Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 75: the other side


Ye Yunlan stood under the umbrella held by Shen Shu, glanced at Rong Ran quietly, and walked away.

Rong Ran didn't seem to be at all? Feeling Ye Yunlan's indifference, the pale face still maintained a soft smile.

He stared at Ye Yunlan's whole body fascinatedly, as if he wanted to see through every inch of Ye Yunlan's skin and insides through the white clothes on his body.

His eyes were too presumptuous, Shen Shu's footsteps paused slightly, the light from the end of his eyes swept towards Rong Ran, and he gave him a deep warning look, his right hand without the umbrella raised, and made a choking motion.

Rong Ran's smile finally froze, remembering the experience of being tortured by Shen Shu stepping on the soles of his feet two years ago. He still hadn't figured out where Shen Shu's strange power came from, but he still swallowed instinctively and did not continue to entangle. , watching the backs of the master and the apprentice go away.

They are one high and one low, about half a head apart, holding the same umbrella and looking very intimate.

And this intimacy should obviously belong to him.

Rong Ran stood alone in the drizzle with an umbrella, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He stretched out his hand to caress his left chest, clenching it slightly, the subtle pain caused by the swimming Gu insect inside made him feel at ease.

His nightingale was about to return to him. he thinks.

Also? Shen Shu - when he dared to humiliate him like this in Tianchi Mountain, he must die without a place to be buried in this mysterious and mysterious realm!

There was a thunder in the sky, reflecting Rong Ran's pale complexion, as well as the shadow of the figure gradually receding in his eyes.

Zhanxing City is very lively and divided into two cities.

The "Tiancheng" in Zhanxing City, which is invisible to ordinary people, is an island floating in the air. Among them is the most famous market for cultivators in Zhanxing City, "Tianluofang". The monks of the two continents in the Eastern Continent and the Southern Border trade with each other.

In the dungeon, mortals and cultivators live together. Private fighting is prohibited in the dungeon, otherwise, the city guards will forcibly stop it.

It is said that the city lord of Zhanxing City is a strong man who is detached from the mortal body. Although he is not famous in the sky, most people should give this city lord some face.

The only thing Ye Yunlan wanted this time was the soul-inducing flower in the secret realm, but he saw some good magic tools and spells in Tianluofang. He bought them with spirit stones, which was enough to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations in the secret realm. I bought a power fence to cover a lot of trouble.

After the market was over, the two walked straight to the dungeon, looking for a restaurant for lunch.

The dungeon is stronger than the heavenly city, and the fireworks in the mortal world are heavier, and there are shouts and shouts everywhere, and most cultivators gather in the heavenly city with strong spiritual energy, and it is difficult to see one or two in the dungeon for a long time.

"Selling sweet cakes! Mung bean cake, red bean cake, pea cake, everything, sesame cake, walnut cake and red date cake are all-inclusive, don't miss it when you pass by!"

Shen Shu paused for a while, then lowered his head and smiled: "My disciple is just greedy, I want to buy a few sweet cakes, Master will try it later."

Saying that, he handed the umbrella to Ye Yunlan and walked up to talk with the store owner.

Ye Yunlan nodded slightly and took the umbrella.

The breeze blew through the white gauze on the power fence, and the slanting rain was flying, and he felt a slight chill.

In the early spring, the air in southern Xinjiang was warm and humid, and ordinary people would not feel cold. He would be like this because of a long illness, and his health was far worse than that of ordinary people.

Next to the shop selling cakes is a fortune-telling booth. Behind the table sits an old man in a gray robe who is slowly fanning a palm fan. Next to it is a white flag with a few lines of ink dripping on it. One hexagram knows."

I saw a few words on the old-fashioned fan, "Does love count?"

Ye Yunlan didn't believe in fate at first, but she had to believe it later. It's just that although he believes, he is not delusional. He has passed the time of delusion. He returned to this world empty, and he was already ready to meet his end.

So he just glanced at the fortune-telling booth, and then withdrew his gaze.

It's just that the old man who was fanning the palm fan had stopped moving his hands at some point, touched his long beard, and smiled at Ye Yunlan: "Donor, I see you have a fate, but I don't know if the donor has any interest, let the poor man. Do the math for you?"

In the busy city of Mingmu, the old-fashioned voice still came into my ears, very clear.

Ye Yunlan was slightly startled and was about to refuse, but the old man suddenly sighed and sang: "Longevity is hard to solve the worries in my heart, looking around is the sorrow of separation, who is Huangquan Luyao and so on, the past should be in my heart!"

Ye Yunlan was silent for a while, and walked over with an umbrella.

He asked, "How does the Taoist priest need to be calculated? Does it need to be born? The horoscope."

