Side Character Survival Guidelines

Chapter 8


As a result, after the bleeding stopped, I was carried by Zhu Jue, who was one size smaller than me. I'm still dizzy, but it's not a situation where I can faint with peace of mind. Although Zhu Jue is still quite small, his shoulders are still quite broad. My shoulders weren't that broad when I was fourteen, so he's probably going to be taller than me.

... Do you want to give Zhu Jue less milk now

But this kind of thinking is just a thought, children, it is better to grow taller. I'm 1.78 meters now, not too short, so I don't have to make trouble with him about this kind of thing. I'm still magnanimous hmm.

Zhu Jue walked towards the cave with my back on his back. Because there was no lighting in the cave, I just reached out and lit a small light. Although it wasn't very bright, it was enough to see my feet clearly. But at this moment Zhu Jue stopped: "Brother?"


"I can see without lighting."

It turns out that the protagonist also has night vision. But I can't see it. If it's pitch black, I'm always a little embarrassed... Although a cultivator shouldn't be afraid of ghosts and the like. But... After all, would you be a little timid in your heart? It doesn't take much spiritual power to light a lamp.

"Senior brother? You've lost so much blood now, don't waste your spiritual power anymore."

"Ah, I don't think it takes much spiritual power..."

As a result, after walking a certain distance, it suddenly became clear that a dense jungle appeared in front of him. Among the tangled trees, I saw a path with sparse grass and trees. Zhu Jue paused for a moment, but continued to walk forward. I also understand that it is meaningless to stop at such a place, but after all, I still walked a certain distance, so I asked: "Ajue? Are you tired?"

Zhu Jue shook his head.

But because it is a forest, under the illumination of my little light, the bushes look even more teeth and claws. But I dare not turn off the light. Fortunately, Zhu Jue is there, otherwise I might really be discouraged. No, I might not even be able to treat the wound properly because of the bloodsickness.

There are many hardships in life.

After walking for a while, there was not much difference in the surrounding scene. I know there will be a tall man's mountain dwelling waiting for us in the middle of the woods, but I also know that there is still a long way to go. Having the main character walk around behind my back like this made me feel like I was abusing the underage, and it also felt like I was stealing the lead actress. But this is probably just an illusion. After all, we shouldn't be writing Danmei novels here.

... It should be, the author doesn't seem to have that hobby.

Then I suddenly heard Zhu Jue ask me: "Brother, are you afraid?"

"... What gave you this illusion?" I said blankly.

"... Well, brother, aren't you trembling?"

"I am cold."

"But brother, you are sweating."

"I feel hot."

Although Zhu Jue didn't continue to speak, his shoulders began to vibrate, and he seemed to be giggling. It's not easy for me to beat him in this position. So I strangled Zhu Jue's neck expressionlessly.

If I can't touch you, I'll strangle you to death.

So Zhu Jue held his breath and laughed, his whole body trembling (?).

"Is it that funny?"

Zhu Jue, who finally gained some breathing space, laughed: "I just think that your appearance and personality are really different."

This is a cute contrast, do you understand! Moe, do you understand! Do you understand? !

I strangle you!

We finally get to see where the legendary master is, after all. In fact, this is a palace hidden in the forest, with a red glazed roof and golden pillars. Although it looks like no one has been here for a long time, even the tiniest corners are not dusty at all. After all, it is an expert's palace, so it must be different from ordinary people, and it is understandable that there is no dust. Zhu Jue didn't realize at all that the soles of his shoes were covered with mud after trekking in the woods, so he stepped on them carelessly. Although I think it's a pity to have such a clean floor, but I can't stop him, not to mention that I'm actually more worried about Zhu Jue now. After walking for so long, he should be tired.

As usual, this expert should have left a lot of inheritance, and is shyly waiting for Zhu Jue to pick it. But after all, it was Zhu Jue's opportunity. I knew that I couldn't get into that place. At this time, I especially envied Zhu Jue.

Then we hit something, I hit it to be precise, and Jue got through it safely. And it hit me hard like I forgot that there was such an air wall. I suddenly felt that my face was a little deformed, and I fell to the ground. Zhu Jue was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at me in surprise. I was dizzy at first, and the result of bumping back and forth like this was that I couldn't even find the north and south for a while. When Zhu Jue helped me up, I lay on top of him and couldn't say anything, I almost vomited on him. I know that according to the plot, Zhu Jue really shouldn’t know that there is an air wall here, but after all, in the world of novels, all characters should know the plot that they should do next, so either Zhu Jue is pursuing performance effects, or It's just messing with me. But when I fell back on the ground and hit the forehead and the back of the head with big bumps, Zhu Jue's anxious expression didn't look fake, so I just thought he had temporarily forgotten about it.

