Shuraba Player

Chapter 73


However, before going to the gym, Bai Zhi deliberately entered the food area and took out the ingredients he requested on the note he left on the table last night.

"Canned and chili? Do we want this for lunch?"

Looking at the cans and baskets of fiery red peppers that Bai Zhi brought to the gym, Shenwu Tianxie couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"The hottest chili pepper in the world, Dragon's Breath Chili Pepper. If you want to eat it, it's not impossible. You can serve as a guinea pig for me."

Bai Zhi glanced at him.

"The canned food is canned herring. Do you want to eat it?"

"...So why do you ask for these ingredients?"

"Oh, making biochemical weapons may work wonders at some point, but unfortunately dog poop is not among the ingredients... You can train yourselves, just leave me alone."


… … … … … … … … …

Since they knew the function of the gym yesterday, from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, during these five hours, everyone basically spent time in the gym.

After five hours, even the one with the smallest gain among the five has increased his basic attribute value by three points. This can definitely be regarded as a huge improvement. It would take several months to say it to the outside world. It takes exercise to achieve it.

Take Bai Zhi as an example. He was originally a short version, but now his three attributes of physique, strength, and agility have all reached an average of 12 points. If you add the attributes attached to the free attribute points, If so, it has reached a level close to the limit of the human body.

These extra things won't give you much advantage in fighting the Kaidan incident, but at least they can increase the chance of surviving the Kaidan incident.

"The wines here at the bar can provide some different additional temporary buffs. You will know after you try them one by one. However, those who don't know how to drink should not force themselves."

On the way to the entertainment area and the supermarket, Bai Zhi introduced him to the others.

Although this thing is said to be useful, it cannot be put into a backpack or taken away. It is destined to be just a consumable in this mission.

But if you think about it the other way around, this mission not only gave them an excellent and convenient opportunity to improve their basic attributes, but also provided them with so many powerful temporary props for free. According to the usual dangers and benefits in the mission, the Calculated in principle, the danger of their mission is simply unimaginable...

-But so far, not one of them has died.

Not to mention dead people, they didn't even suffer any decent losses. The strange stories in the room were more for scaring people, and the difficulty of the task was not reflected at all.

This doesn't make sense.

This was what Bai Zhi had always been worried about, fearing that they would unknowingly walk into a death trap... or that they had already walked into it without knowing it.

This is the scariest thing, because you may not understand how you died until you die.

To be honest, Bai Zhi would rather have some weird stories or some abnormal phenomena happen in this apartment. It is better to see something than nothing at all. This is why he repeatedly chooses to go there at night. The reason for going out.

But nothing was found.

In other words, it is not that there is nothing gained, but the new clues he has gained so far are not enough for him to solve the mystery. The clues are not enough, and the required puzzle pieces have not been collected yet.

… He needed a breakthrough.

Volume 1: The gap between virtuality and reality: Chapter 159 Chapter 156: Beware of Shenwu Tianxie

Compared with the entertainment area, the super mall is obviously much wider, and the variety of products is dizzying.

"You mean these puppet models will come to life at night, right?"

Walking to the nearest store selling clothes, next to the doll models placed outside the store, Meng Qixia turned around and asked Bai Zhi.

Most of the shops here sell clothes, shoes, backpacks, hats, etc. In such a large shopping mall, the most indispensable thing is this kind of doll model.

"It feels like the puppet models here are all very detailed. Can this thing really move?"

"Detailed? Of course it is, because... I should have killed some puppet models before, but all the remains are gone."

Pointing to the vacant positions of several store bills, Bai Zhi said the most sensational words in the calmest tone.

"The main material of these puppet models is human beings."


Hearing the words coming from Bai Zhi's mouth, Zhenggu Heming and Night Owl, who originally wanted to touch the clothes worn on these mannequins, were immediately frightened and retracted their hands.

"… Humanity?"

Meng Qi turned around and glanced at Bai Zhi.

"See for yourself."

Without saying anything else, Bai Zhi punched a puppet model next to him and knocked it to the ground. The outer lining material fell to the ground and shattered. A skull rolled out from the materials, with dark eye sockets facing straight towards I dreamed and prayed over there.

