Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 101: Zombie Empire (15)


It took only half a month for the hurricane mercenary team to become famous, and after that, it has occupied the first place in the rankings all the year round.

And this mercenary team that refused to accept the second disease in the war, when it became famous, it was already on the rankings, and no one had heard of this mercenary team before.

This situation can only mean that the tasks they receive are all tasks that only one mercenary team can complete, so as to ensure that they will not be in contact with other people.

However, there are not many quest rewards for this kind of task, and there are very few mercenary teams to pick them up. They are all unorganized power users who temporarily form a team, or complete it alone.

Taking on this kind of task also prevented the mercenary team from surviving, which shows that they still have some ability.

A few months of life in the last days taught them a truth, never underestimate women and children.

Chang Xin took a deep breath, "Captain Gu, this mission requires absolute secrecy, I hope you can give me a clear answer. If you refuse to answer, then I can only kill you here."

He gave the people around him a gesture, and immediately someone surrounded Shi Sheng.

The other people stepped aside and watched with the expression of watching a good show, and it had nothing to do with them.

"Captain Chang!" Qingyu hurriedly stood out, but before he could say what he said, he was pulled back by Shi Sheng.

"Boss, there are a lot of them, let's bow our heads first." Qingyu knew that Shi Sheng was in a lot of fire at this time, but now there are so many abilities here, they are at a disadvantage.

"Bow your head?" Shi Sheng snorted coldly, with an arrogant look on his face, "Only others will bow to me, when will it be my turn to bow to others."

Qingyu: "..." Please, boss, can you also choose a time for your second year

Shi Sheng's voice was not too small, not only Chang Xin heard it, but also people outside.

People outside were still whistling, apparently pleased by Shi Sheng's fearless behavior.

They have seen this kind of little girl a lot, thinking that this is still before the end of the world, and a little money can make people turn around around them? Now is the world where strength speaks.

This mysterious and mysterious person refuses to accept the battle, but that's all it is!

But what more people think is that there are people behind these young people.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Ah! Run, the zombies are in." The sudden voice broke the strange atmosphere.

The voice came from the second floor. Captain Chang gave up the conversation with Shi Sheng and looked up to the second floor. Several figures flew down from the second floor, Qi Mingxue and Song Shi were among them.

Sure enough, wherever the heroine goes, there will be an accident!

Behind them was a fire-breathing zombie, Shi Sheng frowned slightly, this zombie was not the one before.

Hold the grass! How many level four zombies are there

"Go to the basement."

"Hurry up, hurry up."

They can't deal with the fourth-level zombies at all, they only have to run.

The basement was shouted out by Chang Xin and opened by his people, and Shi Sheng was still forced to run after him.

"close the door!"

"But there are still people who haven't come in..."

"Damn, we all have to die while we wait, close the door!"

The soldier who controlled the door looked at Chang Xin, who looked at the people outside who had no time to come in, and nodded with difficulty.

The heavy metal door slammed shut, blocking out the sound from outside.

It is better to say that it is a basement than an underground laboratory.

The emergency lights here can still be used, although the light is not very bright, but everyone can see it clearly.

"What's the matter, how can the fourth-level zombies come in?"

"We have clearly checked, and there is no place to enter." The people below all looked at the people who came down from the second floor.

At this time, there were only four people who came down from the second floor successfully, and Qi Mingxue and Song Shi were naturally among them.

One of them turned pale and said in fear, "Yes... it's Wang Tu."

"Grass, you know that you shouldn't let him come, it's more than success."

Obviously that Wang Tu had a bad reputation. When that person said that, a group of people immediately scolded him angrily.

Shi Sheng was still surrounded by Chang Xin's people, the goal was too obvious, Qi Mingxue saw her at a glance.

Shi Sheng looked at Qi Mingxue fearlessly, and finally hooked her lips provocatively at her.

That smile was malicious, but the eyes were calm and cold, and Qi Mingxue felt like her scalp was tingling, as if she was being stared at by some kind of large beast.

Shi Sheng looked away first.

The moment she looked away, Qi Mingxue let out a heavy sigh of relief, she was almost out of breath just now...

"Is it safe here?"

"This is a laboratory?? What is that... a human body? Come and see, what are these things? Damn..."

It was too late for Chang Xin to stop him, and everyone looked over there.

It's very big, there are many machines, there are several glass jars with many tubes inserted in them, and the jars are filled with yellowish liquid, and in the liquid is a person.

It is not accurate to say that he is a person. Half of his face has been transformed into a zombie, and half of his face is still an ordinary person.

It looks like a zombie and a human being forcibly put together.

"What is this, it's disgusting."

"Isn't it fallen from the beginning of the end of the world, so these things were there before the end of the world?"

"God, isn't it the people who made those disgusting things out?"

Shi Sheng rolled his eyes and looked around, looking at Chang Xin with schadenfreude, "Tsk tsk, Captain Chang, what are you going to do now? I can't beat it for sure..."

Her voice immediately attracted people's attention, and they all gathered around Chang Xin.

"Captain Chang, shouldn't you give us an explanation for these things? We risked our lives to come here to get your so-called important documents, but what you showed us is these?"

"Captain Chang, please explain. Are those things outside really made by your officials?"

"Captain Chang..."

Chang Xin glared at Shi Sheng fiercely, "I don't know what's in here either, I'm just doing what I was ordered to do. What everyone is focusing on now is not these, but how to get out."

"Captain Chang, since you don't know what's in here, why do you know there's an underground laboratory here?" Shi Sheng continued to find fault.

Chang Xin continued to stare at her, gritted his teeth and replied, "When I came, the information was given to me, and I have the architectural drawings here."

"Since you have the architectural drawings here, why didn't you give them to them before? Captain Chang, I think you just want them to be the vanguard and clean up this place for you. The task you gave them is just to hide from the public, right?"

"Gu Nan, don't be alarmist here, I don't know anything." Chang Xin roared at Shi Sheng angrily.

He is a soldier and absolutely obeys the orders above, and this matter is also for all mankind...

"Infuriated, it proves that what I said is inseparable. Besides, do they have no brains? Am I right, they don't know how to think for themselves? Do you think they are pigs?"

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