Shuraba Player

Chapter 41


"Uh... second floor?"

Xinrou smiled slightly and seemed a little hesitant.

"No, you are on the 18th underground floor."

Bai Zhi looked indifferent.

Smiling softly: "..."

"When did this happen? In such a dangerous environment, when faced with weird and strange creatures, you would immediately think of environmental protection. You are the little environmental protection expert, right?"

Bai Zhi looked contemptuous.

"I… "

Smiling Xinrou was almost angered to death by the other party's double standards.

"Only magic can fight against magic. Similarly, only Kaidan can deal with Kaidan. Although players can gain an advantage in front of Kaidan, it would be ridiculous to say that players can deal with Kaidan. Most of the time, players still have to Struggling to survive in the face of strange stories..."

After giving the other party a slap on the back, Bai Zhi turned around and continued walking towards the next room.

"So, using ghost stories to deal with ghost stories may actually be a practical method."

"Tch... Having said so much, it's not the same as saying it and not saying it..."

He muttered something in his mouth, but he really didn't have much courage to stand in front of the empty door for a long time. Xinrou, with a smile, quickly followed the other person's footsteps.

"By the way, I almost forgot, that notice board you got in the first room earlier, what did it say on it?"

"Hmm? Sign? What sign?"

Pouring his lips, Bai Zhi replied lazily.

"I've never seen any signboards. You can't slander people, sir. You need evidence when handling a case."

"That's it... well, anyway, I'll just be a tool and lie down with my lap in my arms."

Halfway through the sentence, he probably recalled the previous situation where listening to the conversation between the two of them was like listening to heavenly scriptures. Qianxiao Xinrou felt discouraged at first.

"Not bad, you are very self-aware... huh?"

Looking at the room in front of him that he kicked open, Bai Zhi couldn't help but froze slightly.

After walking through six or seven blank cannibal rooms, he finally found a normal room...or should be called barely normal.

Unlike the empty rooms before, this room was fully furnished, but in this house, there was blood everywhere.

Ceiling, light tubes, walls, desks, floors, curtains, refrigerator... Everywhere you look, everything in front of you is covered in dark red color.

"This room..."

Looking at the horrifying scene in the room in front of him, sniffing the strong smell of blood that was almost impossible to cover up, he involuntarily took a breath, smiled softly, and unconsciously moved toward Bai Zhi. I stood aside.

"Yes, there was a lot of bleeding."

Bai Zhi nodded with emotion.

Smiling softly: "???"

… She felt something was wrong with the other person.

This room, which was almost covered in blood, was about twice the size of the first room. Standing at the door and looking inside, there were still quite a few places that could not be observed with the naked eye.

After confirming that there was no danger in this room like the empty cannibal room, Bai Zhi and Qianxiao Xinrou walked into the room. Different from Qianxiao Xinrou who was cautious and nervous, , Bai Zhi went straight to the desk over there, or in other words, in the whole room, the only place with search value was the desk.

After some searching, he found a diary on the desk that was almost covered in sticky blood. Most of the writing on the diary was soaked in blood and could not be seen clearly, and with a little force on his hand, , it is possible to tear apart the soaked paper together.

Very patiently, Bai Zhi opened the diary one by one, hoping to see if he could find any useful information in it.

The handwriting on the first few dozen pages of this diary was completely blurred. After turning over more than ten pages, Bai Zhi finally saw the vague handwriting that could barely be recognized. However, due to the damage of the diary, It was too serious, so he could only see some fragments.

[Sunny on October 7th]

[The work in the orphanage is quite easy, and the children are very obedient. It is a good place to relax~]

[October 9th, overcast]

[I always feel that there is a special musty smell in the room. When the weather is fine, I will take out everything in the house to dry it... ]

[October 11, cloudy]

[The children in the orphanage have become increasingly lethargic recently, and some of them have developed high fevers. I hope they can recover soon.]

[October 21, overcast]

[I met a very handsome boy today. I heard that he grew up in this orphanage. He comes back to visit the children every week during the holidays, but he seems to have something worried on his face... ]

[October 22, overcast]

[There seemed to be a fierce quarrel in the dean's room. I could hear the old dean coughing, but the boy's voice was louder. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear clearly what they were arguing about.]

[October 25, light rain]

[The weather has not been very good these days. The children are all very lethargic. A few children have fever again. Is it a sequelae of the last cold? I have to go to town to buy some medicine tomorrow.]

[October 28, heavy rain]

[what happened? It feels like there is something in the darkness next to the orphanage at night... Are there mice or wild cats running from somewhere?]

[November 1st, sunny]

[There have been more and more strange things recently, and I often see some strange things... I think I should see a psychiatrist.]

Volume 1: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 92 Chapter 90 "The Shining of the Girl"

Looking at the contents recorded in the diary in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although the contents recorded in the diary did not reveal much information, the information revealed alone was enough for him to guess part of the truth of the matter.

—That is about his original identity and even the truth hidden behind this orphanage.

In the diary, the other party's description continues.

It's just that except for the middle part of the diary, the handwriting is still clear, the further it goes, the worse it becomes. Bai Zhi had to spend a lot of brain power to be able to read out the handwriting that was soaked and scattered by blood. Identify the meaning.

