Side Character Survival Guidelines

Chapter 2


From what I just described, I believe you also understand how hard it is to be a supporting role. And the hard places are not limited to those just now, but let’s not express it now, and I think it will be revealed slowly in the later stories. So you will also understand that it is very important to mix a good setting, the most important thing is to mix a main (bei) angle (jing) light (hu) ring (kou). You will slowly understand this sentence. In the world of novels, all the resources of all the characters serve the protagonist, and the specific extent of the service depends on the degree of the author's mother. There is still a big difference between the characters raised by the biological mother and the characters raised by the stepmother. The biggest difference is the frequency with which the characters become half-dead. So the origin in this sense is also very important.

Basically, my background has been introduced, and then I will talk about my story.

As I said before, this is a novel of time travel and comprehension. Obviously, in this novel, the protagonist is time-traveled. Just like thousands of protagonists, he died in the original world due to some whim of the author, and then came back to life in this world because of the author's wishes, and then the plot began to develop. As for how the protagonist died, it was like this. One day he went to take a train, but the train was delayed halfway because of the landslide in the mountain ahead. When the train finally stopped, although we didn't know why the train door was open, our cute protagonist thought the train had arrived, so he walked out. But what he didn't expect was that the train just stopped temporarily on a bridge, so he successfully parachuted from the bridge into the river, and then the parachute failed without any accident, and our protagonist classmate came to the world where I was.

Of course, compared to traveling through the toilet, the slots of this plot are actually not that serious. But... feel free to complain if you want.

If you've finished your rant, then let me continue with the story.

The plot of the novel is about to begin.

Honestly, I'm a little nervous.

You have to know that everything in our world is for the protagonist. He is the true pride of heaven and the center of the whole world. I have known this since I was a child. I don’t know if you can understand that feeling, but in a sense, the person I’m going to meet next is the most important person in my life. If nothing else, if I have a good relationship with him, the possibility of lunch will be high. A little lower.

After the protagonist's airborne failure, he will be reborn on the body of a child who was hunted to death by his family. Because of identity and property inheritance issues, the child was thrown into the deep mountains and old forests by his stepmother to kill him, but the stepmother did not expect... or she knew that she was outside the setting... This child is the protagonist of the future. Speaking of which, this child is actually very bitter. He was born to give his body to the protagonist, so he must die at such a young age. I don't know what his stepmother thinks, after all, she is just a hard-working cannon fodder. Apart from the plot, maybe she doesn't want to do this kind of thing, but there is no other way. All in all it happened, the child was going to die, and the center of the world was coming into the world.

From the perspective of the plot, he will arrive today, and he should be picked up by me. So in order to protect the darling of the world, I squatted by the river early in the morning, waiting for the arrival of the protagonist who is about to go down the river. This is a bit difficult. After all, there are always a lot of mosquitoes by the river in summer. Considering the appearance effect, I can't be bitten by mosquitoes. After all, appearing with red dots on my face and hands really doesn't fit the image of a cool, tyrannical, tall, rich and handsome supporting role, so I sprayed insect repellent water in advance. But people who have used these things also know that under the attack of mosquitoes all over the sky, their effect is really negligible. As a person who is easily bitten by mosquitoes, this also inevitably leads to red spots on my body . Fortunately, they were not in any obvious place. I could only wrap my clothes tightly under the scorching sun and stare at the upper reaches of the river.

The waiting time is very long, but this is a very important thing, after all, it is the protagonist. The author's abuse is the author's idea. It is wrong to give the protagonist extra hardship as a character outside of the plot.

In short, after waiting and waiting, I finally saw a piece of clothing sinking and floating down the river. You can understand how excited I was at that moment. But even though my mission is to save people, I'm actually not that good at swimming. But after all, I am a cool and domineering male lead, if I really jump into the water and get wet, it will be very cheap. So I jumped up, tapped the rocks in the water, and scooped up the main character. I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me if I say it, because although the protagonist is occupying a child's body, it is still quite heavy, and I almost fell into the water because I miscalculated the weight. But after all, this is my first appearance now, and it is the time to establish my setting in the hearts of the readers and the protagonist... Although the protagonist is still in a state of swelling, he should not be able to see me. Well, but in terms of status, I think I still maintain a good image.

