Shuraba Player

Chapter 72


As he spoke, Shenwu Tianxie simply took out the card from his pocket and placed it on the table.

[Among the five of you, someone entered the non-existent door]

This is the most common piece of light yellow note paper, with this sentence written on it strangely.

"The non-existent door... refers to the last key?"

Zhenggu Heming looked towards Bai Zhi.

Among the five people present, each one has a set of keys in his hand. There are six keys in total. One is the key to his own security door, and the other four lead to the accommodation area, entertainment area, super mall, and stairwell respectively. Of these four areas, there is only one key left in the end, and I don’t know where it is going.

"Don't look at me, I'm pretty sure I didn't go in there."

Bai Zhi shrugged.

"We'll talk about this kind of thing later. Let Shen Wu Tianxie finish talking."

"Well... after killing that monster, I started playing the game. During the game, I learned some important information about someone lying and going out against the rules."

Shenwu Tianxie glanced at Bai Zhi.

"You should all know more or less about fallen players, right? So I guessed that there might be such a presence in our team by chance..."

"Fallen Player, what is that?"

While other people in your house look stunned or silent, Night Owl looks confused.

"He's the bad guy."

After briefly explaining to the night owl, Bai Zhi spoke.

"The possibility of this is very small. I took this into consideration so I told all those things, because if there is too much suspicion at this time, our situation will become quite unfavorable. "

"The situation here is roughly the same."

Nodding, Meng Qi spoke.

"But the information I got was not from the game, but from a friend who added me."

While talking, Meng Qixia also told the story about the "nearby person" who had been persistently trying to add her as a friend for two consecutive days, and at the same time also followed up the chat records that she had filmed with her mobile phone. The photos were taken out.

[Smile without staining the cheeks and make you feel ashamed]


[Dream Prayer]

-Who are you? Where are you? What are you going to do

[Smile without staining the cheeks and make you feel ashamed]

-… careful…

[Dream Prayer]

-careful? What to be careful about

[Smile without staining the cheeks and make you feel ashamed]

—… Some of you are lying…

[Dream Prayer]

-So who are you? ?

[Smile without staining the cheeks and make you feel ashamed]

—… We see the world wrong, and end up saying it deceives us…

[Dream Prayer]

—? ?

The chat history ends here.

"That's probably all I got. No matter what I sent after that, she never responded to my message again."

Meng Qixia said.

"What, did any of you see anything?"

"There's too little information available... Also, you're not very good at chatting."

Bai Zhi shook his head with some regret.

"It can be seen from the chat records that the other party controlled the rhythm of the conversation. If it were me, I would be absolutely sure that the other party would chase me and curse at me in the end."


"Okay, night owl, what was your experience last night?"

Pouring his lips, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked at Night Owl, who was lying on the table bored and staring at the street lights in front of him in a daze.

Since entering this mission, the street lantern flower in the other party's hand can basically be said to be with him at all times.

"Me? The knock on the door came again last night."

He looked up and glanced at Bai Zhi seemingly resentfully, and the night owl spoke quietly in his mouth.

"But this time the knocking didn't come from outside the door, but from inside..."

"There was a knock on the door..."

"Then I put the computer on the bed and played Miracle Nuannuan for almost an hour, and the knocking on the door disappeared."

Night Owl sighed in his mouth.

"I feel that the knocking on the door is definitely against me. I used to just knock on the door, but now they come into the room and knock on the door..."

"It's a blessing in disguise. Maybe after this mission is over, your timidity will be corrected."

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi comforted him.

"It's not like one of my ex-girlfriends who went to the cinema alone to watch a movie at night and was so scared that she ran back to the dormitory crying... Well, what are you doing?"

Looking at the night owl in front of him who suddenly raised his head and stared at him with a sharp murderous look, Bai Zhi couldn't help but felt a little strange and reached out to touch his face.

"Is there something dirty on my face?"

"Oh oh oh, at this moment, the night owl's eyes became sharp!!"

In her heart, she was amazed at someone's shocking act of openly talking about his ex-girlfriend in front of a girl to comfort her. Meng Qixia yelled at the side.

