Shuraba Player

Chapter 87


[Skill name: First line]

[Type: Active Skills]

[Level: Rare]

[Effect ①: Barrier. He also refers to it as a knife, drawing a line in front of him, and anything that is not allowed by himself cannot cross the range of the line]

[Effect ②: Slash. He uses his fingers as a knife and cuts it out in front of him, causing damage to enemy creatures.]

[Consumption: 50--? ? ? Psychic/25--? ? ? Psionics]

[Learning conditions: Perception is greater than or equal to 15/none]

[Note: The duration of the line and the damage caused by the slash are determined by the amount of spiritual energy consumed]

As Meng Qi drew a line in front of his lower body, a wall of light rose out of thin air on the ground in front of him, and the rapidly flowing shadow hit the wall of light straight at one end.

After trying a few more times, it seemed that he found that he could not break through the wall of light. The shadow quickly ran out of the door and disappeared.

"What the hell is that... And who is Shenwu Tianxie..."

After taking a slight breath, Meng Qi looked confused.

At this time, the door leading to the entertainment area was opened, and Bai Zhi and his party finally arrived.

… … … … … … … … … … …

Five minutes later, the rotunda in the center.

"... Did you find Shen Wu Tianxie's body in the mall?"

After listening to Bai Zhi's plain story, Meng Qi had a look of disbelief on his face.

"How is that possible? He was still talking to me a few minutes ago, and he made me feel quite normal. How could he be a person who has already died?"

"What about others?"

Zhenggu Heming's face looked a little ugly.

"Whether we are willing to admit it or not, this is the fact. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. We found his body here, and Shen Wu Tianxie on your side just disappeared. There is something worse than this. Is it a coincidence?"

"… He melted in front of me."

After a moment of silence, Meng Qixia spoke in a low tone.

"It hid in the darkness like melted black plasticine, and then attacked me...before you arrived."

"Based on your description, it seems that he has become one of the strange stories in this apartment."

Bai Zhi nodded.

"Based on the previous clues, the accident happened when he set out for the supermarket that night, because the next day after that, he said that he seemed to have lost something special. The important thing... the thing he threw away must be his body, he threw his body over there in the mall."

"But he is the highest-ranking one among us. Even you can come back from there safe and sound. How could he die in that place? This is completely unreasonable."

Meng Qixia frowned fiercely.

"The opponent's behavior before was completely normal. It didn't look like a weird story at all. Moreover, the player information panel displayed by the opponent was also correct. The player information panel cannot be forged. How should we deal with this? explain?"

"Don't come to me and ask me everything, because I don't know."

Shrugging his shoulders, Bai Zhi spread his hands in front of him like a bachelor.

"If you are given a puzzle piece that actually lacks many pieces, can you put it together into a complete puzzle? It's impossible, don't think about it, and in a sense, I am better than I am now. You still have more doubts..."

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. There must be some problem in the middle."

Meng Qixia pressed her forehead hard with her fingers.

"First of all, the player information panel cannot be disguised, but it just happens..."

"That's who he is. Does he need to disguise himself?"

Interrupting the other party's words, Bai Zhi asked back.

"But he is already dead. If he is dead, how can he still..."

"...Maybe it's because he didn't realize the fact that he was dead before that."

Night Owl whispered in his mouth.

"Judging from your description, when you and he left alone to go to the entertainment area, he had quite a few opportunities to successfully attack you. But because we found his body, in the vague It broke a certain delicate balance, so that's why..."

"Excessive speculation is meaningless. The deceased is gone, and the next thing is what we need to worry about..."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead, Bai Zhi exhaled in his mouth.

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to die so easily, and to die without any movement or value... So I guess that he accidentally violated a certain taboo that cannot be violated, which led to his own death. ending."

"...Does the basic attribute reach 15 points?"

After a moment of silence, Meng Qixia asked.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not. Who knows the specifics? I think only he himself knows about such a private issue..."

Bai Zhi shook his head inexplicably.

"Let's go to his room and take a look."

Volume One: The Gap between Illusion and Reality: Chapter 187 Chapter 184 Ignored Details

Because there were casualties among the team, the mood of the entire team seemed a little dull.

After all, a guy who had been chatting and spanking with them during lunch suddenly discovered that the other person was actually already dead...

This is like a playful friend you invited to play games and chat with each other at noon. In the afternoon, you suddenly received a call from the other person's family saying that the other person passed away yesterday... Whether this kind of thing is changed to No one can stand it.

After getting the key from Shen Wu Tianxie's body, Bai Zhi and the others opened the door of Room No. 501.

The layout inside is the same as before, and due to Shen Wu Tianxie's own little mysophobia, the room here is even cleaner and tidier than most of their rooms.

...It's just a pity that they didn't find any valuable clues in this room.

In this rather dull atmosphere, time came quietly into the night.


"... People are starting to die now, why can you still act so leisurely?"

