Shuraba Player

Chapter 4


So far, he couldn't see anything unusual in the "Teacher Chen" in front of him. If he didn't know that people from the previous world would never appear in this world, he might really be able to. Think of his opponent as the teacher Chen who treated him extremely well.

That is to say, I don’t know whether the money can be used...

"Okay, classmate Bai Zhi, let's talk about business now."

Reaching out to push up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Teacher Chen smiled and spoke.

"You also know that teacher, I..."

"By the way, Teacher Chen, you came just in time. I have some problems here that I don't know much about."

Before Teacher Chen in front of him could finish speaking, Bai Zhi patted himself on the head, then quickly picked up the textbook on the desk and placed it in front of him, with an open-minded and studious look on his face.

"I don't understand these questions very well. Could you please give me some guidance, Mr. Chen?"

"Well… "

Looking at the exercise booklet in front of him, he didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that the development of things seemed to be vaguely beyond his expectations.

"Teacher Chen, the solution to this problem..."

"Oh, I understand. By the way, Teacher Chen, can you please explain the principle of this experiment to me?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, the room hasn't been cleaned for a long time and it's a bit messy... I haven't had time to tidy it up... "

Two hours later, Teacher Chen enthusiastically delivered living expenses, solved all the exercises for his students, and helped clean up the room. Finally, Teacher Chen left with two large bags of garbage and was lost in Bai Zhi's sincere thanks. I lost myself and stood at the entrance of the corridor with a confused look, blowing the cold evening wind.

Lowering his head and looking at the two garbage bags he was holding, he fell into deep silence.

By the way, didn’t you come here to hunt? So why did things turn out like this in the end...

[Borrowing Grudges] As a rare existence, it is the only resentful spirit that can pry into human hearts in this period. But as the saying goes, there are gains and losses. Its strength can be said to fluctuate quite greatly. It all relies on The degree of fear of it in the prey's heart depends on it. If the target does not have any fear of it, its combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of a child of several years old.

It was sure that its own disguise, which had stolen the prey's mental image, was absolutely foolproof and impossible to see through, and the other party was just an ordinary person, but why did its operation completely fail this time

Even if it wants to scare the other person in the middle, after all, it only needs to successfully raise the first hint of fear in the other person's heart. Everything will fall into place just like the previous prey, but not only does it not raise any fear in the other person's heart, , but in the end, it was stared at by the other party's passionate gaze and became a little bit hairy...

It felt something was wrong, very wrong.

Volume 1 The Gap between Virtual and Real: Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Cross-Server Chat

"I haven't seen such a warm-hearted person for a long time..."

After seeing Teacher Chen off respectfully, Bai Zhi couldn't help but feel emotional when looking at the brand new room and the completed homework.

No matter who Mr. Chen is, he is definitely not a human being. He must be some newly emerged urban ghost creature. People come all the way to give him money, solve his problems, and help him clean. And you don’t need any remuneration. What kind of spirit is this

This is a fearless spirit of sacrifice! !

If all the people in the world can become like that "Teacher Chen", as long as everyone can give a little love, then the world will become a beautiful world.

"I don't know if Teacher Chen will come again in the future..."

Opening the envelope and looking at the banknotes inside, Bai Zhi had a look of reluctance on his face. The problems that he was having a headache at first were all solved in just a moment. Now he just wants to say that it smells good.

Urban ghost stories, basically every city has one or two stories that are used to lighten the atmosphere after dinner. But three months ago, the growth rate of this kind of urban ghost stories was growing rapidly on the Internet at an unreasonable speed. .

Ever since he witnessed the river crab during the day, Bai Zhi had been mentally prepared to face the urban ghost story. However, he did not expect that his first contact with the urban ghost story would be such a strange situation.

Although he still didn't know much about the origin and name of "Teacher Chen", he already had some guesses in his mind about the characteristics of the urban ghost story he encountered.

Although urban ghost stories are scary, they are not unsolvable. Most of them have some quite unique rules. As long as you can figure out those rules, it is not particularly difficult to survive from the hands of those weird things.

Otherwise, if you encounter someone who is bound to die, then there won’t be so many rumors about urban ghost stories on the Internet. After all, the dead are best kept secrets.

As for the strange story he encountered today, if he hadn't seen through the other party's true identity from the beginning, with the other party's flawless performance, he might not have been able to see through the other party's disguise.

If his guess was correct, what he needed for the strange talk he encountered today was fear. After all, when the other party was helping him clean the house and explain the exercises, he seemed to be trying to pass through various abnormal behaviors. Come to scare yourself...

"Hmm... Drawing inferences from one example, we do not rule out the possibility that the strange story will strike again in the future, but the image of "Teacher Chen" should not be used again... So until the danger is eliminated, do you need to pay special attention to the people around you in the future? "

Bai Zhi sat on the chair with his head supported by one hand, looking thoughtful.

"The other party seems to have the ability to read minds to a certain extent, otherwise he would not deliberately change into a person who does not exist in this world... And I also have the memory of Bai Zhi in this world, the one who is more important in Bai Zhi's heart In human terms, there is...a school beauty?"

