Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 19: Infatuation


Come over and rub shoulders for the teacher.

Shen Shuben just lowered his head and touched a few strands of hair floating in the water, and his hands froze when he heard this.

Taking a deep breath, he had to raise his head slowly, and saw the man leaning on the edge of the pool. From his point of view, you can see the other party's slender neck and pale profile.

The man's long eyes were half-closed, and the scarlet tear mole on the bottom of his eyes was as bright as a drop of blood.

The other party's long black hair meanders along the flowing water, like a tangle of algae, it will wrap people who are accidentally drowning, pulling them and sinking into the deep sea.

The spring water covers a large area of the scenery. On the sparkling light, among the scattered seaweed, there was a touch of unusually white and thin shoulders.

Such as the distant peaks of snow.

After hesitating for a while, he finally walked over and carefully held the pile of snow.

Perhaps because he had just soaked in the hot spring, the young man's palm was extremely hot, causing Ye Yunlan's eyelashes to tremble slightly.

The young man's hot hand rested on his shoulder for a while before he started rubbing his shoulder with a little heavier force.

But just right to relieve the most sore part of the shoulder.

He tightened his brows, then slowly relaxed, and finally let out a low sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why so many people in the cultivation world wanted to accept apprentices.

Maybe not just to pass on the mantle.

It's more about having a caring person by your side.

Since accepting his apprenticeship, he has read many books about the ancients talking about master and Taoism, and has also made many comments, but there are still many unexplained.

The book says that those who are teachers should have a loving heart, one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father.

But he has not been favored by his parents since he was born, and later, he did not marry and have children and start a family like ordinary people, and he does not know the concept of "father".

Until he felt distressed for Shen Shu's injury and past, happy and joyful for Shen Shu's progress.

… Until this time, Shen Shu rubbed his shoulders for him.

He thought that the so-called father and son of master and apprentice should probably have such an intimate relationship.

Mist filled.

The two were very close at the moment, and you could hear the boy's heavy breathing as he rubbed his shoulders hard.

He relaxed his body and rested on Shi Yan, and said, "... I just have time at the moment, let me tell you about the problems you had with your swordsmanship before."

Shen Shu: "Master said... I'm listening."

Ye Yunlan took out the twenty-seven mistakes in Shen Shu's swordsmanship, and smashed them into pieces.

Perhaps because he was tired and relaxed, his voice was no longer as cold as before, but soft and hoarse, like a rolling cloud wrapping Shen Shu.

Shen Shu listened quietly, but his eyes were fixed on the drop of sweat on the other side's temple.

He watched the drop of sweat trickle down the other's cheek, leaving a wet mark, slid across the tip of the other's pale chin, and fell into the pool.

Ripples swayed.

At the same time, there is a shadow hidden under the hot spring.

The deep darkness spread like a tidal wave, and one of them snaked over like a snake, hooked the other's ankle, and rubbed it intimately.

Shen Shu's hands rubbed his shoulders stiffly.


Even though he had controlled his mind in time and let the shadow quickly leave the opponent's ankle, Ye Yunlan's voice had suddenly stopped.

The slippery feeling on his ankles was clearly familiar, as if the memories of the past and present were cracked open, and in a trance, the man's evil low voice would immediately ring in his ears.

"—Xianchang, you are not good."

"Master," Shen Shu's suddenly raised voice interrupted his thoughts, "Just now, under the water, it seems... there seems to be a snake!"

The boy's rubbing of his shoulders had stopped, his thin body was lying on his back, trembling slightly, "What should I do, I'm so scared... Master."

Ye Yunlan remembered what Shen Shu said that when he was refined into a magic puppet, his hands and feet were broken, his stomach was cut open, and he was put into a snake cave to be bitten by snakes. He immediately knew why Shen Shu was frightened, and turned around and put the boy into the arms.

"Don't be afraid, we'll go ashore." He said solemnly.

The two were physically touching, and the boy's body was extremely stiff, as if he was too scared to move.

Ye Yunlan patted him on the back soothingly, "There is a great teacher, don't be afraid." He frowned again, "How can there be snakes here..."

The hot spring was foggy, and his eyesight was slightly lacking.

Although there are many foreign objects in the mountains, snakes are not uncommon, but he has been to this hot spring several times in his previous life, and he has never encountered it, but it is this time.

It was Shen Shu who was afraid of snakes.

He let Shen Shu go ashore first, and then got up and dressed himself.

