Side Character Survival Guidelines

Chapter 11


In the end, I was dragged to a small town by Zhu Jue in such a daze, and fortunately, those girls on the way didn't say anything. In fact, I also think that many times these girls are hard enough, because most of the time they play the role of a vase, and some girls only appear once, and then disappear. Those like Qiu Yu still have more roles. But there is also an advantage that they don't have too strict rules to follow. Of course, the only downside is that because this is a stallion novel, they have to talk to the protagonist... ahem!

In fact, it’s still a bit bleak to think about it. Maybe the author designed the plot of me being taken away just to prevent me from disturbing Zhu Jue’s sisters. But thinking of my own children, I just met a lot of girls in places I don’t know. A lot of morals, always a bit desolate. After all, I personally prefer monogamy, although so far I haven't found a girl who touches my heart. It's as if the author didn't arrange it at all.

Ah, what a sad story to realize.

If gender is not considered, Zhujue is actually a good choice, but we don't need to consider it because we are not gender compatible. After all, this is not Tanmei Wen, but Stallion Wen.

When deciding on the rooms, Zhu Jue asked for four rooms without hesitation. It seems that he has become rich now, and he must have hacked a lot of things through various opportunities. Then he hugged me: "Brother, can we sleep together today?"

"?" Don't you sleep with a girl? You see, they are going to stare at me to death.

"Long time no see, I have a lot to say to senior brother."

Actually, I have a lot to ask. "good."

So that night, Zhu Jue and I lay side by side on the bed and talked all night.

I didn't know that Zhu Jue would have so many things to tell me, such as what opportunities he encountered, what good deeds he did, what level he reached, what kind of reputation he gained, and so on. He seemed excited, which was understandable since he was still a kid after all. After thinking about it, I asked him, "What about those girls?"

The eloquent Zhu Jue suddenly stopped: "Do you care about them?"

"I just want to pay attention to your friendship status."

Zhu Jue suddenly turned around and hugged me: "If the brothers don't like it, I will break up with them immediately."

"That's not necessary." Not to mention the readers, the author will tear me down.

But even though we have been separated for a long time, at least Zhu Jue hasn't lost sight of his friends, which really makes me gratified. But he seems to be more clingy to me than before, and I don't know if this is a good sign.



"I have something to tell you."


"Sometimes I always feel that the world is very strange."

This world is already super strange, because the author's logic is very strange.

Zhu Jue paused for a moment, then continued: "I feel that the world is full of disobedience, and sometimes everyone's personalities seem fake."

Most of our personalities are fake, which is the truth.

"Brother, don't you find it strange?"


"Brother, don't you think this world is strange? I think... it's unreal."

Of course, because this is the world of fiction.

I wanted to tell Zhu Jue this way, after all, it is not within the scope of the description of the plot, so it shouldn't matter if I complain. But I opened my mouth and couldn't say anything, which surprised me a little. It was as if some invisible existence was strangling my neck, and I wanted to ask Zhu Jue, "Don't you know this is the world of novels?", but I couldn't say that.

Maybe the protagonist doesn't know that everyone in this world is just cooperating with the author to play a big show. I suddenly realized this. Then either the rules of the world or something restricts me from telling him about it. The rules of this so-called world have restricted me from many other things, and stipulated many things that must be done and things that cannot be done. At this time, I suddenly felt a little irritable.


"I am listening."

He grabbed my skirt tightly: "Brother, do you really exist?"

It's hard to say, because for the reader. Characters like us aren't real things, but they couldn't be more real to us. But I didn't want to say such sad words to Zhu Jue, so I hugged him back: "I'm here, can you feel it?"

Zhu Jue hummed lightly.

"Although you may not understand, I was born in this world to meet you."

Zhu Jue didn't speak.

"I won't hurt you."

He shrank into my arms, didn't say anything more, but closed his eyes for a long time, and said, "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."


Then the next morning, the author's update arrived, and a new plot was about to start again.

Sometimes I also wonder when this kind of life will come to an end, but that is something the author has the final say on, and I have no idea what will happen to our characters after it is over.

The following plot is like a transitional chapter, telling some irrelevant things, such as finding an important but lost hairpin for Ningmei, sending Sixiang back to the family who worried about her, and helping Moda's family make some things, and so on. But everyone also knows that the compact plot after the peaceful transitional chapter is about to start to toss again, and I don't know what kind of plot the author will write. To be honest, I have a sense of foreboding.

