Sick Beauty [Rebirth]

Chapter 90: obsessed


The mountain road was calm, and several Tianzong disciples walked up cautiously.

Cold sweat slid down his cheeks.

Although he said it righteously in front of his fellow disciples, in fact, he had no idea in his heart, so he could only follow the cinnabar guidance on the ancient scroll and tentatively walk up the mountain road.

One step, two steps, ten steps.

The instructions on the scrolls did not go wrong.

Rong Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the backs of the two in the distance, I couldn't help but grit my teeth and speed up the pace.

However, after waiting for a long time, he finally caught up. When he was out of breath, when he looked up, he saw the master and apprentice standing there, sharing the peach and eating. He didn't even have the slightest intention to compete for the first place, as if he came in a hurry as a joke

Behind him, Lu Qingshu, yin and yang laughed angrily, and said, "I am so relaxed and comfortable, and I am not afraid of the many dangers around me. It seems that I have really mastered this wonderful method of going up the mountain, which is really enviable."

"The fellows are supposed to help each other, but since they know it, why don't they tell us to listen to us?" Xue Yongzhi, another disciple of his, said angrily, "We have treasures together, and we share the burden of difficulties. After all, this is the true meaning of the same sect. If something happens to Brother Zhao, they can’t escape the relationship.”

Rong Ran raised his hand, motioned them to be quiet with gentle eyes, and then walked up the mountain, stopping when he passed by the two of them.

"Just now, Zhao Jing, Junior Brother Zhao, fell into the trap of the formation because he was not aware of it for a while, and he didn't know his life or death." He said.

Ye Yunlan wiped his fingertips with the silk handkerchief Shen Shu gave, as if he had never heard of it.

Rong Ran took a long sigh and said sadly: "You don't have anything to explain? Alan, I don't know? When did you start? You have become so unfamiliar."

Ye Yunlan paused in his hand, raised his long eyelashes, and looked at him quietly.

Rong Ran was stunned.

Those narrow, long and beautiful eyes seemed to capture the radiance of the world, but the dust of the world was completely unable to reflect into each other's eyes.

- And he is dust.

Rong Ran bit her lip and wanted to continue to say something, but she heard Ye Yunlan say: "I thought? You know?"

Rong Ran: "I know? What?"

Ye Yunlan slowly wiped his fingertips and said, "You have a map of the secret realm in your hand, so you should know that this place is dangerous."

Rong Ran's pupils shrank upon hearing this.

Chen Weiyuan asked Chen Xianyu to hand over the map of the secret realm to him. He did not tell others about it, and the map was hidden in the jade slip. Usually, he rarely showed it for others to see. How could Ye Yunlan know about him? Have a map

Ye Yunlan actually suspected that Rong Ran had a map in his hand.

Rong Ran reached the third floor much faster than in his previous life. The fact that he was able to catch up with him and Shen Shu safely this time only confirmed his guess.

Ye Yunlan: "You have a map and a way to go up the mountain, and you are the leader of this sect disciple. How can I take the responsibility of the king and remind other disciples."

Rong Ran could not refute for a while.

Didn't notice the reminder on the map, it was true that he wasn't careful enough

And he didn't tell the other classmates? He has a map in his hand, Ye Yunlan's words? It hit his dead end, he was careless.

He had been with this person for many years, but he didn't know that even with this person's cold and introverted temperament, he could speak like a blade.

The disciples behind him have looked over suspiciously.

Rong Ran's soft face showed a pale color, and said: "Junior brother is joking. Before leaving, in order to make this trip to the secret realm smooth, I deliberately checked many ancient books and learned some feelings in the secret realm. In this case, I avoided a lot of dangers and reached this place smoothly. But if you say that I have a map in my hand, it is because the younger brother thinks too much."

He shook his head with a wry smile, "Also, this mountain road is rugged, the formation is dangerous, and there are countless traps. The senior brother exhausted his mind to observe and calculate to barely avoid the danger. However, it has already reached the end of the game. Fortunately, it has caught up with the junior brother in time. Junior Brother, as Senior Brother, I just want to ask you one thing—I hope Junior Brother can lead the way for me, so that this group of fellow students who follow me don’t suffer any more damage.”

Saying that, he leaned down and bowed deeply.

Before Ye Yunlan nodded or shook his head, Rong Ran's body swayed suddenly, as if he had lost his strength.

"Senior Brother Rong!" A disciple next to him hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and then cast his angry gaze at Ye Yunlan and Shen Shu, as if they were the ones who brought Rong Ran down.

"Junior Brother Ye, they are all from the same school, don't do it too much."

"Yes, yes, Senior Brother Rong has already done this, you still want to slander him?"

"You are the one who holds the map? You? You can relax, but we are always scared. Are you okay?"

Ye Yunlan was expressionless and looked at the chattering disciples behind Rong Ran, but suddenly remembered the noisy voices of the disciples when he was surrounded by groups on the slope after he rescued people and was injured.

He recalled how long ago, when he rescued children from a battlefield ravaged by demons, and returned to the village, people turned their backs to him and fled.

He didn't remember their expressions

But whether it is joy and gratitude or aversion to fear, it is the same.

He returned the silk handkerchief in his hand to Shen Shu, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Shen Shu leaned into his ear in a low voice and said, "Master, I can drive them all away."

Ye Yunlan: "No need."

This is a mysterious realm, and it is not completely safe to know the route and inform the danger.

They wanted to follow, and he didn't have to.

The wind on the mountain grew stronger.

The dark red maple leaves were gradually covered with dark and heavy snow, and the transparent wind became dark.