"Pin Dao calculates by himself." Lao Dao blinked, but did not rush to start a hexagram, he stretched out his hand and said, "Troublesome hexagram, a copper coin."

Ye Yunlan took out a copper coin and put it in Lao Dao's hand. Lao Dao tossed the copper coin and folded his palms. He didn't ask his birthday, or even what he wanted to do, he just pushed a piece of white paper out in front of him. Said: "Write down what you read, just one word."

Ye Yunlan wrote a word and pushed it back.

The old Taoist picked up the paper and looked closely in front of his eyes. His appearance was too serious, and he didn't talk about the principles of gossip and six lines of Zhouyi. Those who knew him knew that he was calculating fortunes, but those who didn't knew he thought he was appreciating some kind of book.

After looking at it for a long time, the old man frowned and touched his beard, but accidentally snapped one off, causing him to bark in pain.

"Donor, the words you wrote don't match your appearance..."

Ye Yunlan was noncommittal after hearing this.

The word he wrote on the paper was - "Demon".

"That's it, that's it." The old man shook his head and sighed, grabbed a brush and hurriedly wrote a few words behind his back, rolled it up, and handed it back to Ye Yunlan.

"This is the solution to what the donor wants to calculate, and the donor should observe it for himself."

At this time, Shen Shu had already bought the cakes back.

He glanced at the old fortune teller and Ye Yunlan suspiciously, then turned around and smiled and said, "Master is still interested in hexagrams? My disciple has also studied this a little bit, so I will go back and try it for my master."

Ye Yunlan nodded slightly, unfolded the note in his hand, lowered his eyes and saw it, but what he saw was a song: "I have always been limited in my youth, and it is easy to part with ecstasy. The person in front of you." Note his gaze fixed for a long time, silently retracting the note into his sleeve, and said to Shen Shu, "Let's go."

When the two were away from the fortune-telling booth, the old man in gray robe quietly raised his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered to himself, "It's strange, how come such gods, ghosts and demons were born before the catastrophe of heaven and earth... "

Nearly noon, the two sat down by the window on the second floor of a restaurant called "Yue Lai Ju".

Shen Shu ordered several refreshing dishes for Ye Yunlan, and then spread out the cakes he just bought.

When the dishes came, they were a boiled cabbage, a jade tofu, and a crispy lotus root with sweet-scented osmanthus, all of which were in line with Ye Yunlan's taste.

Ye Yunlan picked up his chopsticks and ate slowly, but Shen Shu had long been out of food and was not hungry, so he just picked up a piece of cake and looked at Ye Yunlan's face while eating. Although it didn't taste very good, he understood what the ancients said "beautiful food" ".

The mortals downstairs were noisy, and I didn't know when a few monks who were carrying long swords, just about to practice Qi? They did not reach bigu, and gathered around a table to eat and drink.

Those cultivators had plenty of internal energy, although they didn't deliberately, their voices were still louder than those of mortals, reaching upstairs from a distance.

"Have you heard about Tianchi Mountain?"

One person said, "Naturally I heard it. Two years ago, one of them, the Demon King Sword, was born, and the Prince of Luna broke through the mortal world. Now, a world-shattering treasure has been born. The name is still unknown, but it has already attracted Luan Sun. Competing with the two emperors of Xingyue and Moon." Some people wondered: "Xingyue Dynasty? Since the Crown Prince of Xingyue was abolished by Prince Ye, the army of Luna Sun has even broken seven cities in the east of Xingyue, and the Xingyue Dynasty has become difficult to resist. Also? Yuli and Lunian fight?"

Another person said, "Xingyue stretches for thousands of years, how can there be no hidden background, maybe it's just showing the enemy's weakness, and I heard that there seems to be a problem within the Sun Dynasty Dynasty. Prince Ye and his father have some problems? There seems to be a disagreement above…”

He lowered his voice, after all, some things are too sensitive, even if they are far away in the southern border, they can't speak freely without any scruples.

The atmosphere was dull for a while.

Someone spoke up to change the subject.

"Xizhou has become more and more chaotic. It happened that I was waiting to leave Xizhou to travel east this time, just to avoid disaster. I didn't expect to encounter the opening of the Nether Emperor's cave mansion. If I think about it, there should be a chance for me to wait for this place. Come here. , everyone, to celebrate this matter, toast!"


In the sound of the cups colliding, a splendid and deep light suddenly rose in the distance, and the incomparably majestic spiritual power radiated from that direction.

The sect disciple's token was slightly hot, and there was a message inside. Ye Yunlan didn't take it out to take a closer look, but just stopped the chopsticks, looked out the window, and said lightly.

"The Netherworld is open."