Looking at someone lying leisurely on a recliner and reading a book in front of him, the night owl expressed that he couldn't understand it.

"You won't understand some things if you tell them, but if you don't tell them, you won't have a chance to understand them... Well, considering the particularity of your skills, I can tell you about them."

There was a mark in the book he was looking at, and Bai Zhi closed the book.

"The timer starts from now until 55 seconds, when you use your initial skills, do you understand?"

"Why... I know."

After a slight pause, Night Owl nodded.

"In this mission, it is theoretically impossible to achieve the achievement of all members surviving. I already knew this on the first day."

Bai Zhi threw a timer at the night owl on the bed and started talking.

"Did you notice a small detail in the rotunda in the center where we first went?"

"Details...important details?"

After carefully recalling the rotunda that he had visited frequently in the past few days, the night owl shook his head in confusion.

"Not particularly important, but easily overlooked."

Shrugging, Bai Zhi replied indifferently.

"There are only five of us living in the apartment on this floor, but there are twelve chairs next to the circular conference table in the rotunda... Do you think the five of us really need so many chairs? ?”

"The number of extra chairs..."

After hearing Bai Zhi's words, Night Owl couldn't help but froze slightly.

"Similarly, in today's private cinema, the number of sofas is also 12. Have you noticed details like these?"

Yawning and resting his head on his hands, Bai Zhi lay back on the chair again.

"These are all details, and details determine success or failure. You still have a long way to go."

"The number of extra chairs... what does that mean?"

Listening to Bai Zhi's narration as if he were reading a book from heaven, Night Owl seemed to be at a loss.

"Look, I've said it a long time ago. For example, if you don't say something, you won't have a chance to understand it, but if you say it, you won't understand it at all..."

Bai Zhi rolled his eyes and sighed slightly.

"Although this apartment has a large number of aliens and weird stories gathered here, the apartment also has its own rules. The rules that exist in the apartment suppress the weird stories... Compared to Meng Qi's inference of raising all human beings. , I think this is a kind of protection. After all, no matter what, only if you are alive can you have hope. If everyone dies, there will really be nothing."

"Uh... so what?"

After being stunned for a while, Night Owl asked again.

"From what you can deduce, what is the reason why it is impossible for any of us to achieve the achievement of all of us surviving?"

"... In fact, if it weren't for you saving Zheng Gu and Ming, we would have lost one of our people already. This is why I came to this conclusion."

Bai Zhi glanced at her and spoke quietly.

"Things like physical fitness or basic attributes are secondary. The unique skills mastered by each player are the key to fighting Kaitan... So what if you can't even lift a 300-pound stone?"

"...I still don't understand."

Night Owl shook his head quite honestly.

"Think carefully about what you said last night."

Pointing to his head, Bai Zhi opened the folded book again.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth... Well, turn back the time, and then you can think about it slowly."

"oh… "

… … … … … … … … … … … … … …

At the same time, room [502].

He didn't choose to play games. He rested his head on his hands and raised his feet. Meng Qi lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling with a slight frown.

On the table nearby, there was a finished instant noodle box.

—There are many things that he can't figure out.

He is not an intellectual player. He knows exactly how much he weighs, but if he doesn't want to understand some things, he will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Was Shen Wu Tianxie's death caused by him violating a certain taboo on death

If not, what exactly is the taboo on death that the other party violated? Could he have violated this taboo unintentionally

No one is afraid of death, not even him.

Although the existence of a super wise man in the team made this task seem much easier and simpler, he could clearly feel that the other party was definitely hiding something in his heart.

Just as he was thinking about these things, under the bed in the single room where he was lying, a charred arm slowly stretched out from under the bed, quietly and randomly moving it. The pair of slippers beside the bed were pulled halfway under the bed.

After doing this, the blackened arm slowly retracted.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more my head hurts... Go take a bath!!"

After thinking for a long time but still unable to come up with a reason, Meng Qixia suddenly sat up from the bed.

Except for Zhenggu and Ming, who didn't have to worry about strange stories attacking them, they had to be careful even when going to the toilet, let alone taking a shower.

In the first few days, the night owl had to pull his Zhenggu and Ming together when he went to the toilet. But later, because someone said that other people's weird stories are shameless, hiding in the toilet every day is simply the most embarrassing weird story in history. This statement goes beyond the weird story of picking up dog poop, and it actually dispels a certain girl's toilet phobia...

"Huh? Why did my slippers end up under the bed?"

Volume One: The Gap between Virtual and Real: Chapter 188 Chapter 185 Ordinary and Special

It’s 9:30 pm, room [502].

"...were my slippers arranged like this before?"

Looking at the slippers under the bed, with most of the shoe body entering the bottom of the bed, Meng Qi couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Compared with the mysophobic Shen Wu Tianxie, Meng Qixia, who has been single ever since, seems to be much more casual. When he went to bed before, he remembered that he threw his shoes on the ground casually.