Shuraba Player

Chapter 44


After deciding between the two names Zhao Carpenter and Brother Zhao Meng, Qianxiao Xinrou finally chose the name Zhao Carpenter in humiliation.

"Storing refers to storing information in an electronic computer on a disk, saving certain data and information so that it can be found more quickly and conveniently the next time it is read. Life disk... This cannot always represent a kind of life archive. You mean, right? We obviously just entered..."

"Have you calculated the time in detail?"

Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words by speaking again, and Bai Zhi turned his head and looked out the window.

"The time we accept the mission and enter this orphanage is Sunday, right? Then..."

"What day do you think it will be today?"

Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 97 Chapter 95 The Confusing Truth

"What day is it? Isn't today Sunday?"

I couldn't help but take out my mobile phone and look at it. I smiled and answered Xinrou.

"The date displayed on my phone is indeed... "

"That's Sunday for you, right? But the time shown on my phone is Tuesday."

Bai Zhi took out his mobile phone and looked at the date on it. Bai Zhi looked calm.

"This orphanage is in an isolated and abnormal space, and there is no network or signal. Under this situation, if you have already read the file again, then the mobile phone will naturally revert to the file. .”

"Tuesday... Hasn't it been two days already!? I have died twice!?"

Smiling Xinrou was shocked by the inference she derived.

"...I don't even know about things like this. How do you know you died twice?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Uh... because two days have passed, one day at a time, right?"

Inexplicably, he felt a chill from Bai Zhi's body, and Xinrou couldn't help but take a few steps back with a smile.

"I, my personal reasoning ability is still very strong. It should be a normal thing to deduce this, right? After all, except for the date, the time in the morning is correct..."

"...Congratulations, Carpenter Zhao, your status in my heart has now been completely classified to the 19th floor underground."

After a moment of wordless silence, Bai Zhi turned his head expressionlessly.

"Based on the clues I have so far, it is possible that we have only read the file once since we participated in this mission, but it is also possible that we have read the file twice, three times or more."

"Why? Shouldn't it be twice?"

Sensing that the inexplicable chill had subsided, she let out an inexplicable sigh of relief, and smiled and Xinrou couldn't help but ask.

"Also, what happened to you just now? Why do I feel like you want to kill me...?"

"Oh, that's an illusion."


"When I passed by the guard room earlier, the tea on the table was still steaming. This means that when loading, in addition to this building full of strange stories, other places outside the orphanage were also The file is loaded continuously, so it is impossible to judge how many times the file has been loaded simply based on changes in weather and date... And the time on our mobile phones is also different, haven't you noticed? In fact, As long as you pay more attention to the time, you can deduce the hidden conditions of this mandatory mission... "

Bai Zhi casually pulled off a piece of hair on his head and held it in his hand. Bai Zhi spoke calmly.

"Currently I don't know what the conditions are for loading files, but after each file loading, everyone's memory will be cleared, and everyone will return to the original time. All items and even the physical condition of the dead people will be restored. After rewinding, the survivor's physical state will be reset, and the items used on him will remain intact... For example, the wall fruit on my body is a prop."

As he spoke, Bai Zhi took out the plant card he obtained from the [Rescue Dave] game.

"Originally, I remembered that the sunlight stored on it should be 800 points, but now there are only 700 points left. I originally prepared seven gas masks, but only one is left in the backpack."

"...So you have known about this for a long time?"

Listening to Bai Zhi's narration, Qianxiao Xinrou seemed a little dazed.

"Yes, I have guessed this kind of thing at the beginning. As long as I don't die in a certain reincarnation and everything about me is read again, I can deduce from the changes in the materials I carry that this is actually a A very simple thing.”

Bai Zhi glanced at the other party.

"Let me ask you a question, where did you first appear?"

"Big, under the building...?"

"Where are the others? You don't need to tell me the specific location. You just need to tell me whether they are inside the orphanage or outside the orphanage."

"Well… "

After thinking about it with a slight frown, Xinrou opened his mouth with a slight smile and some hesitation.

"What they said seems to be within the confines of the orphanage... Wait, it seems that you are the only one who walked in from outside the orphanage?"

Suddenly thinking of this, Qianxiao Xinrou couldn't help but be stunned.

"Hmm... It seems to be basically what I thought. The main body of the ghost story is in the orphanage, and the scope of influence should only be limited to the orphanage at present... It seems that in the last reincarnation, you should be the whole army Overturned."

Holding his hands and touching his chin, Bai Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

"If that's the case, then there should be no problem..."

"Wait, wait a minute!! What do you mean there's no problem!? There's obviously a big problem here, right!?"

An inexplicable anger arose in her heart, Qianxiao Xinrou couldn't help but speak loudly.

"Since you have already guessed this kind of thing, why didn't you explain this to us earlier? Isn't it fun to keep telling people all day long!?"

"Oh, the wisdom of mortals."

Glancing at her, Bai Zhi had a noncommittal look on his face.

"For the moment, we don't care how many reincarnations we have gone through, but in the last reincarnation, I definitely told you about this kind of thing, and in the last reincarnation, you will also deduce this matter yourself... for example, Traveler."

"But, but how could we all be annihilated..."

"Yes, overall, the intensity of ghost stories inside this orphanage is actually not too strong, not to mention that I am here, so in theory, it is impossible for everyone except me to Overturned."


