Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 60: Take medicine


Ye Yunlan stood under the purple cloud tree, although her complexion was still pale and pale, her ears showed a hint of red.

He said, "… Enough?."

Shen Shu tilted his head, hooked his thin lips and said, "Isn't the master going to thoroughly examine my body? Is there any contamination with demonic energy? If I don't take it off, how can I examine it thoroughly?" Then he raised his hand to his waist.

Ye Yunlan pursed her lips.

The youth's body has not yet fully grown, and is very young.

Although he is young, due to his years of cultivating Taoism and martial arts, he has begun to have the physique of an adult man, with thin muscles covering his body, and every place is full of ready-to-go strength. Especially where the clothes have not been removed, a huge shadow can be vaguely seen, which is almost terrifying.

Seeing that Shen Shu was about to take off his clothes, Ye Yunlan finally couldn't bear it any longer: "The devil can penetrate the body through the wound on the practitioner's body. If you are not injured, you don't need to check."

After all, before Shen Shu could speak, his pale face turned red first.

Shen Shu stopped moving.

In fact, he didn't want to really take off, but he couldn't help but want to tease this person a little bit, and teach this person to stop looking at him with a cold face.

... But? If he really wants him to take off in front of this person, he is not unwilling.

Shen Shu also threw the hair crown in his hand into the pile of clothes, and said with a smile: "The place where the disciple was not injured, Master doesn't have to worry. For the rest, please let the Master check."

Seeing that Shen Shu was no longer acting recklessly, Ye Yunlan slowly stepped forward.

Since being injured by the divine fire, his eyesight is limited, and when he sees things a little further away, it will become blurry. This may be the reason why Shen Shu misidentified him after he came out of the sky.

Shen Shu had many fine wounds on his body, and the price he paid to reach the top of the Heaven Rank within ten days was definitely not low.

Ye Yunlan watched, frowning tighter and tighter, suddenly pinned Shen Shu's shoulder to make him turn around, and raised his hand to brush away Shen Shu's long black hair scattered behind his back.

A narrow scar appeared.

The scar stretched across Shen Shu's back, from shoulder to waist. It's just that although the wound is long, it is extremely narrow, as if it was cut by a very sharp blade. If you are not careful, it will be difficult to see.

He said solemnly, "How did this injury come from?"

Seeing that Ye Yunlan was aware of it, Shen Shu sighed softly and said, "This is the injury I accidentally suffered when I was fighting with that demon soul."

Ye Yunlan said with a stern face: "Tell me carefully."

Shen Shu was silent for a moment, preventing good words, and said, "The demon soul I met was a demon cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Sect 3,000 years ago, with a strong cultivation base. The terrain is arranged with an illusion formation, and I want to find a suitable physical body to seize the house."

"I am the 'prey' of that demon soul."

"The magic formation arranged by the demon soul quietly invaded my mind, trying to devour my soul when I was hungry."

"If it wasn't..." He paused for a while, a dark color flashed across his eyes, and then continued, "If it weren't for this ten thousand years, the power of the demon soul was consumed by the power of heaven and earth, and it almost succeeded. "

"That demon soul crashed into the depths of my soul's memory and taught me to have a dream."

"It was an unforgettable dream."

When Shen Shu said this, he smiled lightly.

"That dream was chaotic and shattered. It seemed real? It seemed illusory. I almost couldn't wake up forever. The demon soul also took the opportunity to devour my soul, but it's just that I won the battle to the end."

"Seeing that the devil couldn't give up, he wanted to perish together, and activated the ultimate move in the formation. At that time, the disciple was not completely awake, so he could only avoid it? The important thing, but he still suffered some injuries. "Shen Shu paused, and continued, "It's not a serious injury, so you don't need to worry about it."

He said it lightly, but fighting with the demon soul, if you are not careful, your soul will be destroyed. Ye Yunlan just listened to it and knew how thrilling it was.

Although Shen Shu won the battle in the end, Shen Shu's mind would also be affected.

... This may be the reason why he always felt that Shen Shu's tone and demeanor were different today.

He pulled Shen Shu to the edge of the pool and made him sit down.

Shen Shu: "What is Master going to do?"

