Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 113: Fairy Boat


Facing Chen Weiyuan's questioning, Ye Yunlan just said indifferently.

"Chen Weiyuan, you planted an empathy spell on me. It's been more than 200 years since I formed a contract with you. Do you really think I didn't notice at all?"

Back then, he was rescued by Chen Weiyuan outside the three-thousand-thousand-long steps of Tianzong, and he was brought back to the Chen family to recuperate. After another three years, he promised to form a contract with Chen Weiyuan.

Everything? There are no flaws, as if it should happen naturally.

He became Chen Weiyuan's Taoist companion. He would be happy for each other's joy, and sad for each other's sorrows.

Because of his life-saving grace before, he always listened to Chen Weiyuan's words and obeyed each other in everything.

He didn't notice anything unusual.

Indulging in false love? For a long time, he really regarded the Chen family as his home.

Until Chen Weiyuan sent him into the devil's door, he opened his eyes and saw the extremely hideous ghost face of the devil.

Like a thunderous dream. The beautiful dreams of the past were shattered, and he became the one who was left behind in the storm and was alone.

The Demon Venerable picked him up from the box, took possession of him, and asked him why he was crying.

He doesn't speak.

The pair kissed dry the tears from his eyelashes.

The mask on his face has been taken off, and the man's fingertips have stroked? The scars crisscrossing his face, he said to him in a hoarse voice: "Don't cry."

"Since your Taoist companion has abandoned you, you still think about what he does."

"Follow the deity, obediently," the man leaned closer to him and said in a low voice, "let the deity hurt you."

After that, if the other party did what he said, he was very good to him.

But he still couldn't forget Chen Weiyuan.

It's like being addicted to drugs. Every night, I miss each other in my dreams, and it's hard to fall asleep.

It shouldn't.

Chen Weiyuan has already treated him like this, and they should be strangers.

Why does he still miss that person

He thought about this question for a long time.

When Chen Weiyuan came to see him in the magic palace, he once again felt that surging, sweeping and unstoppable lust.

how so.

He didn't understand.

What is love? What kind of thing

Over the past few years, he has been thinking.

He and Mozun lived in the Central Continent, and after Mozun left, he walked into the world alone, avoiding meeting Chen Weiyuan, living in the Western Continent, turning to the southern border, crossing the plain, and his footprints all over the five continents and four seas.

Until he traveled all over the world, entered the Buddhist hall, and pierced the needle of seven emotions.

There are two ancient temples in the world, which have been passed down for a long time.

One is Neusheng Temple, located in Xizhou, and there is a Buddha Pagoda that claims to be able to suppress everything. The second is the Floating Temple, which has an indistinct trace and a Jingkong Pavilion that collects the world's secret methods.

"There are thousands of demons under the Buddha Pagoda, and there are several scriptures in the Jingkong Pavilion." This is what the world said about these two ancient temples.

He was ordained in the Floating Sky Temple, and he is already half a disciple of the Floating Sky Temple. The master who presided over the Floating Kong Temple allowed him to enter the Jing Kong Pavilion and stay there for ten days.

At that time, he had already mastered the Dao of Kendo, and most of the secret methods in the world were no longer attractive to him.

In the Jingkong Pavilion, he only flipped through two things.

One is the secret method of burning the soul and condensing it in a sword, called "seeing life".

The second is about the secret technique of erotic manipulation.

There are not many secret techniques in the world that can make people unable to extricate themselves from love.

He only found two

Acacia Gu, Empathy Spell.

The difference between the two is that the Acacia Gu only relies on the connection between the child and the mother Gu worm, so that the middle Gu person has an illusory love for the lower Gu worm. The middle gu person will always want to have sex with the mother gu, as long as the acacia child gu is removed, this kind of influence can be eliminated.

However, the empathy spell can completely forget a person's memory of the person he loves, and transfer all the true love that a person has generated to the person who casts the spell. Moreover, after the spell is completed, there is almost no way to remove.

The only solution is for the man under the curse to find his forgotten lover, open his heart, and drink the blood of his heart.

When Chen Weiyuan cast the curse on him, thinking about it carefully, it should be before he formed a contract with Chen Weiyuan.

Since then, he has no real erotic desire, only false delusions after empathy.

If love is just a kind of feeling.

Then he had already lost this kind of feeling, so he couldn't answer the Demon Venerable's question.

It's just that after the death of that person, and many years have passed, he is still thinking about this question.

Now, he thought, he was able to answer.

Love is not just a feeling.

It is still a long-term companion, a willingness to give.

It is the joy of wanting to spend a lifetime with people.

An empathy spell can influence a person's love, but it cannot influence a person's choice.

And he had already made his choice.

Chen Weiyuan's complexion changed.

Ye Yunlan's words surprised him.

The empathy spell was an ancient technique, and it was rarely circulated in the world. He didn't expect Ye Yunlan to be able to perceive the difference.

After all, the former Ye Yunlan was so attached to him, adored him, and completely regarded him as her husband.

"Yunlan, even if you know? So what?" Chen Weiyuan said, "It was before you and I made a bond that I cursed you, but you've already forgotten who the person you loved back then, and you've never been in this life. Can't break the spell. Now all the lust in you can only be attributed to me, no matter what, the result will not change again."

"And since you know the Empathy Spell, you should also know that no matter the past or present, you will never be able to fall in love with the Demon Venerable. You have done so much for him, but it's all just hypocrisy, so why bother? Woolen cloth?"

A cruel look appeared on Chen Weiyuan's face.

"Even if the person you originally loved wasn't me, it wasn't him either."

He raised his hand, and the fingertips wrapped in starlight lit up.

"And now, you can only love me."

All Ye Yunlan's expressions were hidden under the bronze ghost face.

Only the hand holding the sword showed blue meridians, like a winding river.

If he hadn't wanted to find out where the devil bones were, he would have already shot Chen Weiyuan.

Seeing his appearance from afar, Chen Wei showed a crazy smile on his face, and suddenly turned his head.

"Yun Lan, do you know where this place is?"

Without waiting for Ye Yunlan to answer, he laughed and said, "This place was built by the ancient Divine Phoenix in order to make the family soar..."

He paused, and slowly spit out a word.

"Immortal Immortal Boat."

"The entire Primordial Divine Ruins are part of the Primordial Immortal Ark. The place where you and I stand is the core of the entire Immortal Ark, Time City."

With an even more crazy smile on his face, he stared at Ye Yunlan and said.

"One day in the city of time is equivalent to a year outside."

Ye Yunlan's complexion changed slightly.

Anything involving time is already a taboo field that violates the way of heaven.

And one day here is equivalent to a year in the outside world. Such a terrifying passage of time must cost a huge price.

Where does the energy that Time City open come from

Ye Yunlan said coldly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Then I saw the light of countless stars wrapping around Chen Weiyuan, and extending into the towering ancient black towers everywhere.

The ground shook suddenly, making a rumbling sound.

Chen Weiyuan stared at him with burning eyes and said softly.

"Yunlan, don't you understand? I've done so much, all? Just to want to be with you again."

Something appeared in his hand.

It is a dark blue color, in which it seems to condense countless stars.

Ye Yunlan recognized this thing.

Gross horoscope.

This thing is the most important formation of the Chen Clan's great formation.

It is also the true foundation of the Chen family.

The mysterious light of the robe on Chen Weiyuan's body flickered, and there were indistinctly countless runes connected together.

Ye Yunlan finally understood.

Chen Weiyuan transferred the entire Chen Clan Great Array to himself, and at the same time, there is also all the energy accumulated on the ancient Luo astrolabe from the ancient times to the present by the Chen Clan.

This means that he has hollowed out the Chen Clan's heritage, and the huge Chen Clan's land is now undefended!

Ye Yunlan: "You're crazy."

In his previous life, Chen Weiyuan, who valued family interests above everything else, was obviously insane to act like this now.

Chen Weiyuan smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not crazy."

"When manpower will eventually be exhausted, this truth, I have to live a lifetime to finally understand." He smiled, "Since the catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to come, no matter what? There is no way to stop it, and why do I have to do this? Do your best and even sacrifice your life to protect those rubbish in the clan?"

"If it wasn't for the family, how could I lose you?"

There was a sudden sullenness in his tone, and he instantly subsided.

"The inheritance of the Chen Clan cannot be cut off. But not every waste has the need to survive." Chen Weiyuan said slowly, "I am the patriarch of the Chen Clan. As long as I am here, the Chen Clan will be here."

He stepped on the ground under his feet.

"This immemorial immortal boat is the magic weapon that Divine Phoenix refined in order to transcend tribulation and become immortal. If it can be activated, it can break through the barriers of this realm and go to the void. The land of the void does not belong to this realm, until it reaches the void of the void. In China, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has nothing to do with us anymore."

