Shuraba Player

Chapter 42


She patted her chest and looked at the door that had been closed again in front of her, smiling and looking frightened.

"Now it's weird talk."

Turning his head and taking a look at Qianxiao Xinrou, Bai Zhi turned the silver-white pistol in his hand and raised his eyebrows. Bai Zhi kicked the door in front of him open again.

-Everything behind the door was restored to its original appearance, with blood covering every part of the room, as if the previous changes in the entire room were just an illusion.

"You, you don't want to go in, do you?"

Seeing Bai Zhi's movements in front of her, Qianxiao Xinrou immediately became anxious and quickly reached out to hold him.

"No, I'll add a meal to it."

Looking at Qianxiao Xinrou, Bai Zhi took out a bag of dog poop from his backpack as he spoke, and then threw the bag of dog poop in amid the dumbfounded expression of the girl next to him. Then he said hello to the room.

"Hello, your takeaway has arrived. This time you and Lao Ba are at the same table."

—This is the little stock he still had from the last time he cooked in that hellish town.

Smiling softly: "..."

Volume One: The Gap between Imagination and Reality: Chapter 93 Chapter 91 Three Groups

"...Do we really need to do this?"

After seeing a series of heavy pollutants including dog poop thrown into the room, leftover instant noodle boxes, canned herrings left outside to ferment for three days in the summer, he started to take out a gasoline barrel and pour gasoline into it. Bai Zhi, smiling softly, could not help but twitching the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Don't forget our mission."

Throwing the empty bucket in his hand far into the door, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked at the other party.

"The requirement of the mission is that we find six hidden sources of anomalies and solve them. We finally found the source of this cannibal room. Do we have to leave it alone?"

"Uh... I just feel that she is very pitiful for some reason..."

Looking at the mixed filth that spread all over the room, the filth that would make you sick even if you just smell it, he replied softly with a smile.

"It's pitiful? Then the people it eats aren't pitiful? So I just can't understand the thinking of you girls, so my kindness must be used in the right place, okay?"

Bai Zhi curled his lips, took out a lighter and lit it. Bai Zhi threw the lighter behind him without looking back.

As the flames rose rapidly, horrific changes occurred in the room. The original disguise quickly disappeared, and everything inside presented a disgusting fleshy sight.

But what is strange is that the entire room did not respond to the rapidly burning fire. Countless eyeballs appeared densely on the ceiling, staring blankly at the fire that was moving towards his body. The flames spread everywhere, and there was a rare hint of relief in the eyes that were not human at all.


As the room in front of them collapsed, along with a vague sigh, a system prompt also popped up in front of them.

[A hidden source of anomalies has been solved]

After the ghost story that occupied all the rooms on the sixth floor died, a lot of things like clothes, pants, leather shoes, etc. fell out from the walls. It seemed that they were items that had not had time to be digested by the ghost story.

The flames had not been extinguished yet, and there was a rather unpleasant smell in the air. Just as Qianxiao Xinrou covered her mouth and nose with a painful look on her face, she watched helplessly as someone Shi Shiran took it out of the backpack. He took out a gas mask and put it on his face...

"As a player, it is normal to carry a gas mask with you. Besides, this thing is not expensive on Taobao. The cheap ones only cost a few dozen yuan."

Probably noticing her gaze, the other person pointed at the gas mask on his face with a righteous expression on his face.

"But if you need it, I do have a simple version of the gas mask here. Do you want it?"

A certain girl who was about to suffocate herself to death nodded wildly.

"Here, use it yourself."

After walking over and putting something in her hand, the other party turned and walked towards the ruins.


Looking at the large plastic bag in her hand, Xiaoxiao Xinrou remained silent for a long time.

The burned-out room looked quite messy, with many places scorched black, mixed with some unextinguished flames, and some mixed bodies of creatures whose identities were unclear.

After wearing rubber gloves and toppling over in these disgusting things for a moment, Bai Zhi stood up from the ground, took off the gloves on his hands and threw them into the ruins. Bai Zhi turned around and put the gloves on his head. Xinrou said with a smile as she walked over with a big plastic bag.

"Okay, let's go..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Qianxiao Xinrou walked past him anxiously, and then dug out a shoe from under the rubble with difficulty, as if that shoe was a very important thing to her. Important items are the same.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the smiling Xinrou who suddenly froze there, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"...Tell me the truth, am I already dead?"

Turning her head, she slowly raised the shoe in her hand. The girl's face looked very pale.

"This shoe... is mine."

… … … … … … … … … … …

"This is simply impossible!!"

Looking at the dead body in front of him, Lian Qing's face looked quite ugly.

"You should have heard his voice when the black and white group had what happened in the stairwell before, and at that time, the black figure had already appeared in the corridor on the third floor."

What Lian Qing was talking about was exactly when Bai Zhi asked the people on the first floor to find blank paper drawings on the intercom. At that time, the three players in the lobby on the first floor: Iron Blood, Doloth, Ye Ao, and Nai Wo He, There is a sound coming from the intercom.

At that time, they were trapped in the corridor on the third floor. From a time perspective, if the black figure was really his teammate, it would not be established at all in terms of time logic.

"Maybe, but I have a more terrifying guess in my heart..."

Taking off his glasses, the traveler pressed his temples hard with his hands.

"We were chatting on the public channel of the walkie-talkie for several minutes just now, right? But at that time, did you hear anyone on the first floor make a sound?"

"But this kind of thing simply doesn't make sense in terms of time logic."

Lian Qing still insisted on his point of view.