Bai Zhi tapped his head with his fingers and suddenly felt a slight pain in his head.

"If we follow the usual routine of this level of urban geek talk, it is very likely that the school beauty will come over and post something in the future. Although it is a bit weird that the school beauty who originally hated me so much suddenly changed her temperament and came over to actively look for me. I don't talk much about logic, but logic is secondary to this kind of urban ghost story. After all, it only needs to be able to capture my fear... It won't work like this. After all, only Qianri can be a thief. Is there a way to guard against thieves for a thousand days? It seems that we still need to find a foolproof way... Can that kind of thing be killed? It should be possible. Maybe there is a kind of existence in the dark that is specially designed to deal with this kind of existence... "

One night passed quietly in someone's thoughts.

The next day, Bai Zhi got up early very rarely - compared to the original owner.

Since there are mysteries in this world, and ordinary humans are well protected, there must be something extraordinary beneath the mysteries.

Although I have ideas about this kind of thing, I have only traveled through time for a day, so it is useless even if I am anxious, and besides, I don’t have any clues about this kind of thing, so I might as well follow my original plan step by step. Plan your actions.

No matter what kind of weird thing he is facing, all living beings are equal under nuclear bombs. If he had the ability to rub nuclear bombs with his hands, would he still be afraid of that kind of thing? What a joke...

"Well... first spend a few weeks studying college courses on your own, and then... "

"Good morning?"

Just when Bai Zhi was sitting at the snack bar, eating breakfast and planning his next plan in his mind, a voice sounded beside him, and a beautiful figure followed him quite naturally. He sat down next to him.

I knew it…

Seeing the school beauty sitting next to him greeting him with a smile on his face, the corners of Bai Zhi's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

If you think about it, you can understand that a guy who clearly hated "him" for stalking him before and wanted to intercept him in the cafeteria yesterday afternoon to embarrass himself and wanted to stay 800 meters away from him, ended up today. He greeted me with a smile on his face early in the morning and sat next to him... He was the one who could detect the problem, right?

Alas, my brain is not very good at talking about urban ghosts like this...

Bai Zhi suddenly felt a sense of superiority in his heart that came from his IQ.

"Oh, is something wrong? By the way, I made it very clear in the cafeteria at noon yesterday, right?"

Bai Zhi moved the chair under his feet a few positions to the side, with a lukewarm attitude on his face.

"Now that the matter has been resolved, it's best not to look for trouble anymore. Wouldn't it be better if you went to find someone else?"/(Brother, I've seen your disguise, can you go find other prey? )

"Well, there is no need to have such an attitude, right? Weren't you very enthusiastic before?" / (You chased me so crazily before, but I was flattered.)

Lin Xiaoyi held her chin in one hand and looked at the young man in front of her, her eyes burning.

"Stop pretending, I already know all your secrets, right?"

"secret… "

Bai Zhi's face suddenly darkened.

That's right, after all, Teacher Chen does not exist in this world. You can find it out with a little research... This strange story seems to be very smart... Do you already know that I am not from this world

"It's up to you. You can go around and talk nonsense. See if anyone will believe it. But I don't think anyone will believe that kind of fantasy, right? So save it, the road is facing the sky, and everyone walks on both sides. Okay?"

Picking up his bowl, Bai Zhi turned around and left the breakfast stall after saying these words.

After all, you can't do anything to the other person, so it's best to stay far away.

So this weird talk thing... is really annoying.


Volume 1 The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 10 Chapter 10 My reasoning is foolproof

"The world is really becoming more and more dangerous..."

Walking on the way to the classroom for early self-study with a book under his arm, Bai Zhi frowned slightly when he recalled the strange story that he had so boldly approached him directly before.

People always care more about lost things. He has died once, so he doesn't want to die again.

Frankly speaking, he didn't expect that they would come to his door directly, but he couldn't figure out the thoughts of those strange talks, and he could only think that he was angry after being tricked by him yesterday.

But having said that, the other party came to me in such a pretentious manner and said such incomprehensible words to me... What did he mean

Bai Zhi reached out and touched his chin, thinking in his mind.

Most of the time, human fear comes from the unknown. If the other party continues to hide it, he may still care a little bit, but the other party's intelligence operation in the morning... he really can't understand it.

And while he was walking forward and thinking, in the green bamboo forest on the side that few people usually went to, a slightly pale figure walked straight out of it, and then walked straight towards him with an expressionless face.

"Do you read in the bamboo forest early in the morning?"

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him that he had seen at the breakfast shop a few minutes ago, Bai Zhi sighed slightly in his heart and moved aside to make way.

Therefore, in front of your own sharp eyes, nothing can be hidden, and it is actually very easy to distinguish genuine products from fake ones.

