Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 83: bear


Ye Yunlan clenched the white thousand paper cranes tightly.

He was careless.

When he set foot on the evil mirror before, he vaguely expected that there might be something strange on it, he planned to go on it alone, and if something was wrong, he could react in time to get out. And, although Shen Shu is already in Nascent Soul, he doesn't have him? The experience and powerful soul accumulated over hundreds of years will likely fall into it. Therefore, at that time, he forcibly ordered Shen Shu to watch on the sidelines and not go up with him. .

But at that time, he did not expect that even though the so-called evil mirror platform was just a shadow reflected by the remnant soul of the Nether Emperor, it was still contaminated with a trace of the power of his leftover bones, and he could see through his body in this life. He? Part of past life experience.

And what Shen Shu is asking now is precisely the relationship that Yan Wang has revealed in a few words, the relationship that he hated the most in his previous life and did not want to talk about it.

Dark blue meridians appeared on the back of Ye Yunlan's tightly clenched pale hand.

He is not willing to answer this question.

Regarding the matter of Chen Weiyuan, he felt disgusted even explaining it.

Although Shen Shu asked casually, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master, did you really lie to me before?"

His tone was low and aggrieved, but his words were aggressive.

"You said you won't become a Taoist partner with others, because you have already married someone, and there is no room for your side?"


Shen Shu slowly chewed on the word.

The more Ye Yunlan didn't answer, the more the evil beast in his heart had the urge to break out of the cage.

Shadows surged underfoot.

He stared at the prey in front of him that he had observed for a long time, and suddenly wanted to entangle this person bit by bit and completely melt into his dark and filthy life.

The master and the apprentice are not close enough, and the Taoist companion is more appealing.

Seen from there? After crawling out of the devilish abyss of the sun, this was the first time he wanted to possess something.

Therefore, the most intimate position around Ye Yunlan could not be occupied by anyone other than him.

But seeing Ye Yunlan closed his eyes, his pale face revealed a little tiredness.

He said, "I never lie for my teacher."

"I said that I will never become a Taoist partner with anyone in this life, so there is no falsehood, no matter the past or the present. Not only that, but in this life, I will never have a love for anyone in this life. Whoever that person is."

He opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and silent, and he said slowly.

"Shen Shu, do you want to hear my oath?"

He couldn't explain to Shen Shu what happened in his previous life, and he didn't want Shen Shu to feel ignorant because of that expectation that he couldn't answer.

The secret realm is full of dangers, and he is running out of time.

Shen Shu's expression stiffened when he saw that Ye Yunlan was really about to cut his fingertips and smear in the air to swear, so he panicked, and hurriedly grabbed Ye Yunlan's wrist to stop him from moving.

"Master is impossible!"

Once the blood oath is formed, it cannot be eliminated. The monk who violates the oath will soon suffer from the backlash of the heavens and die. How could he make Ye Yunlan make such an oath!

The opponent's wrist was so thin that it seemed that it would be broken with a little force.

Shen Shu held the opponent's wrist, bent down and lowered his head, leaning over to lick the blood on the opponent's hand with the tip of his tongue. He tasted the sweet taste, which was completely different from the dirty and smelly blood of the monsters in the Demon Abyss. He couldn't help but snorted and said, "I'm just kidding, how can Master take it seriously?"

Looking up, Ye Yunlan looked at him blankly, "Just kidding?"

Shen Shu blinked, showing a little innocent expression, but Ye Yunlan didn't eat him? His face didn't look at all? It improved.

He had to lower his head, put his forehead on the back of Ye Yunlan's pale hand, and apologized in a low voice: "It's the disciple who made a mistake. The disciple believed the master's words, and it was just that the disciple didn't choose what to say, and the master didn't want to see him? Strange."

Ye Yunlan just pulled back his hand with a cold face.

The wound on the fingertip has healed, and there is still moist water on it, and just now Shen Shu has a soft touch on the tip of the tongue.

He slowly curled up his fingers, hid them in his sleeves, coughed twice uncontrollably, and slowly swallowed the sweetness in his throat.

He looked at the apprentice who bowed his head in front of him.

"Shen Shu, there are many people in this world, who come and go without end." Ye Yunlan said, "Being a teacher is not one of them."

"... You still have to meet many people and travel many roads before you know what you really want."

Shen Shu's expression changed, and he asked back, "Does Master know what he wants?"

Ye Yunlan gave a light "um".

Shen Shu: "What is it?"

Ye Yunlan said: "What I ask for, I can't get it in this life."

Shen Shu's eyes were stained with a deep color, and he said: "Master, you might as well tell your disciple what you want. If the master can't get it, the disciple may be able to find it for the master."

Ye Yunlan shook his head, "Impossible. Don't think about it."

Shen Shu said: "Master doesn't tell me, how do you know it's impossible?"

Ye Yunlan said: "Time cannot be turned back."

And it is difficult for people to come back from the dead.

The ethereal singing came from the depths of the palace, Ye Yunlan didn't want to continue this topic, and just followed the singing to the depths of the palace.

Shen Shu looked at him? With a slender back, the white clothes on him became more and more empty and sparse, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was like a mass of fog that gathered, leaving a beautiful mirage, and suddenly It will be blown away by the wind. Can't touch it, can't keep it.

Dignified Demon Venerable, could there still be things in the world that he couldn't keep

His thin lips lifted slightly and he smiled. His long and narrow eyes were full of wickedness, and he took steps to catch up.

Behind the palace of the King of Hell is a huge deep pit, the bottom of which is hard to see, except for a corridor that winds downwards.

In the corridor, there are juwa and blue bars, and gray and white stone bricks are piled on the ground.

Ye Yunlan stood in front of the corridor and watched for a while, then wanted to step up, but Shen Shu grabbed her sleeve.

"The secret realm is dangerous, isn't Master afraid that this corridor is just an illusion, and will you fall into this bottomless pit if you walk up?" Shen Shu disagreed, "If you want to go, it's the disciple who will go first."

Having said that, he strode up.

In the past few years, Shen Shu's stature has been running fast, but now he is a little taller than him, striding ahead, and with Ye Yunlan's strength, he can't stop him.

Seeing Shen Shu stepping on the stone brick, stepping on it hard, the long hair tied behind his head also swayed slightly, and then he turned around and smiled at him.

"This corridor is still sturdy, Master, come here."

Ye Yunlan glanced at him quietly, and walked over.

The two walked down side by side.

The corridor zigzagged down in the dark, the slope was steep and endless. Ye Yunlan was a mortal person, and he couldn't keep his balance a little while walking, so he could only walk down the railing. He looked out into the darkness, and as they went deeper, some sights gradually emerged in the darkness.

Not just sights, but sounds.

A large sea of inexhaustible flames emerged in the darkness of the deep pit. Inside was a huge frying pan that could not be counted at a glance. The froth was surging in the frying pan, and countless ghosts struggled, making harsh sounds, and more ghosts emerged from the deep darkness. Suddenly, it appeared like dumplings falling into the oil pan.

Ye Yunlan lacked eyesight to see the terrifying appearance of the ghost's charred flesh after falling into the frying pan, and also felt that the screams were intimidating. Shen Shu could see clearly, the fire reflected in his pitch-black pupils, but he could not see the slightest sympathy and sympathy that a human being should have. He looked carefully, tilted his head slightly, and asked Ye Yunlan, "This is the legendary Eighteen Hells?"

Ye Yunlan said: "The underworld is empty. And now it's just an illusion."

Shen Shu: "Is it an illusion..."

The two continued down the corridor.

In the darkness, the scene changed. Behind the oil pan, there are also copper pillars on the mountain of swords, and stone grinding in the blood pool. Shen Shu snorted and said, "A lot of tricks?"

Ye Yunlan felt that his tone was quite strange, but he wondered for a while? He couldn't find where the strangeness was.

Suddenly a gust of gloomy wind blew, and the ghosts struggling in the blood pool turned their heads and looked towards the corridor.

Then, a terrifying cracking sound came from behind.

Ye Yunlan turned around and found that the corridor they had walked through before began to collapse inch by inch! At the same time, there was a whistling sound, and Ye Yunlan couldn't see it clearly, only to see a group of white things chasing them from behind the cracked corridor.

The wrist was held, Shen Shu said: "Master, go! There is a ban on the air here, you can't use the sword!"

Ye Yunlan was led by him and ran down the corridor. After a while, his forehead was sweating, and he had to gasp for breath, but the tightness in his chest became more and more obvious.

Sweat dripped down his pale chin, and suddenly his feet stumbled and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, a hand reached over and clasped his shoulders, stabilizing his body. Turning his head to see? Shen Shu's worried expression, "Is Master okay?"

Ye Yunlan frowned, gasping for words.

Shen Shu looked at him with a pale complexion, and suddenly crouched down, "Quick, I'll run behind you."

This corridor is extremely steep, and it is difficult for ordinary people to walk, but the rear crack is extremely fast.

There was no time for Ye Yunlan to hesitate.

He reached out and climbed onto Shen Shu's back, wrapping his hands around his neck, "Go."

Shen Shu felt that Ye Yunlan's thin body was covering him, and at the same time, it was a light fragrance.

Ye Yunlan rested on his left shoulder, still breathing heavily. The slight airflow brushed against the side of the neck, scorching hot.

His body froze, shadows surging under his feet, and a few of them almost couldn't help climbing up and hooking each other's ankles.

Ye Yunlan didn't notice Shen Shu's strangeness, and when she was out of breath, she twisted to check the situation behind.

He felt that some of the corridors did not collapse for no reason, but were swallowed by those white things and collapsed.

Some of those white things were flying fast, and they had already caught up with them. Ye Yunlan reminded Shen Shu in his ear, "Be careful."

Seeing Shen Shu brazenly use his sword, the sword light swept away and scattered the ghosts. However, even if they are scattered, these ghosts will quickly gather again.

Ye Yunlan finally saw the appearance of those ghosts.

Not an entity, nor an illusion. The mixed faces have not returned to their original appearances, only endlessly twisted and painful, screaming with empty mouths.

Between the lights and flint, Ye Yunlan knew what these things were.

It is the resentment left by the tortured ghosts in the underworld.

Emperor Nether's soul aura dissipated, and the remaining power was no longer enough to suppress these resentments, so he made trouble here.

Ordinary power cannot purify these resentments, and now the only way is to escape from this pit as soon as possible!

Can it really be too late

The hot temperature from the running body of the young man made him toss and shake. Ye Yunlan crouched on Shen Shu's back, five fingers clasped on Shen Shu's shoulder.

Suddenly, he whispered: "If it's too late to find an exit later, you should put down the teacher first. There is a way for the teacher... to solve these things."