The sky was dark, and the road in the forest was a little dark. He thought about Shen Shu's situation, and reached out his hand to help the other party back.

Suddenly I heard Shen Shu muffled: "Master, am I like this... It's useless."

"Why do you suddenly say this?" Ye Yunlan said softly.

"I can't even deal with a water snake, and... I'm afraid of being like this, I... "

"It's not your fault." Ye Yunlan said, "In this world, everyone has something to fear, even being a teacher is no exception."

"Master... what are you afraid of?"

He was silent for a while before saying, "I'm afraid of thunderstorms."

After returning to the bamboo building, the sky was completely dark.

Tonight, the full moon has no light, and it is hidden behind thick clouds, and the night looks very dark and depressing.

Shen Shu seemed to be really frightened. He was particularly well-behaved that night, and fell asleep beside him early on.

And he didn't read the book either. After wiping the long sword, he lay sideways on the bed.

There are so many things today, he is very tired, and he wants to sleep early.

Between half-dreaming and half-awake, there was a faint sound of thunder outside the window.

He instinctively raised his eyebrows and wanted to close the window, but in the end he couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep.

He had a dream.

In the dream, he was in a huge palace.

At the front of the palace is a blood altar, and he is hung in the center of the altar.

The phoenix totem spreads its wings and soars on the walls around the palace, surrounded by flaming torches, and his blood trickles down to the ground, running along grooves in the ground.

In front of the blood altar, there is a long step that spreads upward, and at the end of the long step is a throne.

Someone sat on the head and closed his eyes.

It's his brother.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the people on the throne skyrocketed.

Someone was surprised: "It's done!"

His brother opened his eyes, and a pair of dazzling golden eyes pierced into his eyes.

They are obviously close brothers, but they don't look alike at all, and they haven't even met a few times since they were born.

He looked at his brother's golden eyes, and his vision began to blur more and more until he could no longer see.

The restraint on his body disappeared, but he was no longer able to support himself, and the whole person fell to the ground.

A male voice said: "His blood power has been exhausted."

Then came the woman's gentle voice: "Is it impossible to recover in the future? Is this... is it cruel to him."

"He shouldn't have continued to live. The prophecy of the heavenly book has been fulfilled in Xuanguang, and he was born together as Xuanguang's twin, but what he took away was Xuanguang's luck, which should have been destroyed at birth. "

"The purity of Xuanguang's blood is related to the rise and fall of my family. Tan Ge, you must not be a woman."

The female voice softly echoed: "I know, Your Majesty."

Immediately, he heard footsteps stepping down from the high seat.

A younger boy's voice came: "Please allow me to banish him from my family."

The male voice at the beginning: "Go ahead. Treat it cleanly and leave no traces."

He was picked up from the ground.

He was completely invisible, but the closeness from his blood still made him know that the person holding him was his brother.

He reached out and grabbed the other side's shirt, "Brother..."

"Don't call me brother." The boy's voice was indifferent.

He was carried out of the palace.

There was thunder outside the palace, and torrential rain poured.

"After you leave, don't come back."

This is what his brother said to him, the last words.

After that, he felt his body vacated, as if he was being carried into the sky by some bird, and then he was thrown into the wilderness.

The screen turns.

He shuttled through the mountains and forests, and it was pitch black in front of him.

The rain fell, and he grabbed the hare in his hand and rushed to the cave where he lived.

The hare's fluffy body arched to and fro in his palm, making his steps unsteady.

At this moment, he was suddenly blocked by something under his feet, and his steps were unbalanced, and the whole person fell straight to the ground.

The hare that he finally caught quickly escaped from his hands. He wanted to chase, but it was too late, so he had to lower his head and touch the thing that made him fall.

But he touched the wet blood on his hand.

It was a seriously injured man.

The rain dripped down his cheeks, and he wondered if this person was just like him, abandoned by the family, so he was lying here alone.

He dragged the man back to the cave where he lived temporarily.

He didn't know how to make a fire, he didn't have anything to bandage the other party, and he couldn't even see where the other party was injured.

The only thing that can be done is to keep the other party from being exposed to the rain.

After putting the man in place, he went out again to look for food, and finally brought back a few wild fruits. After eating one, he broke the pulp of the remaining ones into pieces, and added the water in the leaves, one by one. Click to feed each other.

The other's lips were as cold as ice.

When feeding, he accidentally touched his hand, and the ice made his fingertips tremble.

