Shuraba Player

Chapter 47


Holding his breath, he looked at the body with his head down outside through the small crack in the door. When he saw the body for the first time, Lian Qing, who was hiding in the closet, suddenly felt cold all over.

… She saw herself.

A few minutes later, as the body that found nothing left, the door was quietly closed. It wasn't until the banging sound faded away that a few people walked out of the closet one after another.

"Sure enough, those of us who died in the last reincarnation will become new ghost stories in this reincarnation."

After taking a look at Lian Qing, who looked quite ugly, the traveler exhaled heavily in his mouth.

"... It's also possible that it was eaten whole and no bones were left."

Recalling the only shoe she had left, Qianxiao Xinrou muttered something in her mouth.

"The orphanage in the sun and the orphanage in the shadows are two completely different concepts. When the sun comes out, the danger of the entire orphanage will be minimized, and all kinds of terrifying things will disappear one by one. Appear...Under this situation, I don't think there are survivors other than us in this building."

Looking at the red and white marks on the ground, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"But there is no option to fail in the mission, which shows that there are still survivors in the orphanage."

Reaching out to push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the traveler spoke.

"Two possibilities, one possibility is that there is an absolutely safe place in this building, and the surviving survivors are hiding there. The second possibility is that the survivors do not exist in this building, but in Other places in the orphanage...but we have searched other places in detail before entering this building."

After calling up the system interface again and looking at the mission, the traveler frowned slightly.

"And since the description of mission one is to bring the survivors who are indoors to the outdoors, I personally prefer the first possibility. There is an absolutely safe place in this building... Wait until the sun returns. After we come out, let's speed up the search. As long as we find that absolute safe point, this mission will come to an end."

"So far, we have only searched less than two floors in total. Even if we include the missing Iron-Blooded group, we have only searched three floors at most."

After adjusting her mood again, Lian Qing calmly shook her head.

"Don't forget, when the sun comes up, there are still a lot of strange stories in the building, but there are no demons dancing like now. If we continue to search like this, our current situation will only increase the casualties and cause another reading. This will cause all previous efforts to be wasted and the difficulty will rise again."

"... Let's continue grouping."

The traveler gritted his teeth.

"As long as we can find that absolutely safe place as quickly as possible..."

"That's not necessary. I already know where the survivors are."

Bai Zhi walked to the window and opened the curtains. Looking at the sun reappearing in the sky outside, Bai Zhi spoke calmly.

"After a little repair, let's go find the iron-blooded group now."

Volume 1: The gap between fiction and reality: Chapter 104 Chapter 102: Who is the mole

The process of searching for Tiexue and his team seemed to be extremely smooth, and no other accidents occurred along the way.

Of course, the smoothness referred to here means that no abnormal casualties occurred during the process, and it does not mean that we did not encounter other strange stories that were still wandering in this building.

Although most of the dangerous and terrifying ghost stories in this building have disappeared with the reappearance of the sun, there are not a small number of those ghost stories that are still wandering in every corner.

It is precisely because of this that the short distance of one floor from the third floor to the second floor took Bai Zhi and the others a lot of time. In addition, there was a seriously injured person like Lian Qing among them, so when Bai Zhi When the group of people found Jagged and Doloth in a room on the second floor, almost half an hour had passed.

Just like Traveler, Iron-blooded body is also covered with large and small wounds, but in terms of retained combat power, Iron-blooded is much stronger than Traveler. As for Doloth, her left arm is It was hanging softly on his side, and there were vague signs of being burned on his clothes.

-Before Bai Zhi and the others arrived, the two of them had just solved a strange story together.

It is precisely because of this that even though almost everyone was injured, Xiaoxiao Xinrou, who never suffered any injuries throughout his life, became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Ye Ao, why am I missing?"

After exchanging information with each other, Bai Zhi couldn't help but frown slightly.

Under the current circumstances, missing in the orphanage, the other party's fate could have been predicted even if they didn't tell them.

"That's right, the other party didn't know where he went more than an hour ago."

Glancing at the traveler with a strange look on his face, Doloth nodded.