Listening to Bai Zhi's shameless words in front of him, the corners of Qianxiao Xinrou's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

-After all, just judging from the opponent's smooth performance along the way, the opponent is fully qualified to say such a thing.

"So, why was the entire army annihilated? This time, ours should be at least the third reincarnation. In the last reincarnation, I really couldn't find any reason for your entire army to be annihilated... "

Turning his head to look out the window, Bai Zhi exhaled in his mouth.

"After throwing away all the impossible options, no matter how incredible the remaining option is, it is still the truth... I can only think of one reason why your entire army was wiped out in the last reincarnation."

"What is it?"

Smiling Xinrou couldn't help but ask.

"It's very simple."

Turning his head to look at the smiling Xinrou in front of him, Bai Zhi spoke lightly.

"I designed all of you to die."

Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 98 Chapter 96 Werewolf Killing

After Bai Zhi finished speaking, he was speechless when he saw Qianxiao Xinrou retreating a few meters away.

"Why are you running so far? If I want to kill you, I have countless ways to kill you."

Bai Zhi rolled his eyes at the other party.

"Believe it or not, I can sell you without anyone noticing, and you will happily count the money for me."

"...I'm not that stupid."

The corners of her mouth twitched unconsciously, and Xinrou walked forward cautiously with a smile.

"Don't joke about this kind of thing in the future. What else..."

"Huh? I'm not joking?"

Bai Zhi took out an apple from his backpack and answered casually while eating the apple.

"According to the clues I have so far, there is a 90% chance that in the last reincarnation, the annihilation of your army was caused by me, and it was done deliberately."

Smiling softly: "..."

Just when she was considering whether to use her skills to escape, Bai Zhi's light voice sounded again.

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for everyone except me to be wiped out, because I can't save one or two people no matter what. So what is the reason? Will you let me in the last reincarnation design to wipe out your entire army, and then take the initiative to move towards the next reincarnation?"

"... Could it be that almost all the people are dead, so you took the initiative to enter the next reincarnation to save us?"

Smiling Xinrou cautiously made a guess.

"This conjecture may happen, but the probability is slim."

Bai Zhi looked noncommittal.

"I judge that the condition for loading the file is that if more than half of the people in the team die, the file will automatically start to be loaded. Before the last reincarnation, we have already read the file at least once, even if we really have to take the initiative If I load a save to save my teammates, there is really no need for me to be the only one who survives.”

"So... the reason?"

Being confused by all these complicated information, Qianxiao Xinrou felt her head hurt inexplicably.

"The reason? There's a mole inside."

Bai Zhi curled his lips and looked at the back of his hand.

The slight scar on the back of his hand at the beginning has almost healed and disappeared with the passage of time.

"You players who died will reload the file after the conditions are met. Survivors like me will also have their team's collective memory of the file read cleared and their physical condition will be restored to optimal, but those The props consumed and the materials lost in the backpack will not be replaced, so it is very simple for survivors to deduce the rules of archiving and loading. So in the last reincarnation, what was my motivation? What kind of idea would make you collectively forget about this kind of thing?... I think it is probably because I want no one among you to be aware of this concept for a while."

"...A mole? What is a mole? How did you deduce this?"

Smiling Xinrou was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Also, logically speaking, shouldn't your memory be wiped out in the same way?"

"High-end ingredients often use the simplest cooking methods, so the transmission of information often uses the simplest methods."

Bai Zhi held out a finger in front of him with a serious look on his face.

"If you hurt yourself, doesn't it mean that there is a mole in the team? According to my speculation, the situation in the last reincarnation should be like this. We have completed the second condition of the mission, which is to find the source of the six anomalies and solve them , but when completing the first condition of the mission, that is, when searching for survivors in this building, most of the team was killed by the insider. I had no choice, so I simply designed or killed all of you. , directly load the file and enter the next reincarnation, which is very similar to my style of doing things."

"Wait, my mind is a little messed up..."

Covering his head with one hand, he smiled slightly and frowned fiercely.

"You said the second condition of the mission has been completed? But so far we have only completed it..."

"What are the requirements of the mission?"

Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words unusually crisply.

"... Find out the six hidden sources of anomalies and solve them?"

"What does the system prompt say?"

"A hidden source of anomalies has been solved...?"

"So, does the system prompt say how many are left? Who told you that there are only six abnormal sources in this orphanage?"

Spreading his hands, Bai Zhi looked noncommittal.

"So the second condition of the task has actually been completed a long time ago. This is just a very simple language trap."

"Then, then..."

Xiaoxiao Xinrou was a little dizzy by Bai Zhi's words. She held a question in her mouth for a long time, but she didn't hold it back.

"If you have any questions, just ask, don't be in a hurry."

Bai Zhi slowly threw the leftover apple core out of the window, clapped his hands, and spoke to the smiling Xinrou in front of him very considerately.

"...What does the mole mean? Isn't this a teamwork mission? Sabotaging the mission shouldn't be of any benefit to the mole, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Qianxiao Xinrou asked Bai Zhi in front of her seriously.

"It should be a fallen species. If I hadn't learned about this concept before, I would probably be troubled by this in my heart."

Unconsciously recalling the words the other party said to him on that road paved with bones, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"In short, you can just think of the fallen species as monsters who have acquired the identity of players. Their behavior is no different from ordinary players, but they have been alienated mentally, and it is difficult to tell them apart before they are actively exposed. .”

"oh… "