If it wasn't for breathing, he almost suspected that the man was a corpse.

He took care of the man in the cave.

The rain outside the cave has been falling for several days, and there is no sign of stopping.

During this period, because of the need to constantly go out to find food, his clothes have never been dry, and he is often wet and dripping. He didn't make sense.

On this day, he went to feed the other party as usual, and just handed the leaves filled with water to the other party's lips, but his wrist was caught.

He heard the very hoarse voice of the other party, and he could hardly distinguish the original tone.

"… not necessary."

He subconsciously blinked his mindless eyes, but it was still pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

He couldn't see the other party's appearance, and he didn't know the state of the other party. He only knew that the hand holding his wrist was still so icy.

So he said seriously: "If you don't eat... people will die."

The man seemed to be silent for a while before saying, "...No."

He pursed his lips, stretched out his hand and waited for a while, realizing that the other party really didn't want to eat, then took the food back in his hand and asked, "Are you awake, are you leaving?"

The man didn't answer right away.

He felt the man's gaze wandered around him twice, and after a long time, the other man asked in a hoarse voice, "Where are your parents and relatives?"

He only shook his head, "I have no relatives."

The man was silent again.

Suddenly, a deafening thunder sounded from outside the cave, and the torrential rain poured down, scouring the stone walls outside the cave, making a loud noise.

He was startled by the thunder, and looked at the top of the cave with his invisible eyes, "It's raining really hard."

The man made a low "um".

After a long time, he heard rustling and footsteps.

It was the other party who stood up.

"You just woke up, where are you going?" he asked.

The man said hoarsely: "...Go and stop the rain."

As he left, the man rubbed his head.

He felt a warm air flow through his body, and the wet clothes became dry and soft in an instant. It's amazing.

After half a day, Hugo really stopped.

He walked out of the cave and smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms and the smell of soil after the rain washed.

He heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Someone fell on the ground in front of his hole.

He walked over and touched an already scabbed wound on the other's body, which was now bleeding again.

It's the man from before.

He had to save the person again, but the first sentence after the person woke up, it was.

"who am I?"

He had no way to answer, only shook his head.

"You saved me." The man said hoarsely.

He nodded.

"…Thank you."

"No thanks," he said. "You're injured. Rest here first. I'm going out to find food."

"Food." The man murmured and repeated these two words, and suddenly said, "Wait for me."

Before he could stop it, the man got up and went out.

Come back after a while, and bring back some wild animals in the mountains.

The other party started a fire with wood and stone.

The warmth and warmth emanating from the flames made him feel peaceful.

A scent came out, and it was the man who was grilling wild animals.

After thinking about it, he also went to the forest to find some wild fruits and returned them to the other party.

Previously, he had also fed the other party fruit, but the other party refused to eat it, but this time he took it, and at the same time, handed over some cooked meat.

"Food," the other said. He took it and quickly ate it all.

He hadn't had such a full meal in a long time. very happy.

After eating, he asked each other again, "Are you going?"

This time, the other party was no longer as silent as before, his eyes stayed on him for a while, and then he said, "Don't go."

The man said no, so he really stayed in the peach valley.

The injury on the man's body seemed to be incomplete all the time, so his voice was always hoarse, and because of the loss of memory, his temperament seemed very dull and silent.

Still, he taught him a lot.

He also gradually developed a dependence on this person.

He never felt family affection in his entire childhood, but living with this person in this peach valley, he felt that there was something in his life that was slowly being filled.

The screen suddenly turned again.

He was running in a thunderstorm.

Raindrops pounded on his back, roaring.

Nine days and nine nights.

He couldn't find anyone, and finally sat down in the peach blossom forest blown by the rain and wind.

The man came from the sound of the rain and returned from the sound of the rain. Only a bottle of medicinal herbs and a black jade were left.

He was abandoned again in the thunderstorm night.

The sound of thunder rang in my ears.

Ye Yunlan suddenly woke up from the dream.

He opened his eyes, stared blankly at the roof beams, and blinked slowly.

The room was dimly lit, and he heard the roar of rain.

The outside world is like a dream, it is raining majestic.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across the room, lighting up the room.


He saw a thin figure leaning against the window.

"Shen Shu?" He stood up from the bed, his black hair fell from his shoulders, and his voice was hoarse, "It's cold by the window, why are you standing there when you don't sleep?"

"I went to bed early last night, I just woke up, I couldn't sleep... I just stood here for a while." Shen Shu said, "It's still early... Master, please rest."

There was thunder outside the window.

Ye Yunlan's eyelashes trembled slightly, then got up and lit the candle, and said in a low voice, "My teacher can't sleep anymore, I was just about to get up and read a book. Come and help me make a pot of tea for my teacher."

Shen Shu seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Ye Yunlan: "What?"

Shen Shu shook his head: "It's okay, I'll make tea for Master right away."

As soon as the boy walked away, the window behind him creaked open.

The wind and rain poured in, and it was slightly cold.

Ye Yunlan walked over and tried to close the window, but found that the window bolt on the window sill was broken - it was because the wind was too strong tonight.

He realized that Shen Shu had been standing by the window just now, supporting the window with his back, so that he could sleep peacefully in the house without being disturbed by the wind and rain.

The thunderstorm outside is disturbing, and the cold is deep.

There is warmth in the heart.

He thought that the things of the previous life were all over in the end.

No matter how much suffering he has suffered, at least in this life, he is no longer alone.

He also has his own apprentice.

—In the early morning, Ye Yunlan was looking up to sort out the books on the shelf.

He had already read most of the above, so he called Shen Shu and said, "Go to the Zongmen Bookstore for your teacher to return these books, and borrow a few more."

He said the names of the books that need to be borrowed, Shen Shu nodded after listening, and went out.

When he came back, he was empty-handed.


Shen Shu pursed his lips and said, "The disciple of the bookstore said that you can return books for others... but I don't have the token of an inner disciple, so I'm not qualified to borrow books from the bookstore."

Ye Yunlan frowned, he had been away from Tianzong for too long, and he didn't remember it for a while. Even if he accepted Shen Shu as a disciple, the other party was not considered an inner disciple, and he needed to take Shen Shu to the Zongmen's internal affairs hall to register in person. , and let Shen Shu receive the Inner Sect Disciple token, so that he can move freely in the sect.

"I was negligent." He said, "Shen Shu, you come with me."

The House of Internal Affairs is on Qingya Peak.

It was still raining outside, and the mountain road was foggy.

Ye Yunlan took the bamboo umbrella and opened it, calling Shen Shu. Shen Shu grabbed his sleeve and leaned against him.

The master and the apprentice walked together on the mountain road, and the two figures, one tall and the other short, seemed very harmonious.

There was a cold fragrance floating in the air, Shen Shu thought, if this road could go on forever, then he would be able to walk side by side with Master.

It's just that this harmony was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Alan, why don't you introduce to senior brother, who is the young man beside you?"

On the Qingyafeng Mountain Road, Rong Ran stood in the rain with an umbrella in his hand.

Across the rain and fog, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes were extremely beautiful, like a landscape painting, and when his beautiful eyes looked at Ye Yunlan, there was a hint of reluctance to speak.

However, Shen Shu suddenly clenched Ye Yunlan's sleeve.

He has a natural perception of the "evil" in the world, and the person in front of him... clearly has strong evil thoughts towards his master.

"I'm Master's apprentice," Shen Shu suddenly said before Ye Yunlan spoke, and he tilted his head, "You... who are you?"

"Are you Alan's apprentice?" Rong Ran's expression changed slightly, and then he looked at Ye Yunlan with a smile, "Alan, you accepted the apprentice, why didn't you tell the senior brother, so that the senior brother can prepare the meeting ceremony for your disciple. "

He seemed to mention it casually: "Alan went out in such a hurry last time, did he just go to find him?"

As he said, he looked at Shen Shu, and found that this young man was born thin and thin, except for his appearance, there was nothing outstanding, and his cultivation was even lower.

Ye Yunlan didn't even listen to his pleas for apology, just for such a thing, just leave

Rong Ran smiled without revealing any flaws, and said to Shen Shu: "I am Alan's senior brother, Alan has known me as soon as he entered the sect, and he was my savior. In all, I have known Alan for seven years. It's been eight years. You should call me Shishu."

He took out a high-grade spirit sword from the storage ring and handed it to Shen Shu, "Nephew, this is a gift for you."

Shen Shu didn't take it immediately, only looked up at Ye Yunlan.

"You don't have to accept it." Ye Yunlan turned her head to Shen Shu and said, turning back to look at Rong Ran with a very indifferent expression, "Senior Brother Rong, I said you don't owe me anything, you don't need to give my apprentice such an expensive gift."

Rong Ran: "Accepting an apprentice is a major event, and the cultivator's own karma is very important. If possible, the senior brother also wants to help Alan."

"Senior Brother Bu Lao's eyes." Ye Yunlan, "I know how the apprentices I accept are."

Rong Ran smiled and said: "After all, Alan has never accepted an apprentice, so he doesn't know some things, so he still needs to ask clearly first. After all, not everyone has the same kind of life-saving grace that Alan did to me, and they will think of Alan wholeheartedly, nor is it Everyone is like me and has been close to Alan for so many years."

Next to him, Shen Shu suddenly said seriously: "My life was also saved by the master, and the master has saved my life for me. Moreover, I sleep with the master every day, and we are very close to each other."

sleep together

Rong Ran's face twisted for a moment.

"How could a master sleep with his disciple..." He still didn't believe it.

But it was Ye Yunlan who said lightly, "My apprentice was seriously injured before. For the convenience of taking care of me, I slept with him at night, which is normal."

"Master treats me very well." Shen Shu also continued, "I will...will be wholeheartedly for Master's sake in the future, and live up to... Master's kindness to me."

The two seemed to be in harmony, making Rong Ran almost unable to maintain the smile on his face.

Seeing the connivance and softness that Ye Yunlan's eyes and brows showed to Shen Shu, he felt even more dazzling.

The friendship he has had with this person for so many years is not as good as the ten days and half a month that this kid has stayed by his side

Ye Yunlan: "I still have something to do with my disciple. If Senior Brother Rong has nothing to do, please step aside."

"Every time I see you recently, you say that you have something to do." Rong Ran suddenly sighed, "Senior brother has grown up and wants to leave his senior brother and live the life he wants. Senior brother is actually very pleased. It's just... unwilling."

"Alan, will you be free the day after tomorrow?" He begged softly, "Can you come to Tingfeng Pavilion with your senior brother? I'll bring a pot of Qianhua Brewing, and we will drink it together again. After that, all the past will be gone, senior brother. I won't bother you again."

Ye Yunlan was silent for a while, and said, "Is what senior brother said true?"

Rong Ran said: "Really. Don't you believe in Senior Brother?"

Ye Yunlan wanted to get rid of Rong Ran's entanglement completely for a long time. If Rong Ran was as he said, this time could be considered an opportunity.

He thought about it and said calmly.

"Then the day after tomorrow, see you at the Wind Pavilion."

After Rong Ran left, Shen Shu suddenly tugged at Ye Yunlan's sleeve and whispered, "The day after tomorrow... Master, can you not go?"


Shen Shu couldn't tell Ye Yunlan how he felt about Rong Ran just now, so he muttered, "I don't like that senior brother just now."

"I don't like it as a teacher." Ye Yunlan said, "But I went here this time, just to bridge the past and save more trouble in the future."

"But..." Shen Shu's eyes dimmed slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The two came to the Internal Affairs Hall on the top of Qingya Peak.

After registering his identity, Shen Shu received an inner disciple token of Qingyun Mountain. The token is blue-white jadeite, with the word Shen Shu embossed on it.

Shen Shumo snorted for a moment, and suddenly said, "It's not as good-looking as what Master engraved on the sword for me."

"You..." Ye Yunlan smiled slightly.

Since accepting the apprenticeship, his mood always seems to be easily influenced by Shen Shu and happy.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Shen Shu's head, "In the future, you will be a disciple of the teacher's name in Tianzong. In the past, all kinds of medicine houses are no longer related to you. No one can bully you beyond being a teacher."

"Yeah." Shen Shu replied obediently, clenching the token in his hand.

- Xuanhu Peak.

A group of people gathered in the main hall of the peak, with a handsome middle-aged man sitting on the main seat.

"Where did he put the Huiming Pill in Liu Qing's hands?" the man said solemnly, "It's been seven days and the interrogation hasn't come out yet?"

"Forgive me, Peak Master! It's mainly Liu Qing's madness, he's been talking nonsense, and he can't interrogate anything at all." An elder tremblingly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"A bunch of useless people!" The man smashed the handrail next to him, "Go ahead and investigate! The Yaolu will also be thoroughly searched for me, so don't let any clues go unnoticed."

Until the crowd was scattered, behind a curtain, a figure in white suddenly walked out.

"Father, calm down." Rong Ran said softly.

Everyone in Tianzong knew that he was the direct disciple of Qi Yunjun, but few people knew that the peak master of Xuanhu Peak was his father.