If it weren't for the fact that the other person looked like a living person, she would have almost thought that the corpse they burned on the first floor had come back to life based on the half-identical pair of broken gold-rimmed glasses he wore on his face. .

"Even if what you said about reading files is correct, I think we'd better hurry up. Once the sun disappears, the horrors hidden in this orphanage will emerge one by one. And if we wait until the sun goes down, What happens after that? No one knows how horrible the orphanage will become at that time, so we have to solve everything before the sun goes down."

"So we should be thankful that it's a sunny day."

Shrugging, Bai Zhi walked to Tie Xue, who was sitting against the wall. The other person was always reserved and silent. Apart from the first few words, he never said anything again. Instead, he sat beside him in silence. He dealt with the wounds on his body silently.

Seeing him coming, the other party raised his head and looked at him, but he still had no intention of asking.

"What percentage of your combat effectiveness can you exert now?"

Without being polite, Bai Zhi asked the other party straight to the point.

"Fifty percent."

With a hint of straightforwardness unique to soldiers, Ironblood answered calmly.

"If you are given enough rest time, how much can you recover to your combat strength?"

"Eighty percent at most."

After a moment of thinking, Tie Xue replied.

"Very good. Let's go to the sixth floor and find a place to rest until our combat power returns to its peak."

Bai Zhi snapped his fingers and made a decision.

"Until then, everyone should be prepared to fight."

"But looking for survivors..."

Doloth seemed slightly hesitant.

"I said, I already know where the survivors are hiding, but now is not our turn to find them."

Bai Zhi turned his head and glanced at Doloth.

"We can't afford to load the game again."

… … … … … … … … … … …

All the rooms on the sixth floor were previously occupied by those "cannibal rooms". After Bai Zhi eliminated the core of the "cannibal rooms", the rooms on the sixth floor returned to normal, and a large number of them were not occupied. Supplies that had no time to digest were piled up everywhere in the room, making it a mess.

Among the six players, Lian Qing was the most seriously injured, followed by Iron Blood, followed by Doloth, Traveler, Bai Zhi... and the unscathed Smiling Xinrou. As for a certain Ye Ao, Nai Wo, Players, everyone has already assumed that the other party is dead.

It has to be said that under the premise that everyone else has suffered injuries of various sizes, it has to be said that it is a miracle that Qianxiaoxinrou can still maintain full health.

After all, in terms of overall strength, she is the weakest, and may not even be as good as that Ye Ao...

- This once again proves how important it is to hold the right thigh.

During the time they were hiding in this room for repairs, the sun was blocked by clouds twice more, but at least they had experience in the situation they avoided last time, and both times were considered safe.

As time went by, the sun began to gradually set in the west, and the time came to three or four o'clock in the afternoon without any sound. During this period of time when he was hiding in this room for repairs, Bai Zhi kept hiding his thoughts. Observing others.

It's just a pity that he couldn't find any abnormality in everyone's behavior. Instead, it was because of his planning error that he told Qianxiao Xinrou about the mole in advance. Qianxiao Xinrou That suspicious behavior is more like a mole...

...Who is the "werewolf" lurking in the team

Standing against the wall with his arms folded, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

Strictly speaking, there was not much time left for him to find the fallen species. Before completing the final task, he had to find and solve the biggest hidden danger in the team.

Regarding the concept of fallen species, he learned about it from Lin He. Currently, this concept has never appeared among the player group. Either these fallen species are well hidden, or these fallen species are Killed everyone who knew its true identity... Bai Zhi's personal preference is that both are possible.

So if we think about it in reverse, is it possible that the reason why we had to load the file a second time in the last reincarnation was because the fallen species hidden in the team was forced to reveal himself under the threat of those strange rumors? He lost his body and went on a killing spree in order to keep his secrets, so that he had to take the initiative to start the next reincarnation

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly as he scanned the other five players in the room one by one.

Volume 1 The Gap between Virtual and Real: Chapter 105 Chapter 103 Free Prostitution Makes Me Happy


In a certain room on the sixth floor, everyone else, except Qianxiao Xinrou, was stunned after hearing what Bai Zhi said.

"Huh? That's right. The only place where the survivors who need us to save in the mission can exist is on the roof of the building."

