Side Character Survival Guidelines

Chapter 9


Just like that, Mr. Boss packed me up and took me back to his house.

At this time, I especially hope that the author can update it quickly. I don’t know that the plot after that always gives me a sense of insecurity. Although it is not for the same reason as mine, I believe that you also hope that the author can update it earlier, so I hope you can understand this feeling.

When I passed out, I dreamed about things from a long time ago. It's been a long time since I was adopted by Master, I haven't had this kind of nightmare, and I don't know why I remembered it at this time. In the language of novelization, this should be called memory killing.

In my dream, I stood in front of the mansion that has now been burned. When I was a child, I held a brand new ball and stood behind a group of children, holding the ball and saying: "Play with me!"

As a result, there was no response as a matter of course. The group of children played around a tattered flower ball and ignored me at all. But I was still not discouraged, so I held up the flower ball: "Just play with me!"

After calling for a long time, there was no answer. The group of children seemed to have never seen me, and even ran to another direction together. When I was young, I stood where I was, and my eyes turned red immediately, but I paused, took a deep breath, and instead of crying, I turned around and ran out. I remember that this was when my family was still alive. In theory, as a tall, rich and handsome male second, I should have a lot of younger brothers and sisters, but that was not the case at all when I was young. It's true that my family is rich, but no one wants to come to my house. why? Because everyone is familiar with the plot, knowing that when I was five years old, everyone would die tragically because of us. So it's only natural that people don't want me to grow up. There have also been people who tried to strangle me, but they all failed for some inexplicable reason, because the plot is irresistible in the general direction. After knowing that there was no way to kill me, everyone took a smart action at the same time, which was to simply ignore me, and everyone who could move away without the plot to control them also moved away. So no matter where I go to ask to play, in short, no one plays with me. The parents of my family don't like me very much, but they don't worry about eating. The biggest problem is that no one cares about me. I think it was around this time that I developed the habit of talking to dolls and the like by myself. Because no one wants to see, I do most of the things myself, so I know a little about everything. The only person who would take good care of me was my brother who didn't come back very often, and I was very happy every time he came back because he would play with me. He also knew the plot, but he never disliked me.

Then, on the day of the memory killing, what was destined to happen still happened. Although I knew that such a thing would happen, and I had repeatedly practiced what I should do, but once these things really happened, I was still completely cute. I know exactly how the whole tragedy happened. Everyone I knew and didn't know died, and I was in the best position to see it all happen. The shot I remember most clearly is my favorite big brother standing in front of me covered in blood, and I asked him, "Aren't you going to kill me?"

The eldest brother was silent for a long time, but still shook his head, he said: "The plot says you can't die."

I still can't forget the resentful eyes of those people before they died, so it's not without reason that I'm so afraid of ghosts and things now. I was also scared when I was young, and I didn't know where I should go for a while. When I finally regained control of my body, although I almost forgot what I was going to do because of fear, I still instinctively stumbled and ran out of the city. I just ran out all the way, trying to find my legendary master who should theoretically be here waiting to pick me up, but apparently my master was late because I didn't see him. As a result, I stayed in the uninhabited mountains for seven days, and I went back once, but after I went back, I saw only the charred corpses in the charred ruins. I didn't collect enough food that could be eaten, because my whole body was injured and the range of movement was not enough. In the end, I almost fainted from hunger in a cave, had a high fever, and was hanged by the plot. Then my irresponsible master came belatedly. If he came a little later, I don't know how long the plot can hang my life. It was at this time that I realized that relying on others is very unreliable.

All in all I survived.

Then I woke up, almost immersed in the memory killing and didn't react. But my legs don't hurt anymore. The place where I lay was a very soft bed, and I was covered with a very soft quilt, which was a treatment I hadn't had in ten years. I seem to have some ideas about the identity of the boss, but there is no one in this room now, so I can't verify it. At this time, Zhu Jue was probably still struggling in that expert's maze, and he didn't know where he was.