When Peak Master Rong looked at his son, the anger on his face was slightly reduced, but he still didn't stop cursing, "Oh, before that Liu Qing had an accident, I spent a lot of money to keep him in the outer gate of Tianzong. Thinking that such a big thing has happened in a few years, it is really impossible for the mud to support the wall."

"It's me who is useless. I couldn't find the pill, so my father always needed the pill to save my mother's life." Rong Ran handed the storage bag in his hand to Peak Master Rong, "I still have some elixir here, and give them to me. Father took it."

"You're quite conscientious." Rong Feng said.

Rong Ran Judo: "Can I go see my mother?"

Even so, he knew that his father would definitely refuse.

After all, since he was born, he hadn't seen his mother a few times, and a few times, he was still in a coma when his mother was asleep.

Everyone said that Mrs. Rong was sick, and that Peak Master Rong loved his wife so much that only Peak Master Rong could enter Mrs. Rong's room.

But he still remembered a chance glimpse when he was a child, and saw that there were secrets that could not be told to outsiders in the room where the fragrance of medicine was wafting all the year round.

"There are some birds in this world who are born to be eye-catching and indiscriminate. If you want to love her and cherish her, you must build a nest for her around her, so that she can't live without you, so that she will not suffer from the outside world. Dangerous, I surrender my mind and body to you."

His father had stroked his head when he was a child, saying so.

And this moment.

Peak Master Rong said as expected: "Your mother is weak, and she is afraid that her sickness will affect you too much. It's not right."

Rong Ran smiled and stopped talking about it, only said: "Father, I'm here for one thing."

"Speak." For his son, Rong Fengzhu has always been very indulgent.

"I want Acacia Love Gu."

"What do you want with that thing?" Rong Feng said, "Acacia Love Gu will make people in the middle of the gu fall in love with the person who falls under the gu. Huan, this kind of gu worm is extremely precious, and I only have one. I can't give it to you. However, I can give you another thing first."

Master Rong Feng took out a porcelain bottle and flicked his fingertips on the porcelain bottle.

"This Gu is called Illusion Gu. Those who fall into this Gu will imagine the person in front of them as the person they love, blur the illusion of reality, and have desires for the person under the Gu."

Rong Ran's beautiful eyes turned slightly, "It's still my father who understands me."

He took the small porcelain bottle, wanting Ye Yunlan to snuggle into his arms, admiring his scene, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Alan..." He whispered the name that had been entangled in his heart for a long time.

— When Ye Yunlan arrived, he saw Rong Ran cooking wine in the listening wind pavilion.

"Alan, you're here." Rong Ran smiled at him, "Come, sit."

After he sat down, Rong Ran said, "The scenery is very beautiful today."

He looked up and saw a hazy mist covering the distant mountains, and the blue sky was vast and vast, and said, "Indeed."

"After coming out of the secret realm, you are finally willing to calm down and chat with me again." Rong Ran sighed softly.

Ye Yunlan looked at Rong Ran quietly.

"Senior Brother Rong, you asked me out. If you have anything to say, just make it clear this time." He said, "I have to go back to teach my apprentice, and I don't have much time to spend here."

Hearing the word "apprentice", Rong Ran's face froze for a moment, but soon returned to normal, and smiled: "Alan really cares about your apprentice."

"He is my only apprentice." Ye Yunlan said.

Rong Ran fixedly looked at Ye Yunlan.

Once upon a time, he was also his only senior brother.

He remembered what his father had said.

There are many beautiful birds in this world, born to be eye-catching, and they are indeed promiscuous and playful. Obviously he has been patiently guarding this person, watching every day, but still let a beast who came from nowhere steal the fish.

He remembered the young man who was snuggling next to Ye Yunlan at that time, his eyes were dark, and he could hardly suppress the fire of jealousy in his heart.

The wine-boiling action also sped up a bit.

The white mist rose, blurring the sight of the two of them.

The rich aroma of wine slowly fills the stone pavilion.

"Alan, do you still remember this Thousand Flower Brewing, which was brewed and buried by senior brother when you entered the school, there are nine jars in total. We made an appointment to open a jar every year when the full moon is full, and I will listen to you playing the violin. Let's drink together."

Ye Yunlan: "I have forgotten."

"But I still remember it very clearly. Alan, I still have a jar of Qianhua Brewing in my place. After the fifteenth full moon in the coming year, can I invite you again..."