Ye Yunlan said, "Treat your wounds."

Shen Shu thought for a while, and said, "Master, don't worry, my body is different from ordinary people. This injury is nothing, and it will soon recover..."

Ye Yunlan said, "Shut up."

Shen Shu obediently shut up.

Ye Yunlan took out the healing ointment brought from Tianzong, opened it, and a faint medicinal fragrance wafted out.

He dipped some ointment on his fingertips and applied it to the wound on Shen Shu's back.

The plaster is cold, but when applied to the wound, it will produce a burning pain like fire.

But this pain was not unbearable for Shen Shu.

However, when the other party's slightly cold fingertips slid across the wound, an unbearable itch penetrated into his heart rather than the burning pain.

Shen Shu frowned slightly, his voice was hoarse? A little, with a hint of coquettishness in his low voice, and said, "Master, I hurt..."

Ye Yunlan didn't comfort him this time, but said coldly, "Aren't you able to bear the pain? You just went down the mountain? You didn't mention the injury to me."

Shen Shu blinked and stopped talking.


He took a deep breath, raised his head slightly, and looked at the purple cloud tree in the high sky, his Adam's apple rolled, and the fists hanging by his side clenched tightly, restraining the strangeness in the depths of his body.

Ye Yunlan lowered her eyes to apply medicine to Shen Shu.

The back muscles of the young man in front of him were tight, and his shoulder blades were slightly raised, like two butterfly wings that were about to fly.

Beautiful, young, full of vitality.

very attractive.


Ye Yunlan closed his eyes and suddenly remembered another person's body.

He knew the man's body even more than he knew himself.

That person's body and beauty do not go hand in hand. If I had to use words to describe them, they should be "tricky" and "tyrannical".

Tight muscles, a broad chest, and dark magic lines like a living creature on the opponent's body? Scarlet eyes appeared on the hideous ghost's face.

When the man leaned over and embraced him, a dark shadow would wrap around him.

He struggled ups and downs in the shadows, as if drowning in the deep sea, unable to even move his fingertips.

Sometimes he couldn't tell whether it was those strange ghosts or the other party's body that was entangling him.

The man said that he was born from the Demon Abyss, the gathering of all the "evil" in the world.

Although the man didn't say it explicitly, he actually knew the man himself, and faintly didn't regard himself as a human being.

But Shen Shu is different.

Although he suffered misfortune in childhood, after all, he was born as a human being, he had blood relatives, and he personally took care of Changcheng's apprentice.

The two are so different.

Is it enough to make a mistake once? He shouldn't make such absurd guesses again, and he shouldn't continue to look for that person's shadow in Shen Shu.

This is unfair to that person and to Shen Shu.

Ye Yunlan thought quietly, a look of exhaustion on her face.

After finishing the wound on Shen Shu's back, he said: "You climbed all the way up the sky-climbing steps and got contaminated with a lot of dust, and you cleaned it here and changed your clothes. Be careful not to get water on the wound, it is for the needs of the teacher. Go to the Cultivator's Market."

Saying that, he leaned over and put his hands into the spring pool to carefully clean the five fingers stained with the ointment, dry them with a towel, and put another clean cloth towel and the ointment bottle beside Shen Shu, so that Shen Shu can handle it by himself. The remaining small wounds on the body.

Shen Shu looked at him sideways and said "Okay".

Looking at Ye Yunlan's back disappearing at the entrance of the cave, he did not move the clean cloth, but picked up the towel Ye Yunlan had just wiped his hands, soaked it with water, and slowly washed the dust on his body.

Ye Yunlan went to the market of cultivators in the psychic stream.

After walking around in a hurry, he quickly found what he wanted to buy and returned to the cave.

At this moment, Shen Shu had already changed into a new suit, and was sitting on the stone bed with one leg bent, slowly smearing the ointment on his body.

This time, he didn't cry about the pain. The irritating medicine was applied to the wound, and the pain was extremely burning. He was still expressionless and indifferent.

It wasn't until he heard the news of Ye Yunlan's return that he put on a fresh look on his face again.

Ye Yunlan took out a bottle of elixir from his arms.

"This is the purification pill, which has the effect of dispelling demonic energy and purifying the mind. You should take it three times a day."