I know that there is a road ahead that only Zhu Jue can walk alone.

Zhu Jue looked back at the place where there was nothing, but obviously he didn't see anything. In fact, I can't see it either, but I know it says "main (bei) angle (jing) light (hu) ring (kou) holder only". Zhu Jue looked over there for a while and then turned around and asked me: "What is that?"

"Ban it." The author didn't say it now, but the palace of the master always has these things. After all, if the things left for the protagonist are taken away by others, it would be bad.

Zhu Jue looked at the restriction again, was silent for a moment, then stood up: "I'll try to break it."

"The person who imposed the restriction is obviously much higher than your cultivation base, but since you can go in, maybe there is something inside. I'll stay outside, you go in and have a look."

"I won't leave you." He frowned.

"But I can't get in."

"Then smash it open."

"It can't be broken. You can't even touch it."

I sat on the ground and looked at Zhu Jue. Zhu Jue frowned and looked at me. I insisted on not moving, and he did not leave, just like this stalemate. Zhu Jue doesn't look like he's going to give in, but after all, the plot is there, and it's even more impossible for me to compromise. As a result, it took half a day here. I'm going to sleep. In the end, Zhu Jue gave up and squatted down in front of me: "You will be fine here, right?"


"Wait here for me, I'll be back."

Although the bone is broken, I am a cultivator after all. If I lie here for a while to recover my spiritual energy, I should still be able to heal the wound to a certain extent. I know that he will encounter the inheritance of an expert in it, and the forced fainting and absorption will last for about a month, so it is obviously unrealistic to wait here for Zhu Jue to come back. Zhu Jue said this very seriously, but it was force majeure. So I'm going to climb out by myself later.

Zhu Jue walked in step by step, turning his head back. Before leaving, he carefully took out the quilt placed in the space and spread it in the corner, and put me on it. After confirming that he couldn't see me, I lay down on the ground. After all, I really couldn't do it anymore, so I just lay down on the ground. As soon as I lie down, I want to sleep. I know that Zhu Jue will come back in a month, and I'm not here when he comes out, but I don't know the situation after that, because the author hasn't updated. Because I am still far away from Bigu, I can only let Zhujue come out by myself, and I will find a way to climb back by myself. As a result, I was wrapped in the quilt and really fell asleep.

I was awakened by the sound of the wind coming towards me. My first reaction when I woke up was to swing a knife in front of me and then turn over and jump up. This reaction saved my life, because someone did stab me in the chest. But I couldn't stand still. After all, my leg was still broken. The wound seemed to be open again when I stood up. I even felt blood leaking out of the bandage, but before that I couldn't maintain my balance and half-kneeled down. The person on the opposite side didn't speak during this series of processes. When I looked up, I realized that the person standing opposite was the boss I met on the cliff. Because the eyes are too blurred, I don't know if he saw me. After all, our boss is severely myopic. But obviously he knew someone was here. I heard him ask, "Zhu Jue?"

"...Xuanyuan Mufeng." I grasped the sword tightly.

The other party paused, and then continued: "I didn't expect you to be alive."

"Of course I will live." After all, the protagonist has a halo, and I haven't avenged my life, so naturally I can't die.

"That kid... went in?"

"You can't find him."

"Yeah, even if he stands in front of me, I might not be able to see him." Mr. Boss suddenly said a little frustrated.

I was stunned for a moment.

"Why?" He continued, "Anyway, this is outside the plot, do you still have to follow the setting?"

This is true, although he doesn't understand what happened, but it is clear that he has no malicious intentions so far. I was in so much pain that I was about to break out in a cold sweat, so I simply sat down. Leng Muyu's ears moved: "What happened to your leg?"

"I fell down."

"Huh? Shouldn't Zhu Jue be injured?"

I also feel that I am a little bit desperate, and I don't know if the plot will change because of this.

"It's just right." Although I couldn't see his face, I could hear a smile in his voice. This gave me a sense of foreboding.

Then my premonition came true, and he picked me up and threw it on his shoulder: "Then I just happened to take you back."

"Let go of me!" I struggled.

But because of the lack of physical strength, it didn't work. I could only see Leng Muyu humming a song from the corner of my eye, tearing up Zhu Jue's quilt on the floor, and took out a small bottle on the bed. Pour the red liquid over. I smelled rust, which must be blood, although I don't know what kind of blood.

"what you do?"

"Kidnap you." He still smiled.

Then I was chopped on the back of the neck with a knife, and I really fainted.

The author has something to say: