Shuraba Player

Chapter 31


"Okay, give me the money."

" did the guests notice?"

After staring at the two cotton balls on Bai Zhi's hand for a moment, the woman sighed softly.

"Huh? Are you talking about how I know that your piano music can kill people? Or are you talking about why I am so sure that I can win?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows.

"It's both. I don't feel that there is any flaw in me, and I have never lied."

The woman nodded calmly.

"You did not lie. After all, you can't lie under the restrictions of the store. You can only mislead. It is true that you can leave on your own after failure, but that must be when he can leave on his own."

Pouting his lips, Bai Zhi stood up and put away the small bench.

"By the way, I've never trusted you guys."

Volume 1 The Gap between Virtual and Real: Chapter 68 Chapter 67 Simple Geometry

Listen to the Rain Pavilion.

After listening to Bai Zhi's words, the woman was silent for a while.

Until Bai Zhi began to wonder if the other party wanted to embezzle his one hundred yuan, the other party sighed softly in his mouth, waved his sleeves, and one hundred dark coins automatically appeared in his hand.

"This guest, in this selection, I hope you can make it to the end."

After saying such a paradoxical word, the woman looked down at Changqin in front of her again and stopped talking.


After staring at each other for a while, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and walked out of the store.

So far, he has walked through four stores alone. The store managers in each store not only have different personalities, but also completely different types. Paper figures, clowns, dolls, ghosts... What else will he encounter next

Although he had successfully saved enough money for the ticket, he still did not understand the significance of this small town located at the entrance to hell. The store managers did not give any useful information at all, and the driver All his words were confusing, but it was obvious that he was not the first group of people to come here.

Selection... If this is a selection ceremony...

While thinking about what the woman said before, Bai Zhi walked out of the store.

However, he had just walked out of the fourth store when Bai Zhi saw Lin He also walking out of the first store across the street. However, the other person's condition was obviously very bad, with half of his body covered in wounds. Not to mention that the blood was stained red, as soon as he walked out of the store, his very weak body fell to the front of the store.

Bai Zhi turned around and glanced at the fifth shop at the end of the street. After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zhi walked towards Lin He.

He had already saved enough money for the ticket, so there was no need for him to continue taking risks.

Soon, he came to Lin He's side. He couldn't see clearly from a distance before, but now when he got closer, he found that a large piece of flesh on the other person's left arm had been torn off, and a large piece of flesh had been torn off. The wound was exposed, and you could even vaguely see the white bones in it. This was the main reason why the opponent continued to bleed.

When he saw him walking over intact, there was a moment of shock in his eyes, and Lin He reluctantly smiled at him.

"I caught it accidentally and made you laugh."

"Do you need help?"

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi took out a three-piece set of medical supplies (knife, stapler, tape) from his backpack and placed it in front of Lin He.

"These things are very useful. People who have used them say they are good."

"...No need, I have healing tools on me."

He quickly understood the purpose of the three items that Bai Zhi took out. With a slight twitch in his mouth, Lin He took out a large piece of plasticine from his backpack, and then quartered it with some pain. One of them was rubbed down and pasted on his wound.

[Item name: Therapeutic plasticine]

[Type: Consumables]

[Quality: Rare]

[How to use: Tear it off and stick it to the wound]

[Effect: The wound can be greatly restored according to the amount of plasticine used. The more plasticine used, the better the effect. It takes effect within one minute]

[Use restrictions: None]

[Note: Don’t be stupid enough to think that your head can be glued back on if it falls off]

A minute later, when Lin He removed the plasticine that completely covered the wound on his shoulder, the original hideous wound had returned to its original state.

"Black and white, you have passed three stores!?"

After moving his arms a little, Lin He didn't care to deal with these anymore. Lin He asked the intact Bai Zhi in front of him with some disbelief.