Suddenly, an angry thunder sounded in the sky.

Black lightning broke out from the high-altitude clouds, and then only heard a miserable howl, and a disciple behind Rong Ran collapsed into coke.

Lu Qingshu, who was standing beside the disciple, was completely panicked, "What's the matter? You? Didn't you master the correct way to go up the mountain? Junior Brother Qin is also following the path you've walked? How could he be struck by lightning? Zed? Is it you? Are there any details you haven't told us?"

Ye Yunlan didn't answer.

He looked forward.

This is the last section of the mountain road, and it is also the most dangerous section. The top of the mountain hidden in the dark mist has seen clues, and there is a huge and magnificent palace faintly hidden inside. Above, swirl.

Ye Yunlan: "Shen Shu, pay attention, this place is dangerous and unpredictable. You need to be careful at all times."

Lu Qingshu's complexion was turning blue and white, and he was about to scold him.

Shen Shu suddenly drew his sword and unsheathed it.

The drooping sword tip dragged behind him, and a cold glow appeared in front of Lu Qingshu's eyes.

He hooked his lips and said, "Yes, Master."

Lu Qingshu swallowed and closed his mouth.

There seemed to be thunder brewing faintly in the sky. Rong Ran was supported by his disciple, and his face was pale at this moment.

He said: "I didn't expect this time to explore such a dangerous way. I'm the one who implicated you all... Junior Brother Qin has already died. If any of you are afraid, you should retreat down the mountain first to save your life. Go up..."

The disciple who supported him next to him said, "Why is this the fault of Senior Brother Rong? It's clearly..."

He gritted his teeth and didn't say any more, but said: "The disciples of Tianzong share weal and woe together, I will never leave Senior Brother Rong and run away? Senior Brother, don't say these words again!"

Several disciples around also agreed.

A pale smile appeared on Rong Ran's face. Before he could speak, there was another loud bang in the sky.

Everyone who had learned the lesson was immediately on guard, but what they didn't expect was not the lightning that just flashed by, but several meteorites burning with flaming flames!

The mountain road was narrow and difficult to move around, and the few disciples who had just agreed with him immediately hurriedly retreated down the mountain.

The meteorite fell very fast, and Rong Ran, who was half a beat slower, had just reacted, and the sky stone wrapped in the raging fire was already in front of him. The disciple next to him was so frightened that he had no masters. He felt that Rong Ran was grabbing his shoulder, and a little hope suddenly appeared in his heart, "Senior brother..."

Not finished yet. He felt his body being pushed, and Rong Ran rolled into the grass beside the mountain road, leaving him only the terrifying meteorite in sight...

"Ah—" Huge screams lingered above Fuyou Mountain.

Ye Yunlan was held in Shen Shu's arms and watched with cold eyes, this scene completely fell into his eyes.

Maybe it was a coincidence. When he and Rong Ran went up the mountain in the previous life, they also encountered these meteorites.

The meteorite wrapped in flames rubbed his back, and the upper back was burned and cracked, and the blood was burned and congealed as soon as the blood flowed out.

Rong Ran's hand was holding his arm in panic. He thought that the relationship between them that had been estranged for several years was relieved, but maybe, at that time, Rong Ran held his hand, maybe it was just like today, and he wanted to push him first in times of danger. Just go out.

The surrounding scene suddenly blurred, and there was a sense of falling. It was they who had to deviate from the mountain path and fell into the killing formation just to avoid the meteorite.

Shen Shu hugged Ye Yunlan tightly and heard the wind howling, and the two fell into a maple leaf forest. Surrounded by maple trees that are dozens of times taller than usual, the top of which is not visible, only the maple leaves are constantly falling down.

One of them just fell on Ye Yunlan's hand, leaving a bloodstain.

Shen Shu's pupils contracted, and he saw that there was a sawtooth-like cold light on the edge of the maple leaf. He quickly turned over and stood up to protect Ye Yunlan, moving to avoid the falling leaves.

Ye Yunlan: "Be careful. This is an ancient killing formation. It is not yet fully formed, and it must be broken out before it takes shape."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange wind swept over his side, and the maple leaves covered the ground danced along with them, swirling around them. It looked very beautiful, but it had hidden murderous intentions.

This is not something that can be solved by dodging. Shen Shu picked up the afterglow and blocked the maple leaves that could not be avoided. The soft maple leaves collided with the sharp blade, making a harsh sound of metal collision.

Ye Yunlan, on the other hand, carefully observed the distance between the surrounding maple trees and calculated the formation method.

But suddenly a scream was heard.

"my face!"

Not far away, Rong Ran was dressed in white, and was cut with many cracks by the maple leaves, and was wielding his sword to resist the killing formation.

It's just that there was a piece of flesh on his left cheek that was charred and cracked. It was the scratches he had just avoided from the meteorite, which made his soft and beautiful face very hideous.

Just now, he caught a glimpse of himself on the reflection of the sword.

Rong Ran has always been the most caring for her appearance.

He always thought that his appearance could be a sharp blade, a blade, and all the things he couldn't do.

It was entirely out of his own selfishness that Ye Yunlan was kept private back then.

He couldn't accept that his appearance was damaged. Even if only temporarily.

He glanced at Ye Yunlan who was not far away, who was being protected by Shen Shu in his arms. The other party's flawless face is like the snow lotus on the top of the mountain, which exists high and far away, and the world is difficult to surpass.

There was a twisted and painful expression on his bloody face. There was a gleam of fascination in his eyes.

He realized more than once that he was jealous of Ye Yunlan.

Again? Love him.
