Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 102: Broken jade


There was a commotion outside the law enforcement hall.

"Meet the Sect Master? The Sect Master has lost all his face, how dare he ask to meet the Sect Master?"

"The sect master is a first-class sword cultivator in this world. It is really unfortunate to accept such a direct disciple."

"What qualifications does he have to make such unreasonable demands?"

In the Law Enforcement Hall, the elders sitting on the ebony wood chairs frowned deeply.

Rong Ran is a direct descendant of the sect master and the only son of the master of Xuanhu Peak.

Because of avoiding suspicion, Rong Fengzhu could not come here to participate in the trial today.

However, Xuanhu Peak is the medicine peak of the sect, and the disciples and elders have to go to the medicine peak to heal their injuries. Before coming here, Peak Master Rong had refined many medicinal pills for them.

Several elders exchanged eye contact for a moment, and one of the elders gestured to Deputy Sect Master Cheng.

As we all know, although Lord Qiyun is the sect master of Tianzong, he has been in seclusion on Wangyun Peak all the year round, and he seldom pays attention to the trivial matters of the sect. Most of the affairs of the Tianzong were handled by the deputy sect master Cheng Zixu and his direct disciple He Lanze.

Deputy Sect Master Cheng was handsome and charming, with tender peach blossom eyes and a little red cinnabar between his brows. He was playing with the exquisite white jade ball that his wife had made for him.

The elder coughed lightly.

Deputy Sect Master Cheng seemed to notice the current situation at this time, "Elder Xu, what's wrong?"

Elder Xu: "Deputy Sect Master, you see, Rong Ran is after all a direct disciple of the Sect Master. Should we postpone the trial and inform the Sect Master first?"

Deputy Sect Master Cheng touched the white jade ball in his hand, and asked in doubt: "When will the Law Enforcement Hall judge and the labor teacher will be required? Look at Feng Master Rong, it is too late to avoid suspicion. Young people's affairs? Leave it to young people to solve, this is not very good Okay."

Elder Xu: "Yes, but after all, he is the only direct descendant of the sect master..."

Deputy Sect Master Cheng smiled and got up, "Of course I am not unreasonable. The Sect Master passed it on himself, it sounds like it is more expensive than others. Elder Xu, do you think so?"

Cold sweat broke out on Elder Xu's forehead.

Deputy Sect Master Cheng suddenly changed the subject and said: "But the killing of the same sect has a wide impact, and it is considered a major event in the sect? It is understandable to ask the sect master to decide."

"However, who will tell?"

this is a big problem.

Except for Rong Ran, no one dared to go to Wangyun Peak on weekdays.

No, there is one more person.

He was once left at Wangyun Peak by the Sect Master to heal his wounds, and then came down from Wangyun Peak unharmed.

Elder Xu looked at the backstage of the Law Enforcement Hall.

That person was sitting there, surrounded by the bustling disciples, but he was still able to be seen at a glance.

Elder Xu has long passed the age of admiring beauty.

But still couldn't move his eyes away for a while.

That person is like a drop of ink on white paper—no, it should be like a little snow in a pool of ink, dazzling. white.

Words are hard to describe such a face.

Over the years, the Sect Master has come down from Wangyun Peak several times, and the details seem to be all for this person. It makes people wonder if the sect master who cultivates the ruthless way has other thoughts about this person.

And this person is the master of the victim.

Compared with Rong Ran who made a big mistake, which one would the Sect Master be partial to

After Elder Xu thought about it carefully, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and didn't want to say any more.

Seeing that no one answered, Deputy Sect Master Cheng chuckled lightly and waved to He Lanze who looked back at him.

"Continue the trial. The sect master has a profound cultivation, and his consciousness communicates with the world. When he wants to come, he will always come."

He Lanze turned his body back, raised the condemnation sword in his hand, and said expressionlessly.

"Rong Ran, you killed fourteen of your fellow disciples with your own hands, and then used the bell to call back the souls of the deceased, and you deliberately framed the blame. The crime is unforgivable. Today, you will destroy your dantian, cut off your meridians, abolish all cultivators, and expel them from you. Sect."

"No, Senior Brother Helan, you can't—" Rong Ran finally looked flustered. He turned his head and looked around. The dark crowd was watching him, but no one showed sympathy.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the sky outside the Law Enforcement Hall.

The mountains in the distance were looming, and he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

"Master, please save your disciples for the sake of your past kindness!"

No one responded.

Only countless cold and sneering eyes fell on him, like swords and knives.

He Lanze: "Guilty should be punished, and grievance should be brought to justice. Heaven's law is clear, and cause and effect will be rewarded."

What he said was the sixteen-character commandment of the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The blade of the condemnation sword has passed through Rong Ran's dantian.

Is the dantian the core of a practitioner? Once the dantian is broken, the whole body will be like mercury pouring down to the ground, and it will disappear in an instant. However, the convicted sword power is not only that, the sword qi pierces the dantian and penetrates into the meridians, and it will destroy every inch.

In an instant, Rong Ran has become a waste.

Rong Ran's pupils dilated, because the pain was too severe, he couldn't even scream and scream. In an instant, everything he had worked hard for, everything he was proud of, and the half of his life he had worked so hard for were all turned into ashes.

Just like the dark fragrance and sparse shadow on the body that lost the support of the cultivation base and fell to the ground and was stained with dust. He also had dirt and scars that could never be washed away. And the bird he wanted most, the proudest bird—was never back in his cage.

