Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 112: love hate


The bones in the coffin were flowing with red-gold brilliance.

The breath from ancient times enveloped this underground palace, making the blood flow in the body.

Whether the Divine Phoenix has soared or not is unknown to the world.

Some people say that Divine Phoenix's ascension succeeded, so there is no trace left in the world. Some people say no, but after thousands of years, the Divine Phoenix corpse has never been found. So there are different opinions, and there is no set number.

And now, the corpse of the Divine Phoenix is here.

The kind of strange attraction that Ye Yunlan has felt since entering the Primordial Divine Ruins, has been so strong that it cannot be ignored.

Chen Weiyuan had a happy expression on his face, and a scorching light flashed in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Ye Yunlan's praise.

Ye Yunlan did not comment on the Divine Phoenix Bone.

He just looked at Chen Weiyuan coldly. "What exactly do you want to do, Xu Zice?"

The Seven Emotions in the soul, the needles, were inappropriately painful, but he had always been accustomed to patience and did not show any clues on his face.

Chen Weiyuan sighed, "Of course I just want you to stop suffering." He had a look of pity on his face, "For hundreds of years, you have been alone in the world, but when you think of me, you will be overcome by seven emotions? The needle is painful. Even if I go under the Yellow Spring, I can't bear it."

He paused, then said: "Don't worry, I didn't hurt your friend, he was just sent out of the secret realm by me. Speaking of which, your friend is an important person in the future, and I don't dare to hurt him. ."

Ye Yunlan's eyebrows jumped.

"Chen Weiyuan, you take yourself too seriously. The path I have traveled, the hardships and sufferings I have endured, are all my own choices. What qualifications do you have to intervene in commenting?"

His expression was hidden under Sen Leng's mask? He held the missing shadow in front of him.

The cold blade is sharp and can be shot at any time.

Chen Weiyuan didn't seem to realize it, and only said warmly: "Yunlan, you and I are married, why? Why do we have to make such a fuss." There was a strange tenderness and deep certainty on his face, "Whether you admit it or not? , More than a hundred years have passed, from the past life to this life, you still love me deeply."

Ye Yunlan: "Shut up."

"Does it hurt?" Chen Weiyuan asked, "Seven emotions? Acupuncture suppresses love? The root of love, the more pain you feel, the more you love me. Yunlan, no matter what?, you can't argue with this."

There was a cruel look on his handsome and gentle face.

"Imagine that you valued that person so much in your previous life, but you couldn't fall in love with him from the beginning to the end, and now you have to find the devil's bone for him and break the calamity-but have you forgotten all the hardships you suffered in the devil's palace? Yunlan, have you ever loved him?"

"Xianchang? Do you love me?"

In the dim and dark magic palace, the candles flickered faintly. The heavy curtain fell down, and the sticky incense burned quietly.

The chains are shaking.

The sound of clattering was accompanied by a low hoarse cry.

The Demon Venerable's eyes were crimson, and when he looked down at him, he seemed to shed blood and tears at any time, and his strong arms hugged him deeply, as if to smash him into his stomach, and asked him the same question repeatedly. .

"Xianchang? After all these years, have you ever loved me?"

He was speechless.

Shivering and trying to curl up, but was opened up even more.

The darkness completely shrouded him, he was tossed in the cold and slippery darkness, and burned by the fire, he couldn't help sobbing, tears streaming down his face.

However, the other party did not have the pity of the past.

From night to day.

He couldn't remember how long he had spent in the deep palace.

The madness of the other party will become more serious on the night of the full moon, but it will decrease at the beginning and end of each month. But it also made him uncomfortable.

The chains were wrapped around him, and bruises were drawn on the wrists and ankles.

He couldn't get out, and no one else could get in. In the darkness of isolation, he was forced to think about the same question.

—Has he ever loved Demon Venerable

Back then, when he was sent to the Devil's Palace by Chen Weiyuan, he thought he would be tortured, but he never thought that the devil who was rumored by the world to have an extremely violent temperament would be very kind to him.

