Shuraba Player

Chapter 9


"Hmm... So are you people who specialize in dealing with those kind of weird things? Are there many people like you? Are all the urban ghost stories that go viral on the Internet but have been widely deleted?"

"That's right. It's not too much to say too much, and it's not too much to say too little. Some of it is true, but some of it is deliberately fabricated to deceive people's attention."

Wu Hua answered each other's questions very patiently.

"How much do you know about Bai Zhi? I heard that he had pursued you crazily before?"

After sending the comatose students to the hospital to deal with the aftermath of the incident on campus, Wu Hua naturally looked up the information about Bai Zhi, and then he immediately changed his mind for the other party within three months. The great achievements of his seven girlfriends are astonishing, which makes him, who has been single until now, very envious and jealous.

"Ah... it is true, but the reason why he pursues me is just to deal with those things that are entangled with me... "

Lying on the table, Lin Xiaoyi's words seemed a little weak for some reason.

"Bai Zhi is the same existence as you, but what is different from your uprightness is that since three months ago, he has been silently guarding the classmates in the school in the dark... He is a student in the dark. The hero who protects the light!!"

When he said this last sentence, Lin Xiaoyi raised his head from the table, and there seemed to be light shining in his eyes.

"Three months ago..."

After listening to the words of the girl in front of him, Wu Hua couldn't help being slightly shocked, and there were only four words left in his mind.

—That’s the “server-opening player.”

The significance of the players who open the server is not only the leading high level, but also the ability to survive from the time the server was opened to the present. The significance of this is quite significant.

(Is he really the boss? If we hadn't held him back, he would have dealt with that weird story long ago...)

Recalling the time when he was almost destroyed in the hands of that little boy, Wu Hua looked sad.


Volume 1: The Gap between Virtuality and Reality: Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Do you understand it well

"How is it? What are we going to do next?"

Looking at Wu Hua walking in from the door, Xu Qiang, who was half lying on the sofa with his feet on the coffee table, turned his eyes to him.

"The comatose students and public opinion have their own logistics team to deal with it, but it is probably 80% likely that it is an external report of a coma caused by a laboratory gas leak. They are familiar with this kind of thing."

Skillfully lighting a cigarette for himself, and after exhaling a puff of smoke, Wu Hua replied.

"I will write the report on this incident. We should not meddle in writing about the presence of other players in the school. If the other party hadn't taken action this time, we would have been doomed."

"It's up to you. Anyway, if I don't write that, I can still get a little more reward. I can buy that thing with just a few game coins."

Xu Qiang looked indifferent.

"But having said that, I'm still not very optimistic about that guy Wang Xuan. He will be on the novice mission in a few days, right? Don't die in the novice mission then. It will be fun if all the equipment supported by the bureau is lost. "


"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm too talkative."

Pouting his lips, Xu Qiang slowly raised his hands above his head.

"Novice players do not have the support of equipment and skills. It is too difficult to pass the novice mission. Although the guides say that as long as you are careful enough, you can pass the level safely, but the pass rate of the novice mission is only a pitiful 40%. You Are you sure that guy Wang Xuan can do it? Even with the help of equipment provided by those in the bureau, it is not enough."

"We have done enough, and he has to rely on himself for the rest."

Wu Hua took a long puff of cigarette, his face darkened.

"Don't say such things again in the future. After all, no matter what you say, he is still our companion."


Excusing himself, Xu Qiang lazily lay back on the sofa.

"Okay, okay, then let me say something nice, for example, let him meet a super strong teammate on the novice mission and hug his thigh to achieve a perfect clearance or something..."

Wu Hua: "..."

Although the existence of the player was deliberately hidden in the report in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it was a fact that the other party saved them anyway.

Therefore, before leaving the school at the end of this mission, Wu Hua went to the other party's rental house to visit him.

"Huh? Are you here? Sit down."

It seemed that he was not surprised at all by his arrival. After seeing his arrival and letting him into the room, the other party pointed to the sofa quite casually.

… Do you actually live in such a humble place

Feeling deeply at the other party's low profile, Wu Hua sat down on the sofa and spoke first. In fact, in general, his words were only two or three words.