While eating the boxed takeaway, Bai Zhi nodded.

"Have you not seen the stairs? The door leading to the rooftop has disappeared, and the stairs are embedded straight into the ceiling. This is a very obvious reminder."

"Why can't it exist somewhere else?"

Frowning slightly, Tie Xue spoke in a deep voice.

"There should be many places in this building that have not been searched, right?"

"...It's probably because of the sun."

Reaching out to take off the glasses on his face and wiping them with his sleeves, the traveler let out a sigh of relief.

"When the sun disappears, the strange stories in this building will become extremely active. Players like us, whose physiques are far beyond ordinary people, must be careful to avoid such situations. What about those ordinary people?"

"But there should be that possibility, right?"

Doloth, who was sitting on the bed, couldn't help but speak.

"For example, they know how to hide, or there is an absolutely safe room on a certain floor here, such as the dean's office... "

"The dean's office is on the sixth floor. It has been devoured by the cannibal room a long time ago... Well, this is the room we have now."

Bai Zhi curled his lips and interrupted the other person's words.

"So, don't think about going to the dean's office. If you continue to waste time on this kind of thing, once one of us is killed and the staff is reduced, it will further lead to another file reload. At that time …”

Before he finished speaking, Bai Zhi suddenly stood up and turned his head to look out the window with a solemn expression.


Seeing Bai Zhi's sudden action, the others' hearts immediately tightened, and they quickly hid regardless of what happened.

"What's wrong? Are there any ghost stories approaching?"

Hiding behind a half-bitten sofa, the traveler lowered his voice and asked Bai Zhi nervously.

"Oh, I sat for too long and my feet are numb. Stand up to relieve it."

Everyone: "..."

"Huh? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Sitting down in his seat again, someone looked plausibly.

"Sitting for too long will indeed cause numbness in your feet. Have you never had this experience before?"

"...It's really a miracle that you haven't been beaten to death yet."

With a slight smile, Xinrou's mouth twitched and she turned her head.

"You are the ones who are surrounded by grass and trees, and you are the ones who are confused, right?"

Pouting his lips, Bai Zhi took out the remaining takeaways from his backpack.

"By the way, are you sure you don't want a takeaway? I still have six more here... Okay, now it's five."

"Smart people are still debating whether to get takeout, while smart people have already started eating...wait."

She took a takeaway from the table with a vengeance, opened the bag and looked at the identical dishes and configurations. Before she could finish her proud words, Xinrou with a smile turned to look at Bai Bai suspiciously. He stopped at the unfinished takeout in front of him, and then glanced at the five takeaways lined up on the table in front of him.

"...So what kind of boring mentality did you have that led you to buy seven identical takeaways?"

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot. I just want to say that everyone who understands understands it. If you don't understand, I won't explain too much. After all, it's good for you to know. You can study it carefully. Don't ask me what's wrong. There are too many interests involved. , it’s not good for you or me to say it, just pretend that you don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that the water here is very deep and involves many things. It is difficult for you to find the details yourself, and most of them have been deleted from the Internet. , so I can only say that I understand everything.”

Bai Zhi opened his eyes in vain, and answered with a serious face while everyone around him looked at him with pained expressions.

"Overall, prostitution makes me happy."

"...Is it a new urban legend that has appeared recently, the crazy takeaway boy?"

The traveler was obviously someone who often went online to collect information about urban ghost stories. He quickly thought of this ghost story, and without any intention of being polite, he directly stepped forward and brought up a takeaway, and he also smiled and spoke. Talked about it.

"Frankly speaking, I also wanted to encounter this good thing of buying one and getting six free. I originally wanted to try it, but in the end I didn't."

"Okay, looking at you, a guy with thick eyebrows, big eyes, a strong back, and handsome features, I didn't expect that you are also a prostitute?"

Bai Zhi looked at him sideways.

traveller:"… …"

From the morning until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone experienced so many battles and dangers in the process. Needless to say, they were physically and mentally exhausted.

Although everyone basically stores food in their backpacks, they did not refuse too much when someone invited them to treat them. In addition to the gentle travelers with a smile, Doloth and Lian Qing also took their own food. Ordered one.