I don't know if everyone's ominous premonitions come true in the end, but that's how I am anyway. Most of the time when I have a bad feeling, I will always be ready, so this time is no exception.

I think the most tragic thing for the characters in the novel is that the author likes to unfold. Unfortunately, our author has this problem, and I can't help crying for the characters in her other works. Of course, I have already guessed this kind of situation, and now the author has finally decided to show off all the foreshadowing. That said, the end is near.

I personally think that such characters often appear in current novels and movies. They have more than one personality in their minds. The impression given to the uninformed is that this person is neurotic and always does some strange things. In fact, split personality is indeed a mental illness. As one of the patients, I said that the pressure is very high.

Of course, I knew that I had this problem since I was a child, because I often found subtle changes around me when I woke up. At first I couldn't talk to my other personality, but gradually, I don't know when we can communicate with each other. I named him Xuanyuan Muyun.

I heard that the second personality usually appears as a role to protect the original personality. Of course, there are many literary works about this, such as Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. But my family has always been extreme, always doing some excessive things. He probably doesn't think there is any importance in other lives besides himself, and it can even be said that he has a very serious sickness attribute. Yes, it was not the elder brother who did the massacre of the entire family back then, but "myself".

At that time, the eldest brother finally came back from other places. If it had nothing to do with the plot, he actually had the ability to stop Mu Yun, but I don’t know if it was due to the plot restriction or something else. He didn’t attack me or Mu Yun. I still remember the words that Mu Yun asked my elder brother after occupying my body: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

For so many years, Mu Yun has been in my consciousness, and it will appear from time to time. For example, when I was brought back to the base camp by my elder brother, I also knew that he had been haunting me when I was asleep, managing the affairs of the villain church and so on, so every time my elder brother saw me, he would call me by name to confirm one time. And now he has something to do. In fact, this happens in many novels. Yes, Xuanyuan Muyun, in other words, I, is the final villain of this book.

Anyway, the storyline has progressed to this point.

My role is over. Now Xuanyuan Muyun and Zhu Jue, who are using my body, are standing on the edge of a cliff, but the current situation is not that I and Zhu Jue are fighting the enemy together, but the truth is revealed. The sword, forcing Zhu Jue to the edge of the cliff. I don't want to complain about the author's hobbies other than the cliff, after all, the current situation is still quite urgent. Zhu Jue hadn't figured out the situation yet, and looked at me with very shocked eyes. Thinking that the protagonist doesn't know that this is the world of the novel and probably won't know how the plot develops, I feel tired and unloved. He probably already felt that I had been lurking by his side for a long time, and everything I said was lying to him. But in good conscience, I'm really not lying.

Zhu Jue said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Mu Yun looked at Zhu Jue for a while, and then said, "I want to kill you."


"Because of jealousy."

Zhu Jue looked puzzled, but I knew that Mu Yun was ill again. Sometimes he always said some inexplicable things.

Mu Yun continued: "He keeps looking at you, so I'm jealous."

Zhu Jue was silent for a moment: "Aren't you brother?"


"Who are you?"

"I am the most important person in Mu Feng."

Judging from Zhu Jue's expression, the expression on Mu Yun's face is probably very idiotic. He damaged my image again.

"But you are becoming more and more important to Mu Feng, so I'm jealous of you."

Zhu Jue's expression became more and more subtle.

Mu Yun smiled at him, then beat Zhu Jue violently, and threw him off the cliff.

If you don't throw the cliff, you won't be killed. Why doesn't the villain understand

The author has something to say: The author's logic is really strange_(:з)∠)_

So now the two sick girls are starting to confront each other head-on, this kind of scene is very emotional when you think about it.

The author's sickness controls infinite attacks

So it's finally coming to an end.

*I came to this world to meet you

↑Speaking of what Q Nagisa Kaoru said to Shinji in the Evangelion theatrical version.

National Homo Confession Quotes

Although the ending of these two people is really heartbreaking_(:з)∠)_

You two get married quickly, and I will pay 9 yuan!

*The moonlight is so beautiful tonight

The Japanese writer Natsume Soseki, in order to express the implicit beauty of Japanese, translated the three words "I love you" into Japanese as "the moonlight is so beautiful tonight". So "tonight's night is so beautiful" in Japanese is a metaphor for "I love you". I personally think it's super romantic_(:з)∠)_