"These built-in skeletons are composed of human bones and have been well preserved. I have counted 206 bones before."

"In this mall... everything?"

With a slightly pale face, he raised his head and looked at the shopping mall in front of him. Zhenggu Heming had a look of disbelief on his face.

There are more than a hundred of these doll models placed in this mall? If the lined skeleton of every puppet model is composed of human bones... then how many people have died here

"They should be the former residents of this apartment building. After all, according to my previous reasoning, we just moved to this floor... It's just bones. There's no need to be so scared, right?"

Turning around and looking helplessly at the pot of street lanterns held in one hand and the night owl holding tightly to the corner of his clothes with the other hand, Bai Zhi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

When I was on the novice mission at the beginning, the other party was like this, but now it has been so long, and the other party has not changed at all, and has not grown at all... How can I raise my level to such a timid person? Level 6

"Do you want to take care of it? Who is afraid? You, the guy who doesn't pay back the money he owes!!"

Staring back slightly dissatisfied, Night Owl punched his hand as if to vent his anger, then turned around and walked angrily towards Zheng Gu and Ming.

"Who owes you money... Look, it's hard to raise a villain and a woman. The ancients never deceived me."

Facing the sympathetic looks cast by Meng Qixia and Shenwu Tianxie, Bai Zhi shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, let's explore freely as usual in the mall. Among the many things sold here, there must be places where you can use points. If there are dozens of shops with five people, they should be able to find them quickly. Out."

"Wait a minute, I have a question. If all the doll models here are made of human beings, then shouldn't those life-like figures be the same..."

Shenwu Tianxie raised his hand with a slightly pale face.

"You can break your wife into pieces with your own hands to investigate."

Not without a sense of revenge, he reached out and patted Shenwu Tianxie on the shoulder, leaving Shenwu Tianxie standing there worrying about gains and losses. He hummed a song under his breath and turned around and walked in a certain direction.

—There he remembered the limited edition knight's belt, which he had always wanted to buy.

As for the night owl, this time he chose to go with the music of zither, drums and music.

After everyone dispersed and shrugged, Bai Zhi also turned around and walked into a clothes shop nearby. Then after making sure that there was no one around, he reached out and opened the door that the night owl had secretly stuffed into his hand. the note on it.

[Beware of Shenwu Tianxie! !]

There was just this sentence on the note. The handwriting was messy and it looked like it was written in a hurry.

"Shenwu Tianxie... did she discover anything just now?"

Frowning slightly, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked outside the shop.

If the other party really discovered something, then there was no reason why he couldn't discover it. As for a playful vindictive prank, he felt that it was unlikely. After all, he had never offended her...

And just as Bai Zhi frowned and thought, a burst of exclamations and screams came from outside the store, and now less than a minute had passed since the time when he announced the dissolution.


Bai Zhi couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He quickly turned around and rushed out of the store towards the place where the sound came from. At the same time, in the process, he happened to run into Shen Wutian who was rushing towards that direction. evil.

Soon, the two arrived at the place where the incident occurred.

In front of a shop selling high-end bags, the night owl looked pale and sat on the ground, covering the wall with her left arm. Big drops of sweat flowed from her forehead. She held the pot of street lamp that she never left in her hand. The flower also fell to the ground and turned into pieces.

A sharp dagger penetrated her entire shoulder, the handle of the knife penetrated into her flesh, and the dripping blood had already dyed half of her arm red.

Beside Night Owl, Zheng Gu and Ming were hurriedly taking out various medical first-aid kits from their backpacks to treat the wounds, but the dagger penetrated too deep into the bone. It seemed that it not only penetrated into the flesh, but also It penetrated the shoulder and cheek bones, and she didn't dare to move too much.

"What happened... who attacked you!?"

At this time, Meng Qixia also hurried over. After seeing the scene in front of him, he suddenly looked shocked.

He couldn't help but be shocked. After all, everyone had gradually become accustomed to not encountering dangerous situations during the day, but now such an incident happened suddenly.

Even before and after the interval was less than a minute, he hadn't even found the store yet, and the night owl was attacked... The point is, where did this attack come from

"The attack came from the mirror behind me and was aimed at my heart. If Night Owl hadn't saved me in time, I might have died from that sudden blow..."