Shen Shu raised his hands dipped in ointment, "Master, help me."

Ye Yunlan glanced at him and poured out a few medicinal pills from the medicine bottle.

Shen Shu approached, lowered his head and bit a pill, the tip of his tongue seemed to touch Ye Yunlan's palm.

Ye Yunlan's hand froze, almost subconsciously wanting to take it back.

Shen Shu held an elixir in his canine teeth, chewed it a few times, swallowed it, and suddenly smiled: "I only learned today that the Jingshen elixir is sweet."

After Shen Shu had eaten all three medicinal pills. Ye Yunlan quickly retracted his hand and hung it by his side.

He didn't look at Shen Shu any longer, he just walked to the stone table under the Ziyun Wood and sat down, closing his eyes to rest.

After Shen Shu finished applying the ointment, he put on his black blouse, and came to sit beside Ye Yunlan.

He put his head on one arm and looked at Ye Yunlan for a while, and said, "I just have time at the moment, why don't I tell the master what I saw and heard at the sky-climbing level, how about helping the master to relieve the boredom."

Ye Yunlan didn't open his eyes, only made a soft "hmm" sound.

Shen Shu said: "As soon as I entered the sky-climbing step, I found that I was at the bottom of the mountain. When I looked up, there was an endless mountain. The whole body was full of fog, and there was only a winding mountain road ahead."

"Above the level of the sky? There are many tests and trials, there are tests of formations, and there are trials of Taoism. The disciple has learned a lot in it, and he has obtained a few ancient swordsmanships, and he will go back to be a master. A look."

"I met Nangong Qing and his elder brother who provoked Shizun before, and gave him a hard lesson. I think he won't dare to be disrespectful to Shizun again."

"There is no change of day and night on the steps of ascending the sky. The bottom is full of stars in the dark night, and the top is like a fire. It is clearly just a road up the mountain, but looking out of the mountain, you can see the scenery of the five continents and the four seas, changing and flowing. There is still a landscape from thousands of years ago, which is very magnificent…”

Shen Shu spoke slowly for a while. He heard steady breathing in his ears.

His voice stopped

Ye Yunlan was already asleep.

The person was resting on the stone table, with long black hair scattered, and his eyelashes drooping, showing a quiet appearance.

Shen Shu looked at him, his eyes slowly darkened.

Then, overflowing with uncontrollable deep desire.

Countless vine-like black shadows spread their teeth and claws from under his feet, and at a slight distance from the opponent's skin, they climbed around him in circles.

A few were about to move, dancing and trying to penetrate into each other's clothes.

Shen Shu licked his dry lips.

… I really want to entangle this person completely, to be completely one with him, and never to be separated.


He murmured, and the overwhelming black shadows danced wildly around him, revealing a hideous look.

But in the end, he just put his head on the stone table, stretched out his hand, and carefully touched the other's cold fingertips.

A few days later, the two masters and apprentices took a rest in the cave, and then climbed Tianchi Mountain again.

At this time, it had been more than half a month since the Ascension Step opened, and one after another monks walked out of the stone gate at the exit of the Ascension Step.

The only difference is that the observation deck that was damaged by the earthquake has disappeared, and a magnificent immortal palace is floating in the void at the top of the floating clouds.

Outside the Immortal Palace, many disciples of Mozong were entertaining cultivators from all over the world.

Seeing the two of them approaching, a Mozong disciple came forward with a scroll.

Ye Yunlan noticed that this Mozong disciple had an ordinary face, but he had a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, his eyelids were half-closed, and he looked lazy.

The other side gave them a bow and said, "I am Daoyan, King of Mozong. The battle will be held on the top of the clouds, but this time is different from previous years. Due to the damage to the Wangying platform, the place to watch the battle has changed. I will lead the two of you. friends to go."

Ye Yunlan nodded lightly, "It's work."


Just as he stepped forward, someone warmly stopped him.

Ye Yunlan looked up, and Chen Weiyuan in white was standing not far away, next to Xu Qingyue, who was tall and had a long sword on his back.

And beside Ye Yunlan, Shen Shu narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was a scarlet red in his eyes.