Rong Ran's tone seemed to be infinitely tender and tender, and he still hoped that Ye Yunlan would change his mind.

"After the senior, don't call me Alan again." Ye Yunlan said indifferently, "I promised to come here again with the senior, so that after this, the senior and I will be separated."

Rong Ran's eyes finally dimmed completely, "Okay... Senior brother depends on you."

He poured a glass of wine and pushed it to Ye Yunlan, "As Junior Brother wishes, after drinking this glass of wine, we will be clear."

"Come on, Junior Brother, please."

Ye Yunlan glanced at the wine glass in his hand lightly, and the pale pink wine swayed in the glass.

He is not a person who is invincible in drinking, and in the past he often drank against Demon Venerable, and he never fell behind.

When the man was rising, he liked to feed him drink one by one, and the wine slipped down the corner of his lips, and he didn't know whether he drank a lot or wasted a lot.

He picked up the glass and took a sip.

There is a sweet taste and floral aroma lingering on the tongue.

It's just how clear his memory is, even a picture in a book he read three hundred years ago, he still remembers it clearly.

He remembered the taste of Qianhua Brew, which should not have been so sweet.

He frowned, "What did you put in there?"

Listening to the wind pavilion is located on the slope of the question, and there are many disciples coming and going. Before he came, he was not worried that the other party would do something in such a place.

But he didn't expect Rong Ran to be so daring to put medicine here.

"Where do you put things? Junior brother must have misunderstood." Rong Ran innocently said, "It's just some small things to add to the fun, which can make junior brother happy."

Ye Yunlan closed his eyes forcefully, feeling that the scene in front of him was slowly blurring and shaking, and a sense of restlessness rose from the inside of his body.

Rong Ran's voice came: "Don't worry, I have already set up a formation around the Tingfeng Pavilion, and no one can see what the people inside are doing."

"Junior brother just rested here for a while because of his incompetence in drinking."

Rong Ran smiled softly.

"It does not matter."

- When Ye Yunlan went out, Shen Shu secretly followed behind this person.

He always remembered the evil thoughts on Rong Ran's body and was not at ease.

He has long discovered that his master, although not as sick as he usually appears, doesn't care about many things.

Especially for your own life.

He watched the man walk into the Tingfeng Pavilion, and then the scene inside could no longer be seen clearly. Obviously, a formation technique was arranged around the Tingfeng Pavilion.

Although his eyes can clearly see the formation of the formation, it will take time to decipher the formation.

Shen Shu's eyes were dark. If possible, he would prefer a direct brute force attack, but that would expose the power he was hiding.

But that's the only way to do it if it's urgent.

He had already made all the preparations, but suddenly saw the enchantment dissipate, and Ye Yunlan walked out from inside carrying the Queying Sword.

His face was flushed, but his expression was terrifyingly cold.

Listening to the wind pavilion, the wine glass was broken, and Rong Ran was holding the stabbed arm, her face ashen.

When he was about to reach out to touch the opponent just now, his arm was caught off guard by the opponent's sword, and blood flowed.

He couldn't figure it out, the illusion Gu was actually useless to Ye Yunlan.

How can it be useless

Even if Ye Yunlan really doesn't have a loved one in his heart, the desires created by love are unavoidable, and it is absolutely impossible for Ye Yunlan not to react halfway.

Ye Yunlan walked out of the Tingfeng Pavilion.

Hearing the noise from Fengting, attracted many surprised and puzzled eyes on Wendaopo.

Shen Shu didn't think much, just ran up quickly, "Master."

He held the other's hand. The other side's normally cold and slippery hands are now hot.

Ye Yunlan took a deep breath, barely able to fall down.

His voice was hoarse, "Help me back."

Shen Shu was obedient and found that not only did Ye Yunlan's palms get hot, but every part of her body was hot.

He didn't know what happened, but after seeing Ye Yunlan's face, he knew that this was definitely not the time to ask questions.

After returning to the bamboo building, Ye Yunlan immediately locked herself in the room.

Shen Shu wanted to follow up to take care of him, but Ye Yunlan refused.

His eyes were deep and his thoughts turned sharply. He walked lightly outside the bamboo building and came to the window of the man's bedroom.

The window sill was not repaired, but was just hidden.

He leaned against the window and smelled a faint scent.

It's not the cold and gentle fragrance on that person's body on weekdays.

It is like the fragrance that is almost rotten when the flowers are in full bloom.

With a little fishy.

A little sweet.