As you know, a supporting role like me or the second male lead has a cool and domineering image based on a handsome and charming appearance. Just like what countless seniors who have walked this road have said, a good male lead is a male lead with a perfect appearance. Why, first of all, you have to establish a handsome appearance in the eyes of readers, and then you have to have high-cold skills and an unearthly temperament. In short, you are more handsome than the early protagonists and have a certain chances of making the girl the protagonist likes fall in love with him. Although it is said that this is all to pave the way for later abuse.

All in all, I had a bit of trouble carrying the protagonist back. You should also understand that although it is reasonable to say that this child should not have had enough to eat all year round so he is very light, but obviously that is only a matter on the surface, and secretly he should not have been abused in a real sense. I don't know what the child who knew at birth that he was going to die at the age of fourteen thought, or what his stepmother thought when he just died according to the plot. Since the kid really has no actual abuse marks on his body, just some wounds that were obviously intentional after he died, I don't think his stepmother hated him that much.

While thinking about these miscellaneous things, I brought him to the site of our Linshan faction, and then threw him into the guest room of my house. As a big disciple, my land is indeed a bit larger than other houses and it is a single-family house. But it was just a bungalow with one bedroom and one living room, and there was no extra furniture in it. After all, all cultivators have to practice hard, and I personally don't have high requirements for living conditions. Because I already knew that the protagonist was coming, I had already laid a floor on the ground, so placement was not a problem at all. Not to mention that the protagonist is still in a coma, no matter how I arrange him, I will definitely not have any objections.

In the end, I still couldn't resist the torment of my conscience. After treating the wound well and cleaning the family, I put the wounded on the bed and slept on the ground myself. After all, although it is summer, the ground is still very cold. The protagonist is about to soak his hair, and it is too inhumane to let others catch a cold. Sometimes I also feel that I am really miserable. Just think, how difficult it is to bathe a child with muddy wounds that cannot be lifted up and covered with wet wounds, even if he is only a small one.

The plot has just begun, and everything has a long way to go.

The protagonist will wake up in the morning of the third day, so during the two days when the plot was blank, my little nest attracted countless people to watch. Things like the protagonist are more precious than giant pandas. After all, there are many giant pandas, but the protagonist is the only one in the world, so the degree of cherishment is completely incomparable. And because the author of our world is a real mother, even if it is not driven by curiosity, it is very important to recognize the protagonist's face so as not to do something deadly in the future. I believe you have seen the kind of tricks or cannon fodder in many novels that offend the protagonist but are killed by the protagonist. Seriously, no one with a normal IQ would want to die like that.

Those who were limited by the plot and had to do this kind of meaningless death all came to watch with a heroic face. Strong men... You have worked really hard.

But everyone is working hard.

In the past two days, the traffic at my house has reached a record high, and I didn't bother to say hello afterward. Anyway, my setting is like an iceberg, and it's normal to ignore others. Everyone also understands my mood. Basically, it is a process of entering the door, watching the protagonist, watching the protagonist, and being chased away by the people behind. I have always maintained a relatively high standard for the cleanliness of my floor, but due to the large flow of people, this standard has been in the process of declining in the past two days. I don't mind people coming to watch the protagonist, but things like dirty floors are completely unbearable, so in the end I threw a group of people out. The result of this behavior is that the windows are covered with resentful faces, which startle me from time to time. But since the cleanliness of the floor and the interior of the house has reached the highest standard within two days, who cares about them

On the third morning, I was woken up by someone stepping on me.

Maybe I should have expected this kind of situation and moved the floor farther away from the bed, but the protagonist's condition has been ups and downs in the past three nights, so it is convenient for me to sleep closer.

The protagonist who stepped on me obviously didn't expect that someone slipped and fell on me by the bed. According to his weight, it still hurts to be hit, so I didn't say a word for a long time, and just looked at me silently with the protagonist who was lying on top of me and looked at me stupidly. Finally the protagonist breaks the silence and asks:

"Who are you?"

The author has something to say: The death of the protagonist at the beginning of this chapter is true in history√

This silly boy was a British businessman during the blitzkrieg. At that time, in response to the German air raids, the lights in London were turned off at night, even the train station. In this way, the German army could not find the exact location of the city. The businessman found that the train had stopped when he was taking the train. Because it was pitch black outside and he couldn't see anything, he thought the train had arrived at the station, but in fact the train just stopped temporarily on a very high bridge. He just got out of the train and wanted to get on the platform, and then fell off the bridge and died as stupidly as above...

Reality is much more exciting than fiction_(:з)∠)_I never imagined that someone would die like this...

It's so stupid that I can't bear to look directly at it