Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Chapter 108: Zombie Empire (22)


It is said that Song Shi and others were locked up, and the entire Hurricane Mercenary Team was invited to drink tea.

More detailed information was not available when Sheng.

After all, it was the military, and Shi Sheng had no clairvoyance, so it was impossible to know such detailed information.

She was already planning to snatch the helicopter at this time.

Shi Sheng told the plan to the three younger brothers. Although the three younger brothers were a little strange, what the boss said was right, and they would do whatever the boss told them to do.

"Boss, we have all observed them. They change shifts once an hour. After the shifts, they will check the four weeks. It is easiest to get in at that time."

Shi Sheng and San Zuo were standing in the shadow of a certain building, and Lin Feng was analyzing Shi Sheng.

Shi Sheng leaned against the wall, stroking Bai Hu's back, not knowing if he was listening to Lin Feng.

When the shift was over, a few people quickly ran over there, taking advantage of the gap between the patrols, and successfully reached the place where the helicopter was parked.

Sitting on the helicopter, Shi Sheng remembered something very important, "Can you fly a helicopter?"

Lin Feng's whole person is Spartan, and he stammered: "Boss... can't you?" Isn't the boss omnipotent? How could the boss not do such a trivial matter as flying a plane

They never thought about it at all!

"I can do it if I dismantle the plane." Shi Sheng said sincerely.

"Fuck, what to do then?" They hadn't thought about this question at all before.

"There seems to be someone over there, go and see..."

"There is a break-in, siren."

Immediately afterwards, the siren sounded throughout the airport.

Countless soldiers with guns entered from the outside, facing Shi Sheng's helicopter.

"Get out of the helicopter or we'll shoot."

"The resisters will be shot to death."

A series of shouts echoed through the airfield through loudspeakers.

"Boss, do you really know how to drive? If you drive casually, you're so good, you can do it with a little groping."

Open it casually, you think it's a meal!

... And the helicopters here look different from what she's seen.

Lin Feng cried and said, "We will definitely be shot into a sieve when we go down."

Shi Sheng stretched out his hand and pressed randomly on the console. Although it was not the same, some icons were still similar...

“Da da da da…”

A group of people on the opposite side were hit by a sudden bullet and fell down like a row of wheat.

"Boss..." Qingyu called out, aren't you provocative

How did Shi Sheng know that this thing turned out to be a combat helicopter, and she hit the switch so coincidentally.

"They're not pleasing to the eye, but they pointed a gun at me." Shi Sheng said lightly.

The trio, "..." Boss, even if you say no, we won't laugh at you.

At this moment, the person on the opposite side reacted and started to attack. Shi Sheng pressed down wildly and successfully launched the helicopter.

But it's just a twist.

The bullets flew, and the crackling sound seemed to hit people's nerves. Qingyu and the three were nervously grabbing the seat belts.

No longer dare to ride the boss's helicopter.

The bullets couldn't keep up, so they sent superhumans over there. All kinds of superpowers greeted the plane. The plane was bulletproof, but superpowers were much more powerful than bullets, but the bulletproof glass shattered after two hits.

A flame came in from the outside, and Xiao Pang quickly blocked it with an earthen wall, which avoided the tragedy of Qingyu being roasted by the fire.

The helicopter is moving, but not forward, but backward, Shi Sheng really doesn't understand this thing.

The icon corresponding to the mother chicken is completely different from what this baby knows.

How to open

Quickly unfasten the seat belt, "Youth, unleash your power, and come with me on an unforgettable trip that you will never forget."

The trio, "Boss, speak human words."

"Oh, I'm ready to run."

Shi Sheng finished this sentence very calmly.

Shi Sheng took out a few purple balls and gave them to them, "Don't blow yourself up, it will be ugly when you die."

At the end, he added, "I am not responsible for collecting corpses."

They have seen the power of this thing, one can blow up a large group of zombies, and can also create a large pit with a diameter of several meters.

Now they have such a powerful weapon in their hands.

Not excited, not excited at all.

Don't shake your hands, don't blow yourself up.


"Boss, how can this be used?"

"Just throw it directly. The explosion range is not certain, so you must throw it farther away, otherwise it is likely to affect yourself."

What does blast range don't necessarily mean

Does this have a certain explosion range

These small balls were all packed in batches by Shi Sheng at the time, so naturally it was impossible to divide them evenly.

Shi Sheng finished this sentence quickly, pushed open the door, and threw one out first. The violent explosions stopped the gunfire, except for the crackling of lightning, the surroundings were quiet.

The looming big pit said that Shi Sheng was not talking nonsense, and the explosion range was really different.

That pit was at least twice as large as the last time they saw it.

The airport was cut in half, and the buildings collapsed in half.

What the hell!

The three followed Shi Sheng off the plane, and Shi Sheng quickly ran towards the end of the airport and grabbed a truck.

The military personnel behind contacted the security area urgently and intercepted the vehicle.

With such a strong destructive power, they must not be allowed to escape. What if they blow up the safe area

"What kind of bomb is this?" Looking at the big pit that was comparable to a tiankeng, the head of the security area and the various responsible persons looked at each other.

The person in charge at the scene had a look of fear, "I don't know, but it was really scary at the time, as if something was pressing on me, and I didn't dare to look over there. After the explosion, purple lightning flashed in the pit. "


"Yeah, that lightning is about the size of an arm, but it's a little different from the lightning we have here. It's darker in color... By the way, someone recorded a video. Let the district chief take a look."

Someone immediately handed over the video, which recorded the scene in the big pit. In the empty big pit, lightning flashed from time to time, which lasted for nearly ten minutes before disappearing.

"Have you checked it?" The district chief stared deeply at the big pit in the distance.

"It's been checked, there's no radiation, it's just... electrified." The staff immediately stepped forward to report, looking very strange. He had never seen a bomb that could make such a big hole without any radiation.

It is also strangely charged. They have just tested it, and the power inside is very sufficient. The specific data has to be tested in the next step.

"Make sure to catch them."

No matter who those people are, catch them. If such a bomb could be made known to them, would they still be afraid of zombies

The security people tried their best to catch Shi Sheng, but Shi Sheng let three of them blow up along the way, and they were approaching the gate of the safe area.

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