The festering scars on half of his face appeared in front of him, his swollen limbs were terrifyingly bruised, his hair wet with salt water curled up against his cheeks, and blood trickled down from his chest and abdomen, making the already filthy Clothes made it even worse.

The disciples on the outside of the Law Enforcement Hall were all taken aback by his appearance.

Rong Ran lay on the ground, twitching in pain, thinking that he was about to die, and suddenly saw a white streak appear in front of him.

All the hustle and bustle around was also suddenly silent.

He looked up and saw a white-robed crane cloak with silver hair and a high crown.

Qi Yunjun lowered his eyes, looked at him mercilessly, holding the Taiqing Du'e Sword in his hand.


In the desperate situation, Rong Ran burst out from nowhere, he climbed to the feet of Qi Yunjun, his bruised and swollen hands clenched the edge of Qiyun Jun's crane cloak like a driftwood, leaving a blood-colored handprint.

"Save me... Master, save me..."

Qi Yun-Jun did not speak. The sword in his hand was not unsheathed.

It's just that the other person standing there is an unsheathed sword, with a sharp edge, looking down on the world. Everyone was silent.

"I have seen the Sect Master."

"See, see Sect Master!"

Several elders in the hall got up at the same time. Deputy Sect Master Cheng also slowly got up from his seat.

"Senior Brother Ji, we haven't seen each other for two years. Is this time out for your own disciple?"

In the entire Tianzong, only Deputy Sect Master Cheng dared to speak to Qi Yunjun like this. Ge Yin and the two teachers went out of the same school, and before Qi Yunjun entered the path of ruthlessness, Cheng Zixu's relationship with his teacher was quite deep. Of course, Jian Xiu, who has entered the ruthless way, has no words for "feeling". Cheng Zixu would rather talk to his wife overnight than deal with a piece of ice.

Even if this ice cube was originally his own brother.

Qi Yunjun said, "He is no longer my apprentice."

He took out two broken ink-colored jade pendants from his sleeves and threw them in front of Rong Ran.

"I said it was the last time before."

Hearing this, Rong Ran's face paled.

Yes, when he asked Qi Yun-Jun to lead the team to the Nether Realm, Xi Yun-Jun did say that it was the last time.

Help him one last time.

But at that time, Qi Yunjun did not say that he was no longer his apprentice.

The relationship between master and apprentice in the cultivation world is so close, especially the personal inheritance, and it involves many causes and effects. He thought that Jun Qi Yun would not put him down so easily.

However, Qi Yun-Jun was more decisive than he imagined.

Rong Ran looked at the black jade that was broken into two pieces in front of him, and the hand that was holding Qi Yunjun's clothes gradually became weak.

"Tangled out of the way, killing the same sect, this crime cannot be punished." Qi Yunjun saw through the source of the dark fragrance and shadow on the ground at a glance, "Of course, you saved my life back then, but now I will save your life. Since then, You and I are clear about cause and effect."

He flicked his sleeves, and the wound on Rong Ran's chest and abdomen stopped bleeding.

"Take him out of the sect."

Qi Yunjun ordered.

There was no chance for Rong Ran to intercede again.

As soon as the words fell, a disciple from the Law Enforcement Hall came out, raised Rong Ran's arms, and dragged him out.

The last hope has been dashed, and Rong Ran's face is gray.

The body soaked in the water prison dragged a reddish water mark on the ground.

For some reason, his expression twisted. He looked at Qi Yun-Jun, and suddenly let out a crazy shriek.

"Cause and cause two clear? Hahahaha, you should never think about two clear!"

Qi Yun-Jun rarely frowned.

In the shrill laughter, Rong Ran was dragged out of the law enforcement hall and into the crowd again, and the angry disciples drowned him.

The three thousand steps outside the sect are very long.

He was dragged and kicked and rolled down the steps constantly. The sky was scorching hot, surrounded by distorted faces, distorted voices, and distorted self.

He suddenly felt that this scene was very familiar, as if he had experienced it before.

However, at that time, he was not the one who was dragged on the steps and trampled by humiliation.

And the one who walks on the steps and watches the play leisurely is himself.

The scorching sun scorched the bruises all over his body. I don't know how long it took before the endless rolling stopped.

The voice gradually faded away. He was abandoned here.

Blood clouded his eyes.

He couldn't see anything and couldn't move his body, so his sense of smell became extra keen.

Slowly, he began to smell the festering wound on his face.

- Fishy, unpleasant, disgusting.

like himself.

After the trial was over, the people in the Law Enforcement Hall had gradually dispersed.

Shen Shu wanted to get up and leave, but saw his master walking to the front of the Law Enforcement Hall, crouched down and picked up the two broken pieces of ink jade left by Jun Qi Yun just now. Shen Shu walked over and saw Ye Yunlan holding the two dusty ink jade, slowly wiping it with his sleeve. The snow-white sleeves soon became dirty and looked a little uncoordinated, while Ye Yunlan looked indifferent and showed no expression.

Shen Shu was about to ask, when suddenly he heard a voice as cold as ice.

"Why did you pick up those two pieces of broken jade?"

Shen Shu turned around and saw that it was Lord Qi Yun who had left and returned, standing at the entrance of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The backlight concealed the appearance of Qi Yunjun, and only saw a black silhouette, tall and tall with a crane cloak and a crown.

Ye Yunlan didn't look at him, but quietly stared at the Moyu in his hand.

The broken jade is combined into one, with mysterious ancient patterns engraved on it, and the word "Tianzong" is printed in the center.

He said, "This is my thing."