Mozun let him move freely in the magic palace, he played the piano, the other party listened to the piano, he practiced the sword, and the other party saw the same swordsmanship thoroughly and mastered it, turned around to teach him, he read the book fascinated, and the other party easily He came to the library in person to find him, and he was injured, the other party was even more nervous than himself.

From the deep and cold childhood deep palace, to the deep valley peach forest battered by the torrential rain, and then to being slandered and kicked out by the same family of Tianzong, the Taoist companions who have been with him for many years personally sent him to the Jedi.

Over the years, he has been abandoned again and again.

Only the Demon Venerable would cherish him on the top of his heart.

He should have liked him.

But why, the heart can't beat for it all the time, the love words he wants to say are always locked in his throat, even if the pain is crying, he can only silently lose his voice


He doesn't understand.

The Demon Venerable was questioning him, and he was also questioning himself.

He huddled in the darkness, asking himself over and over again, why.


He lost weight quickly.

Consciously groggy, he wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders, buried his head in the other's neck, and floated with the other's.

Finally one day.

The Demon Venerable didn't ask him the same question again.

The other party? He kissed his lips deeply, hugged his thin and fragmented body, and said hoarsely.

"Xianchang? Let's get married."

On the first day after the full moon night, he was sent away from the drowsy palace and returned to his original room.

There are still heavy chains on his hands and feet, and his body is covered with ambiguous marks of blue and purple.

The body is so tired that I don't want to move a finger anymore.

He was soft on the bed, looking sideways at the distant moonlight outside the window. He hadn't seen the moonlight for a long time.

"Yunlan." Someone called him.

It was Chen Weiyuan who entered the room.

The other party said that he was passing by the Demon Realm by chance, he wanted to visit him, and he wanted to ask him to do something

A knife was put into his palm

"There is a Slaughtering Curse on this knife. As long as the tip of the knife can pierce the Demon Venerable's flesh, it can seriously injure him."

"My position as the wife of the Chen family will always be reserved for you. As long as you kill the Demon Venerable, we can be of one mind forever? Life and death are inseparable..."

The hell of eternal love?.

Abandoned him and sent him to the devil's door, and now he said that he wanted his help, that he would be inseparable from life and death

He felt ridiculous.

But his heart was beating uncontrollably and rapidly, as if lethal poison was infiltrated in the other party's voice, revealing endless bewitchment.

How can this be. he thinks.

"Yunlan, I know you still love me." Chen Weiyuan said. Extremely certain.

He suddenly felt a little dizzy, and his head roared as if he wanted to explode.

His heart was beating more and more violently, and the surging emotions made it difficult for him to refuse Chen Weiyuan's words.

He bit the tip of his tongue, barely staying awake. His name is Chen Weiyuan Gun.

"Yunlan, you should call me husband." The other party said, "Tell my husband, do you still love me?"

He opened his mouth and almost blurted out a promise, but he bit his tongue to stop the impulse.

Tasted blood in the mouth.

"No... I don't love you anymore..."

He said intermittently in pain. However, the surging, surging, unstoppable painful emotions forced his temples to throb, feeling like he was going to go crazy in the next second. spit out the remaining words.

"What I love is... it's your honor—" Chen Weiyuan's expression turned completely gloomy.

He watched him, as if observing something rare.

Then he took out the blood jade when they formed a contract and forcibly controlled him.

wedding night.

He was wearing bright red clothes and holding the cold blade in his hand.

Mozun walked into the room, wearing a red wedding dress, approached him, and asked hoarsely, "It's about time for us to rejoice? Lan'er, don't you have anything to say?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Demon Venerable reached out and raised his chin.

"Why, are you still angry? Blame me for treating you like that before? Is it really that hard to answer the question I asked you before?"

He still doesn't answer.

Demon Venerable had a hideous mask on his face, his blood-red eyes looked at him quietly, and suddenly leaned over and embraced his body.

He softened his voice and said in a low voice: "Xianchang, call me husband, after getting married, I will not force you again."

Demon Venerable gave up and continued to press him for answers.

However, the sharp blade in his hand suddenly shot between the lightning and flint, piercing the Demon Venerable's body.

The incantation on the knife made the devil respect the wound, and the bleeding continued.

Dao Xiu took this opportunity to break into the Demon Realm.

Chen Weiyuan took him away from the magic palace. The ancient magic refining formation had already been set up on Luming Mountain, and the Demon Venerable entered the formation alone in order to chase him back.

Chen Weiyuan and the other monks had been waiting for a long time, looking at the Demon Venerable who was trapped in the formation and laughed.

The Taikoo refining magic formation requires refining the trapped monsters for seven, seven and forty-nine days. After the hour arrives, even a monster as powerful as Demon Venerable can only die in it.

Chen Weiyuan is at the core of the formation with him

He was very well behaved.

Therefore, Chen Weiyuan did not expect that he would shift the most important formation, which would make the formation flawed.

Demon Venerable broke out of the predicament, trying to aggravate the injury and also kidnapped him in the formation.

He was locked in a cave.

Imprisoned in the deepest darkness by Demon Venerable.

The clothes on his body were stripped off, his hands and feet were entangled with slippery things, he knelt on the cold ground, and his hands were suspended in the air.

The serious injuries on Demon Venerable's body have not healed, and he was attacked by the Jiuzhuantian demon body, and his mind was on the verge of madness.

What he did was better than in the magic palace before.

His neck was restrained, and he was forced to raise his head, hearing the other party's gnashing of teeth.

"The deity heard that there is a spell in the world that can erase all memory of one person for another person, and transfer all his love for that person to the person who cast the spell."

"If it is possible, this deity really wants to cast this spell on you."

The other? Bends over and hugs him.

He made a low and long tail sound, and tears slowly flowed down the side of his face.

Then? he thought.

If there is such a spell in the world, he is actually willing, and the other party will cast it on him.

Afterwards, Demon Venerable's consciousness gradually recovered. He was caught by the Taoist monks and imprisoned in the Buddha Pagoda.

The Demon Lord rescued him, and they went to Central Continent.

They lived for years in the quiet and peaceful courtyard of Central Continent, like the most common mortals and the most intimate lovers.

It's just that the Demon Venerable didn't ask him that question.

After Mozun died, he walked into the world alone, and the wind and rain fell on him.

He knelt down before the Buddha and asked to be ordained.

Seven Emotions? The needle burned through the fire of Nanming Li and pierced into the soul.

From then on, the root of love is cut off, and there is no desire or thought.

In the world? Nothing can stop him from swinging his sword towards Chen Weiyuan.

Seven Emotions? The pain in the needle gradually became unbearable.

As if to cut open all his outer shells and pierce his softest insides. Stirring.

Ye Yunlan closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Of course I... loved him."

"Impossible!" Chen Weiyuan interrupted immediately, "Yunlan, don't lie to yourself again, the seven emotions on your body will hurt when you see me, doesn't this explain your heart?"

Ye Yunlan: "What is love? For him, even if I wear shackles, my love is cut off, and I have no desires or thoughts, I still want to gather his soul, and then look at him again. But for you, I will look at him one more time. Tired of it all."

Chen Weiyuan's expression completely turned cold.

"Yunlan, you only relied on the ability of the Seven Emotions? Needle in your body to speak so confidently. If you removed the Seven Emotions? Needle, you wouldn't even be able to draw a sword against me back then, wouldn't you? Hate me, but at the same time love me deeply."

He raised his hand, and countless stars were converging at his fingertips like threads, "I am meeting you this time to help you untie the shackles, no longer be burdened by these years of pain, and recognize your own heart and mind. ."

Ye Yunlan: "Why do you think it's a matter of course for the feelings you stole by using the means?"

Chen Weiyuan's expression changed.

"Yunlan, what do you mean??"