Zhenggu Heming had a look of self-blame on his face, and there was a hint of fear in his words.

At that time, she really didn't expect that there would be a sudden attack in the mirror behind her. If the night owl hadn't pushed her away in time, she might have died here long ago.

—That was a pretty perfect ambush.

Volume One: The Gap between Imagination and Reality: Chapter 160 Chapter 157: Our Model

Because of this unexpected incident, the original plan to book the Discovery Mall had to be terminated.

The dagger pierced Ye Owl's shoulder blade, and the injury was quite serious. After Zheng Gu and Ming gritted their teeth and pulled out the dagger, Ye Owl fainted from the pain.

In an isolated place like the apartment, her left hand became useless in the next few days.

"Okay, come in."

After bandaging the wound and changing clothes for the night owl who fainted from the pain, he glanced at the Sunny Doll hanging in front of the table without any movement. Zhenggu Heming turned around and yelled at the door.

"Tell me more specifically, what exactly is the situation?"

Entering the room, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the pale night owl lying on the bed covered with quilt.

—The accident happened so fast, it wasn’t even a minute before everyone separated.

"After we separated before, she and I planned to go to a famous brand store to have a look. Because the apartment seemed quite safe during the day, so we relaxed our vigilance..."

After sighing, Zhenggu Heming spoke sadly.

"But what no one expected was that suddenly, something hiding in the mirror attacked us from the mirror passing behind us... If it wasn't a night owl, I'm pretty sure I would have been killed."

"Have you seen what the figure that attacked you looks like?"

After glancing at the dagger that was pulled out and placed on the table, Meng Qi frowned slightly.

"Uh... no."

After being stunned for a moment, Zhenggu Heming shook his head.

"Is it in the mirror... In short, please be more careful. As time goes by, the dangers around us will become more and more."

Picking up the dagger on the table and taking a look at it, Shen Wu Tianxie sighed in his mouth.

"It's best not to look in the mirror. In order to avoid similar things happening again, I suggest that we smash all the mirrors... Forget it, this is a waste of time. Just in case, try to see what we can see Smash the mirror."

When he said this, Shenwu Tianxie frowned slightly.

"...The monster that crawled out of the poster on the wall in my room last night also came out of the mirror. The mirror should represent some kind of connection."

"Let's talk about it later. It's still early now. It's not even half past three. There's no need to waste time here."

Taking the dagger from Shen Wu Tianxie's hand, Bai Zhi looked noncommittal.

"The three of you will continue to explore the super mall together. At least today you will find a store where you can use points. If the three of you are careful, there shouldn't be any problems."

"I'll take care of the night owl..."

Zhenggu Heming was only halfway through what she said when she saw Bai Zhi taking a chair and sitting down in front of the bed, and she couldn't help but silently stopped talking.

"Night owls, let me handle this. You can go and do your work, but remember to come back before seven o'clock... It's best not to leave the order."

Playing with the dagger in his hand and looking at the pale girl lying on the bed in front of him, Bai Zhi spoke calmly.

"If you go alone, you will be easily caught by the jungle."

… … … … … … … … … … …

This is room 504, which is also the partition of his room.

Night Owl's bunch of keys and cards were placed on the table one by one. After everyone left, Bai Zhi looked at the room boredly.

The layout of the room was similar to his, except that the posters on the wall had long been blocked by night owls, and the toilet door was closed. After a brief inspection, Bai Zhi found serious knocks on it. mark.

Bai Zhi glanced at the laptop on the desk, and after thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi turned off the computer and closed it, then wrapped it with tape several times, and finally stuffed it into the closet.

In Night Owl's current state, it is impossible to play games at night. After all, her left hand is completely disabled. Playing games in this state is quite dangerous.

After doing all this, Bai Zhi opened the refrigerator and took out an apple. He sat in front of the bed and peeled the apple with the well-made dagger while thinking in his heart.

A breakthrough has appeared to break the previous deadlock. Although this breakthrough has cast a hazy fog on everything, it is better to see the fog than to see nothing at all.