Side Character Survival Guidelines

Chapter 6


I led Zhu Jue to the second young master Hua's boudoir, and opened the door to see that our second young master was sitting on the bed with one leg in his arms, holding a teapot in his hand, pouring tea for himself. As soon as Hua Chongjin looked up and saw Zhu Jue standing at the door of the room, he spewed out a mouthful of tea, threw the teapot on the table, patted his clothes and tidied them up, and then sat upright, saying in a slow tone: "What do you want here?" something?"

Although he tried his best to put on a tall and tall appearance, it was obvious that when he entered the door, his image had already exposed the stupid and cute nature hidden in his heart. The second young master Hua in front of people is handsome and has a cleanliness habit, but when there is no one around or in front of a few of us who are familiar with him, he is very unkempt, and it is common to lie on the ground and roll around. So it is the distance that creates beauty, and many characters are like this, especially myself.

Zhu Jue had a disgusting expression on his face, but he still held back and didn't make a fuss. I said to Second Young Master Hua, "I'm here today for business. Do you know about the disappearance of disciples from several sects?"

Hua Er nodded very seriously. But we all know that what is said here is the established line. In fact, what we should do next is tacit. But it’s impossible not to say these things in front of the protagonist. In order to give readers something to pass the time, we also worked very hard.

Zhu Jue stood silently behind me while we were speaking, I thought he would say something, but he didn't make any sound. The plot here didn't go too far. It probably means that someone saw a group of suspicious characters near Changqing Mountain in the west, and one of them looked like a missing disciple of Qianyuanmen. Since there were no other clues, I went there to check. Our next destination is over there.

There was nothing serious that night, that is, Zhu Jue accidentally rolled under the bed while sleeping, and a bag fell out of his head. For his stupid and cute behavior, I don't want to laugh at him to destroy my image, and I just put medicine on him in the end. The next morning, both Eighteen and Seventy-seven noticed this incident. Seventy-seven asked casually, and I told him that I accidentally opened the door and bumped into Zhu Jue behind the door. Then Shiba looked at Zhu Jue with very sympathetic eyes. Because his expression was very strange, I just looked at Shiba, and Qishiqi said that when they met for the first time, Shiba was also slapped behind the door by him. Hmm... Eighteen is not easy.

Recently, Zhu Jue sticks to me very tightly. Although I know this is a fake boy, his face is indeed very confusing, and he is very good at acting like a baby, so even if he knows it, he still feels unreal. Sometimes I really doubt that Zhu Jue is only fourteen years old, but the plot is the most irresistible thing in this world. Probably... he was really just naive.

So a few of us started a pleasant investigation (guan) investigation (guang) journey, eating, eating, playing and strolling along the way. Anyway, no author would describe in detail how the protagonist and his party ate soup dumpling at Liuji shop on the road, beggar chicken at Wang's restaurant, or boiled fish at Zhang's shop. Although we are characters in novels, it is human nature to eat, drink, live and travel. Of course, the author will not describe Seventy-seven who always shaves his legs before going to bed at night, Eighteen who hugs his pillow when he sleeps, or hugs Seventy-seven, and Qiuyu sucks his fingers before going to bed. Zhu Jue's habit, Zhu Jue... Zhu Jue is relatively normal, he just eats sweets, which is the same as me, and speaking of it, my tendency to eat sweets is much more serious than his. I think Zhu Jue, as the protagonist, doesn’t seem to have any special hobbies. For the sake of the protagonist’s cuteness, most authors will give the protagonist some hobbies or habits that are different from ordinary people. I have memorized Zhu Jue's settings backwards. If you think about it so carefully, it really doesn't include this aspect of the setting. Zhu Jue's setting is as follows: a twenty-six-year-old otaku died unexpectedly while riding a train (... ), and then came to a new world. I like girls who like to play, and the luck value after time travel is also full, so I became a master and married Bai Fumei to reach the pinnacle of life. But according to my observation, Zhu Jue is still far from this personality. He is always relatively silent in front of others, only talking a little more in front of me. It can't be seen that he has any special preferences for girls, and he works hard in practice, so it can't be seen how much he likes to play. Sure enough, there are too few characters in this world that fit the setting.

Zhu Jue didn't have any particular favorites. The only thing he was interested in was sleeping, but that was because he was too hardworking so he was tired.

