will come up with three riddles. Whoever guesses the most riddles in the end will win."

Floating on a chair about one meter above the ground, keeping eye level with Bai Zhi, the doll spoke cheerfully.

"Please note that there is no tie in the final process. If it is a tie, I will win. If you win, you can take what you want, but if you lose, you will keep it as my new collection~"

When he said this, the doors of the large display cabinets behind the dolls suddenly opened, revealing a dazzling collection inside. At a rough glance, there were at least two hundred dolls of various colors displayed as merchandise. put it on top.

"These dolls are all my collection. Their souls are still bound to the dolls. Do you want to join them and become a new collection of mine?"

The eyes of these dolls placed in the display cabinets can all move, but their limbs, including their heads, are all nailed to the shelf by a long steel needle and cannot move. The only thing that can mean that they are living creatures is that There were only those moving eyes and those wailing screams that seemed to come from the depths of hell.

These wailing sounds followed when the cabinet door was opened, but to the doll's ears, this sound seemed like the most beautiful music in the world, and it even couldn't help but dance in the air.

"What are the specific rules for guessing?"

Bai Zhi glanced towards the counter, lowered his eyes, and spoke calmly.

"There are no restrictions. You can come up with any puzzle you think of, but the puzzle must have a logical and self-consistent answer. If you can't answer the answer to your own puzzle, you will lose."

After another spin in the air, the doll answered happily in its mouth.

"Guest, should you ask the question first, or should I ask the question first?"

"You go out first."

Bai Zhi leaned back on the high chair specially prepared for customers in the store, took out a piece of chocolate from his backpack and stuffed it into his mouth. There was no expression on Bai Zhi's face.

"Then I'll go out first."

After waving his hand, the cabinet doors of the display cabinets behind him were closed tightly to isolate the wailing sounds. At the same time, the doll also landed on its own chair and told its mystery in a rather cheerful tone. question.

"It is known that there is a corpse in an endless desert. This corpse died of drowning. However, no water source has been found within a hundred miles. Why?"

"According to what you just said, the answer to the puzzle requires logical consistency, right?"

Without answering or thinking immediately, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked at the doll in front of him.

"That's right, you can think about each puzzle as long as you want, but you can't leave this store when the puzzle starts. I will give you enough time to think about it before you answer it~"

Sitting on a chair that did not match its actual size, the doll always spoke in a rather cheerful tone.

"During this process, I can also provide you with free food and drinking water. The store is an absolutely safe place, so even if you want to think about it for ten days and a half, there will be no problem? Why? So, do you want something to drink now? Or do you want to eat some delicious food and a big meal?"

Flying in front of Bai Zhi, the doll looked attentive.

"Among the collections I have collected, there are several top chefs. Although they are not as good as [gourmets] in terms of taste, the taste of the food they cook will definitely satisfy you, right?"

"No, I think you may have misunderstood something slightly."

Lifting his eyelids, Bai Zhi looked at the doll in front of him, his tone full of ridicule.

"I thought it was a difficult puzzle... is this it?"

Volume 1 The Gap between Imagination and Reality: Chapter 64 Chapter 63 The Impossible Puzzle Game

Because of Bai Zhi's last sarcastic words, the entire [Riddle Room] became quiet for a moment.

"Guest, you seem to look down on my puzzles?"

The doll also stopped being attentive and flew back to its seat and sat down. There was an obvious coldness in the plastic eyes that were half missing.

"This is just the first puzzle. Don't think that what I'm thinking here is too simple. In the collection cabinet behind me, there are nearly 200 people waiting for you to join them..."

"Did I say something wrong? I originally thought it was a difficult question, but it turned out to be something like a brainteaser... Sure enough, I still overestimated you."

Bai Zhi frowned and swallowed the chocolate in his mouth, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, as expected, a doll is just a doll. It has an elm head, but rotten wood cannot be carved..."

"Guest, please rest assured. When I make your doll later, I will deliberately hammer in a few more nails. You will be locked up in the collection cabinet by me forever to taste the almost eternity. Such pain.”

As if Bai Zhi's words had touched some painful spots, the doll's voice suddenly became sharp.

"Once the game starts, it must end with the victory or defeat of one side. You have nowhere to escape!!"


Bai Zhi sneered for no reason and spoke lazily.

"As for the riddle you asked earlier, the answer is very simple. The deceased was indeed drowned, but when he drowned, it was still a lake or a sea. After many changes, it became a lake or a sea. Desert. Right?"

"That's right, guest, it's your turn to pose the question."

She clapped her two short hands in front of her body as a sign of applause. The doll had a sinister look on its face.

"Don't forget, even a draw counts as my win. At the same time, because you worked so hard to irritate me before, let me tell you news that will make you feel extremely desperate."

"Oh? Sorry, I never know what despair is. If you can really make me feel despair, I will also thank your whole family... Ah, no, I'm sorry, you don't have any family, right?"

Yawning, Bai Zhi responded lazily.

"But thinking about it, after all, you are so ugly..."

"Don't you want to know? Why do so many people become my collection? You must know that among the humans who can come here, there is never a shortage of geniuses."

The doll's cold voice sounded faintly in the [Riddle Room].

"There are not many humans who can answer my three riddles, even many, but all of them have been made into collections by me. Do you know why?"

"Oh why?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Because when you agreed to play this game and sit in the chair across from me, I was already able to share all the knowledge in your mind."

As if she was looking forward to seeing the desperate expression on the other person's face, the doll excitedly revealed her secret.

"Do you know what this means? Every time you come up with a puzzle, it means that I already know the answer to the puzzle. Even if you deliberately come up with a puzzle without an answer, if you arrive If you can't give the answer in the end, then you are considered a traitor. Do you understand? From the beginning of this game, I have been invincible early!!!"