For example, if you look at the guy who got close to you in the breakfast shop earlier, you can see that he is a fake and has not escaped. As for the person in front of her who showed no expression when she saw her and was afraid that she would get involved with her again, it was obvious that she was the real thing. Only a fool would admit his mistake, okay

In the few seconds he was sighing in his heart, Lin Xiaoyi, who was walking out of the bamboo forest in front of him, had already come to his side. But what made people feel a little strange was that during the walk, the other party's A pair of eyes without any emotion were always staring at him, even when they had already walked to his side, which seemed quite strange to outsiders.

(Are you so wary of me? It seems that the previous Bai Zhi’s stalking of the other party caused a considerable psychological shadow on the other party...)

After a slight sigh in his heart, Bai Zhi simply retreated to the side of the road. After thinking for a while, he raised his hand to say hello to the other party in a friendly manner to show that he had no ill intentions.

Lin Xiaoyi: "..."

Perhaps his sincerity impressed the other party. When he waved to the other party with a smile, Bai Zhi could clearly see that the other party's body stiffened for a moment, and then quickly left his sight.

"Oh, I hope she can come out of her psychological shadow soon..."

Looking at the other party's back that seemed to be running away, Bai Zhi shook his head regretfully and continued towards the morning study room.

For the series of privileges that a top student can have, he feels that his most important goal now is to study hard and make progress every day.

When passing by the open space in front of the teaching building, he saw the little boy playing with shadows in front of the open space again. The only difference from playing alone yesterday was that there were obviously more people around him to accompany him. A few friends playing together.

"Do primary school students get up so early? Compulsory education is now..."

Shaking his head, he carefully avoided the other party as usual to prevent him from stepping on his shadow. Bai Zhi walked away with such emotion in his mouth.

But what he didn't see was that on the other side facing away from him, the faces of the few friends who were playing games with the little boy were full of mature fear that was not suitable for their age. , but still cooperated with the little boy in the game quite stiffly.

It's like... a puppet.

… … … … … … … … … … … …

Although early self-study in college is not necessary, for a freshman, early self-study is still specifically required.

When Bai Zhi came to the classroom, almost half of the people were already sitting here. His arrival did not cause any disturbance, although some people were concerned about the arrival of him, an absentee who had been absent from morning self-study for a long time. A little surprised, but it was just limited to surprise.

However, Bai Zhi didn't care, and went straight to the last row of the classroom to find a seat and sit down.

If someone really had to say hello to him, he would feel embarrassed. After all, among the dozens of classmates in the class, he could only call out only five of them by name... So the predecessor is really a good person. Unbelievably weird.

After reading quietly all morning, my morning self-study was over, and then came the morning classes.

However, when the first class was approaching, there was a small commotion in front of the class. Out of curiosity, Shi Bai also went up to listen to some, and then got something that made him very solemn. information.

In the class, a student is missing.

The missing student's name is Luo Hao. He is a young man who wears glasses and looks a bit polite. After the chemistry experiment class ended yesterday afternoon, he said he wanted to go back to the classroom to get something, and then he never returned to the dormitory. , until this morning there was still no news, and the phone and cell phone could not be reached at all.

Just as the first class was about to begin, Luo Hao, who had never been absent from class, still had no intention of reporting. His roommate finally panicked and reported the incident to the teacher.

Coincidentally, in the adjacent class, the same case of missing persons also occurred, but the number of people missing in their class was three at one time. The situation was exactly the same as Luo Hao's. He could not be contacted since yesterday afternoon. I didn't go back to the dormitory, and I couldn't get through the phone at all.

In the face of this kind of matter related to the safety of students, the school also showed a high level of attention. After a little comfort to the students, it quickly called the police.

Because of this emergency, the morning classes were also canceled. Students were not interested in studying and teachers were not interested in teaching. Therefore, Bai Zhi, who was not absent from class today, was forced to be absent from class today.

"In addition to the strange story that haunted me, is there another strange story in the school..."

Putting the book in his hand into the drawer, he walked to the corridor and raised his head to look at the sunny sky outside. Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Volume 1 The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Players

It was still morning, with some hot sunlight shining directly on the earth.

"Ah... the things written in these books are completely useless..."

Deep in the still deserted library, a little girl with white hair and red eyes sat on her knees leaning against the bookshelf quite irritably, with a large book placed on her legs.

It was a book called "Analysis and Research of Human Psychology" that few people borrowed.

"Normally speaking, if a normal person sees a girl walking out of an empty bamboo forest alone in the early morning and still staring at him, it stands to reason that she will have some feelings in her heart. She’s scared, right!? Why would any human think of saying hello to her!? That guy’s nerves are a bit too big, isn’t he!?”

Thinking of this embarrassing thing that happened to her, the little Loli suddenly gritted her teeth in anger.

As a newcomer who had just debuted, she felt that she was one of the very talented ones, and her own uniqueness was extremely difficult to detect, so the little Loli always thought that she would be far ahead of the others. companions, leaving them far behind.

But the first goal that was about to succeed was interrupted. In the two subsequent shots, she became a complete tool in the first time. The second time she carefully The appearance that had been prepared for a long time was ignored gorgeously...