Ten miles outside of Zhanxing City, there is a Wangyou Pond. At this moment, the pillar of light in the secret realm is born from this. A majestic, ancient and mysterious gate is looming above the pool.

Around Wangyoutan, there were already many monks who came from all over the place. It was the cultivators of the major sects that Ye Yunlan had met in the Tianchi Mountain discussion, including Mozong, Tanqingzong, Tingyu Pavilion... Therefore, it was very close to the southern border, and some people from the ancient tribes in the southern border also came. Many, and many loose repairs.

Ye Yunlan saw a lot of familiar people in it, and couldn't help but feel fortunate that he brought the power fence with him this time. Even so, he still noticed that many eyes were wandering on the disciples of Tianzong.

Rong Ran stood in front of the Tianzong disciples.

He looked more confident than before, and his beauty was as bright as a pearl.

He held a jade slip in his hand.

This brief was sent by that person, and it recorded the general situation in the Nether Secret Realm, which made his plan more successful.

He didn't wonder why the Nether Secret Realm had not yet been born, and that person could understand the situation. After all, that person was famous for his astrology calculations, and it was not surprising that he could predict this information.

He was very fortunate that he was rescued by that person in Tianchi Mountain. After that, many materials for refining Acacia Gu were found by that person after his prayers.

Rong Ran glanced at the tall and beautiful cultivator standing in front of the Tan Qingzong disciple.

After not seeing each other for two years, Xu Qingyue was still dressed like a sword cultivator, which was incompatible with the other disciples of Tan Qingzong.

However, he heard that Xu Qingyue had been divorced by that person.

Rong Ran smiled slightly.

That year, the number one beauty on the Tianji list was nothing more than that.

Seeing that there were cultivators galloping into the secret realm one after another, and the disciples of Tianzong had arrived one after another, Rong Ran felt that he could no longer waste time, so he said.

"Everyone, the secret realm has been opened, and I will enter the exploration, but before that, as the suzerain's personal biography, I need to tell you a few more points."

"In the secret realm, you must not hurt your fellow sect, you cannot fight with your fellow sect, and you cannot have a grudge with an expatriate for no reason. Violators will be dealt with according to the sect rules!"

Rong Ran's voice softened and began to make arrangements.

"As far as I know, there are three layers of the Netherworld Secret Realm, and the monks will be scattered when they enter it, but the test of the first two layers of the Secret Realm is not very big, until the third floor is where the real treasures of the cave dwelling are located, and the entrance to the third floor is. There is only one, and then I will gather there to explore the Nether Emperor's cave together."

When the words fell, he glanced at Ye Yunlan if his eyes were blank, and then he took the lead in leading his disciples into the gate of the secret realm.

Ye Yunlan didn't? He noticed his eyes and didn't listen to what he said. Instead, he walked last with Shen Shu, and was separated from many disciples by a certain distance.

Before entering, Ye Yunlan said something to Shen Shu.

"Watch your mind."

Shen Shu nodded slightly.

And while Ye Yunlan was staring at the front, he quietly opened his arm to cover Ye Yunlan's body.

Not even Rong Ran? To make it clear, but Ye Yunlan knew that the first layer of the Nether Secret Realm was the realm of illusion, and it was full of things that confuse people's minds.

Ye Yunlan had already squeezed a heart-clearing talisman in his hand, and was ready to crush the talisman as soon as he found something wrong, and use the power of the talisman to break the illusion, instead of rushing his mind and making the injury possible.

Even with his three-hundred-hundred-year-old soul, he would have no problem surviving most of the illusions.

As soon as he entered the secret realm, he heard the sound of tao tao water.

A wide river traversed in front of it, and the water was murky yellow.

He was in a huge sea of flowers on the other side, and the bright red petals were scorchingly blooming like filaments, and they were as gorgeous as blood.

The sea of flowers separated on both sides, and a winding path extended forward, with snow-white bones scattered on both sides.

The path to the river bank becomes an arched bone bridge that spans the river bank.

Ye Yunlan looked around and saw no sign of anyone else, knowing that she had fallen into an illusion.

Just as he was about to crush the Qingxin Talisman in his hand, he saw a dark shadow on the bridge at the end of his blurry vision, which he was vaguely familiar with.

He moved his hand.

Then walked over.

Someone was sitting on the railing beside the bone bridge, with a hideous ghost mask on his face, and his eyes were redder than the flowers on the other side of the ground.

He sat there sideways, with a nonchalant posture, looking at Huang Quan Bi Luo, and he didn't know how long he had watched and how long he had waited.

Hearing the footsteps, he turned his head, his voice low and smiling.

"Xianchang, you are here to find me."

The author has something to say: [Note]: Intercepted from Yan Shu's "Huanxi Sand"