[Sunny on November 3rd]

[The weather is finally getting better, and the children seem to be more energetic. Those weird things seem to disappear from my side with the arrival of sunny days... Am I overthinking it?]

[Sunny on November 4th]

[It’s so bad, strange things started happening again. When I went to bed at night, I always felt like there was a ferocious big hand under the bed... Is this a scary ghost story from childhood?]

[Sunny on November 6th]

[… Something was wrong. When I woke up in the morning, I found that most of the shoes I placed in front of the bed had been bitten off, but I didn’t know who did it.]

[Sunny on November 8th]

[The handsome boy came back again, but this time a more intense quarrel broke out between him and the old dean. I don’t know what they were arguing about, but at night I noticed that the old man’s face was very expressionless. Ugly.]

[Sunny on November 11th]

[Weird things happen again, I think I must be crazy... I've had enough of this ghost place, I have to hurry up and get out of here... ]

[Sunny on November 13th]

[... There is a terrible secret hidden behind this orphanage. Before leaving, I think I should make some preparations, as long as I can leave this orphanage... without being discovered by anyone... ]

[Sunny on November 15th]

[-No! ! No one can leave here! ! nobody! ! !]

When the other party was writing this page of the diary, he seemed to be in a quite crazy state, and the pen tip was so strong that it even scratched the paper.

Frowning slightly, Bai Zhi turned over a few more pages of the diary. The pages behind were all blank, as if the other party's record only ended here.

However, when he habitually turned the diary to the last few pages, new handwriting appeared, but these handwritings were all twisted and deformed, as if they were trying to crawl out from the edge of the paper.

[Yes... no one can leave here... no one can... even the two new girls who came later... they will also become members here... become... one of us! !]


The moment his eyes reflected the twisted and misshapen words in his mind, Bai Zhi's expression suddenly changed.

Without a moment's hesitation, after instantly purchasing a temporary bonus of attribute points in the system mall, Bai Zhi used the strengthening function of [Shadow] without hesitation. At the same time that [Glory] appeared in his right hand, he quickly He reached out and grabbed Xinrou, who had a confused look on his face, and ran towards the door.

With the blessing of perfect-level skills, at this time, his three major attributes of strength, agility, and physique have all reached 30 points. How many times faster is his speed than before

But he was fast, and the speed of this room was even faster. Amid the confused exclamation of Qianxiao Xinrou, the house that was originally covered in blood suddenly underwent extremely terrifying changes.

The blood-stained furniture gradually faded, revealing their original appearance. The thick blood vessels were covered with swollen sarcomas. Puffy pus bubbles began to grow on the sarcomas, and one eye after another was also densely packed. Appearing on the crowded ceiling, in the middle of the ceiling, an eyeball many times larger than the surrounding eyeballs slowly opened.

The ground beneath his feet turned into a smooth fleshy wall, and the space in the entire room began to expand. The door that was originally a few meters away was suddenly pulled away to dozens of meters away.

"What the hell is going on in this room... Hey, hold me tight!!"

Qianxiao Xinrou was so frightened that she was almost caught by the tentacles full of sharp teeth extending out from the wall and screamed.

"A tool man must have the consciousness of a tool man. How about you try to make a difference?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi, who was still in the mood to complain at this time, fired six shots behind him without looking.

But except for the first shot that was sure to hit, which accurately hit the big eye in the center of the ceiling, causing a spray of blood mist, the other five bullets flew to who knows where.

However, although the last five shots did not hit the vital point, they still had the desired effect. As if it was angered, this huge strange creature that did not know what it should be called let out a roar, and more tentacles came out. The walls and feet sprouted, desperately chasing after Bai Zhi who kept running towards the door to evade.

"There's simply not enough light to create shadows, and we're walking into the main body of all the empty rooms, and it's hunting us... This is a qualified hunter who will learn from the lessons of failed hunting."

Bai Zhi took out the pistol magazine from the pistol with a "pop" sound. Bai Zhi pressed a bullet into the magazine with one hand, then quickly reassembled the magazine, and then fired it casually. One shot.

—The first bullet among the six bullets in each magazine is guaranteed to hit.

"I, I know..."

Looking at the dozens of tentacles that were overwhelmingly following behind the two of them, especially after seeing the sharp teeth all over those tentacles, Smiling Xinrou's face looked very pale.

“…girly sparkle!!”

[Skill Name: Girl’s Shine]

[Type: Special]

[Level: Rare]

[Effect: The girl is the most perfect creature in the world, a God-given darling. In front of the girl's shining light, anything that is not approved by her cannot come within one meter of her, and it lasts for one minute.]

[Consumption: 100 psionic energy]

[Study conditions: None/female, age greater than or equal to 13, less than or equal to 18, charm greater than or equal to 13]

[Note: You must shout loudly when using skills. When the age exceeds 18 years old, this skill will automatically transform into "Girl's End".]

When Qianxiao Xinrou shouted these words, the pressure on Bai Zhi suddenly decreased. Seizing this opportunity, with attributes that were twice the limit of ordinary people, Bai Zhi directly broke through the tightly closed door. The door rushed out.

[You...can't escape...]

A voice full of resentment came from the room, and the broken door reunited again. With a muffled sound of "bang", the door closed tightly, and everything seemed to be restored to the beginning. in the silence.

"...Then, what is that thing?"