He expressed his gratitude to the other party for saving his life, expressed his kindness, and hoped to form a good relationship with the other party. In the end, Wu Hua even took the initiative to place an anonymous bank card on the table.

"... Anyway, it is a fact that you saved us. There is 1 million in this card. It is a small gift from me. Please accept it."


Looking at the bank card on the table, Bai Zhi took a sip of tea silently.

After becoming a player, money is really nothing to the player. On the forum, there are a large number of posts about purchasing game coins at high prices. The price of one game coin was suddenly raised to one thousand yuan or one million yuan. Yuan converted into game currency is only one thousand game coins, and these are still priceless, and the game coins traded on the market are always out of stock.

Bai Zhi estimated that if he put the two items in his backpack on the auction house, he could easily sell them for tens of billions... But it was a pity that they couldn't be traded.

It is said that I saved the other party's life, and the other party gave me 1 million, which is really not much...

He originally thought that the other party was recruiting him on behalf of the official, and he had already thought about how to refuse him in advance. However, since the other party entered the house, every word and action of the other party was far beyond his expectation. Except... So what went wrong? When did I start to be inexplicably thought of as a big boss by the other party

—Lin Xiaoyi, who had just returned to his dormitory, sneezed violently.

"What's wrong? Your brain must not be burned out, right?"

As soon as she entered the dormitory door, Xia Wen worriedly put the back of his hand on her forehead.

"When I went out to buy medicine, something big happened in the teaching building. Even the police came, and in the end the ambulance came. I heard that there seemed to be a drug leak in the school laboratory. Oh, by the way, I also saw your Mr. Right slowly walking into the store."

"What did Bai Zhi do?"

Grabbing Xia Wen's hand that was making trouble on her forehead, Lin Xiaoyi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this last sentence.

"Okay, Gouzi, you have really changed!! You don't even care about me. Why would I buy medicine!!!"

Xia Wen suddenly became furious.

"I think your brain is burned out. What's wrong with that guy Bai Zhi? All his classmates were sent to the ambulance one by one, but he returned to his rental house leisurely as if nothing was wrong. Inside, such a cold-hearted person is worthy of your love, Gouzi!?"

"What do you know? There are so many things in this world that you don't know. Seeing is believing, and hearing is believing. Don't let those hearsay rumors fool your wise eyes."

Letting go of Xia Wen's hand, Lin Xiaoyi hummed softly in his mouth, then hummed and went to rummage in his closet.

"I will explain the specific situation to you in detail later. Anyway, I have told you that before, even if you don't believe it..."

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do when you change your clothes now?"

Standing in front of Lin Xiaoyi, Xia Wen looked very nervous, fearing that his best friend would suffer a loss.

"It's very simple. I decided to treat Bai Zhi to dinner at noon!!"

Clenching her fists, Lin Xiaoyi looked high-spirited.

"Dare to love, dare to hate, and take the initiative is my style. I must chase Bai Zhi!! That is my true destiny!!"

"...I think you are really crazy."

Sitting down on the bed, Xia Wen's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Seriously, I strongly recommend that you see a psychiatrist. It's best to go to a large hospital for a thorough examination, because I'm very worried about you."

"Huh? What are you worried about?"

While holding a white dress and drawing strokes on her body, the school beauty turned her head slightly strangely.

"Isn't this a plot that often appears in those books?"

Xia Wen solemnly stretched out a finger in front of him, with a solemn look on his face.

"The protagonist pursues the school beauty but fails, but one day he suddenly encounters an adventure and masters hypnosis. He hypnotizes the school beauty without her noticing, and then makes her fall madly in love with him in some remote corners. Let her sit up and move on her own..."

A piece of clothing hit her head straight.

Volume 1: The gap between fiction and reality: Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Plan~

Looking at the bank card with 1 million in it in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

—He originally wanted to refuse, but the offer was too much.

"From now on, I can be considered a millionaire..."

After muttering something in his mouth, Bai Zhi picked up the bank card and put it into his pocket. Taking advantage of the fact that it was noon, he planned to experience the pleasure of being rich.

Before going out, after thinking for a while, he downloaded the game account he had previously posted on the trading website.