He saw the other party walking out of the fourth store across the street with his own eyes. He also saw the other party walk into the second store with his own eyes before. In other words, the other party had already cleared the customs for at least two rounds. shop.

This couldn't help but shock him. After all, it took him such a long time and was seriously injured to pass through one store. However, the other party was obviously lower in level than him and had lower attributes than him, but he had already passed through three stores in succession. , and it seems to be intact... Could it be that the other party is cheating

"Ah, yes, I have saved enough for the fare."

After looking at the other party very casually, Bai Zhi looked into the shop that the other party had just walked out of. The name of this shop was [Billiard Hall], and the owner of the shop was an orange man wearing a yellow mantle. The cat was sitting on the counter looking at them.

"The mission of this shop is to play billiards with the cat. The rules are very simple. After hitting all the balls on the table, whoever can finally hit the black ball into the hole wins."

Standing up from the steps, Lin He quickly introduced him proactively.

"But be very careful. If you hit a ball that doesn't belong to you, you will be attacked by the monster in the ball. At the same time, the cat is extremely insidious. If..."

"Wait a moment."

After waving his hand, Bai Zhi stepped into the [Billiard Hall] with Lin He's astonished look on his face.

Five minutes later, Bai Zhi walked out intact.

"Okay, let's go find Xu Feng."

"You, did you do that?"

Lin He, who had witnessed the whole billiards match outside the store, was a little dumbfounded.

"Huh? It's very simple? It's just simple geometry."

Shi Shiran walked past Lin He, and Bai Zhi came to the second shop on this side of the street. Xu Feng had walked into this second shop before.

But when he looked inside the shop, his heart sank slightly.

In this shop called [Gourmet], a pig-headed man wearing an apron was sitting at the counter smoking a cigarette. Of course, this was not the point. The point was that he did not see Xu Feng in the entire shop. , but on the other side of the burning fire, he saw a dozen black figures hanging upside down by iron hooks.

"Two guests, would you like something to eat?"

Seeing that another customer came to the door, he threw the cigarette in his hand directly into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it. The pig-headed man stood up from the counter with his tall body of at least 2.3 meters.

"What are the rules?"

Without any intention of being polite, Bai Zhi frowned and directly asked the pig-headed man in front of him.

"It's simple. Better than me in cooking."

He opened his mouth and smiled, and a deafening sound came from the pig-headed man's mouth.

"Or... eat the delicious food I made."


Volume 1: The gap between fiction and reality: Chapter 69 Chapter 68: Broom stained with shit, invincible in the world

[Gourmet] The shop here looks like a large kitchen connected to the stove.

I didn't feel it outside the store before, but when I walked inside, a very complex smell that was indescribable was faintly wafting out from the stove.

To put it bluntly... it tastes like canned herring and durian mixed together. After being simmered in a hot fire for half an hour, rotten stinky meat and tons of rotten bananas are poured into it and mixed together. The taste of the leftovers.

-The reason why Bai Zhi can describe it so clearly is because when he was a child, he tried to make biological and chemical weapons according to this recipe. With this kind of weapon of mass destruction, he dominated a party at a young age and became an infallible leader. The village bully who buckles.

... This is basically the same principle as being invincible if a broomstick is stained with feces.

Although the smell emanating from the pot was slightly different from the smell in his memory, it was actually not that far apart. Especially when the pig-headed man in front of him opened his mouth, a strong, raw meat-like fishy smell had invaded the nasal cavity at some point, and a stream of gastric juice suddenly came up from his stomach.

Bai Zhi was doing better. He had seen the power of the biochemical weapons he had made. He had already subconsciously held his breath after entering the store. However, Lin He, who was following behind him, was a little miserable. He looked pale and covered his head. There were bursts of retching sounds coming from his mouth.

If it were just the rotten smell, it would be fine, but when mixed with the sweet aroma of bananas, it becomes even more nauseating and even makes your head hurt.

"Where is the customer who entered your shop earlier?"