The body feels very tired, I don't know if it is because of the wound. I didn't want to get up either, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep without knowing it.

When I woke up again, I smelled the smell of food, and I was really hungry, so I sat up and looked at the room carefully. There is only a table, a bed, and a cabinet in this room. Besides... there are a lot of plush dolls.


Sitting in the middle of the room, I was poked to death by a room full of dolls.

No, this must be the enemy's beauty trap!

... I can bear the beauty trick!

So when Leng Muyu walked into the room, he stood at the door, I don't know how long he has been watching me rolling in the ocean of dolls, and when I found out, the expression on his face was very wonderful. Although he couldn't see me, probably because of his eyesight, I knew he heard me tumbling. Then I stood up calmly, walked over with my limping legs, and calmly lifted off Leng Muyu's mask.

Leng Muyu, no, Xuanyuan Muyu stood in front of me, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Mu Feng?"

"It really is the big brother." Although he often ran around since I was a child, but after all, my brother... is a younger brother.

Among so many people, it is rare for someone who treats me well.

Although now I know that the original tragedy seems to be inseparable from this brother. Maybe he is the mastermind appointed by the author. But after all, it is the plot requirement, and I am also confused by the plot. Anyway, the author is still describing the affairs of Zhu Jue and can’t control us. The one who was hiding, just put on a mask like this, and then he hugged me into his arms: "Long time no see, Mu Feng."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Ah, is it necessary in terms of the plot?"

"I'm not a heroine."

"But you always give the protagonist a reason to become stronger and a reason to fight the boss?"

"But that's Qiu Yu's job."

"It's your job now~"

"Is the author finally going to sell rot in a frenzy?"

"this… "

We stared wide-eyed and small-eyed for a long time, and then my brother suddenly laughed and touched my head: "It's okay, big brother covers you and won't let you be wronged."

It seems that the degree of brother control has not decreased after so many years, but I like to hear it, so I hugged my elder brother happily, and the two of them hugged each other and cried together... In fact, it was not, the main reason was that he was holding me and crying, crying and crying for me. I also felt sour eye sockets, and involuntarily sucked my nose. As a result, I was hugged and cried for a long time. In the end, I just cried like this for a long time without doing anything. I wanted to eat, but I completely forgot about it, and now I am starving to death. After my brother ran away when he said he had something to do, I had time to go back to eat with my nearly disabled legs. The feeling of being full is very comfortable, and there are dolls to hug. I suddenly felt that it would be better if Zhu Jue didn't come to save me. The author said that our novel will not be too long, so most likely the eldest brother will be the final boss. If you think about it carefully, this setting is actually very scientific, and at the same time, it can give Zhu Jue a reason to come to the boss to fight. And I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore, I'm just waiting here for Zhu Jue to save me. It's kind of disturbing that the author suddenly decides to sell rot like this, and I don't want it to end up being a weird unfolding.

So I started the days of fattening, eating, eating and sleeping every day. But I still have a good practice, after all, I have been used to it for so many years. The eldest brother comes here every day, chatting with me, eating together and so on. But he seemed to be busy with something, and he was always absent as before. I'm used to being alone and it's not boring, but I'm still a little worried about Zhu Jue. Although Zhu Jue has his own halo, he is still a child after all. Thinking about it, he seemed to say that his birthday was just a few days away two months ago. In fact, I promised him to celebrate his birthday at that time. I got it quietly, but because of the plot, there is no way to give it to him. It was a very good quality sword. Although Zhu Jue might get a better weapon in the later stage, this sword is very useful in the early stage because it has a little detoxification function. I got here after being too cute with Master and being molested.

I don't know why, but I actually kind of miss Zhu Jue. Although he is a protagonist with no characteristics, Zhu Jue is much more real than all our characters with strange settings.

When can we see him

For the first time in a long time, I feel that I am a little lonely alone.

The author has something to say: