Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 17: sleep together



Ye Yunlan closed his eyes and leaned against the tub, as if all the exhaustion accumulated in the day seemed to dissolve in the hot water.

He was drowsy, only thinking about Shen Shu who was still waiting for him in the room, then he barely opened his eyelids, and when he lowered his eyes, he saw that the hair on the water was like black algae, reflecting a face that was red with heat.

He looks like his mother.

This face, in fact, has seven or eight similarities to his mother.

There were countless times when Ye Yunlan wished that he had never had the ability to never forget.

In this way, he will no longer be entangled by those intricate nightmares for a long time, and those memories that he has finally suppressed will no longer be clear again with the casual words of others, or the familiar sights he accidentally sees. Floating before the eyes, lingering.

He watched the water pour for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand to stir up the water waves, got up and stepped out of the tub, dried his long hair with a bath towel, and returned to the bedroom with good clothes on.

A faint candle was lit in the room.

He lightly walked, and before he reached the bedside, he saw the young man stick his head out of the quilt and winked at him lightly.

His heart softened, and the annoyance accumulated in his chest was much less.

"Have you waited for a long time?" Ye Yunlan asked softly.

"No." Shen Shu still looked very energetic, "Master is not here, I can't sleep, I have been cultivating just now... The formula given to me by Xianjun."

Ye Yunlan's eyes were soft, but he reprimanded in his mouth, "You are at the age of growing your body now, and you don't have enough rest. Be careful that you won't have a good life in the future, and it will be too late to regret it."

"...But if you are born too high, you can't lean on the master's arms." Shen Shu said seriously, "This way... it's good."

"Let's be poor." Ye Yunlan tapped his forehead with his fingers, "If you meet someone you like in the future, you will probably still be in the arms of someone else's girl, and want others to pamper you and be accustomed to you, not you to hug Are you protecting her?"

Shen Shu pursed his lips and said sullenly, "I don't want a girl, I just want a master."

Hearing this, Ye Yunlan laughed helplessly, "I forgot, at your age, you still don't understand these things. When you grow up, you should know that in this world of love, if you say you don't want it, you can refuse it. "

He didn't mention these anymore, sat down by the bed, rubbed the boy's head, "Go to sleep now. Master... it's here."

Shen Shu rubbed his hand and closed his eyes obediently.

He lowered his eyes and stared at Shen Shu for a moment, and when he saw that the young man was really sleeping peacefully, he took the shadowless sword at the head of the bed, put it on his lap, and began to wipe it slowly.

Wiping swords is his daily homework.

The sword, as the half body of the sword, must communicate with it frequently. Even if Ye Yunlan has already mastered kendo, this effort cannot be spared.

After wiping the sword, the boy was already asleep, lying on the inside of the bed, very quiet.

The moonlight shines in through the window edge, and the sea of flowers swaying outside the window.

Before being reborn, Ye Yunlan would never have imagined that in this life, he would be able to get along with people at such a close distance, and even... sleep together.

It doesn't feel bad.

After bathing, his slightly damp hair was already dry. He slowly retracted his sword into the sheath, and lay sideways on the bed with very light movements.

Since the injury, he has been very tired and lethargic, and after a while, he has fallen asleep.

There was a faint sound of cicadas outside the window.

The house is quiet and peaceful.

Shen Shu, who should have fallen asleep, slowly opened his eyes.

He turned his head and looked at the sleeping faces of the people around him.

In the past few days, he had already discovered that when this person fell asleep, his brows were always frowning and he tossed and turned, as if he was always haunted by nightmares, and people couldn't help but want to reach out and smooth the wrinkles between his brows for him.

But he didn't dare to reach out, for fear of waking the other party up, so he could only slowly trace the face of this person with his eyes.

After tracing it several times, I still felt that it was not enough, so I propped up my head with my elbow and began to count each other's eyelashes one by one.

On weekdays, he would never dare to look at it so recklessly, for fear of exposing what he had buried in front of this person.

The twisted black shadow spread from the ground, climbed on the bed frame of the carved bed, and swayed with Shen Shu's breathing.

His eyes darkened.

He thought that this person was cold and lonely on weekdays, like a silent lotus blooming on a distant mountain. Even if his body was stained with his blood, he was still born noble and clean.

… but he was deliberate and full of lies.

Many things, he did not tell this person the truth. One of the most important is his physique.

That person only knew that he was a half-finished golem, and there was still a chance to turn it around, but he didn't know that he was not only a golem, but a born... monster.

The shadows on the bed frame wriggled wildly.

If this man knew all the truth, would he still be treated like this

Probably not. he thinks.


He murmured these two words, approached a little, and lowered his head to smell the cold and gentle fragrance on the other side.


He chanted again in his heart, and a satisfied smile slowly appeared on his pale face.

The morning light breaks.

In the open space in front of the bamboo building, Ye Yunlan was teaching Shen Shu how to learn the sword.

Shen Shu's filth in his body has not been removed, so he can't practice luck yet, but if he only learns the sword, it's fine.

"There are five realms in kendo, which are Qi Zong, Ning Yi, Grand Master, Theravada, and Mahayana." Ye Yunlan said.

"Master," Shen Shu questioned, "you told me before...there are nine levels of cultivation, but now you say that there are five levels of kendo. I don't quite understand, which more important? "

"The nine realms of practice represent the process of a cultivator refining his body between heaven and earth and detaching himself from the mundane. The five realms of kendo represent the depth of a cultivator's comprehension of kendo."

"If you ask which one is more important..." Ye Yunlan said lightly, "Cultivation is the foundation of everything, and a mortal body is just a hundred-year-old skin without tempering. However, if you want to become a mortal and become an immortal, you need to accumulate your cultivation. is not enough."

Shen Shu still looked a little confused.

"I'll give you an example." Ye Yunlan said, "The sect master of Tianzong, Qi Yunjun... Now he has reached the mortal transformation, but before he reaches the mortal transformation stage, the swordsmanship must have reached the Mahayana. Otherwise, he will not be able to go smoothly at all. Survive the mortal catastrophe."

Shen Shu suddenly realized: "I understand."

Ye Yunlan: "Just understand. Now, show me your sword."

Shen Shu nodded and did as he was told.

Ye Yunlan was observing. As early as in the Yaolu, he had already experienced Shen Shu's sword, but the light was dim at that time, and now, when he looked closely, he saw more problems.

Even though Shen Shu's movements were quick and powerful.

But before, I'm afraid he really never took a sword.

"A sword cultivator needs to meditate, concentrate, and imagine that his arm and the sword are connected, and the heart is the same as the sword. This is the entry into the swordsmanship."

"When holding the sword, the tiger's mouth needs to be on the upper edge of the sword, and the five fingers should be tightened, and it should be buckled on the hilt... like this."

Ye Yunlan walked behind Shen Shu, leaned over and held his hand, carefully adjusting his posture.

Shen Shu's figure was slightly stiff, "Master..."

Ye Yunlan was leading his five fingers to clasp the hilt of the sword, and when she heard this, she turned her head to look at him, "What?"

The face that seemed to be covered with frost and snow was just in front of him, only half an inch away, and the skin was soaked in the morning light, showing an almost transparent color.

The long eyelashes are thick and curled, and they want to fly.

"It's nothing," Shen Shu said in a hoarse voice, "I just want to... When will I be able to use such an excellent swordsmanship as Master."

"Kendo practice is mainly about diligence, followed by enlightenment." Ye Yunlan said, "When I first started learning the sword, I waved the sword ten thousand times a day, and I didn't realize it was hard work. You can start from there."

As for Wu, he couldn't teach it to Shen Shu.

His kendo has been completely destroyed once, and according to common sense, he will never make further progress in kendo in his life.

Later, the reason why he was able to walk on the path of annihilation and death was only after suffering from a hundred years of hardship in the Buddha Pagoda, and finally realized it through endless pain.

… Until later, he finally achieved kendo, but it was after the death of that person.

He has been despised and feared by the world all his life, and even though his swordsmanship is respected, he always walks alone.

And Shen Shu is so young.

Shouldn't have followed his path.

After listening to his words, the young man said without hesitation, "Okay."

Knowing that he was stubborn, Ye Yunlan couldn't help but remind, "It's not easy to swing a sword 10,000 times. At the beginning, you can start with 3,000 times a day, and then accumulate it one by one, and slowly get used to it."

Shen Shu nodded seriously.

Ye Yunlan added: "The foundation of swordsmanship is the basic movements such as slashing, wiping, and picking. If you can find the most harmonious point when you use your sword during constant sword swinging exercises, you can be regarded as a solid foundation for swordsmanship. Look at me."

He drew out the Shadowless Sword, held it in his hand, and stabbed it diagonally in the air.

Clothes fluttered, and there was a pressing sharpness in the narrow, long and indifferent eyes, and the blood-red and burning tear mole at the end of the eye also jumped like a flame.

Thorn, chop, wipe, pick, Quying Sword seems to have no weight in his hand, it is obviously the most simple and unpretentious sword move, but it is flawless and impeccable.

The wind was blowing, and countless petals fluttered around him.

When they were returned to the dust and mud, they were all turned into two neat pieces.

At the same time as using the sword, Ye Yunlan's cold voice sounded.

"When the long sword is slashing straight, the wrist does not move, the arm exerts force, the heart and the sword are combined, and the qi moves at will; when the long sword is cut vertically, the elbow is raised, and the qi is condensed..."

He was explaining the main points, suddenly frowned, retracted his sword, turned to Shen Shu and said, "You wait here for a while before digesting what you get. I'll be back soon."

Shen Shu slowly regained his senses and said in a low voice, "En."

Ye Yunlan turned around and walked straight through the sea of flowers and into the bamboo forest.

He had already noticed that there was someone in the bamboo forest, and he was too lazy to pay attention to it, but when he used the sword just now, the other party's eyes were too hot to be ignored.

There was only one person Ye Yunlan could think of who would come to his remote residence on weekdays.

Rong dye.

He frowned as he held the Shadowless Sword in his hand, but suddenly heard a voice from the bamboo forest in front of him.

"There are beautiful women dancing in the distance, it is suspected that Luoshen is in the world, but I am lucky to meet him, and my soul is fluttering to the immortal..."

Ye Yunlan: "..."

The one who can recite this greasy verse should not be Rong Ran.

He walked over and saw a young man in a brown robe, squatting on the ground with his head bowed in the shadow of the bamboo leaves, not knowing what he was doing.

This person should be the source of that fiery gaze just now.

"What are you doing?" Ye Yunlan said suddenly.

Chen Xianyu was startled and looked up at Ye Yunlan, but his expression was stunned, and he said dumbly, "Luo Shen..."

"Luo Shen?" Ye Yunlan frowned.

"Luo, no, no, Junior Brother Ye... I, I was just painting." Chen Xianyu stuttered.

"Painting?" Ye Yunlan's voice was still cold.

"Yes, painting, I'm painting..." Chen Xianyu looked around and rolled his eyes, "Bamboo! I'm painting the bamboo here!"

Ye Yunlan looked at Chen Xianyu expressionlessly. He remembered that he had met this man in Dao Po, and he also helped him pick up a picture album.

I didn't look at it carefully at the time, but now I realize that this life is quite familiar.

—It's a bit like someone he doesn't want to see again in this life.

His tone couldn't help being a bit more indifferent, "Since it's just painting bamboo, why are you sneaking around here?"

Chen Xianyu hesitated.

Ye Yunlan: "This place is not far from where I live. I am a sword cultivator, and I don't like to be disturbed by the atmosphere of others when I practice swords. This bamboo forest is very vast, can I trouble you to find another place to paint?"

Hearing this, Chen Xianyu frowned suddenly.

"Junior Brother Ye, although there are many bamboos in this bamboo forest, there is only one green-tailed phoenix bamboo. Its posture is very beautiful, and it makes people forget the world. If I go elsewhere, how can I find such a bamboo to paint again. Woolen cloth?"

Cuiwei Phoenix Bamboo is a sacred product among bamboos. But it died out a thousand years ago.

This man is obviously talking nonsense.

"Where is the green-tailed phoenix bamboo in this green bamboo forest?" Ye Yunlan said coldly.

"Junior Brother Ye, can't you hear it?" Chen Xianyu's face turned slightly red, and he decided to break the jar, "I didn't draw bamboo, but... it was you, Junior Brother Ye."

"Since the day I saw Po, I have been unable to forget my junior brother for a long time. After waiting here for many days, I saw you coming out, and I couldn't help but take a picture of you."

"My name is Chen Xianyu, and I have a nickname in the sect. I am called 'painter'. I often paint for my brothers and sisters. I'm not...not sneaky."

When it comes to painting, Chen Xianyu speaks more smoothly, "Junior brother, you know Xu Qingyue, the first beauty in the world of self-cultivation? Back then he was famous for his Yaotai sword dance. I always thought that no one in the world could surpass it. It was only when the younger brother used the sword that he realized that I was wrong."

"If Junior Brother can let me paint a complete picture of you, and when your portrait is circulated, I am afraid that the title of the most beautiful woman in the cultivation world will change hands, and countless people will be crazy about you..."

"I don't want to leave any portraits in the world."

Ye Yunlan's words were like a bucket of ice water that woke Chen Xianyu. "Why?"

"It doesn't make sense." Ye Yunlan said indifferently.

Chen Xianyu: "How can it be meaningless? In the world, no one wants to leave traces in the long river of time. In this way, it is not worth living a life between heaven and earth..."

Ye Yunlan said, "I don't want to."

"But..." Chen Xianyu still tried to persuade him.

Ye Yunlan only said: "Senior Brother Chen, please come back."

Chen Xianyu saw the tiredness in the eyes of the people in front of him, and knew that he had completely offended the beauty, no matter how he persuaded him, it would be impossible.

He frowned bitterly.

But if such a beauty cannot be drawn into his beauty book, I am afraid that he will not sleep peacefully in this life.

When Ye Yunlan returned to the bamboo building, he saw Shen Shu gesturing with a wooden sword.

"What did Shizun do?" Seeing him coming back, Shen Shu asked curiously.

Ye Yunlan said lightly, "Drive away an annoying bamboo rat."

Shen Shu blinked and didn't ask any further questions.

Ye Yunlan looked at the sky and said, "Come on, I'll teach you a few swordsmanships."

Shen Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay."

Ye Yunlan searched for the basic swordsmanship practiced by Tianzong disciples from his memory.

He had not used this sword technique for more than two hundred years, and it was a bit unfamiliar for a while, and it was smooth after waving it a few times.

But seeing Shen Shu beside him follow him to learn the movements, after just a while, the posture has also learned seven or eight points.

Ye Yunlan suddenly realized that not only the formation technique, but also Shen Shu might have an excellent talent in kendo.

It turned out to be so.

As long as he demonstrates most of the swordsmanship, Shen Shu can learn most of them, and after a few more in-depth explanations, he can't find any flaws.

Teaching and teaching, Ye Yunlan was rarely interested in fighting.

After teaching a set of swordsmanship, he did not pull out the missing shadow sword, but leaned over and picked up the flower branches on the ground.

"Want to try the newly learned swordsmanship?"

Shen Shu nodded, his eyes sparkling, "Think!"

A slight smile appeared in Ye Yunlan's eyes, "Then use the sword."

The two master and apprentice fought in the open space in front of the bamboo building.

The two figures, one tall and one short, are staggered.

The boy used his sword with a madness. Although there were still many flaws in his eyes, it made him feel a sense of oppression that he had not felt for a long time.

After a long time, the two figures stopped.

Shen Shu's face was flushed red, his face was covered in sweat, and his eyes were still excited.

Although Ye Yunlan didn't use all his strength, sweat soaked his back, and his clothes were stuck to his back.

Sweat dripped down his cheeks. He panted low, trying to breathe evenly.

Seeing that Shen Shu wanted to continue, he had no choice but to shout:


Shen Shu stopped, "Master?"

"That's it for today." Ye Yunlan raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat off his face.

He felt a dull pain in his chest, but he didn't show the slightest on his face. He only said: "There are seventeen flaws in the swordsmanship you just used. I will tell you carefully."

Shen Shu looked at the person in front of him with sweaty thin shirts and tired brows, and suddenly said: "Why don't you... I'll go to boil water for the Master first, and the Master will take a rest and then talk to me. It just so happens that I'm very tired too. ."

Ye Yunlan pondered for a while, he was really tired, "That's okay. But you don't have to boil water. I remember that there is a hot spring in Yanhui Peak, soaking in it has the effect of dredging the muscles and bones, which is suitable at this moment, you Come with me. Let's talk while taking a dip."

While soaking... while talking

Shen Shu froze.

Seeing that he did not respond, Ye Yunlan said, "What?"

Shen Shu recovered.

"No, nothing. Master... let's go."

Chen Xianyu walked leisurely on the way back to his own cave, while walking, chanting Luoshen Fu recorded in ancient books.

"...As if the moon covered by the light clouds, swaying like the snow returned by the flowing wind. The shoulders are cut into pieces, the waist is like a plain.

Suddenly I heard a coquettish shout: "Chen Xianyu! In broad daylight. With such a wretched expression on your face, which senior sister are you offending?"

Chen Xianyu instinctively hugged the album in his arms, and said with a bitter face: "I didn't do anything, Senior Sister Xiaowan, just let me go. Besides, I'm not abrupt, it's just painting, the way of painting is understandable. Haven't you seen Senior Sister Yin and the others who all praised me for being a painting idiot after seeing my paintings?"

"Bah, what kind of painting idiot, it's clearly a nympho!" Lin Xiaowan said angrily, suddenly narrowing her eyes, "I see that after you met Junior Brother Ye last time, you were often restless, so this time, did you go to disturb Junior Brother Ye? ?"

"How could that be?" Chen Xianyu scolded, and suddenly smeared oil on the soles of his feet, "I have an urgent matter, so I have to go back to the cave to deal with it, Senior Sister will see you back."

"Senior, stop for me!" Lin Xiaowan's voice came from behind.

Chen Xianyu ran wild.

After finally returning to the cave, he wiped the sweat from his head and slumped on the seat, full of people who he finally met today.

He sighed, it would be great if he could draw the other party...

Suddenly, he took out a piece of glittering spiritual jade from his arms.

After reading the news delivered by Lingyu, sweat oozes from his forehead, his hands are sealed, and the secret method is cast.

A water mirror unfolded before his eyes.

A man in white clothes gradually appeared in the water mirror.

The man sat in the pavilion, with a pond of green lotus behind him.

He was playing chess with one hand, and he was playing against himself, and he didn't pay any attention to Chen Xianyu.

However, Chen Xianyu still bowed his head and shouted respectfully, "Brother."

time flies.

Chen Xianyu's forehead sweated more and more.

It was not until the end of a game of chess that the man turned his head to look at the water mirror.

He gave birth to a handsome face like a banished immortal, and he had a three-point resemblance to Chen Xianyu.

—If you ask Chen Xianyu who he is most afraid of in this world.

That must be his brother.

Chen Weiyuan.