"That's right, the night owl's eyes have become sharp. This is a sign of her surge of inspiration!!"

Shenwu Tianxie had a microphone in his hand at some point, and with an impassioned expression he began to explain to Zhenggu Heming, the only audience at the scene.

"Let's take a look at what kind of recommendation Night Owl will make..."

—The Resident Instructions was directly photographed on Shenwu Tianxie’s face.

"It's nothing, I'm just suddenly curious about your ex-girlfriend's deeds."

Without even looking at Shen Wu Tianxie, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and the night owl's words suddenly became enthusiastic.

"By the way, do you have many ex-girlfriends?"

"Yes, there were four girls in my life who were willing to give their lives for me."

Bai Zhi gave Night Owl a slightly strange look, recalling the past with a sigh on his face.

"But then I understood that a woman would only affect the speed at which I draw my sword. Men, if they want to achieve great things, they have to let go of something."



"This guy is still outputting in reverse like crazy!!"

Quite wisely, they stayed away from the night owl who had a rather strange atmosphere. Meng Qixia and Shenwu Tianxie gathered together and whispered.

"I can already feel the murderous look in Night Owl's eyes... Do you think the relationship between the two of them will break down?"

"I don't know, but God is so unfair!! Even someone like him can have a girlfriend, and he's not the only one!!"

Shen Wu Tianxie looked heartbroken.

"Don't worry about this. Look, Night Owl has a knife..."

Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 158 Chapter 155 Death Trap

"Wait, what are you doing with the knife?"

Looking at the girl in front of me who silently took out a knife from her backpack and held it tightly in her hand. It seemed that she was going through a very tangled battle between heaven and man in her mind. She moved her chair a few steps aside cautiously. Zhi Zhi looked baffled.

"I always feel that you seem to be a little strange today. Could it be that you were frightened by the knock on the door and went insane?"

"... As a qualified cook, it is normal to carry a knife with you."

After a moment of silence, Night Owl turned his head expressionlessly.

"You can't control it."

"Uh... let me tell you about my experience!!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the venue was becoming more and more strange, Zhenggu Heming spoke quickly.

"My experience last night was the same. I played games, turned off the lights, put on headphones and an eye mask to sleep, and then slept until dawn. Nothing unusual or weird happened... Why are you looking at me like that?"

Seeing the three pairs of eyes that invariably focused on him, Zhenggu Heming couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!!"

Holding his hands, Shenwu Tianxie nodded solemnly.

"No abnormality is the biggest abnormality!!"

Crossing his hands on the table and resting them against his chin, Meng Qi then spoke.

"How come you are the only one who can have a comfortable vacation when all of us are unlucky?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi spoke out what the other two people really wanted to say.

The zither and drums chime in harmony: "..."

Holding his own pot of street lantern flowers, he stared at someone on the side. The night owl had a deep look on his face and did not speak.

"To be honest, I think there's something wrong with this too."

Bai Zhi glanced at the night owl who had been staring at him strangely, and then started to speak.

"It is only right to share blessings and bear hardships together. Think about it carefully. Is there anything you have missed? For example, are there any details worth paying attention to?"

"Details... uh, does it count if I haven't dreamed in the past two days?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhenggu and Ming spoke with some uncertainty.

"I used to have some dreams when I was sleeping, but in the past two days, I feel that the quality of my sleep is quite good. As soon as I close my eyes and open them, it's morning when I wake up."

"Have you noticed any changes in your physical condition?"

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"… for example?"

"I woke up with soreness in my back, as if I had traveled a long distance, or there were some inexplicable wounds or scratches with strange patterns on my body... Are there any?"

"no… ?"

When asked by Bai Zhi, Zhenggu and Ming themselves became a little unsure.

"When you said that, I began to suspect that there was something wrong with me..."

"Based on the current situation, I think the person most likely to have entered the non-existent door is you. After all, you are the most suspicious."

Bai Zhi stood up from the table with a noncommittal look on his face.

"It's almost nine o'clock, let's go to the gym."

"Well… "

… … … … … … … … … … …

On the second night of staying here, everyone's energy and spirit were pretty good because they all had relevant experience.