Because I was not in a hurry, it took me several days to arrive at a small town at the foot of Changqing Mountain. It’s good to have a place to stay in a hotel on the way, but it’s really troublesome when you sleep in the open. It's not the trouble of setting up the tent, the trouble here is mainly the trouble of cooking. Shiba and Zhujue don't know how to cook at all, and even if they do it, it will add to the chaos. Qiuyu can't cook because she is a bug breeder and has poisonous insect venom on her hands all the year round, so I have to worry about it with Seventy-seven, but Apparently, Qishiqi's craftsmanship is not very good, so I can only do it at the beginning, so in the end, it is basically my own food. After all, it is for five people, and the workload is not small. But anyway, when I was on the mountain, I took care of the food myself, and now it's just that there are seventy-seven and eighteen more people.

There are many things to do as a brother.

Now that the place is here, the job of investigation is handed over to Shiba, who is supposed to have a relatively high IQ but is actually a bit dumb, and Seventy-seven, who is supposed to be approachable and friendly but has a grumpy personality. This combination is quite worrying. of. But as you all know, this is just the plot of the novel after all, and within the scope of the plot, they won't make any big troubles. The only thing I'm worried about is Zhu Jue, because everyone in the town knows that the protagonist is here... So the spectator craze that happened in my room once again reappeared. When walking down the street, Zhu Jue still tugged on my sleeve and asked me in confusion, "Is someone following us?"

... No, they are just curious about what the only protagonist in the whole world looks like, whether he is eight feet tall with three heads and six arms.

But Zhu Jue didn't seem to notice these things, he grabbed my sleeve and followed me. Because the investigation work was handed over to Seventy-Seven and Eighteen, Qiu Yu slept in the inn for beauty sleep, and the two of us actually came out purely for shopping. I am very interested in the customs and customs of this world. Everywhere I go, I look around and try everything. But he's not the foodie type either. At times like this, I always think, probably the biggest feature of our protagonist is that he has no features.

I still wanted to get to know the protagonist well, until I observed for a long time and still couldn’t find Zhu Jue’s favorite thing, so when I went to sleep that night, I asked Zhu Jue who was lying next to him: “What do you like?”

Zhu Jue seemed a little unresponsive at first, and replied after a while: "There is nothing annoying."

"Anything you like in particular?"

"Well... I also like delicious things, and I don't dislike beautiful flowers, but... there is nothing I particularly like."

I didn't speak, Zhu Jue was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Favorite things... I still have them."


"But I can't get it yet... But it's okay, I'll try my best."

It doesn't sound like this favorite thing is easy to get. not sure what it is. I asked him, "What is it?"

Zhu Jue said, "This is a secret."

Children always have some secrets, and I don’t think it’s necessary to tell them, so I oh, and after thinking about it, I added: “If you need help, tell me.”

"En!" Zhu Jue nodded with a smile.

Then he rolled over and happily hugged my arms and fell asleep. I really don't know what this guy is thinking all day long.

The next day I was dragged to the street by Zhu Jue to play. He showed great enthusiasm for candied haws, and then seemed to have a strong interest in the straw grasshoppers sold at the street stalls. In fact, they are just some gadgets. When I was young, my master never bought these things for me. Basically, they were given to me by my sisters, aunts, etc. from Fanhuaju. After all, I was cute when I was young. Although it was said that the narrow-minded master who realized that his popularity had lost to me later found a chance to spank his ass. It can be seen from this that although the actual age is quite a lot, my master is still quite naive.

We are almost catching up with the progress of the author's update, and I start to think about how it will develop in the future. But after all, as long as the author updates, we don't have to worry about the progress. Even if she updates slowly because of the different timeline, we won't really feel it. Although I don't know what will happen next, I do know what will happen next. Tomorrow, the protagonist and I will meet a character who promotes the development of the plot, commonly known as a dragon, and then we will meet Zhu Jue’s second brothel besides the booklet of cheats left by his mother, oh no , is chance. But that also means that more difficult days are coming. Anyway, let's go to bed now.

The author has something to say: I always want to label Zhu Jue as Du Ze_(:з)∠)_

The brainwashing ability of my life is really powerful

Sure enough, I still like the inner OS ability is strong but the face can not be seen.

But my favorite is really the idiot _(:з)∠)_

Sickness is the best√

The cannibal play in the little black house is the best√

The brokenness of the three views is the best √ [what's wrong