"Even though most of the ancient immortal boat has been destroyed, the time city of the core is still there. As long as the damaged shell is discarded and only the core is used, the immortal boat can still be activated and transport us to the void."

"I have exhausted the heritage of the Chen family, and I can start Time City for a year. We are in Time City, and we have escaped into the void for a full year. And a year here is equivalent to more than three or a hundred years in the outside world. By that time, All catastrophe between heaven and earth is over."

Chen Weiyuan spoke in high spirits, and Qing Jun smiled even more.

"My cultivation base is now mortal. As long as the great calamity is over, the heaven and earth will be reborn. This time, the realization of changing my life and breaking through the shackles is enough to make my Dao break through and enter the void."

"And I gave it to the lady? Your Divine Phoenix Bone, do you still like it?"

Chen Weiyuan looked at the golden-red skeleton in the coffin, his eyes twinkling.

"You shouldn't know that it was your elder brother Ye Xuanguang who entered the Primordial Ruins to obtain the Divine Phoenix Bone. At the time of the catastrophe, he wanted to completely revive the ancient blood and forcibly fused with the Divine Phoenix Bone, but after all He was seriously injured by the backlash, and finally died in a catastrophe. At that time, I knew that the person who was reincarnated by the Divine Phoenix in the Ye Clan's Book of Heaven was not him, but you."

"The Divine Phoenix is the supreme of all fires. As long as you are willing to fuse the bones of the Divine Phoenix and restore your blood, the divine fire in your body will no longer be able to hurt you, but will obediently serve you. And with your experience in practice, the lady. With kendo aptitude, breaking through and stepping on the virtual is naturally not a problem."

Chen Weiyuan raised his hand and clenched his fingers tightly, as if trying to grab something.

"When the world's catastrophe comes to an end, you and I, husband and wife, will be together until we reach the end of the world, and then we will return to the world to pacify the chaos in the world. No one will be our opponent. At that time, we will be honored in the world, and the world will be huge, so won't we let us be free?"

The more he spoke, the more excited he was, his eyes filled with stars glowed brightly, and he looked up at Gaotian, his expression not full of madness.

After a while, he looked back at Ye Yunlan, his expression softened a little.

"Yunlan, I really like you. So I put you and me together in all my plans. All futures are with you."

"The immortal boat starts the moment you step in. Everything will go forward as planned."

"There's only one thing left now."

Chen Wei went a long way.

"Let me help you pull out the seven love needles, relieve all the pain, and we can be together forever, Yunlan."

Ye Yunlan: "A fool is dreaming."

The ground kept shaking, the entrance to this place was closed, and the entire underground palace shook with illusory ripples.

The immortal boat has indeed started. If you want to escape from the void, you must at least reach the void.

But Ye Yunlan had no plans to flee.

He also did not intend to accept any tempting words from Chen Weiyuan. Spend a year on the immortal boat and go to the world three hundred years later.

He slowly condensed his energy into a sword.

Chen Weiyuan didn't seem to notice, but there was a black thing in his hand.

"I researched it for a long time. The Seven Love Needles on Niangzi's body passed through the fire of Nan Mingli and pierced into the soul. Unless you agree, it is very difficult to remove it by ordinary methods." Chen Weiyuan said slowly, "Niangzi? I have been living with me for a hundred years, and I must be unwilling. Therefore, I can only use another method."

Ye Yunlan's body suddenly shook.

He frowned deeply, feeling a tearing pain in his soul, as if something was being pulled, trying to escape from his soul.

It's the Seven Love Needles.

Chen Weiyuan shook his hand, the black thing, and said with a smile, "This is the Nine Heavens Magnet. I have gone through untold hardships over the past few years and spent countless souls to pull the distant star that contains the Nine Heavens Magnet here. The Qiqing Needle is originally made from Jiutian meteorite iron, and the Jiutian Magnet is the only thing that can attract the Qiqing Needle in the lady's soul."

"When the Seven Love Needles are taken out, there will be no gap between you and me. I still have a lot to say in these years, and I want to talk to the lady slowly."

He injected spiritual power into the nine-day magnet.

The dark stone suddenly lit up.

Ye Yunlan only felt that the feeling of tearing in his soul intensified.

A soft sound.

A dark and reddish needle came out from between his eyebrows and fell to the ground.