"It's impossible for him to help find the correct blank paper to draw on the first floor and at the same time be tortured like this here on the third floor!!"

"It's useless to continue guessing. We might as well ask directly on the intercom."

Taking out the walkie-talkie, the traveler pressed his forehead with a headache.

"If the situation is really what I imagined, then..."

[A hidden source of anomalies has been solved]

Before he could finish his sentence, a prompt from the system jumped out in front of them.

At the same time, in a room on the second floor.

Expressionlessly, he crushed the walkie-talkie in his hand into pieces, and Tie Xue silently looked at the empty room in front of him.

In the middle of the empty room, a hideous-looking corpse was hung from the ceiling by its own intestines. Judging from the degree of dryness of the blood, it was obvious that it had been dead for a long time.

- And at the dangling feet of this ferocious corpse, a pair of half-broken gold glasses lay there quietly.

Volume One: The Gap between Virtuality and Reality: Chapter 94 Chapter 92: The Emptyed Corpse

Second floor.

"Judging from the degree of dryness of the blood, this body has been dead for at least five or six hours."

Carefully moving away from the disemboweled corpse in front of him, Doloth spoke with a solemn expression.

"And he had spoken on the public channel of the walkie-talkie in the past few minutes."

Tie Xue's face was expressionless.

"I damn well knew that guy was not a good person. He was the one who suggested group operations in this environment. Split operations are a sure-fire scene in horror movies, okay?"

Holding hands, Ye Ao and Nai Wo He had a sneer on their faces.

-But even though he said so, he didn't dare to even look at the corpse.

Among the three groups, the only one that was not attacked from beginning to end was their group of three.

The search in the lobby on the first floor went quite smoothly. Except for the initial incident of drawing on white paper, no other abnormalities were found.

After confirming that all searches were completed on the first floor, the three of them followed to the second floor, and soon found the traveler who had been hanged by his own intestines in a room on the second floor.

And just when they were all in shock, the traveler's cry for help came out from the walkie-talkie...

The other party's body was hung in front of them, but the other party's voice came from the walkie-talkie the other party gave them... Such bizarre things made it difficult for them not to doubt the walkie-talkies in their hands.

So after hearing the traveler's voice from the walkie-talkie at first, Ye Ao and Nai Wo were the first to throw away the walkie-talkies in their hands.

"But the player information he showed half an hour ago was indeed correct. It is impossible to falsify the player information. This is common sense."

Doloth frowned fiercely.

"And in the past few minutes, we all heard information about the solution of a hidden anomaly source, right? One message sounded after the traveler called for help on the walkie-talkie, and the other message came five minutes after that. There was a sound inside... One group should be solved by the traveler group, and the other group should be solved by the black and white group."

"But what happened to the body?"

Pinching their noses to block the rancid smell that seemed to penetrate into their heads, Ye Ao and Nai Wohe looked disgusted.

"The facts are obvious. The traveler who spoke on the walkie-talkie is either a freak or a ghost. It is absolutely impossible to be a human being."

"Let's put him down first and then talk."

Frowning slightly, he looked at the corpse in front of him that had been hanged by his own intestines. An iron poker appeared between the turns of his iron-blooded fingers. With a crisp sound of "Dou", the poker went straight to the prisoner. The intestines that were tightly tied to the light tube were severed, and then sank into the wall behind without losing any strength.

The support that tied him to it had disappeared, and the disemboweled corpse followed the force of gravity and fell toward the ground.

But unlike Tie Xue and Doloth, who stepped forward to check on the corpse, Ye Ao and Nai Wo He retreated out the door with their hands on their noses and disgust on their faces.

In terms of performance alone, he is not even as good as Doloth.

"Basically all the internal organs in his body have been hollowed out. It's almost just an empty human skin..."

After briefly exploring the condition of the corpse, Doloth looked slightly pale.

"Empty human skin? No wonder such a fragile chandelier can catch this corpse..."

After pondering for a moment, Tie Xue stood up from the ground.

"The situation in front of us alone is not enough to prove that this corpse is a traveler. It is true that the player ID cannot be faked, but the player's corpse can be faked."

"Didn't you crush the walkie-talkie just now?"

Doloth glanced at him.

"Currently, three hidden anomaly sources have been discovered and solved. Less than half of the mission requirements have been completed. From now on, we just need to complete our mission."

Tie Xue just pretended that he didn't hear.

"No matter whether the traveler on the third floor is a monster or a player, after they find that the walkie-talkie cannot contact us, they will inevitably choose to come down to us. If they are players, it is best, but if they are monsters, they can also be solved easily. .”

"Staying the same in response to all changes...I have no problem."

After thinking for a moment, Doloth nodded.

"That's okay with me too."

"Then let's go."

"Very good, if that's the case, then let's..."

Before he finished his sentence, Tie Xue frowned fiercely. When an iron poker appeared in his hand, he turned his head sharply and looked towards the door.

"What, what?"

Being frightened by Tie Xue's murderous behavior, Ye Ao and Nai Wo He, who were still standing at the door with their noses covered, raised their hands almost reflexively.

"Three people just answered my question."

A whole stack of poker cards appeared in his hand, Tie Xue's face was expressionless.

"Repeat what you just replied to me."

"Uh... Do you want to stay the same despite all changes? That's fine with me."

Probably realizing something was wrong, Doloth answered honestly.

After all, under the premise that the opponent's poker hand has been vaguely pointed at his side, honesty and cooperation are the most important. The opponent's poker card before was still nailed to the wall.

"Then, let's go then?"

Raising their hands in a flying gesture, Ye Ao and Nai Wo stuttered and responded.