I don’t care about anything else, but now, I am a rich man! !

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he opened the door, he saw the school beauty in a white dress standing at the door and about to knock on the door. As the door was opened, the school beauty's hand moved directly. Knocked on his chest, it was like a small fist punching your chest.

Bai Zhi: "..."

Lin Xiaoyi: "..."

Afterwards, according to the garbage bag Bai Zhi left at the door to throw away when he went downstairs, the scene was awkward.

"Can you please remove your hand?"

Bai Zhi looked indifferent.

To be fair, the school beauty wearing regular clothes and no makeup is enough to be eye-catching. Now she specially put on a long skirt and put on a little light makeup to make her look even more stunning.

But it's a pity that in the eyes of Bai Zhi, who had already preconceived the idea of the other party as the weird story that haunted him, everything in front of him was nothing more than a pink skull.

"oh… "

Not being able to see the expression she wanted to see on the other person's face, Lin Xiaoyi, who rarely put on makeup, took back her hand unwillingly.

As the saying goes, women are proud of those who please them. She made her meaning so obvious, but the other party still always had an indifferent look on her face, which made her feel frustrated.

But again, the school belle never gives up. Dare to love and hate is her style. She will not admit defeat.

"What's the matter? I should have said that we'd better not meet again. Is it necessary to keep pestering me?"

After closing the door, he bent down and picked up the garbage bag in front of the door, Bai Zhi said calmly.

"I believe you have seen that kind of fate before. If you continue to pester me, do you really want to end up like them?"

What Bai Zhi is talking about now is naturally referring to the weird guy who had extremely poor defense and was killed by Wu Hua's fist. The meaning he wants to express is also quite obvious.

—You see, you can’t stand anything about me, so why bother pestering me so hard? Wouldn’t it be nice to give up on me and look for other goals? If you continue to pester me, you will end up like that little boy.

It's just that these words that seemed to perfectly express his meaning to Bai Zhi sounded completely different in Lin Xiaoyi's ears.

Don't meet again - just go back to the light and live the same peaceful life as before.

It was necessary to keep pestering me—I didn’t want to involve myself in anything dangerous.

That kind of fate - those students who were unconscious and sent to the hospital for rescue.

Do you really want to end up like them? My active staying away is the greatest protection for you.

... Then the belief in a certain school belle's heart suddenly became more firm.

"... As you wish."

Looking at the school beauty in front of him who was not only unmoved but also revealed from his eyes that he would be bound to you for the rest of his life, after slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, Bai Zhi walked away from the other party quite tiredly while carrying the garbage bag. He walked around and walked downstairs.

Hmm... In fact, from another perspective, this is also a good thing. At least I know the other party better. Since they are obsessed with me, then other people should be fine. This can be regarded as a harmonious development of society. and made a slight contribution to stability...

…what if? Now I have no way to defeat the opponent. Although I have obtained the player qualification and become a novice player, I now have no skills, no equipment, no equipment, and just want to kill a monster. This is different from single-handedly. What is the difference in difficulty for one person to capture a county

Now if the opponent wants to pester you, just let the opponent pester you. Anyway, you won't lose a piece of flesh on your body. When your level, equipment, skills, etc. are all up in the future, it will be easy to kill the opponent by then...

It has to be said that the combination of handsome men and beautiful women is quite eye-catching, especially since one of the two protagonists is a notorious scumbag, while the other is a famous school beauty.

When they saw the school beauty in a white dress full of holiness standing next to the scumbag, I don’t know how many animals were heartbroken. They beat their chests and lamented that the school beauty was finally defeated by her appearance. Then he gritted his teeth and cursed Bai Zhi.

After all, within three months of enrolling, a freshman who plays games online all day has almost all the beauties from all major schools. He even has an affair with his seniors. This is a thing no matter where he is placed. Something that angers both humans and gods.

Nowadays, the campus beauty who is known as the most difficult to catch at Binh University cannot escape the clutches of the devil. This makes those animals reflect in their hearts on such a question that touches the depths of their souls.

—As long as you are handsome, can you really do whatever you want

"You will make others misunderstand you."

Bai Zhi naturally noticed the murderous looks coming from all directions, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.