Smoothly taking out a mask from his backpack and throwing it to Lin He, Bai Zhi raised his head and looked at the tall pig-headed man in front of him.

At close range, the opponent's huge size is obviously more powerful, but the strong odor is also lingering.

"That guy who still hasn't recognized the reality? He has been hung up by me."

Pointing to the corner casually, the pig-headed man grinned.

"Do you want to save him? For 10 Hades coins, I can sell him to you. This is a very good deal. But if you agree to this deal, then you must compete with me in cooking."

"How are the scoring criteria calculated?"

Bai Zhi glanced at the shadow in the corner and raised his eyebrows.

"I have a variety of ingredients here. Each person makes three foods, and then the guests choose three tasting objects. The tasting objects give scores. The person with the highest cumulative score wins."

Moving aside, the pig-headed man moved away from his sight, revealing the dazzling kitchen behind him.

"How about that, fair?"

"Can I choose who I want to taste?"

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly without bothering to ask about the consequences of losing.

"Of course, now please let the guests designate the people to taste, and I will invite those people here to enjoy a delicious meal."

The pig-headed man answered loudly.

"What, isn't this a must-win situation?"

Before Bai Zhi opened his mouth, Lin He breathed a sigh of relief.

"We still have two people here. As long as you identify us two as the tasting subjects, it will be 2 to 1. No matter what, we will win."

"You dare to eat the food made from it?"

Bai Zhi glanced at Lin He inexplicably, and nodded to the pig-headed man in front of him.

"I've made my choice, let's get started."

A few minutes later, the paper man in the [Pawn Shop], the doll in the [Riddle Room], and the clown in the [Play House] came to the [Gourmet].

Among the three tasting objects, except for the paper man, the other two had a lot of grudges against Bai Zhi, so as soon as they sat down at the table among the gourmets, the doll and the clown stared at him coldly. Don’t let go.

…Of course someone doesn’t care.

So soon, in a strange shop in such a strange place, a unique cooking competition started.

When the pig-headed man stepped on the pair of shoes full of dried blood and was busy in front of the stove fire, every step of the pig-headed man was like a heavy lightning strike hitting the ground, shaking the floor. "Dong" sound.

"...What did you add to it?"

Seeing Bai Zhi in front of him constantly taking out some strange bottles and cans from his backpack and adding them to the soup in the pot, the corners of Lin He's mouth, who was acting as a follower, couldn't help but twitch slightly.

There were obviously all kinds of delicious and fragrant ingredients placed there casually, but the other party not only showed no intention of using those ingredients, but instead kept pouring some strange-looking things into the pot.

"Canned herring, concentrated sulfuric acid, concentrated nitric acid, potassium cyanide, paraquat... Are you sure this thing is still edible?"

"Don't be limited by common sense. This competition is not about who can make something more delicious, or who can make something more unpalatable. Who said their standards for judging deliciousness are the same as ours?"

Bai Zhi poured a lot of bananas into the pot of soup, and then poured in a big bag of dog feces, and Bai Zhi spoke calmly.

"I don't have much confidence in winning in normal cooking, but if it's more delicious than anyone else's cooking, I'm still a little bit confident."

"...Why do you have these strange things in your backpack?"

Seeing the various strange items that Bai Zhi kept adding to the pot in front of him, Lin He's expression was as exciting as the pot of soup that was constantly changing color.

"Oh, be prepared. After all, sometimes throwing a can of herrings or a big bag of dog poop on someone can cause far more damage than cutting them with a knife."


Five minutes later, the three bowls of black and smelly soup that Bai Zhi brought to the table were in stark contrast to the three pots of sauce-flavored pig's trotters that the pig-headed man brought to the table.

"We can't be wrong, after all, the other party's food looks normal, right?"

Looking at the three bowls of sauce-flavored pig's trotters served by the pig-headed man, Lin He couldn't help but turn around and glance at Bai Zhi.