"Oh, that's it?"

The expression on his face was not moved at all, and Bai Zhi, who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, still looked so lazy.

"you… "

"Ah, sorry, sorry, should I have an expression of surprise, then panic, and finally despair? I'm sorry that I failed to live up to your expectations. I accidentally hurt your young heart. I'm so sorry. It shouldn’t be.”


The doll didn't reply, just stared at him coldly.

"Well, actually, I've already guessed this. After all, if you don't have this ability, the guest's chance of winning can reach 50% or even 80%. If you use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty, you are so big Official authority?"

Bai Zhi spread his hands with a joking look on his face.

"Don't look at me like that, because this is actually a result that can be easily deduced. After all, you have never limited the scope of the choice of puzzles... Oh, it should be the puzzles that limit you. The scope of the questions has been determined, but there is no limit on the scope of the questions for the guests, right?"

"… How did you know?"

After a moment of silence, the doll spoke coldly.

"Wow, isn't it? Isn't it? Do you need me to explain even such a simple and easy-to-understand place? Hey, hey, your IQ is not really that low, is it?"

Because of the tragic experiences and torture that he had seen before, Bai Zhi could now be said to be extremely mocking.

"Well, seeing as you are so stupid, I have no choice but to help you answer the question. Because you did not limit the range of questions for the guest, the guest only needs to come up with a secret that only he knows and remembers. For example, if I ask you about the specific time when he assembled the AK47 for the first time, you won’t be able to solve this kind of riddle, right?”


The doll didn't reply, but the aura revealed from its body became even colder.

"Of course, if I can think of such a simple and easy-to-understand customs clearance trick, then other guests must also be able to think of it. If you only need to answer one of the three puzzles correctly, the guest will win. But the problem is, since If the way to win is so simple, why do you have so many "collectibles"?"

He tapped his forehead with his finger, and Bai Zhi's voice quietly became cooler.

"So, it's not surprising to infer that you have that kind of ability based on these clues. After all, a draw counts as a win. As long as you have that kind of ability, then everything will make sense."

"So what? Even if you have deduced this, you should know how miserable you will be treated next, right?"

After a brief silence, the doll's voice suddenly became cheerful again.

"Even if you can answer all three puzzles I asked correctly, but on the premise that I know the answers to all three puzzles you asked..."

"Tell me, how can you defeat me in this desperate situation?"

Volume One: The Gap between Virtual and Real: Chapter 65 Chapter 64 Bai Zhi’s Way of Coping

"There are many ways to win you, the only difference is the method used to win you."

His eyes swept over the huge display cabinet behind the doll, and there was a vague coldness in Bai Zhi's eyes.

"You seem to look down on humans? Is it fun to torture them like this?"

"Yes~ It's very interesting, quite interesting. After all, your future is already determined. What's wrong with me keeping a few as collections? Low-level creatures like humans are too fragile, so they only have collection value."

The doll's voice was full of the feeling of being rested.

"Okay, I've finished solving my riddles, and it's your turn to ask the question. No matter what question you ask, as long as you know the answer in your heart, then I will definitely know the answer. How are you going to solve your first question? question?"

"Of course I will reveal the puzzle, but you must have hidden a rule that you haven't revealed yet, right? Why don't you reveal the hidden rule first and I will reveal it later."

Bai Zhi reached out and pressed his forehead slightly, and Bai Zhi responded lazily.

"For example, what is your limited time for answering questions? There is no limit on the time for customers to answer questions, as long as they do not leave the store. But for you, there should be a so-called time limit for answering questions, right?"

"Huh... ten minutes. But I don't need to spend such a long time at all. Can you solve the question?"

The doll snorted coldly in his mouth.

"Very well, then listen up, my first puzzle."

Bai Zhi snapped his fingers and spoke calmly.

"Arrange the 2563 natural numbers from 1 to 2563 in a circle. Leave 1 for the first time, cross out 2, leave 3 again, cross out 4... just like this, every one is separated and one is removed. The last remaining number is How many?"

"Math problem? You're not stupid."

After hearing this topic from Bai Zhi, Doll looked a little surprised.

"Since I can obtain all your knowledge, then it is indeed the right choice to ask some questions that take time to answer. But don't forget, I am not much different from you humans. I have the knowledge in your mind Do you think it will take me a long time to answer this kind of question?"

Pointing to his head with his little short finger, the doll's words were full of teasing.

"You humans have limits, and all you have done is just trying to be smart. It is indeed a good method to give you a problem that you don't know yet, but can solve. But, the knowledge you can use, I can also call, you think I will spend a long time to answer this question..."

"Are you fooling around with your mother? Don't waste time. Just do the questions quickly. I'm still in a hurry... Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that you don't have a mother."

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words without politeness.


After staring at him with cold eyes for a few seconds, the doll did not reply. For a moment, the shop fell into a brief silence.

About three minutes later, the doll gave a cold answer.

"The final answer is 1031."


After squinting his eyes and thinking for about ten seconds, Bai Zhi nodded and responded calmly.

"Yes. It's your turn to give the question. But you spent three minutes on such a simple question. You are really stupid. Sure enough, your head is stuffed with rotten cotton, right?"

"Really? If you want to show off, you can only show off now. I will stuff more cotton into your head later."

With cold eyes fixed on him, the doll spoke coldly.

"My second puzzle: The woman gave the man something to eat. The thing itself was not poisonous, but the man died because of it in the end. What did he eat?"

"Hey, don't you think that every time you give a puzzle, there are many answers that can be used to explain it?"